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New Ways to get PLATINIUM!!!!!


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While I'm not in desperate need of plat myself, I just come into these threads because I see all these players (and even mods) jump in and dismiss the concerns of new players, telling them they don't need platinum and think WTF. It's just sad. You do need platinum. It may not be a 100% requirement. You don't need it to log in and play, but you're just kidding yourself if you think slots aren't an extremely important aspect to fully enjoying this game. This game is 100% designed around needing slots to fully experience the game. New frames come out all the time. New weapons are released all the time. New players do need platinum. They do need slots. It's just silly trying to claim or pretend otherwise. 

Again, even one of the devs who did his undercover boss experiment went to trade to unlock new slots early on because he knows that the game he works on as a developer is not fun without slots. He wanted his experience to be that of a new F2P player, but he clearly understood that even F2P players want and need more slots to enjoy the game. One of the main devs knows that slots are needed, so lets just accept that and stop pretending otherwise. We can disagree as much as we'd like on if the current ways to acquire platinum are sufficient or accessible or not, but just stop trying to deny that you need plat and slots. Nobody is buying it. 

We know you literally CAN play without slots, as in you can log in and the game runs without platinum, but the new players, you know, the ones who don't have a main account with a lot of other stuff, they actually do need slots in order to actually try out the different weapons and frames that they've never got to experience before on a different account. Yes, they can "vendor" stuff to make room, but that's not fun. Especially not when you end up deciding you want one of those things you had to vendor to make room. 

Edited by Borg1611
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It's simply amazing when people say extremely rude things to you just because they don't agree with what you say.

Then, they try to argue about something that they know that they are wrong in.

Even though they are so obviously wrong, they continue to argue, rant, and insult a player who at first only expressed an opinion.

The things that were said... totally hypocritical!

"You should just stop talking because you know you are wrong."

"You're getting defensive."

"You haven't contributed anything to the thread!"

"Egotistical Elitist A******!"                                                            ........What?

Unbelievable. And not even an apology, people try to pass it off really lightly or shrug it off, simply because they are embarrassed of looking dumb.

Which is what happens when you start hopeless arguments.

Anyways, if the embarrassment is really that bad, I won't say anything. Hopefully no other mistakes are made in the future.

It's weird to tell people that they are wrong even when it is not true.


I was trying to agree with what the player had said...  but was simply stating a common fact. For that, I got ranted at.

Please, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying a literal fact is a fact, whether people like it or not.

Edited by gullywolf1115
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1 minute ago, gullywolf1115 said:

It's simply amazing when people say extremely rude things to you just because they don't agree with what you say.

Then, they try to argue about something that they know that they are wrong in.

Even though they are so obviously wrong, they continue to argue, rant, and insult a player who at first only expressed an opinion.

The things that were said... totally hypocritical!

"You should just stop talking because you know you are wrong."

"You're getting defensive."

"You haven't contributed anything to the thread!"

Unbelievable. And not even an apology, people try to pass it off really lightly or shrug it off, simply because they are embarrassed of looking dumb.

Which is what happens when you start hopeless arguments.

Anyways, if the embarrassment is really that bad, I won't say anything. Hopefully no other mistakes are made in the future.

It's weird to tell people that they are wrong even when it is not true.

Aww, I thought you ignored me. You were wrong in everything you said. You came into this thread not only trying to dismiss platinum and slots as being needed (which is wrong), but you were belittling the OP and being a jerk in your first post in this thread (feel free to re-read it if you don't understand why). You're apparently not used to people challenging you when you say things like that. You were wrong, platinum and slots are needed. I see no reason to continue trying to convince you of that, I just accept that you'll never admit it to yourself or to others and will not waste my time or yours by continuing to argue with you about it. Put me back on ignore if reading my posts is that upsetting to you. Bye.

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Just now, Borg1611 said:

Aww, I thought you ignored me. You were wrong in everything you said. You came into this thread not only trying to dismiss platinum and slots as being needed (which is wrong), but you were belittling the OP and being a jerk in your first post in this thread (feel free to re-read it if you don't understand why). You're apparently not used to people challenging you when you say things like that. You were wrong, platinum and slots are needed. I see no reason to continue trying to convince you of that, I just accept that you'll never admit it to yourself or to others and will not waste my time or yours by continuing to argue with you about it. Put me back on ignore if reading my posts is that upsetting to you. Bye.

You talk about belittling people when that's the only thing you've been doing to me.

For hours you've tried to argue that if you don't buy slots, you're going to get kicked out. Which is totally not true. 

Then, you admit that you in fact do NOT have to buy slots. You shrug it off to save some dignity and prevent yourself from looking stupid. Which is what happens when you argue for the wrong side.


And for the last time, I said I agree with you. If you haven't noticed... then thats your own ignorance.

I never said that slots weren't needed.


I need slots, and I buy them too.


However, its possible to play without slots, and this is a simple fact. Try to wrap your head around it.


I never said that they were useless, quit making things up. It doesn't fool anyone.


Please read.

And don't call people jerks when you're just someone who tries to insult anyone who doesn't agree with you.

I tried to console a player that platinum should not be the main priority in the beginning of the game. 

The worst name I called him was newbie.


Not "Pompous elitist A******", which is what you called me.

I'd say calling someone a pompous elitist A****** is a little worse than newbie, huh? You are't convincing anybody with the act that whatever you do is right.

What I'm actually not used to is seeing delusional people who try to argue with facts. 
Then when they realize that they are wrong, they try to shrug it off like no big deal, when previously they were ripping apart anyone who challenged them.


I don't know what you're trying to make me admit. That slots are useful? I always knew that slots were useful, which is why that I've bought them myself.

You've already admitted, Platinum is not 100% required. You said so yourself. 
Hence losing all credibility and dignity. 

Moderators agree with this simple fact. Sure, people really like slots, including me. But to play the game, they aren't a requirement.

If you want to scrape up what dignity you have left, you should probably stop talking. 


Like I said, argue with the moderators, not me. They are the ones who created this game, and platinum.


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Just now, gullywolf1115 said:

Please read.

And don't call people jerks when you're just someone who tries to insult anyone who doesn't agree with you.

I tried to console a player that platinum should not be the main priority in the beginning of the game. 

The worst name I called him was newbie.


Not "Pompous elitist A******", which is what you called me.



You're acting like I killed his family, simply because I called him a newbie.  
Get real. 
You're far worse.

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I'm seeing a couple of great suggestions in the thread, for example: 

On 3/7/2016 at 8:46 AM, InglriousB said:

Platinum is very easily obtainable ingame via the trading system.

If you have the items people want, you can make yourself quite a fortune in plats.

DE will never make platinum farmable since 99% of the game is obtainable without the need of platinum and, as I said, you can get it via trading.

So try looking on the trading tab what is asked for with WTB and see if you can farm that item.

Then you can trade that and, boom, you have made yourself some platinum :)

On 3/7/2016 at 9:43 AM, sekate said:


With the above website, you can find out the market prices quite easily.

And if you undercut, you're bound to get a request to trade within the hour.

You are also welcome to tune into our weekly Twitch streams to win platinum prizes just by watching. It's a one and x chance of winning, but who knows! You may be picked. 

Now I'm also seeing a lot of people keen on insulting one another. Not gonna fly here. Locking. 


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