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Warframe after inaros?


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10 minutes ago, (XB1)a salsa wizard said:

You just play as Zanuka, because according to Alad V Zanuka is a frame made from bits of other frames. He shoots missiles and can revive Alad. 

Needs more abilities. And a #*($%%@ up quest/storyline for the creation of Zanuka Prime.

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5 hours ago, NovusNova said:

The next warframe theme is whatever DE want's it to be.

I wouldn't mind seeing a more robotic themed frame with a combination of offensive and supportive powers.

Ehhh, I think that gets a bit close to Vauban territory. I don't have a problem with revisiting this part of the spectrum, but there is a lot more they can do first.


2 hours ago, ChickenLover42 said:

I still have my hopes up for Typhus.


Same, I'm a bit scared they won't because of Inaros' lifesteal.

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best frame would be a chameleon frame that not only morphs  to hide in the sorounding environment but also adapts any nearby allies powers to use as his own as a quick offensive/defensive/supportive role << just a thought that is highly feasible  and more in line within the warframe technocyte manipulation.

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Since we are do for a female frame, as long as the Chinese frame don't launch first, I would love to see Hennya

or Sharona. Yes I know she is a joke.


Edit: didn't see the one above me drop Sharona first, oops still its there.

Edited by Firegod545
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