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New player, weapon/warframe slots, general advice



Hi everyone. So I recently started out with this game, and have some basic general questions that would help me start off. Here goes:

-How can I (or should I) get the warframe and weapon slots early on?

-What weapons/warframes should I get in the beginning? 

-What is the general mod progression ladder (which ones should I get where/at what point when starting out?)

At the moment, I have an Excalibur with a Strun, Ether Daggers, Mk1 kunai/Bo/Paris, a Braton, Corvus and a karak (which was probably a bit of a waste). Recently applied for a clan, but still need to get that sorted out. I feel kind of stuck, because I seem to be too underpowered to go to Phobos or Europa, and Saturn/Jupiter dont seem to be getting me anywhere (same mod pickups, etc). I'm also kinda rusty on some of the damage types/weapon stats, and can't force myself into reading dozens of wikia articles (its all kind of overwhelming). Feel free to provide any other general advice.

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8 answers to this question

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You start off with 50 platinum. Probably the universally-most-suggested usage of that is on 1 warframe slot and 2 (x2) weapon slots.

Whichever weapons/warframes look interesting to you. Really- almost everything is balanced in this game, save for a few odd under/over powered items. Some frames/weapons like Loki/Amprex respectively though are really dependent on good modding. Tanky frames like Rhino and Valkyr are good for helping you get through the game early on while you get better mods. Just make sure if you do go that route to remember to learn to move around and avoid attacks even though you don't need to with them early on- because otherwise later you're going to find yourself having trouble in high level content with other frames.

Get all the mods. All of them. There is no "first>last order". The mods that are most important are Serration, Hornet Strike, and Pressure point- which are the mods that are going to do nothing but straight up amp your weapon damage. Mods that add elemental damage will be more important later on, and the rest is really preference and what the weapon needs to cover it's weaknesses.

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Hey, welcome to the game!

You already picked the best starting warframe. Excal scales really good with content. You can use him later in the game as well.

For weapons, pretty much use what you like. Shotguns are good now, so try the Hek or Tigris if you can. Soma is a popular rifle when you hit that mr6. If you find squads to go into the void, fang prime, lex prime, are some of the easiest to get and really good. Orthos as well. 

Some basic mods: Continuity (general sargas ruk), Intensify (vor, alad v), Stretch (vay hek) and Streamline, a drop from most grineer.

Some other mods you`ll get from vault missions (4 Dragon keys from market, Orokin Derelict runs, usually Exterminate): Blind rage, Overextend, Narrow Minded, Fleeting Expertise, Transient Fortitude, Heavy Caliber. All are must mods you`ll find there. (Of course, Serration for Rifles, elemental mods for dmg, etc) Also try and get Baro mods. 

For what other warframes to get.. Hmm, up to you. Rhino is popular because he`s easy to play with, Ash as well. Loki is good, but you need good mods to make him viable to play with. Ember is good for low lvl play, due to her ultimate. So yeah, play what you like.

for slots, you start with 2 and 6 for weapon. that 50 plat should be enough for you to buy 4 more weapons slots and 1 warframe slot. From there on, you can sell prime parts or mods to get plat from other players. You dont have to keep all warframes or weapons, you can sell them to make space for others and pick them up later again when you have enough slots. If you want, that is. (dont forget to lvl them to 30 tho).


That should be it.

Let me know if you need anything else.


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1. Slots. Only way to ontain new weapon slots is buying them with plat. Initial plat could be spend on 1 WF slot + 2x2 weapon slot. or 2WF slot and run some void and sell junk for weapon slots. For void parts price referencies check https://warframe.market/.

Void keys you can obtain by applyin to syndicate and putting sigil on your frame, and reveling up to rank 2 in syndicate.

2. Frames: Rhino, Valkyr, Mag, Loki, Frost

Weapons: p: Soma, Tonko S: Aklex, Sonicor M: Dual Zoren, Broken War

+ All weapons costing just credits (for mastery level)

Karak is ok.

3. Unless you plan some power leveling just use mods which drop for you while trying to do new things.

Weapons: Interesting mods drop from SPY with 3 data, Nighmare mods, and Corrupted mod from orokin derelict(vault runs). Other good mods: this giving general +% dmg, multishot, fire rate and attack speed, elemental, critical chance and critical multiplier (some weapons). Weapons status is all fancy and i would avoid that.

For frames: health + shields, efficiency !, power range, power duration, power dmg

Dont level up damaged mods.

Get sentinel carrier.

Edited by felixsylvaris
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You can only get warframe and weapon slots by using plats.  I hope you didn't use your starter plats on things other than slots.  You will need to get plats either buying it with real money (I'd wait for coupons for discount) or you can get it from other players by trading in the trade chat.  To save some precious slots, I would get rid of your MK stuff.  Most of MK stuff is weaker than their normal counterpart so if you liked the MK weapons you can upgrade to the normal ones or try other weapons.

I recommend checking out shotguns, especially Hek.  It's super powerful especially when you have access to its syndicate mod later and you can use it to end game.  Karak is actually not a bad weapon for mid-game, but like all weapons and frames you'll need to level up your mods to unlock their full potential.  A lot of people hit the wall when they reach Phobos and Europa.  It means you'll need to level up your mods to make your frames less squishy and weapons stronger.  I recommend Marelok (and its syndicate counterpart) and Soma once you hit the appropriate mastery rank.  For melee, I would just keep building whatever free blueprints you receive unless there's a particular type of weapon you like.  I would also try to finish the Second Dream quest to get the awesome melee weapon that's given to you as a reward.  If you haven't build a Carrier sentinel, I highly recommend you prioritize in getting enough credits to buy the blueprint and build it.  It will help you collect your resources immensely.

As for elements.  Generally cold and corrosive are great against Grineer because of their armor.  Magnetic/Viral/Radiation against Corpus though I think some of the enemies (bursa) are weak towards corrosive.    Heat and corrosive are good against infested.  A lot of infested enemies are weak against Gas, but it's better to use corrosive because the more difficult enemies (looking at you Ancients) are weak against corrosive and take priority to killing them.  I like to use blast but mostly for the lolz.  I would definitely read up the wiki entry to learn more about this because this is a very important topic to understand and master.

As for mods, I hope you have all the essential and non-damaged version of the mods.  Just keep leveling them up as much as you can.  If you only have the damaged version, once you join a clan, ask someone for some and I'm sure they can help you.  I'd focus on leveling up Vitality for your frame because Phobos enemies tend to do slash damage and you want high enough health to avoid from getting killed.  Definitely level up damage mods Serration and Hornet Strike.  If you use melee a lot, level up your Pressure Point to max as soon as you can.

Excalibur is a great frame.  You can use him for most of the solar map.  I don't know what's your play style so I can't really recommend too many frames, but Rhino is a great frame for new players and his parts are easily found by defeating the boss on Venus.

Edited by xiaodenden
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A basic mod set would be the +damage mods for each weapon type (serration - rifle,  point blank for shotgun, hornet strike for pistol,  etc) and the pure elements for each weapon (fire, toxic, ice, electric for each type).    From there, try to gain the crit mods for each type (crit chance and crit damage increasers).   Those are your starters.   Once you have those maxed (and the + damage ones will take a WHILE) you can start to farm some nightmares and such (rhino makes this simple).


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Thanks for all the replies, appreciate it. The thing is, I spent my starter plat on a reactor and a catalyst (saw it in a youtube introductory guide). Guess I will have to manage with my current weapons for a while.

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I am still new to this game as I only started in december, but already I have got to grips with a large portion of the game. I started with Excalibur and despite trying a few other frames its my go to frame for the tough missions. 


As for weapons just stick to your guns and things will drop for you. Just by running events, quests and alerts that come up I have ended up with a vulkar wraith sniper, and a broken war melee. Add this to the endless pile of mods you get (keep a lookout for aura mods as alert rewards) and I am sitting pretty despite spending relatively little on the game. Patience is the key as once things starting opening up you soon realise there is too much content to master in the short term.


What I would add is that if you have the chance and a -75% plat token drops for you then get some from the shop as a little plat makes the game very much less of a trial when you are starting out.

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