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Cross Platfrom Support


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With the recent news of a ceasefire in the console wars i wonder if there are any consideration from DE to explore this further?

We where told that cross platform support was impossible due to the contract signed by DE to port WF to the consoles, and that Account Migration also has been a problem due to this agreement. But if we are facing a new future of peace and prosperity where people are no longer divided by platform, can the different versions of WF be made one and everyone play together?


--> link to the cross platform news.


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There is one more problem besides the contracts that you mentioned:
In order for there to be a cross platform between PC and Consoles then PCs updates would have to be slowed down to match Consoles.  Which also means that any game breaking bugs that PC catches would hit the consoles and take upwards of a week or more for a fix to be put into the game due to the certification process and how long it takes on the console versions.

This would be a huge problem as there are plenty of things that PC catches that never hits the consoles, and I really doubt anyone would want to wait a week minimum for a fix to be put out so that they can play the game (remember the hotfix that fixed a crash that happened every time you opened your ingame inbox?  Think if that had stuck around for an entire week instead of the few hours it had).

Simple fact is that the PC is a test bed and the game is honestly better off for it in many ways.

That and DE has promised repeatedly that they wouldn't slow down PC updates just so that consoles can keep up, and mostly for the reasons stated.

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I have really high hopes for cross platform play between Xbox and PS4 players as we always have the same build, the only differences being the console exclusive skins. Cross platform play between these platforms will increase the player population for both consoles and also increase the Trade market.

however it is obvious the PC won't be able to cross platform with these two consoles as they will always have new content before us.

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it would be likely to do PS4-xbone

However, cross platform to PC is unlikely we get updates every week or every other week, its not possible for them to do this for your bricks due to hoops they need to jump. i imagine they are unlikely to slowdown PC updates to do cross platform since well PC usually finds all the game breaking bugs 4-6weeks ahead of time so consoles dont have to deal with them

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I would love to play with my follow Tenno on the other platforms. The PS4 and Xbone should be simple enough, but the PC is a different story. Maybe if they created an opt-in/opt-out system for PC players on whether or not they want to be held back to the console updates. Newer players would be the ones who would benefit the most from playing with consoles as having all PS, XB and opt-in players would have a larger pool of players than the opt-out. And the opt-in/opt-out should also have a way of switching back and forth as well.

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