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[Newb] Bow Inefficient? Recommended End-Game Weapons?



If you dont want to read a wall of text, look down to the ''TL;DR'' section.

Hey people, im sorry if the title ended up misleading. But to put this short. I just came back from a 6 month pause from the game and thus, I am once again a bit misguided and confused on where and what to do. Though the mechanics are still there. This topic however is something that havent probably changed, but is just occuring to me now. 

At the moment im playing a Ash Prime with a Paris Prime. Both of which I like, but dont really see the need for. What I mean by this is that I feel like no matter how good these weapons are, I feel like there are weapons that can produce much better results (kills/dmg etc). Im a big rookie at the moment, so im most likely wrong here. First of all, I do not have a fully modded Paris prime yet, so I am aware that its severly underpowered until I get all the mods. But even then, I dont see the purpose of the bow except looking cool or for people who really love that sort of playstyle. I always end up being the type who works towards EFFICIENCY. I go for the builds which is most efficient and the weapons which are currently the best in end-game. 

To put this shortly, I feel like by the time I have shot two arrows, another weapon could've killed more than 10-15 monsters (if they're stacked up). The weapons that have caught my eye is rapid firing laser weapons, flamethrowers and channeling weapons. I cannot get the names since im really not that sure what they are, only seen other people using them. 

I do like bows for solo missions as the offer alot of dmg and long range. But in a team fight, I just dont feel like i can keep up with their rapid fire. Even though it takes me 1 shot to kill almost any mob, by the time i've fired 2 shots (maybe even got 4-5 kills lined up), the other person has with their channeling laser/flame weapon killed 10-15 people all infront of them. 


I'd like to hear YOUR opinions on what weapons have most potential for late game. Number a few and please, give a short comment of WHY you like this weapon and WHAT puts it above the other weapons. And if its a rare weapons, any extra how to get it would be appreciated!


The bow feels slow and unable to keep up with the kills performed by other weapons. Im most likely wrong, because im a noob and a scrub or perhaps the playstyle is no longer for me. What weapon do you recommend for end-game that is efficient in doing dmg and clearing mobs quickly? Are channeling weapons good? List a few weapons you like and a reason why you think they're so good!

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13 answers to this question

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Bows aren't really clearing weapons. They're more meant for selective targets (the bombard in the back about to make your team wipe.)

For better general purpose weapons I'd recommend either tonkor (requires LOTS of forma, but is easily the best weapon ingame afterwards) boltor prime, or soma prime.


Tonkor pulls off crazy AOE dmg, but only has two bullets. Boltor is just amazing period. Soma gets some pretty good dps if you consistently score headshots

Edited by (PS4)zeroexalpha
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Bows have their uses. Charging up the attack fully allows it to punch through multiple enemies and they're capable of the high damage needed in late game scaling. If you want a truly end-game weapon, high damage and ammo economy are what you need to look out for. As for suggestions, try them out yourself. You don't need to start at the end game, play through the game and enjoy things for what they are at the levels at which they're usable.

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Well the 3 big boy bows(Paris Prime, Rakta Cernos and Dread) are some of the best end game weapons there are. but if you are interested in clearing rooms then there are many better options.


For primaries there is the ignis(the flamethrower I think you're referring too) it has the ability to shoot clear across a map with really decent damage and status ability. Then there's the Tonkor - it just kills everything it hits. you also have the ever popular DPS monster the boltor Prime and the crit king soma prime. Shotguns made a huge jump in the game not too long ago giving the Veykor/Hek and the sancti tigris starting jobs.


as for secondaries the atomos is amazing. it's stats leave a bit to be desired but when you realize that the damage chains like the amprex(another good primary) it's DPS raises greatly. Others are the Sonicor - what it doesn't kill it kinda incapacitates. You also have really good ones like the Aksomati, twin grakata, telos akbolto, the mareloks, and the DPS king of the side arm world the Lex Prime. All of these have end game potential with enough love.


There are too many really good melee weapons now especially with the new event mods. I would say just get your hands on the War as soon as possible. 

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Thanks for all the response.... Im having such a hard time deciding what frames to play in this game... Now im leaning towards my excalibur..... But I have a question.. Is there a way to make energy orbs get pulled to you? Or was that a bug I saw in a video? Maybe its some sort of sentinel mod? Basically is there any way to make energy orbs get collected for you or pulled to you?

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Does that include orbs?



If you're looking for weapons that clear rooms try the AOE weapons and use a banshee resonance build. I'll post mine sometime later probably.


AOE weapons: Tonkor, Ignis, Synoid Simular, etc.


If you want to use your excalibur I would recommend using a Radial Finish build and have a dagger for your melee equiped with covert lethality.

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Sonicor (Secondary that can clear Level 60 enemies)


Why- The sonicor albeit being a secondary can dish out a lot of damage with the right mods. It hits enemies over a decent area, so one or two shots can clear out complete squads of enemies and still leaving enough ammo for plenty more squads. It's reload speed is also really nice (almost as fast as some snipers), and it's enough for clearing almost everything except bosses who require precision strikes (the one on Earth for instance). Also, it's really fun to use- with the explosion mod (I'll post a screenshot of my setup later), it makes enemies ragdoll off the screen. If there's an enemy you can't kill (high level eximus units on Draco for instance), you just shoot them and watch them ragdoll off the screen and die. Even without mods, it makes enemies fall and leaves them vulnerable to attack, which is really helpful.


Why not- I've not tried many secondaries (except the Kunai and some pistols for now, crafting others), but I've been told the Twin Grakatas are pretty good (dual machine guns) which are great for late game (according to TotalBiscuit). Also, crafting the Sonicor is a kinda hard- it requires a lot of Oxium which took me quite a few missions to get, but I don't regret this one bit. 


[i'll update this as my foundry dishes out more weapons and I get a bit more time]

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Plenty of people make bows look good endgame.   They kill the stuff with a billion health and armor that more or less shrug off entire magazines from full autos.    Its more about teamwork ... the bow guy focuses on the tough stuff and the full auto or rocket launcher guy clears the trash while someone else is doing buffs or defense bubbles or whatever. 


I can do the raids or sorties and similar 70-100ish level enemy with just about any weapon that isn't mark 1 or otherwise designed to be inferior.   Some weapons are better than others for sure (tonkor, which can kill entire waves in one shot, is hard to beat).  


I mean, Ive taken 40, 50% of the damage with my trash sobek shotgun in sorties.   A gun few would even mention as endgame capable.    I can clean house with Sybaris, a good gun but rarely listed in the top 10.  


Rather that go on and on about weapons that I like, I will give you some pointers...

- in general,  crit scales better than damage.   So guns like tonkor, soma, rubico (sp?), dread, etc tend to work better than low crit guns.

- aoe is generally better than not,  so things like punch thru (bows and a few others), spread (shotguns),  or explosives work well.  High rates of fire work here too, but...

- high rates of fire with low damage tend to scale poorly.  Boltor has a low rate of fire and high damage, so its not just a full auto issue.

- puncture is awesome.  Impact is kind of meh.   Slash is ok.   If you have a fixed group of buddies that take all the armor off mobs,  slash is king.  If you don't, puncture is king.  


- free "mods" are worth a mention.  Bows get 2 -- punch through and silence.   Snipers get zoom for free.   There are a few others, but mostly oddball weapons.


- faction weapons or mods for specific weapons get a free aoe.   

- a few frames work better with specific weapons... ivara does great with the  rat ballisica  .. which is silent, restores power every few shots,  aoe bombs, and hits pretty hard.    Mirage works wonders with some weapons, there are several that do well with her.   Speaking of sobek, its extra nasty with banshee as its high spread mean at least 1 pellet will hit the marks for 10s of thousands of damage.

Edited by jonnin
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on top of that,  mag can pull them to herself and one of the kubrow can fetch them and drop them on you and a second one can "dig" them up  (2 at a time usually).  


Carrier's pull is very short range, so you still have to run towards the items and get close.   


Old videos might show mag pulling them to a group.  This was nerfed.    It was sort of put back with focus skills though.  /facepalm.

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Bows are fine, but there's far better weapons like shotguns (hek,tigris and their syndicate versions) and assault rifles (boltor p,soma p,amprex)
Shotguns are extremely ammo efficient and deal a lot of damage, the only downside is that you have to be a little close to them in order to deal more damage.
Rifles are not as efficient, but can kill stuff that are far away, but it's a bit rough with high-level enemies... sometimes a single clip is not enough.
Anyway you can't expect much with a weapon with less than 3-4 forma for the big things.

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