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Evan's trading guide: How to Plat, for new Players!




This is a response thread to a lot of new players running into slot and platinum difficulties when starting out.  For reference, I'm a F2P player, never bought a cent of platinum in my life (not because I don't want to, but simply because I can't). So you see, I've had to make do and thanks to DE's generosity I've made it out quite well. 

Before I begin, this is not a guide that encourages you to be a non paying player for all eternity. I encourage you first and foremost to buy platinum to support the Developers so they can work on features that deliver the best experience for us and to show your appreciation. What this is is a guide for you to make some quick platinum in a pinch or during the first few  hours when you're still making u[ your mind about the game.

Note: This will not be a guide for you to make huge trading profits. 

Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to it.

First: What Can Be Sold?



At your stage, you won't have an idea of how the market works so let me paint that particular picture for you.

Parts for PRIME weapons and Warframes, ALL mods, Some specific weaponsSyndicate Augments(special syndicate mods) and WeaponsVoid Trader mods and weapons. All weapons must be rank zero and be completely fresh-no forma or catalyst must be installed on them. Mods can be sold at any rank.

New Primes are the hottest items and net the most profit 3-4 months within their release. Vaulted Primes increase in value and so are more valuable the further they are from their vaulted date. Old Primes are generally low in demand. An exception to this are the parts that have very very rare drops. For example, Ash Prime's blueprint still sells for 100p-ish today.

Syndicate weapons go for 20-40 plat depending on the buyer and the demand for the weapon, but average at 25p. Augments mods are sold for around 10p each.

Special weapons like those dropped in sorties can go for a tidy sum, depending on whether sold in set or as individual parts, and the buyer. You can net around 50-70 plat on the full weapons. Sometimes you can go higher.

Void trader weapons and mods are very valuable, and appreciate in value the further they are from their availability date. You could expect to get 100 plat-ish for the weapons easily and 50plat to 500 plat for the primed mods. Keep in mind that maxing these mods are not optimal at your stage and will drain you of valuable resources. They are not worth it.

Mods vary wildly according to type and rarity. Stances can vary on average from 2-15p, some rare mods or event mods can go for a great deal. 


Second: What Can I sell?



I'm assuming the reader for this article will be between Mastery Rank zero and Mastery rank Four.

You will not have the ability to access high-level tower mission, or sorties, or have syndicates leveled up decently, yet.

So your range is from T1 and T2 tier Void keys and the Starchart missions, and possible the Orokin Derelict keys.

You will be selling low in demand Prime parts (most of the time), and possibly the Corrupted mods. 



Third: How Do I Get My Stock?



Once you have the basic mods, start doing the survivals in the first few planets for tower keys which are guaranteed to give one at 15 minutes. Mercury, Appolodorus is ideal for this, and run in a public group. To do so, set your matchmaking to Public and select node. The game will match you up to an open squad. 

Once you have a few tower keys, see if you can run them on your own. If you can, then that's awesome and you can start doing the runs. If you need help or if you have mission types like survival, defense and mobile defense that you can't do your own, seek help in recruiting chat by typing "Hosting <put your key name here> PM ME!" You will see private messages pop up from people who would like to join and simply right click n their names to get a drop down menu and select invite from there to let them join your squad.

The rewards you get from these keys will mostly be so and so prime parts. Stockpile them. If you can hop onto higher tier missions and snag some of the rewards from there that's awesome! But don't be a leech. Be excellent to each other!

If no one is helping, simply go to region or even type into recruiting that you are a new player needing help and I'm willing to wager that experienced players will jump in to help you. Some of us always keep our eyes open for you guys! You can alternatively find some of us running mercury to help you, or post here, in this players helping players subforum to get help.

Once you are a bit stronger you want to go to the market and buy blueprints for Orokin Derelict keys-the non endless ones, preferably exterminate or the like, and also buy blueprints for the Dragon keys that open vaults inside these missions. Invite four other players and have them equip one of the four different keys and you're set. Go into these mission, find the vaults, loot it and at the end of the mission you'll find that you have a corrupted mod. The mods you really want from here are: Blind Rage, Narrow Minded, Overextended, Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise. (If you're unclear about this section please see the wikia article here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Orokin_Derelict)

Once you have these things, you are ready to start selling.



Fourth: How do I sell?



The reason I asked you to stockpile those low demand prime parts is because you can sell them for around 2 platinum each to people. You'll see them post messages like WTB Junk Prime Parts and they usually buy in bulk. You can easily make 20-30 platinum from these trades in a short amount of time, if you have the parts to sell!

Be advised that some of you parts may be slightly more valuable and might go for a but more. 

The corrupted mods can range from 10p each to 30p to 50p each depending on the buyer. I recommend offering 20 plat for fleeting expertise and overextended and 10p for the rest, unranked. Note that when ranked these mods increase a lot in value. But like primed mods at your level they are not worth it.

You may also sell rare 5 Fusion cores but I would not recommend as they are a valuable resource at any level.


To sell your wares, you will need to use the trading chat, the trading subforums, or various sites that let you post up and read offers from other players.

The trading chat can be difficult but I urge you to be patient and wait for the chance. Alternatively look for offers on the trading subforum. A site I like to use is: https://warframe.market/. Sign up and open it from time to time to see what people are buying or selling. As for Prices you should offer, observe the trade chat to get an idea, ask for Price checks and average the values from chat or look at the highest buy and sell offr and overage between the two. 

Before you start, please read  the trading FAQ.





And fifth, some tips from the OP.

1) USE THE WIKI. It's an invaluable resource for all your drop locations and general trivia as to what drops where.

2)DON'T SCOFF AT SMALL TRADES. The small gains eventually build up-it's better to earn 2p thatn to earn nothing, waiting for that big offer. 

3)BE PATIENT, BE POLITE. People will be rude. You are not people. Try to be as friendly as possible and chances are people will come back to you. You might make new friends along the way too.

4)RESEARCH, RESEARCH RESEARCH. This is for always: never ever sell anything without researching. Never take price checks from people trying to sell something or buy somethings from you. Never trust anyone without researching. Use the wiki, use the chats, use the sites.

5)DON'T BE GREEDY. You'll lose chances and end up poorer for it.

6)YOU CAN NEVER TAKE A LOSS. You never spent anything to get your stock, so whatever you make is a profit. Don't listen to others. 

7) YOU CAN MAKE BACK PLATINUM, BUT YOU CAN NEVER MAKE BACK TIME. Make quick trades, use the platinum you have for whatever you need. Don't be afraid to spend or sell cheap. Better be 10p reacher at the end of your time than be still waiting for that 100p offer.


9)BE AWARE. People will try to scam you. Keep your eyes open and remember point 4.

10)DON'T BE SHAMED BY OTHERS. If someone talks trash to you for your prices,just coolly thank them for it and mute them. It's a free market, you can ask for and offer whatever you want. Chances are they are just salty because they didn't get eh deal they wanted. If they were in your position they'd do the same. But-

11)DON'T BE A DOUCHEBAG. Offer fair prices, buying or selling. It might be a free market, but there's still a thing called ethics.

12)DON'T BEG FOR PLATINUM. Work for it. Nobody likes beggers.

13)DON'T LIE ABOUT YOUR PLATINUM. Experienced traders no this old trope, and it never works, If you are a new player, jsut say so, and most ld players will give you, if possible, your basic mods for free. But don't expect this or take this for granted.

14)DON'T BREAK THE EULA OR GO TO GOLD FARMERS. You'll be banned, and it's just a low thing to do. Don't buy stuff that isn't in the game like CoD skins or some such. In mist cases you'll be scammed and no one will help you.

15)ALWAYS KEEP SCREENSHOTS OF YOUR CHATS AND TRADING SCREENS ESPECIALLY IF YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETHING COULD GO WRONG. That way, if you do end up getting scammed you will have ample evidence to send to support, who will deal with the scumbag for you. Do this for big trades, always.


17)NEVER EVER BUY PRIME PARTS IN THE FIRST FEW MONTHS OF RELEASE. They will cost you an arm, a leg, and your firstborn's soul.


And finally, good luck to you all! 


Questions should be sent to my inbox, I'll be happy to answer any you have. 




Edited by Evanescent
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good guide for new traders... 

one other thought: when i started trading i used to trade gold cores for plat, 1 core for 1p... it was a small but steady source of income as i usually got gold mods when i was playing low level void missions.  also if you do key farming, you get gold cores.

oddly enough, there was always someone who was willing to give me 20 or 30 p for some gold cores

the downside is you can only do 5 cores per trade or 5p worth, so this eats a lot of trades, but it's free plat.

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You forgot to add that the first 50 plat is NOT trade-able.

I'm not sure if this pertains to the section, however, it may or maynot help.

Possibly try to get another person to help you sell something, or ask for a Price Check.

Edited by Magnulast
Can't believe I posted such....oh well.
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Great beginner's guide!

To add a small note : 

Pay close attention to what other people are selling their stuff at, and what's in demand, learn prices this way - even if you can't possibly afford/bother with those items at the moment. That way, after you made a bit of plat (100-200p), you can snag parts that are lowly priced and sell for higher! This does take practice but it'll net more profit than vault runs later on.

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