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Smooth Movement Ruined Completely ( Update Rant)


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I don't care what frame you play.


I don't care what mods you use.


I do care that you call people who asked for the Slide Nerf "Whiny Brats" (Kids? You said something like that) and when the developers agree, then suddenly YOU start talking like a Whiny Brat yourself. Your whining is far worse than any "whining" that we (the ones who asked for/agreed with the slide nerf) ever did.


The Power Slide Chaining was unintended and it was fixed. Get Over It and stop whining.


Fixing implies it improved something, what did it improve?

Beyond you now being less offended by it that is.

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Fixing implies it improved something, what did it improve?

Beyond you now being less offended by it that is.

 It improved the ridiculous "Finish mission in <5min with <10 kills" crap we see going on.


Pretty sure Warframe is supposed to be about Tenno fighting/killing Corpus/Grineer/Infested, not "Farm Raid/Capture/Assassination Missions as fast as you can".

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 It improved the ridiculous "Finish mission in <5min with <10 kills" crap we see going on.



 I can STILL rush any boss in under 5 minutes. This patch changed that F*** all about that.

Edited by Mietz
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It helped a little, but you're right.


Rushing needs nerfed *more*.


You should now be arriving at the conclusion that movement chaining has so minimal influence on rushing that its irrelevant to it. QED.

So please, don't use that argument against movement chaining.


You want rushing gone? It needs something else than movement chain removal.

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because of little twats demanding that everyone shares their play style of space turtles .


Nice way of alienating everyone who disagrees with you.


But you know what? I'm gonna disagree anyway, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


Helicoptering is both awful-looking and unintended, and so is slide-attacking while jumping to amplify your jump distance by 10x. They should cap the speed boost from slide-attacking or lower the interval between minimum and maximum slide-attack animation speed (and the momentum boost that comes with it). Fixing this will make both Rush and heavy weapons more desirable and not pigeonhole everyone into dual zoren + quick rest.



Looking =/= immersion.

It's breaking my immersion of being a ninja if I can't utilize my above average skill at games and instead I'm being forced to just shift+W.


And this is a major reason why I think "immersion" is about the most useless, pointless thing you can bring to an internet argument.

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I miss slide melee, ok i admit that it was partially for rushing but still I rush and kill, I dont leave mobs stacking.

I do this with people that also slide melee, if we farm for stalker or bosses.

Also noticed there was a petition to remove slide melee but not many have signed it, I think they were even defending slide melee.


So yeah i dont know why DE decides to remove it if people didnt even wanted it to be removed.

Though if they saw it as an exploit that needed to be removed, regardless what our oppinions are, it doesnt matter to them...

Edited by Blackchaosvortex
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I miss slide melee, ok i admit that it was partially for rushing but still I rush and kill, I dont leave mobs stacking.

I do this with people that also slide melee, if we farm for stalker or bosses.

Also noticed there was a petition to remove slide melee but not many have signed it, I think they were even defending the whole idea.


So yeah i dont know why DE decides to remove it if people didnt even wanted it to be removed.

Though if they saw it as an exploit that needed to be removed, regardless what our oppinions our, it doesnt matter to them...

No F2P game can completely ignore the opinions of players. They need us to keep the game going and DE does listen to feedback problem is that they can't seem to see the obvious rehashed threads that would only damage the gameplay.

Edited by ZWarhammer
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I realize this is a pretty controversial and polarizing topic, but that's still no excuse for some of the hostility I've seen in this thread. If you cannot respond to a dissenting opinion without namecalling or personal attacks, you need to step away from the computer for a while before posting.


Keep the discussion civil.



Also, do me a favor and edit your original post to make it more appropriate/less insulting. PM me if you're not sure what I mean.

Edited by Thor
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What in the blue hell are you on about?

"Blue Hell" is a contradiction. Aside from common public cartoony visualization of hell being burning fire filled demons, hell is more of a subjective thing to each person.

Like say hell for a heavy smoker being a world filled with cigars but there being no lighter.

Blue Hell is hard to imagine being the worst Nightmare for any person aside of it being the most hated color for that person.

I have no idea why i decided to go into details about your post when you seem to have missed the whole point even though i clearly pointed it out so i guess i can play along.

Edited by ZWarhammer
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I realize this is a pretty controversial and polarizing topic, but that's still no excuse for some of the hostility I've seen in this thread. If you cannot respond to a dissenting opinion without namecalling or personal attacks, you need to step away from the computer for a while before posting.


Keep the discussion civil.



Also, do me a favor and edit your original post to make it more appropriate/less insulting. PM me if you're not sure what I mean.

Noted. I'll try to make it more direct.


Edit: i can edit my posts but i can't vouch for other people keeping it civil. 

I hope this thread will not get locked away and disregarded because of that cause it's clearly an issue right now.

Edited by ZWarhammer
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I hadn't noticed anything, I only use a single slide / slide attack when my stamina gets low.

I think you'll find this was a change to stop people looking silly slide attacking everywhere, not a change with rushing in mind, and from the point of view of accessibility, the idea of their being a more efficient way to move in a straight line from A to B that involves more than just holding down sprint is pretty ridiculously unintuitive.

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I hope Rebecca will take note of the concerns for the next Hot Topic update and bring the issues to the dev team for a better solution than a big nerf to all movement combos.

I'd prefer if they did't experiment with half azzed solutions but i guess beta is beta at least make the right choice in the end. ( FYI this is't)

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Take of tunnel vision glasses ? You are responding to one line in the whole post with a page long response without even reading the reasons i mentioned behind why this is wrong.


You're focusing on single argument too much, allow me to assume the OP meant "space ninjas" as in "fast paced". Also none of the other parts of gameplay focus on anything ninja based. We don't stay undercover, we just blast the shuttle with as much firepower as possible. I mean come on, does Ogris seems like ninja oriented weapon?

Well, the short answer is YES. I focused on one sentence because this was not the first time I encountered it in posts on this subject.

And believe me, I also read all the following posts on this subject.

As I said, I'm not home, and the last time I played was 20:GT Friday GMT +2, and noticed no change, so I won't refer to the changes themselves untill I do.

Now I also raised the point of why the public game should only belong to rushers? in many topics on this subject the standard reply for someone who said anything against rushing is - "go play with your friends or solo".

Now,I do both,but I don't understand why if I want to play PUG once in a while (say friends offline and it's too hard for me to solo) automatically I have to rush too. Why no one uses VoIP to talk and decide togather what to do. Maybe compromise - not exploring everything but not rushing either?

I have a clan mate who prefers rushing. If both of are online we determine before what we will do - sometime rush, sometime not, sometimes we don't agree and so play with different teams.

So,I hope this was more on subject to both of you.

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You're not forced to rush the timer on extraction only starts after 2 people reach it which means half of the group want to finish the mission which is fair enough.

You can 1 increase the timer.

2 let them extract separatly.

3 let the first 2 people reaching extraction zone extract.

Thing they done does't fix rushing it encourages it more.

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Well, the short answer is YES. I focused on one sentence because this was not the first time I encountered it in posts on this subject.

And believe me, I also read all the following posts on this subject.

As I said, I'm not home, and the last time I played was 20:GT Friday GMT +2, and noticed no change, so I won't refer to the changes themselves untill I do.

Now I also raised the point of why the public game should only belong to rushers? in many topics on this subject the standard reply for someone who said anything against rushing is - "go play with your friends or solo".

Now,I do both,but I don't understand why if I want to play PUG once in a while (say friends offline and it's too hard for me to solo) automatically I have to rush too. Why no one uses VoIP to talk and decide togather what to do. Maybe compromise - not exploring everything but not rushing either?

I have a clan mate who prefers rushing. If both of are online we determine before what we will do - sometime rush, sometime not, sometimes we don't agree and so play with different teams.

So,I hope this was more on subject to both of you.

Why should this game belong to any group...?


Why can it not cater to everyone...?


This is why game modes must be incorporated into this game...


That way everyone can be with the group that they like...

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Btw, this is sort of the kind of thing that killed Tabula Rasa dead as a doornail.


In Tabula Rasa everyone was soldiers on the same side fighting a common enemy, anyone helping you kill a target was welcome to do so, xp was shared equally for all. Then they changed it so only top damage dealer got xp, and it destroyed all sense of camraderie and cooperation. It killed the game.


In this game you're a power armored space ninja, relying on speed and acrobatics. Ruining the speed and acrobatics and turning it into a generic third person shooter kills its spirit just as the change in xp mechanic killed it for Tabula Rasa.

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Now I also raised the point of why the public game should only belong to rushers? in many topics on this subject the standard reply for someone who said anything against rushing is - "go play with your friends or solo".

Now,I do both,but I don't understand why if I want to play PUG once in a while (say friends offline and it's too hard for me to solo) automatically I have to rush too. Why no one uses VoIP to talk and decide togather what to do. Maybe compromise - not exploring everything but not rushing either?

I have a clan mate who prefers rushing. If both of are online we determine before what we will do - sometime rush, sometime not, sometimes we don't agree and so play with different teams.

So,I hope this was more on subject to both of you.


First of all. Please keep your spaces consistent.


And it isn't entirely about rushing to extraction. Explorers suffer under this nerf too. Actually, more precisely the slow frames do. Because no sane person will use Rhino or Frost to farm resources when he got Loki or Ash to do the job faster for the 100 runs you are going to do to get the required materials.


This change did not fix any rush related issue.

Edited by SymphNo9
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First of all. Please keep your spaces consistent.


And it isn't entirely about rushing to extraction. Explorers suffer under this nerf too. Actually, more precisely the slow frames do. Because no sane person will use Rhino or Frost to farm resources when he got Loki or Ash to do the job faster for the 100 runs you are going to do to get the required materials.


This change did not fix any rush related issue.


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I believe it's the RUSHERS fault this happened. Since everybody was rushing ahead and not killing everything. Leaving Rhino and Frost in the dust it detracted from the fun of the game.


Now RUSHERS are complaining that this is some ungodly thing and that it needs to be fixed with NO regards to people that play Rhino or Frost.


The thing is Rushers abuse fast frames like Loki and don't kill anything leaving the guys who have been left behind to deal with the crap ton of enemies the guy left behind.


Rushers also used exploits such as "knife-skating" which is why the slide cooldown happened


It's clear due to rushers and turtles this game can only be Solo'd or played in Private with friends


The only way this can be fixed is to give every frame the exact same speed


If rushers hadn't left everybody behind this wouldn't have happened.


And we wouldn't have all these whine posts.


So it's clear


Rushers only have themselves to blame.

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I believe it's the RUSHERS fault this happened. Since everybody was rushing ahead and not killing everything. Leaving Rhino and Frost in the dust it detracted from the fun of the game.


Now RUSHERS are complaining that this is some ungodly thing and that it needs to be fixed with NO regards to people that play Rhino or Frost.


The thing is Rushers abuse fast frames like Loki and don't kill anything leaving the guys who have been left behind to deal with the crap ton of enemies the guy left behind.


Rushers also used exploits such as "knife-skating" which is why the slide cooldown happened


It's clear due to rushers and turtles this game can only be Solo'd or played in Private with friends


The only way this can be fixed is to give every frame the exact same speed


If rushers hadn't left everybody behind this wouldn't have happened.


And we wouldn't have all these whine posts.


So it's clear


Rushers only have themselves to blame.

Want me to link you a IQ test website ?

Edited by ZWarhammer
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Well, I'm not even rushing and this patch is still annoying me. The movement feels very sluggish now compared to before. There seems to be very little benefit to sliding now too. They also removed the slide jump slide mechanic that I liked. I used it to jump over enemies especially infested when I opened door just to find a horde of them behind it. This won't stop rushing, all this does is annoy players like me. I enjoy the fast playstyle.. if I wanted to be slow I'd be using tank frame.


At the very least make the roll at least mildly useful, so I have some effective way of getting away from enemies. The slide jump slide was way superior to the useless roll, but we don't have that anymore.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Why should this game belong to any group...?


Why can it not cater to everyone...?


This is why game modes must be incorporated into this game...


That way everyone can be with the group that they like...

I totally agree. Both are valid. Just now it seems PUGs are dominated buy rushers who don't even respond when you say "on my way to extraction, please wait 1 more m"

Anyway, one of the best solutions I saw proposed was to set the kind of game you want for playing. Hope it will be put in soon.

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