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A Few Inaros Changes


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I think he needs some scaling other than " blind and insta-kill with daggers (Covert Lethality) "

1# - Is fine as it is.

2# - Needs to be like Trinity's EV so it can easily devour targets ( no more 1 min devour )

  • Ignores Shield and Armor , deals X% of target's remaining health as finisher dmg ( percentages are affected by power strength)
  • Heal is based on Y% of Inaros or Allies' healths // or // Z% of damage dealt with Devour ( percentages are affected by power strength)
  • Sand Shadows will last for " 10 + enemy level " sec and not affected by how much time spend on devour
  • Sand Shadows retain the level and stats of their original selves but will gain 50 / 100 / 150 / 200% and 25 / 75  / 125  / 175% health.

3# - Needs more range? or maybe range increases each second spend in sandstorm?

  • Applies same effect of New Devour (2#) on enemies that caught in quicksands and creates Sand Shadows
  • Range increases by 1m each second spend in sandstorm , max 10 m
  • Activation cost reduced to 50 energy

4# - I love armor increase on health sacrifice but it's active seems has no effect sometimes (bug ?)

  • AoE cast like Oberon's Hollowed Ground instead of target based // or // Inaros releases scarab swarm around himself
  • Deals more Corrosive damage (200 / 300 / 400 / 500 damage instead of 100 / 150 / 175 / 200)

Passive - Works same with New Devour (2#) so he can heal himself easier than b4 and deal more damage to nearby targets ( affected by Provoked )

Feel free to share your opinions


  • Sand Shadows ( 2# ) will last for " 10 + enemy lvl " sec
  • Sand Shadows ( 2# ) retain the level and stats of their original selves but will gain 50 / 100 / 150 / 200% and 25 / 75  / 125  / 175% health.
  • Sandstorm ( 3# ) activation cost reduced to 50 energy



Edited by Aeon94
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1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:

2# - Needs to be like Trinity's EV so it can easily devour targets ( no more 1 min devour )

Yep, it's already a costly ability in terms of Energy (and danger of killstealing*),
no need for it to also have a big time investment at higher levels.

*BTW, on the topic of killstealing ...


1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:

Sand Shadows will last for 15 sec and not affected by how much time spend on devour

Eh, the 15 seconds is already the current minimum duration and ... that's just not enough,
I previously suggested the duration to scale with the enemy's level, e.g. (20 + enemy level) seconds.

Also, enemies raised by Shadows of the Dead gain damage and Health boosts,
if Sand Shadows are supposed to not just be decoys, they need something like that.

1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:

range increases each second spend in sandstorm

I like this, though I'd say the activation cost needs looking at first, 75 Energy, sheesh.

I still want better up / down camera control during it, BTW :P

1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:


Would it be wrong to have the offensive part simply use the Rest / Sleep Arrow targeting mechanic?
The current one ... TBH, I just don't quite understand how it works, heh.

I also think it needs (indeed better detection of when you want to cast it lol and)
more range on the spread, 5m unaffected by Mods ... wat.

Edited by NinjaZeku
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4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Eh, the 15 seconds is already the current minimum duration and ... that's just not enough,
I previously suggested the duration to scale with the enemy's level, e.g. (20 + enemy level) seconds.

Also, enemies raised by Shadows of the Dead gain damage and Health boosts,
if Sand Shadows are supposed to not just be decoys, they need something like that.

I also think it needs (indeed better detection of when you want to cast it lol and)
more range on the spread, 5m unaffected by Mods ... wat.

I just threw a number there, ofc duration can be increased if needed.

I must admit " 20 sec + enemy level " can be an awesome improvement for Sand Shadows

yea Sand Shadows needs damage and health boost

wonder if its a bug but sometimes ult doesn't affect enemies.

it needs better detection and more spread range ( 5m is nothing in our huge maps )

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