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Nice To Be A Part Of An Amazing Community


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Hello all Space Ninja's 


I've been playing Warframe a lot and it has been about an year or so, i think it's been a long time coming that i ventured into the forums.

I've played a few MMO's but have never seen a better community than Warframe has , it has loads of fun and nice people around. I was helped a lot when i was new to the game and i love to help others around to pass on the goodwill.


Apart from gaming i love ANIME!!!!! that's kindof what drew me towards warframe! 

So yeah thanks for this awesome game DE and thank you all for being an awesome community, i'd like to know more people so feel free to message me ingame or here!!



Here's a sketch i made yesterday~~



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Welcome home tenno ^.^ 


awesome drawing btw !


Thanks a lot!~~ I sketch a bit in my free time~~

any anime loving Tenno is a friend of mine <3



Greetings and welcome to the forums, Tenno. The true endgame awaits you.

Great to see another anime lover :)


Hopping into the forums ~~

God damn Tokyo Ghoul , how can that crap be so mainstream , still don´t understand that . Everything about it is so pathethic ,even the characters.


Well you've atleast see enough TG to know its Tokyo ghoul so.... not falling for that

Nice to meet you though!

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"The only reason a Tenno doesn't like anime is because he hasn't seen it yet"

Welcome to the forums anyway ^^

Would love to discuss some Anime with you once while playing. Nothing thing better than combining the two things I love

True i have the same IGN add me would love to play together~~


omg is that Rize? <3

Yes, isn't she a beauty <3

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That is a beautiful sketch, kinda makes me want to get back into the hobby :P


Anime is what drew me to Warframe as well, the almost mecha aesthetic that many of the frames have amazed me.


So, yeah! Welcome to the forums! This really is one of the best communities I've had the pleasure of taking part in.

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