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The way things are.


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The way i felt about the story when it finally came out was great, i liked that the games has finally achieved something more then just text boxes and the lotus talking in them. I liked the advancement in the game made me like it a bunch more. Sadly that feeling is gone now though, after thinking about what the big quest brought in i feel that there could have been many improvements to make the game run more smoothly (maybe even make things a lot easier to do in the future).

One of the improvements would be to allow the operator to suit up into the frames. One of the reason why i say this is because it will make using the operator's power more smooth and fluid with you still being able to move around in your Warframe while using the power.

Another reason is that you would be able to make it so that when ever you make any quest scenes you'll be able to just take off the Warframe's helmet and there the Operator is, talking face to face with whom ever is talking to them. If the Operator was in the frames, it would make the Operator seem more respectable to the Lotus if they were to have a conversation. Its not like she can always leave her sanctuary to talk to the Operator face to face, after all with her being the most important figure for the Tenno.

The 3rd reason would be that it will allow for the frame that the operator is using at the moment to mold to his/her figure. This to me would make the game just that much better because I've always wanted to have it so that the frames would match the way the player wanted them too. A friend and I always talked about how a female Rhino would look like and how we joked about it by saying that we would call all female Rhino players Helga (In heavy German accent). Just the fact that the frames could become either female or male depending on the operator is one of the things I'd love to see in Warframe.

Another thing that bothered me is that after you finish the quest, the stalker still comes after your frame that doesn't have the Operator in it. If the stalker really wanted to make the Operator pay for their crimes, shouldn't he go to the source? It isn't like you have advanced the story line past the line of no return, sure it may mean that the design team would have to re-work a female/male version of all frames but it would make the story just that much better if not the game as a whole.

All in all i'd love to see the Operator wearing the frames, hopefully it will be done.

For those of you that also agree with my idea or not (T-T) I've made a poll to express everyone's decision: (http://strawpoll.me/6900995). I Have voted and hopefully so will anyone else who reads this.

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I don't see it happening. Lore is already established and there is no point to change it. I understand there are people not fond of it, but you can't really do anything apart from dealing with it.

About the mentioned conversations: the operator can just pop out next to the frame to talk, so there is no need for them to be physically inside the frame.

9 minutes ago, CaptainAjax said:

sure it may mean that the design team would have to re-work a female/male version of all frames but it would make the story just that much better if not the game as a whole.

There have been countless threads about this; it would be too much work and is not likely to happen ever.

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Id love to see the Operators Kneel before the Lotus when speaking,kinda how any Assassin who serves a Master does outta respect for there Master.

After all we are servants of the Lotus.


*Lotus we have discovered enemy supply caches north of Ludi* xD

Edited by AKKILLA
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1 hour ago, Genitive said:

 the operator can just pop out next to the frame to talk, so there is no need for them to be physically inside the frame.

That doesn't really happen. If that is the way it was then there was no reason for the Warframe of your choosing to carry the Operator to the ship while doing the quest.

Added in: Even so, that would still be disrespectful to the lotus since from what i can tell when using the Operator powers is that The operator shows up as a hologram.

Edited by CaptainAjax
Didn't want to create another post.
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13 minutes ago, CaptainAjax said:

That doesn't really happen. If that is the way it was then there was no reason for the Warframe of your choosing to carry the Operator to the ship while doing the quest.

Transference lets the Operator's consciousness inhabit the warframe. By popping out of their frame to talk, what would be happening is the consciousness of the Operator leaves the warframe and appears as an apparition beside them, much like when the 5th ability is used. Having been asleep and dreaming for a very long time, the Operator's physical body would need to be carried like in the quest, as muscle atrophy would make it impossible for them to stand or walk on their own.

Edited by Tzolkat
Minor clarification
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5 hours ago, krisp said:

Nah. We have a nice thing going with the whole remote control gimmick.

Then tell me, why does it feel so broken?

Why does the Stalker target the Frame instead of the Operator?

Why does the last part of the 2nd Dream have to be solo while every other mission in the quest line is multiplayer?

Why make it feel as if there is only one Operator with the exclusive talk with the Lotus at the end of the quest?

Why does the Operator talk to the player for no reason during missions?

Why let the Devs make the story line and the reasoning behind things so simple yet don't work out?

Why don't you care about the little things?

And whats with you and not liking the idea of being able to wear power suits?

5 hours ago, Tzolkat said:

By popping out of their frame to talk, what would be happening is the consciousness of the Operator leaves the warframe and appears as an apparition beside them, much like when the 5th ability is used.

That would still mean that the operator isn't physically attending a meeting that the Lotus set up. Wouldn't that make the Operator quite disrespectful to that he / she isn't physically attending? After all, the Operator seems to be someone important to the lotus.

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- It feels broken because it is newly implemented for us to test it out. It will hopefully be refined over time.

- Stalker targets the frame since he is having a hard time finding the Operator.

- It is balanced around one person using Cyclops eye beam and not four people using it.

- It is a early beta design and not everything is a priority like having operators interact with each other.

- No one knows why the operator talks to us. We are either not the Operator but rather the Frame. Or the Operator has some mental illness or it may be an oversight DE forgot to think about when they implemented ourself talking only to make it feel like a part of the game. It is early testing a lot of things will probably change.

- Don't understand the question.

- A God does not care about ants.

- Frames were never designed as a "Power suit", maybe one day they will be. But with the current lore  it is not a suit.

What i dislike about the story is simple. I never wanted it to be a child, and perhaps that will change over time as well. And that the Frame is dosconected during Hover mode also feels out of place and is indeed one more reason why the passive are so much stronger than the active effects. Most frames or weapons can do what the child already can.

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7 minutes ago, CaptainAjax said:

If you've finished the 2nd dream quest you'll know that he found us quite easily and even had to fight him off of our ship.


Stalker stalking us back to our ship is not him living there, we fought we won he retreated. i am sure our ship with stealth capability's in something as huge as space is hard to track down.

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13 minutes ago, CaptainAjax said:

The stalker can deactivate abilities... you think the he won't know where you have a ship cause its cloaked or something?

 I don't want to sound rude but, are you aware how large our solar system is. Clearly we have a much more effective way to travel in the game but the distance is enormous and finding something as small as our space ship much less a ship with stealth capability's. Even if you do have a way to disable it you still have to find it and space is vast.



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49 minutes ago, Hellmaker2004 said:

I don't want to sound rude but, are you aware how large our solar system is.

I know how large it is, the thing is that the stalker can find us while we are doing a mission. Why would he stop there? He can even get into the void, which can only be visited if you have a void key. He is probably triggered at least 100 times a day, and you say he doesn't know where we are. If he knows that we are in a mission at a certain place, why not just attack the ship that is in orbit?

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1 hour ago, CaptainAjax said:

I know how large it is, the thing is that the stalker can find us while we are doing a mission. Why would he stop there? He can even get into the void, which can only be visited if you have a void key. He is probably triggered at least 100 times a day, and you say he doesn't know where we are. If he knows that we are in a mission at a certain place, why not just attack the ship that is in orbit?

my explanation for this is hunhow led him to us when the war was broken it weakened hunhow and severed the link to the stalker and he can no longer find us but hey that's just off the top of my head speculation

and i do understand to continuity errors with the stalker using the war and still wearing the armor but hey i just chalk that up as incomplete

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Come on, Stalker couldn't even find the Moon on his own. How can he find us in our cloaked orbiters? And it's not like we would allow him to get to us again so easily.

Besides, the orbiter (and the Operator with it)  is hidden in the void, not flying around planet's orbit. Landing crafts are for that.


10 hours ago, Hellmaker2004 said:

- No one knows why the operator talks to us. We are either not the Operator but rather the Frame. Or the Operator has some mental illness or it may be an oversight DE forgot to think about when they implemented ourself talking only to make it feel like a part of the game. It is early testing a lot of things will probably change.

We are the operator (as in 'You are the Operator. You are the Tenno'). The operator is supposed to talk to other team members (like the Lotus uses plural forms sometimes, to reflect co-op), but when you play solo it just doesn't work. And other team members can't see other operators. The system is sipmly unfinished. Of course I can be wrong, but I don't want to come up with any theories until DE tells us more.  

It would be better if we were able to use operators for voice commands, as in 'I need mana' or something. It would be much more fitting since most of their transmissions are just silly.


But all in all I liked the story in the Second Dream and hope operators will stay. We just need more customization.

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17 hours ago, CaptainAjax said:

1) Why does the Stalker target the Frame instead of the Operator?

2) Why does the last part of the 2nd Dream have to be solo while every other mission in the quest line is multiplayer?

3) Why make it feel as if there is only one Operator with the exclusive talk with the Lotus at the end of the quest?

4)Why does the Operator talk to the player for no reason during missions?

5) And whats with you and not liking the idea of being able to wear power suits?

6) That would still mean that the operator isn't physically attending a meeting that the Lotus set up. Wouldn't that make the Operator quite disrespectful to that he / she isn't physically attending? After all, the Operator seems to be someone important to the lotus.



1) Stalker targets the frame because he cannot target the Operator. Even when he has the opportunity, he can't do it, because it reminds him of what he is, a Tenno just like us. That simple fact drove him to madness. It haunts him.

2) The mission is single player likely because it is so heavily cinematic, and meant to be personal to the player. In terms of storytelling it just wouldn't work any other way.

3) Again, dramatic effect. All MMOs have this type of logical fallacy at some point. If you want to speculate though, the Lotus, or Natah as she was once called, is a Sentient. Just as Hunhow has many parts of himself that are connected, she might well have more than one aspect of herself, and could be in many places at once.

4) The operator is awake/conscious now. Why wouldn't they talk? Also, I don't think the Operator is talking to the player. I think they are more likely talking to the Lotus, or just talking because they can.

5) It's not that people don't like the idea of wearing power suits. It's just not what we have. What we have is more abstract and mysterious, and fits rather elegantly with the warrior mythology DE worked very hard to cultivate. Think about it, if we were just strange Orokin descendants wearing fancy suits, there would be no unanswered questions, and nothing left for DE to explore in future quests.

6) The Lotus knew, all these centuries that the Tenno were asleep, that they were not inside the Warframes, and it never bothered her then. Why would it, now? She wants to keep her adopted children safe from harm. Hunhow can invade her mind. To have the Operators physically present before her, and not safely hidden away in the Void as Ordis routinely reminds us that he does with the orbiter... this would invite disaster, and the Lotus knows this.



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I feel the relationship between warframe and operator is almost pokemon-esque, in that they're both their own entity, but the operator commands the warframe, which cant do much without it's master, or... while stored away on the Liset.

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I always saw the operator talking during a mission being akin to a person talking to themselves while doing a task, whether it's to psych themselves up ("Come on!", "Alright, let's get to work.", "Let's go on the offensive.", "For the lotus!" etc), or wondering aloud ("I wonder what's down here.", "The Grineer deteriorate over time...is that what makes them violent?", etc). I mean, most of us have cussed out the game while playing, even with no one to hear us, or just simply thought out loud.

Edited by Minxer13
Word choice...
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