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Dear Black/red Players.


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red and dark grey excals should be forbidden though, you guys make it too hard to keep a lock on the stalker in a low fps situation :D

Buy a better machine.

PS: My warframe is blue and yellow.

Edited by Cerebrawl
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Anyway, in case you guys didn't notice, we're decked out a a billion space LEDs. Especially Ash. We're not supposed to be that kind of ninja. We're cheesy.

Just because we don't look super stealthy doesn't mean we can't be aesthetically pleasing... or at least not stick out like a sore thumb.


Unless dazzling the Grineer with our poor fashion sense is somehow super effective?

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Unless dazzling the Grineer with our poor fashion sense is somehow super effective?

Base Black and Red is not fashion my friend. It was probably acceptable in the 80s or on some socialist party gathering, but apart from that just steer clear of it.

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I also abhor the black and red frames running around (apparently most of the Ash), but ain't nothin' you can do, dude.  Just look at how long this topic got in so little time.  People will defend this lazy color scheme to the death.


Frankly, I'd be less bothered if they weren't using the blackest black, because it's an ugly color that utterly flattens the image and just generally goes around looking horrible.  I hope the devs remove it eventually.


In fact, I'm going to keep going.  This is part of why the black and reds are lazy about their coloring.  Black and red can look good, okay, but to immediately jump to the most saturated red and the darkest black is absolutely just not trying.  The darkest black is flattening.  It's visually different from everything else in the game.  This is obvious just looking at it.  Smoke Pallet owners, I'm sure you can see that it's significantly different from even the second darkest option, and the gap is too large.  And high saturation colors are weird in Warframe especially because there aren't a lot of vibrant colors in the game, and again, it's visually jarring.  And besides, it disrupts the very common tints and temperature changes that we get in certain levels and with environmental effects.  Compounding this problem is that the high saturation and low value, when used together, are visually competing.  It has absurd contrast, ending up being incredibly noisy and visually disruptive.  


You can paint your Warframe red and black, but hot rod red and dark-as-my-soul black simply aren't always the best choices (and in fact rarely are).



Edited by Cursor
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Just because we don't look super stealthy doesn't mean we can't be aesthetically pleasing... or at least not stick out like a sore thumb.


Unless dazzling the Grineer with our poor fashion sense is somehow super effective?


...I just linked to the thread we're posting in, holy cow.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ShWuSxPVFg'>I meant to link to this. ...Pretend I linked to that. :-S

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Heh, I have all the colour pallettes and I still find myself gravitating towards black, red and white.  We're supposed to be space ninjas after all.  I find it a bit jarring when I see purple, pink and multi-coloured warframes in my group.  It doesn't look 'creative' to me, it looks like they've just raided a paint factory!

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I also abhor the black and red frames running around (apparently most of the Ash), but ain't nothin' you can do, dude.  Just look at how long this topic got in so little time.  People will defend this lazy color scheme to the death.


Frankly, I'd be less bothered if they weren't using the blackest black, because it's an ugly color that utterly flattens the image and just generally goes around looking horrible.  I hope the devs remove it eventually.


In fact, I'm going to keep going.  This is part of why the black and reds are lazy about their coloring.  Black and red can look good, okay, but to immediately jump to the most saturated red and the darkest black is absolutely just not trying.  The darkest black is flattening.  It's visually different from everything else in the game.  This is obvious just looking at it.  Smoke Pallet owners, I'm sure you can see that it's significantly different from even the second darkest option, and the gap is too large.  And high saturation colors are weird in Warframe especially because there aren't a lot of vibrant colors in the game, and again, it's visually jarring.  And besides, it disrupts the very common tints and temperature changes that we get in certain levels and with environmental effects.  Compounding this problem is that the high saturation and low value, when used together, are visually competing.  It has absurd contrast, ending up being incredibly noisy and visually disruptive.  


You can paint your Warframe red and black, but hot rod red and dark-as-my-soul black simply aren't always the best choices (and in fact rarely are).



Now THIS is how you make a thread compared to:





Edited by dreampuke
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