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**petition** Remove Sprinting, This Isn't Sprint Online


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ZOMG 10 CHARGERS COMING TO KILL ME. Lemme out walk them >..>

Oh look a wall, lemme walk vertical.

Oh look, he is gona walk sideways !

^ sarcasm

On topic : Yup i have to agree !

I think they should remove ninja legs and replace with Wheels or rollers !!!!!!!

Edited by Zyfe3rX
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Please sign the petition with your IGN.

Since DE has nerfed sliding now, I think they should outright remove sprinting from the game. I never sprint in-game because i enjoy spending half an hour slowly advancing in each mission and exploring every corner for those oh-so-worth-it extra 100 credits or 20 rubedo, and I don't like it when the filthy rushers in my public games sprint ahead and leave me behind. You don't need to sprint to be able to complete missions, why should it be in the game?

This isn't Sprint Online, guys, please remove sprinting. My playstyle should be the only playstyle. I'm sick of having the option to hold the shift key to move faster.

(Number of people who don't understand sarcasm: 4)


I'd sign, but i don't agree with the OP.


I want legs removes entirely. Warframes should ride in hot-rod wheelchairs.

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I'd petition for wheelchairs. Ninjas need to move around in wheelchairs. Or better still, chop away the legs of Tennos. We could move around with our hands. This isn't legs online.

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Sarcasm not appreciated by me at least...


Definitely an exaggerated response to either the post complaining about slide attacking or DE's decision to nerf slide spamming. Not sure how I feel about this post, just pretty sure it's not a good feeling.

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I mean, i usually play faster characters, loki, ash, rush volt, but i can see why some heavier units are upset. then again, the real movement exploit is a short wall run catapult, but you know, you don't always have walls.


I didn't notice it too much, but i guess it does push people to play lighter characters, so could be more of a balancing thing.


Now let people flame me.

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I mean, i usually play faster characters, loki, ash, rush volt, but i can see why some heavier units are upset. then again, the real movement exploit is a short wall run catapult, but you know, you don't always have walls.


I didn't notice it too much, but i guess it does push people to play lighter characters, so could be more of a balancing thing.


Now let people flame me.

I play as Frost and manage to keep up. No sprint mods either. I'm just that damn good. You shouldn't get flamed although there are plenty of vapid idiots on this board who can't grasp the thought of another's opinion that's, *gulps*.. different.

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I'd petition for wheelchairs. Ninjas need to move around in wheelchairs. Or better still, chop away the legs of Tennos. We could move around with our hands. This isn't legs online.




Hey, i mentioned hot-rod wheelchairs before Mir. did.

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While I agreed that sprinting needs to go (Oh, those blazingly hastened frames...), I still think that rolling still has to exist. And change all weapon to melee only, and you have to equipped it on your back.



Welcome to Roller Online, where you became the nightmare itself.

Edited by Athros
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Sprinting: a really important aspect of this game. some of us like being able to dive behind cover or 

Slide: helps us move under low hanging things, get to cover, and do our slide slashing (i actually use it from time to time)

Slide spam: Just make slide less spam able. its overused, it shouldn't be faster than the sprint. it should stay the same speed the entire time until it slows down. seriously. slide spam is the problem, not the fact that sliding or sprinting exist in the game. 

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All I can do is shake my head at the most recent 'fix'. In what universe do you take your main selling point and tell consumers that that's not what this product is about? Whoever thought that it was a brilliant idea to punish players for being mobile instead of rewarding players for sticking together should probably not be in charge of these decisions any more. I didn't even rush before this patch and now my movement feels like garbage. No longer is my ninja fluid and speedy. I've compared Warframe to InFramous and Prototype in a previous thread. One game I played and bought the second simply because the movement was so fluid and fun. The other game I threw out after 2 hours because I wouldn't subject anyone to it after playing the first. Watch some gameplay videos, or even better play them yourself, and figure out what I'm talking about.

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