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LoR Seems to bring out a few bad peeps :(


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TBH if I join a LoR I expect all players to know what their doing unless their recruiting advertisement says otherwise , so if you are doing a raid for the first time put a "First time playing raid learning mechanics" or something like that. I'm willing to explain to new players but others probably have limited time or just doesn't want to so it's understandable. Basically if your going to go into a raid with no knowledge , advertise the raid as a "learning raid" or something like that.

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Wow, this thread kinda blew up- its 7AM so I'm a bit sleepy, hence I will not reply to the comments posted till now as I believe I won't be doing so in a way that would do justice to the attention this thread has received.

I did want to clarify one thing- both players A and B knew that the three of us hadn't raided before. 

Additionally- I wanted to ask- how do you define "endgame"? 

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14 minutes ago, CorerMaximus said:

Wow, this thread kinda blew up- its 7AM so I'm a bit sleepy, hence I will not reply to the comments posted till now as I believe I won't be doing so in a way that would do justice to the attention this thread has received.

I did want to clarify one thing- both players A and B knew that the three of us hadn't raided before. 

Additionally- I wanted to ask- how do you define "endgame"? 


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I must ask myself: Couldn't it be a consideration to introduce test raid keys then? We already are able to train for the MR missions, where we do the same as in the actual test but without reward.

It is to a certain degree understandable that people who invest their time and resources into raids want it to succeed and create profit. If we introduce an easier to access and less rewarding version there might would be a way for people who are new to raids to actually practice them, even with randoms, without having the certainty of being the team's greatest weakspot in mind.

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7 hours ago, PickleMonster21 said:

It's not laziness. It's learning by experience, which I did. If I was gonna learn by watching a video, I'd do something, maybe mess it up then be like "Hold up. Gotta re-watch this part of the video real quick". It's not laziness. It's learning by experience. Did you watch videos on how to do those new Phobos Sabotage missions? I didn't. And I learned through experience. So I mean...

What it is is joining a mission and not only being completely useless, but actually slowing down the run and getting in the way of everyone else. Phobos sabotage got nothing to do with lor where you go with 7 other ppl. Then you waste everyones time for example in big room with platforms because you "learn by experience" Aka. I didnt even bother to read about it or watch guide. In the end entire run takes 20 min longer than it should because of lazy guy like you, damn i wonder why it brings the worst in people.

If you join a raid without preparing in any way you join it to leech, therefore you got no right to complain.

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I want to share some stuff on this topic.
I did my first LoR as MR5. Had a good host so i could leech, however i met players mr 15 and so that are not able to do it or just never done it.
So few things on that i'm new to this stuff. The only easy way i know off is get a good team, friends or so test them on other maps. You need for LoR only good bless (99% with long durr) , decent ev, and mirage with normal max range (235 for cc) when u get that 3 supports the only roles are more cc/carry every scrub that has p flow on nova, loki, volt can carry. however power pads if you don't have the best ev are mandatory. So that's the hole setup thing.
I wanna point out some more things here. That dudes that are u talking about are either: Not lucky to play the role they got assigned, or are the "i'm mr21 kiddo with complex" that think game won't go on without them, or the last "i'm pro cuz i done 1 raid", or the last one that are not dangerous just sick of repeating one step because of some newbie. However do with People u done before or get Lots of keys, and a fine host that is "able to be leader" long into LoR and can you can bring some leeches.
At last there are some i'd call it tips/tricks:
1.st stage
Don't run while bat is armed, walking is the trick.
Don't drop the bat before all consoles are hacked, and injector vulnerable appears.
Don't stand on all 4 pads in first one or if you left behind take a mate and stay at the one closer to door then "roll"
Shoot bat to make it explode faster.
You can use chipers in normal raids.

Let an wauban, loki hack and run around doing cc/support
don't stand on random pads
when u step on one block with ur melee weapon and don't roll, jump, step from it.
next lvl>> there are buttons in each corner one person must hack them to make the symbol appear someone must step on it to move on.
tram part (my fav== i hate it the most) most failure happens there
ev or host drives or dude with most shields
look for current on railroad if tram gets close to it just step away from it it will stop AND not blow
GOLDEN RULE one driver!
other lf pads that are free, cc dudes or ev stop  hope for the best
don't leave pads until stage is " clear"
AND the most important thing FOR ME in all tilesets but the most in this DON'T blow the tram cuz u shining "rares" u can get them at last stage where no pads are just leave the tram if it has power.

3rd part.
ev/trin do their thing and lf pads. (pads are color coded often)
loki or other carry gets bomb follows host mark (usually clockwise) take the bat load it drop it inside one door
all is needed a fast skilled carry and cc spam, stop only if no bat in sight.
good trick here is Loki can disarm vay hek so u don't get shot like scrubs.
after u lightup all towers shoot vayhek = gg = ez arcane!

So that where the most tips i didn't knew as i started i will add some if i remember.
It's a good idea to watch a vid before doing something.

If someone has something to add or complain i'm open for it.\
These are my general thoughts form personal exp, and not the perfect way for LoR but the most easy i know off.

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17 minutes ago, DJ_Vauban said:


Most of the time, those players who prefer to yell at other players during raids, are those players who only do them literally for only the reward (duh .w.)

What I mean is, if they are used to doing a raid in like...I dunno, 15 minutes and then they suddenly notice that a few of them have absolutely no clue what to do, they get rather pissed, simply because they can't just speed through it. The fact that they KNOW you can do it extremely fast just makes it even worse for them.

In their eyes: Unexperienced player = A waste of time = less time to farm whatever and possibly less plat to earn through trading.

These players are also one reason why I still haven't done the second raid yet, because I simply don't feel like having to listen to their bullS#&amp;&#036;. <w<

The Jordas raid really isn't all that bad. You will need decently tough archwings or at the very least 2-3 people with tough archwings willing to play space soccer.

(Yup you melee a giant rock into places)

Its easier with 8 people who all have injectors and the only tricky part is figuring out how to get to each nerve at the last part. Usually most squads breeze through part 1 and scrape by part 2. Part three is 25% space soccer and 75% trying to figure out the labyrinth which is infested anatomy. I like it better then LoR personally.


Also... I only do raids for the rewards but you get a higher success rate if you explain it to everyone and everyone knows what they are doing. I don't understand the angry snobs when it takes less time to run the raid with newbies and explain it to them. You run a raid once with newbies and if you beat it they will wanna run it again and again. Soon you get an experienced squad that knows exactly what to do and can easily teach others if there's room. 

( I've made a lot of platinum by selling arcanes. Enough plat to buy the trinity deluxe skin and the destreza bundles ;3)

And I have run the raid successfully with like 20 different people and 3 different groups.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

The Jordas raid really isn't all that bad. You will need decently tough archwings or at the very least 2-3 people with tough archwings willing to play space soccer.

(Yup you melee a giant rock into places)

Its easier with 8 people who all have injectors and the only tricky part is figuring out how to get to each nerve at the last part. Usually most squads breeze through part 1 and scrape by part 2. Part three is 25% space soccer and 75% trying to figure out the labyrinth which is infested anatomy. I like it better then LoR personally.


Also... I only do raids for the rewards but you get a higher success rate if you explain it to everyone and everyone knows what they are doing. I don't understand the angry snobs when it takes less time to run the raid with newbies and explain it to them. You run a raid once with newbies and if you beat it they will wanna run it again and again. Soon you get an experienced squad that knows exactly what to do and can easily teach others if there's room. 

( I've made a lot of platinum by selling arcanes. Enough plat to buy the trinity deluxe skin and the destreza bundles ;3)

And I have run the raid successfully with like 20 different people and 3 different groups.

JV is accidentally easy too, 1-2 person can leech. you need to do so to be able to make injector. Just do as in any raid follow the leader.
I did my first successfully like an lvl9 itizal no videos watched, went for nekros.
Good spore driver is needed and an awesome bless, cuz u get dropped from traveling inside if you don't get shields.
To put it simple host that's not a idiot, and good at leading can have one two slave leeches :D

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7 hours ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

The thing is people want to succeed in doing the trial and if you waste their time by messing up again and again, and you haven’t put any effort in learning how to do a trial, it would be your fault for not doing enough research. 

So much this.

OTOH, the JV raid is super confusing; I've done it a number of times and still have only the vaguest idea of what to do in the third part.

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This thread is bringing out some great examples of bad players. People are quick to call new players lazy for not watching some video beforehand. Here is some news for you: Those videos don't teach you anything. Oh btw, you want lazy? Look in the mirror. Too lazy to take 1 minute of you precious time to explain something. That is lazy. Elitist jerks everywhere. To OP, shake it off and move on. There I no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed for not knowing how to do something. Those players are just toxic and have no place in WF.

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7 hours ago, Neressus said:

I support this thread is very good. Experienced players have responsibilities to guide new players in a good manner. It is efficient to talk politely so new players could clearly get the idea and avoid frustration. 

Why should i have responsibilty over someones lazyness.. (I) we are players too just like the new ones and we(I) are NOT babysitters. Most of the peoples do Raids for Arcane Enchantments and most of the time they don't want to spend 2 hours with it when it can be done in 30 min.

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2 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

This thread is bringing out some great examples of bad players. People are quick to call new players lazy for not watching some video beforehand. Here is some news for you: Those videos don't teach you anything. Oh btw, you want lazy? Look in the mirror. Too lazy to take 1 minute of you precious time to explain something. That is lazy. Elitist jerks everywhere. To OP, shake it off and move on. There I no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed for not knowing how to do something. Those players are just toxic and have no place in WF.

So a guy who does nothing toward the same goal as others and wait for some random guy tell him the ropes (not even a friend) is not lazy? And they don't have a place in WF. Thats just WOW. xD

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Let me state this clearly,

If you bash on a player asking 'What to do' then you are at fault, if you help that player and he ignores the help, jeopardizing the mission, then it is his fault. If he makes a simple, common, mistake and then you call him a huge failure and bash him then you are at fault. If he doesn't look at the guides first but asks you for help and you bash him then you are both at fault. If he looks at the guides, still is extremely confused, and you bash him then you are at fault. 

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1 minute ago, ChronoEclipse said:

So much this.

OTOH, the JV raid is super confusing; I've done it a number of times and still have only the vaguest idea of what to do in the third part.

JV maps are sup confusing when you bad at AW driving like me.
i think you mean the decode part.
All is simple just get batts inserted to the vapozor thing or what's called, you expand the bubble and so something progresses in the game. that's all u need to know when done only few times. Jv is all about, all is dead we need to make some artificial air atmosphere so we can do stuffs. Just get injector, nekros and feed the bubbles :D
Nothing can go wrong :D

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Just now, Askell91 said:

So a guy who does nothing toward the same goal as others and wait for some random guy tell him the ropes (not even a friend) is not lazy? And they don't have a place in WF. Thats just WOW. xD

If someone is new to something, then it is common courteousy to show them how to do it. That is with everything. And toxic players have absolutely no place in WF. I don't care if you agree or not. 

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Just now, Eminem2420 said:

If someone is new to something, then it is common courteousy to show them how to do it. That is with everything. And toxic players have absolutely no place in WF. I don't care if you agree or not. 

Well obviously helping others is a nice thing BUT there is a limit to everything. Yes toxic players are not needed in WF but players who simpli doesen't want to help others and spend on themself that little time they have to play are not toxic. (i can't care less what you think either)

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8 hours ago, CorerMaximus said:

So I wanted to share and possibly discuss my recent and second (first successful) attempt at the Law Of Retribution with the core idea that LoR seems to be from my limited experience bring out the worst in the older players when dealing with players new to the mission type.

I was playing with a group of seven players, and lets focus on players A and B. Player A constantly put down three new players including me and at the last step of the second mission (last dot had to turn blue), stepped off, yelled obscene curses, and quit the game. He was also our energy trinity, which from what I understood, made the last mission very difficult. All in all, this player A put us in a tough spot (I believe the internet word applicable is trolling) and if that wasn't enough, persistently intimidated us by behaving in a superceeding manner as though the three of us were amateurs by stating we had two more shots at this until he stopped wasting his time and so on (and he ironically sabotaged us at the end)

Player B on the other hand wasn't that bad, but failed to explain anything- he simply said- do this or do that, but didn't guide as to why do we do a certain action (like step on a particular button at a particular time) and this put us in a position where we didn't learn anything about LoR as to help other players if we decided to go at it again, but also put us in a position where we couldn't discuss anything and were mechanically operated as in do this, now do that, while also being a bit humiliating as he would shout at us in all caps locks if someone decided to jump; it was a closed box where no one seemed to take up for a newer player if they made a mistake and they are at the whims of the people who've played it before, who from my experience, may be rude elitists.

I do acknowledge that we, the new players are perhaps in part to blame as well, as we should have done a bit of research before jumping into this mission, but I don't believe either party should shoulder this responsibility wholly. At the end of the mission, I was left feeling humiliated along with a strange feeling of emptiness and void, which I just wanted to share somewhere, and I believe the forums may be an apt place to share this. 

I personally wish that players new were given a bit more information as to what to do before the mission as to behave independently, I believe this may improve things a lot and make the overall environment of the LoR a bit more friendly. If possible, kindly share your thoughts on this, and if convenient, your first attempt at the LoR as well, I'm curious to hear about others first go at this.



You know why? Because either player A or B said "Hosting LoR EXPERIENCED ONLY" and had a whole bunch of liars hit him up. Lol, i understand their pain.

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5 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

This thread is bringing out some great examples of bad players. People are quick to call new players lazy for not watching some video beforehand. Here is some news for you: Those videos don't teach you anything. Oh btw, you want lazy? Look in the mirror. Too lazy to take 1 minute of you precious time to explain something. That is lazy. Elitist jerks everywhere. To OP, shake it off and move on. There I no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed for not knowing how to do something. Those players are just toxic and have no place in WF.

Vids are good for the "idea what's going on" but not for the actual mission. Better watch some stream, there are some hidden stuffs going always on.
I tho i got it after 5 raids or so, but only dudes that done many know every trick and stuffs to do it onetake without an hitch.

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2 minutes ago, Forsaken. said:

Vids are good for the "idea what's going on" but not for the actual mission. Better watch some stream, there are some hidden stuffs going always on.
I tho i got it after 5 raids or so, but only dudes that done many know every trick and stuffs to do it onetake without an hitch.

I really don't want to watch a 'Stream' of someone doing the mission, I would rather hop in head-first like an idiot.

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Just now, Askell91 said:

Well obviously helping others is a nice thing BUT there is a limit to everything. Yes toxic players are not needed in WF but players who simpli doesen't want to help others and spend on themself that little time they have to play are not toxic. (i can't care less what you think either)

You don't care about what i think? Good for you, it doesn't matter. And did i say hold their hand through everything? No. Simply showing them what to do isn't hard. It takes less than a minute. Don't call someone lazy if you are behaving lazy yourself. Simple. (I am not referring to you specifically)

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There is no time in a LOR run to explain all of the stuff. You should watch some Youtube videos at least before even thinking about going on a LOR. I aborted many raids because we couldn't pass the 2nd stage because there were people who constantly jumped off the buttons.

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46 minutes ago, DJ_Vauban said:


Most of the time, those players who prefer to yell at other players during raids, are those players who only do them literally for only the reward (duh .w.)

huh.... (most) people do raids for the rewards! What online gaming world do you live in?

If you are truly doing it just for the fun of it, why not bring in the new players and teach them and let the people who want the reward get people who know what they are doing and are doing it for the reward.



I mean lol... posts like this....


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1 minute ago, Eminem2420 said:

You don't care about what i think? Good for you, it doesn't matter. And did i say hold their hand through everything? No. Simply showing them what to do isn't hard. It takes less than a minute. Don't call someone lazy if you are behaving lazy yourself. Simple. (I am not referring to you specifically)

Well raids are not as simple as for example a sabotage mission where you can explain everything in two words.. if you want to do that fine its up to you, but don't call others who refuse to agree with you toxic and put them in a place of "don't belong into WF".

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2 minutes ago, Basdiow said:

I really don't want to watch a 'Stream' of someone doing the mission, I would rather hop in head-first like an idiot.

Same here but i gota be a slave leeach and ask questions/ be willing to learn when you have the time to do so.


9 minutes ago, Basdiow said:

Let me state this clearly,

If you bash on a player asking 'What to do' then you are at fault, if you help that player and he ignores the help, jeopardizing the mission, then it is his fault. If he makes a simple, common, mistake and then you call him a huge failure and bash him then you are at fault. If he doesn't look at the guides first but asks you for help and you bash him then you are both at fault. If he looks at the guides, still is extremely confused, and you bash him then you are at fault. 

These ppl i hate most. I just give i time limit let's say 5 min if they can listen, then i pm host get my key ready and just leave it.
There IS NOTHING WORSE THEN a MLG leech with 2 prime frames, that even doesn't want to listen just ignores and does his thing.

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