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People Rushing Through Missions...?


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Now I am not the type of player that lags behind or has to scour every inch of a ship but it seems generally 9/10 missions at least half the group just rushes through from one objective to the other.  They only grab lockers or breakables or kill enemies if they are "in their way" unless it is some kind of defense mission.  This leaves the others to fight waves and waves of mobs they left behind which is fine because I like the kills and all the lockers they leave behind but it is frustrating if you die or get locked out and they are sitting there waiting at extraction like "Braaah cmon braaah im waiting forevaar"


Anyone else see this alot or is there something I am missing and completing a mission super fast gives some type of prize?

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That's the reason why I play only with friends except for def missions. People don't care about resources or credits but I do so I take my time. On def missions no one cares because the map itself is small.

Edited by Neruell
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sounds like you arent moving fast enough. they even took out the ability to rush the missions as quickly, this solved the issue for most slow people, meaning you're still to slow

Nope. People still easily rush. A lot. I'm more of the guy who runs in, pops a few ults, and leaves the few remaining for my teammates so they get some kills.

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sounds like you arent moving fast enough. they even took out the ability to rush the missions as quickly, this solved the issue for most slow people, meaning you're still to slow

So if you open lockers and collect orbs, resc, creds and clear the ship of enemies you are moving too slow?  Hmm sounds like you are missing out on alot of stuff that can progress your frames rather than me being too slow...

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I definitely rush through maps but take care of containers and large groups in my way. Other than that there's nothing else to loot for.

come down to basic level design. These maps are meant to be rushed through... the future they'll be different.

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Honestly it just comes down to personal priorities. People rush through missions typically to just clear maps, and get to bosses so they can farm the boss for the rare materials. Some even leave the match because the materials didn't drop, they didn't get the blueprint, etc. Their sights are set on one and only one goal, they don't care about side quests, or extra EXP or mods or whatever may come.sure they miss out on a lot but they don't care usually.


that said i'd rather check every corner within reason. Sometimes i'll hang around just for another wave to spawn in hopes of getting a little extra, a mod, salvage, ferrite, whatever, i'me not picky, i just want stuff for later :P


guess that makes me a pack bunny :P

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Now I am not the type of player that lags behind or has to scour every inch of a ship but it seems generally 9/10 missions at least half the group just rushes through from one objective to the other.  They only grab lockers or breakables or kill enemies if they are "in their way" unless it is some kind of defense mission.  This leaves the others to fight waves and waves of mobs they left behind which is fine because I like the kills and all the lockers they leave behind but it is frustrating if you die or get locked out and they are sitting there waiting at extraction like "Braaah cmon braaah im waiting forevaar"


Anyone else see this alot or is there something I am missing and c

ompleting a mission super fast gives some type of prize?

I take my time I sometimes rush to leave waves after waves behind for my pals but most of the time au search for materials
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Rushing disadvantages a lot of players in different ways. Resources disappear quickly from containers the non-rushers get to later, so they are actually hurt in their side goals. No one in the team gets full experience because of the 50 meter exp sharing limit (i.e. too far away, don't get exp from other kills, and no one gets exp from your kills). To me, rushing only makes sense in limited circumstances, and there is no way to filter out players that way. In some games, you can designate what type of player you are, or how you want to run a map (i.e. Anno). It would be useful here, but only if enough people were doing each type to fill out squads.

And then there's the whole intentional trolling of those groups...

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I take my time I sometimes rush to leave waves after waves behind for my pals but most of the time au search for materials

and that's fine, that's your play style, gotta find others with similar interests, friend and group up so you can search more effectively.


like most games these days, random que with PuGs = sadface


I'm also the type of player to take in some of the sites, and enjoy the scenerey here and there. and also snoop out some secret rooms/hidden stashes ;D

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sounds like you arent moving fast enough. they even took out the ability to rush the missions as quickly, this solved the issue for most slow people, meaning you're still to slow


You're naive if you think the slide cooldown stopped people from rushing.

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I think some of you are confused.  Taking a straight line to the objective while killing and looting only along that path gets you more resources than trying to explore every corner.  Let me explain.  


If you take the straight path, you don't have to backtrack as much as if you explore, so the rooms are constantly full of enemies and fresh containers/lockers.  Also, by completing the mission faster, you get more credits and reward mods.  


Now, I know what you're thinking.  If you explore every corner, how can that possibly be less than someone who doesn't explore those nooks and crannies?  Simple.  You're thinking on a per mission basis.  But unless you're in the void, per mission is a pointless figure since you can play as many missions as you want.  The limiting factor is time, so the relevant metric is how much you get for a given amount of time, not a set amount of missions.  


So if you want to play the "explore every room" style, by all means.  Play as you like.  But don't give me the "I'm being more efficient" line.  You're not.  

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and that's fine, that's your play style, gotta find others with similar interests, friend and group up so you can search more effectively.


like most games these days, random que with PuGs = sadface


I'm also the type of player to take in some of the sites, and enjoy the scenerey here and there. and also snoop out some secret rooms/hidden stashes ;D

Oh,yeah that's the thing I love the most :P
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I still think there needs to be a door about 1-2 rooms before extraction that REQUIRES 3 of 4 people to open. This would stop Rushing for a LOT of games. If it's just you there, then that sucks, but I recommend trying to pickup the data devices or capture the hostage, etc. That makes it to where they CAN'T leave without you. That's what I do...then they just leave and waste their time which makes me smile...but I'm evil like that.

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Now I am not the type of player that lags behind or has to scour every inch of a ship but it seems generally 9/10 missions at least half the group just rushes through from one objective to the other.  They only grab lockers or breakables or kill enemies if they are "in their way" unless it is some kind of defense mission.  This leaves the others to fight waves and waves of mobs they left behind which is fine because I like the kills and all the lockers they leave behind but it is frustrating if you die or get locked out and they are sitting there waiting at extraction like "Braaah cmon braaah im waiting forevaar"


Anyone else see this alot or is there something I am missing and completing a mission super fast gives some type of prize?

there must be more check points like doors that require 2 people to open. if you want to rush that play alone or with crazy friendz.

there is no need to ruin public games.

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I still think there needs to be a door about 1-2 rooms before extraction that REQUIRES 3 of 4 people to open. This would stop Rushing for a LOT of games. If it's just you there, then that sucks, but I recommend trying to pickup the data devices or capture the hostage, etc. That makes it to where they CAN'T leave without you. That's what I do...then they just leave and waste their time which makes me smile...but I'm evil like that.


Yea right, let's all wait for that one noob that we randomly got grouped with who wants to explore *every* last inch of the map. Great idea.


back on topic: people rush because it's the most efficient way to do anything.


want rare mats/bps from a boss? -> rush it.

want to unlock all planets for alerts? -> rush it.

alert? -> RUSH IT.

want normal mats? get some of the chests and lockers that are on the way, going for low hanging fruit is bigger drops/min then exploring -> rush it.



want xp from kills? -> run mobile defense (rush to the target and back.)

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Yea right, let's all wait for that one noob that we randomly got grouped with who wants to explore *every* last inch of the map. Great idea.


back on topic: people rush because it's the most efficient way to do anything.


want rare mats/bps from a boss? -> rush it.

want to unlock all planets for alerts? -> rush it.

alert? -> RUSH IT.

want normal mats? get some of the chests and lockers that are on the way, going for low hanging fruit is bigger drops/min then exploring -> rush it.



want xp from kills? -> run mobile defense (rush to the target and back.)


I think some of you are confused.  Taking a straight line to the objective while killing and looting only along that path gets you more resources than trying to explore every corner.  Let me explain.  


If you take the straight path, you don't have to backtrack as much as if you explore, so the rooms are constantly full of enemies and fresh containers/lockers.  Also, by completing the mission faster, you get more credits and reward mods.  


Now, I know what you're thinking.  If you explore every corner, how can that possibly be less than someone who doesn't explore those nooks and crannies?  Simple.  You're thinking on a per mission basis.  But unless you're in the void, per mission is a pointless figure since you can play as many missions as you want.  The limiting factor is time, so the relevant metric is how much you get for a given amount of time, not a set amount of missions.  


So if you want to play the "explore every room" style, by all means.  Play as you like.  But don't give me the "I'm being more efficient" line.  You're not.  

These pretty much sum it all up.

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I think some of you are confused.  Taking a straight line to the objective while killing and looting only along that path gets you more resources than trying to explore every corner.  Let me explain.  


If you take the straight path, you don't have to backtrack as much as if you explore, so the rooms are constantly full of enemies and fresh containers/lockers.  Also, by completing the mission faster, you get more credits and reward mods.  


Now, I know what you're thinking.  If you explore every corner, how can that possibly be less than someone who doesn't explore those nooks and crannies?  Simple.  You're thinking on a per mission basis.  But unless you're in the void, per mission is a pointless figure since you can play as many missions as you want.  The limiting factor is time, so the relevant metric is how much you get for a given amount of time, not a set amount of missions.  


So if you want to play the "explore every room" style, by all means.  Play as you like.  But don't give me the "I'm being more efficient" line.  You're not.  

OK, fine by me. Rush to Hyena for "n"th time just to collect your nano spores, while I have my stable 1-2 control module per run from lockers and boxes. Good luck, efficient one.

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OK, fine by me. Rush to Hyena for "n"th time just to collect your nano spores, while I have my stable 1-2 control module per run from lockers and boxes. Good luck, efficient one.


But I can unlock every locker on the way to Hyena.  And then unlock every locker on the way to extraction.  The lockers to and from Hyena aren't any less likely to drop control modules than the lockers off in side rooms.  So I end up unlocking about as many lockers as you do, plus I get more Hyena drops and end mission rewards.  


Really, it just makes more sense unless you're exploring for exploration's sake.  And that'e fine, even great if it's something you find more fun.  It's just not more efficient.  

Edited by LazyTemplar
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Now I am not the type of player that lags behind or has to scour every inch of a ship but it seems generally 9/10 missions at least half the group just rushes through from one objective to the other.  They only grab lockers or breakables or kill enemies if they are "in their way" unless it is some kind of defense mission.  This leaves the others to fight waves and waves of mobs they left behind which is fine because I like the kills and all the lockers they leave behind but it is frustrating if you die or get locked out and they are sitting there waiting at extraction like "Braaah cmon braaah im waiting forevaar"


Anyone else see this alot or is there something I am missing and completing a mission super fast gives some type of prize?


It's annoying as hell and easily the worst thing about this game. You'll no doubt here many a response from these jerks telling you you're doing something wrong, but you aren't. They are jerks so be one back. Play their stupid game and S#&$ outside of extraction point until the last second of count down or even better if it's a data collection mission go grab a drink or watch a TV program.


Trust me, there are a lot of us out there that hate these people. You aren't the only one and you are not wrong for wanting cooperative play from public online games. Stay strong, I hear the Spanish Inquisition may be rearing it's head to purge such filth from Warframe.


If you rush in pubs you 're bad and you should feel bad. The game has a solo or private option specifically for that type of nonsense you jack in the box clowns.

Edited by Dark_Harvest
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OK, fine by me. Rush to Hyena for "n"th time just to collect your nano spores, while I have my stable 1-2 control module per run from lockers and boxes. Good luck, efficient one.




Hyena has a higher chance to drop control modules over lockers. A rusher can do probably 3 hyena missions in the time you take to do one unlocking everything and still get the same or more amount of modules.

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