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What i think could happen if status went over 100%?


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This is a revised version on my ideas for what elemental status would do over 100% Is this necessary? Maybe not, it's just for fun. (also, if anyone else created posts on mobile devices and knows how to create hidden content, please let me know, would reduce massive wall of text)

The original ideas downfall is that it created an epically high amount of combinations (4 primary elements × 6 secondary elements for starters, which would only increase with primary×secondary and while I have no idea how that affects the game developers, it was brought up to me that the current nodding system would render this very unpredictable

 My original idea. Tertiary effects. Ex :Secondary elements example: 

Corrosive-radiation=radioactive waste

Blast-radiation= nuclear explosions

Magnetic-blast=black hole implosion

Secondary/primary example:

Blast-fire= napalm explosion

Magnetic-ice=data damage


At over 100%, status would gain tertiary effects that would have a chance to proc on an enemy or enemies already affected by the initial status

One suggested idea: object trailing

(from Narvachus)

over 100 percent, elements (primary and secondary) retain normal effects, but gain splash damage, coating areas of the map. (in relation to my original idea, this provides an answer as to what would have in a weapon only had a primary element equipped. But as a suggestion by itself is pretty solid. 

New idea: Object trailing/tertiary effects

The mechanic for what would happen over 100%, is that a weapon already over 100% constantly has a chance to proc the expanded effect, a weapon under 100 percent would have to build up to this, status has a counter like crit damage, but to reduce the amount of numbers running over your screen, could just be a visual effect on your weapon, and all status would stack (for the counter, increasing status chance, not damage) when reapplied to same enemy. 

Primary elements "splash" onto the map, effecting nearby enemies and remaing on the ground and walls for the duration of the counter. The odd ball of the group is electricity, which may just benefit from what I am about to propse for some Secondary elements. It would chain to nearby enemies, and remain on the map, in weak arcs of lightning that zap between enemies and the environment (but does not just splash onto the surronding environment as other three elements) several secondary elements may need something different from just splashing as well

In reality, object trailing (as it was dubbed) could work for the whole idea, but new mechanics might need to be implemented either way, simply applying splash damage to some secondary elements would probably not be the answer, having them remain on the map would be difficult/possibly quite broken for some elements. For example, magnetic damage remaining on the map could cause enemies to become temporarily stuck to the floor/wall/etc or just have it normal effect, but blast being an effect remaining on the map for any prolonged period of time would probably just also stun lock enemies like the steel meridian blast, or completely disintegrate and rag doll enemies continuously until the counter ended. 

Blast damage: upon proccing at over 100%, deals shrapnel damage to nearby enemies (suggested idea) 

Corrosive gains from splash damage (literally like throwing a bucket of battery acid at your enemies)

Magnetic gains from splash damage (rooting enemies to the floor). Magnetic can cause accuracy loss now. (screen scramble on enemies, as it should have always been)

Radiation : Radiation might not see real benefit from splash (maybe, but then "Oberon does it better" would be a thing, and that's a sentence i do not ever expect to say about anything dealing with oberon, tho I'd like to) so....ideas? I'm thinking fallout ghoul...

Viral : my idea, this becomes a real contagion, the proc causes enemies near death (as viral cannot take health past 1 percent) to become feeble. Viral doing splash damage is fine, but only to effect multiple enemies with lighter damage then the first, so it works like gas over 100% why, because it's already pretty awesome.

Gas : at over 100 percent, gas clouds are larger, and roll forward from point of impact. ignis would look like a fog machine...of death. Enemies suffering health damage from gas at over 100 percent can become "stunned"(they would be coughing, but with the In game enemy mechanics available, they would probably just show as being stunned)

These effects cannot be caused or spread by syndicate discharges. 

Effects can be caused by warframes

This has a combo counter similar to critical chance counter, but may just be a visual effect to reduce amount of numbers on screen.

More to come

The mechanics of how elements work could stand to be redone, this was just my fun idea. Weapons that come with Secondary elements already built in give you the ability to use the elements separately (acrid, embolist, stug, angstrum, etc) such as using corrosive and then poison, the draw back being in order to build on the original element, you have to use the two element mods. But weapons with primary elements or no elements seem to restrict this, as adding poison and electricity to an electric based weapon only adds to corrosive, it cant be separately corrosive and electricity/poison. Adding more control over what elements do and why on a weapon would be a nice change.

There will be more edits

A nice addition to the game would be dual element mods(secondary) dropping from nightmare missons or something. They would proc at 45% or so fully maxed. This was an idea I saw somewhere, not mine

And a mod called Lancer in a post somewhere around here in the forums

More idea
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

So, basically, I guess this would be better here? I'm not going to lie, I was dissapointed, I got a lot of veiws in the general feedback section but no comments, not even anything on if it was a bad idea, so I'm just kind of wondering, what do you guys think? It's just copied and pasted.

Disclaimer (joke): I would say not to take this too seriously, but then that would mean this post was in the wrong place, as I believe feedback should always be taken seriously. There will be no math. I am just loosely throwing ideas out, but the math part is not something I will even attempt, so feel free to pick it apart as much as you like. Is this necessary? Maybe not, it's just for fun.

Secondary elements example: 

Corrosive-radiation=radioactive waste

Blast-radiation= nuclear explosions

Magnetic-blast=black hole implosion

Secondary/primary example:

Blast-fire= napalm explosion 

Magnetic-ice=data damage (something like infamous second son) 

Gas-electricity=pesticide (maybe even better against light infested?)

At over 100%, status effects gain tertiary effects, possibly in order of the elemental mods on the weapon. Examples. A weapon with corrosive damage and radiation and 104 % status chance would proc for radioactive waste on a target effected by one or both of the original elements at what ever the percent over 100. 4% seems really low, but it's just an example, maybe each attack on an enemy effected by the status increases the chance, so during the duration of the radiation proc or corrosive proc, you start out at 4%, and build up. 

Many mechanics of how elements work could stand to be redone, this was just my fun idea. Weapons that come with Secondary elements already built in give you the ability to use the elements separately (acrid, embolist, stug, angstrum, etc) such as using corrosive and then poison, the draw back being in order to build on the original element, you have to use the two element mods. But weapons with primary elements or no elements seem to restrict this, as adding poison and electricity to an electric based weapon only adds to corrosive, it cant be separately corrosive and electricity/poison. Adding more control over what elements do and why on a weapon would be a nice change.

There will be more edits

A nice addition to the game would be dual element mods(secondary) dropping from nightmare missons or something. They would proc at 45% or so fully maxed. This was an idea I saw somewhere, not mine

It brings up a interesting dynamic

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nuclear explosions... lol wouldnt that destroy the entire map ?

since you got no feedback ill offer some, the idea is novel - basically if you go over 100% you get an expanded status effect, its a good idea and sounds fun

only problem is DE might be reluctant to invested the resources to develop them because not many weapons go over 100% (even with a special status mod because some weapons perform best with straight dmg + crit dmg) so the return on the work would not be cost efficient, let alone balancing issues or performance issues 

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Thanks tennorod, and HAYABU5A. I think I need to work on the idea some more, I have been thinking of this for a while, but for me, elemental damage is really fun to play around with in Warframe. 

I heard in the pc udate they received 4 mods, one of which helps to reach over 100 status chance, but it's not liked or used very well because there is no incentive to go that high (just what I heard pc tenno talking about) and the dual element mods would help as well to reach that higher status chance. 

Also, my idea of the nuclear explosion example was a fast expanding bubble about the size and consistency of the red magnetic bubbles on infested hive missions. Not the whole map, lol :D 

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18 minutes ago, Sargeant_Q said:

You can't get over 100%.  I have a shotgun that would if it was possible.  And i don't want this.  I have a dual status build on said shotgun and this would destroy it.

This is a concept for what could be implemented for statuses over 100%

Also it's not a very good idea. I DO think that over 100% status should be a thing, but I don't think that new mechanics are the answer.

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35 minutes ago, Sargeant_Q said:

You can't get over 100%.  I have a shotgun that would if it was possible.  And i don't want this.  I have a dual status build on said shotgun and this would destroy it.

I would like to know why you feel the third effect is unwanted and would destroy the shotgun, if that's ok. Is it because it would cancel out the second(not what I had in mind) or add an unwanted animation/utility effect/ damage? I am not downing what you said, I just wasn't thinking along those lines, the way I was thinking about it was "if a player is going out of their way to reach over 100%, they probably want the tertiary effects", but there are indeed weapon builds that would be messed up, like your shotgun. Right now, the only way to choose what status effects you can use and in what order is to arrange the mods in a certain way from top left to bottom right. Really all mods use this, but I feel this limits elements in general. Some elements can never be used together unless the weapon already has a dual element equipped....so, even though I would like my concept to be a thing, being able to have more complete control over what elements I can use with which each other and in what order would just be nice.

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18 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

This is a concept for what could be implemented for statuses over 100%

Also it's not a very good idea. I DO think that over 100% status should be a thing, but I don't think that new mechanics are the answer.

It would be an insane amount of new combinations for the elements and factoring all of that into everything else in game would be quite a task...So I understand it's not a likely to happen, but something over 100% would be nice

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Just now, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

It would be an insane amount of new combinations for the elements and factoring all of that into everything else in game would be quite a task...So I understand it's not a likely to happen, but something over 100% would be nice

I'd settle for multiple guaranteed procs.

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On 25/03/2016 at 2:49 AM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Secondary elements example: 

Corrosive-radiation=radioactive waste

Blast-radiation= nuclear explosions

Magnetic-blast=black hole implosion

Secondary/primary example:

Blast-fire= napalm explosion 

Magnetic-ice=data damage (something like infamous second son) 

Gas-electricity=pesticide (maybe even better against light infested?)

At over 100%, status effects gain tertiary effects, possibly in order of the elemental mods on the weapon. Examples. A weapon with corrosive damage and radiation and 104 % status chance would proc for radioactive waste on a target effected by one or both of the original elements at what ever the percent over 100. 4% seems really low, but it's just an example, maybe each attack on an enemy effected by the status increases the chance, so during the duration of the radiation proc or corrosive proc, you start out at 4%, and build up. 

I think this would improve on your idea I like your idea but each effect you suggested is too different & unpredictable.
This isn't a clean idea but it it's a bit cleaner.
Reaching 100% and above could just leave a physical elemental object trailing where you strike and hit with 100%.
So 120% status chance using Heat element has 20% chance on hit to spill fire onto walls & floor when your attack connects with an entity that takes damage.
Imagine where blood would be, there's now blood & an element.

  • Heat spills fire onto the environment when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be ignited whose damage refreshes as long as they're in the fire but won't panic until standing in a new fire if they have been put out.
  • Cold causes shards of ice to shatter from the weapon and where they land icy trails spawn when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be frozen and chilled once they thaw, same principle as head.
  • Toxin for toxic liquid to be scattered when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be inflicted with a stack of poison for each second in it or each time they pass a new toxin stain.
  • Electricity will spill sparks & make small charged fog over the environment it lands on when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be zapped and the lightning chains to other enemies zapping them too. They won't be zapped & stunned anew until the electricity passes from their body.

Combined elements like Radiation & Magnetic will be similar visually BUT they'll only spread by landing on nearby enemies. Not as effective & not as visually appealing as staining the walls with poison but these effects are pretty powerful.
Blast for example causes a small explosion & shrapnel from the strike if landing on another enemy will ragdoll them too.

This change wouldn't just made statuses more fun to use & more useful. It would make small weapons viable again. Right now the bigger weapon the better because you're affecting as many enemies you can with damage & statuses. With the ability to cover your elements onto the environment and enemies this makes things like daggers & glaives more acceptable.
Let me know if you think Windmileyno.

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45 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

I think this would improve on your idea I like your idea but each effect you suggested is too different & unpredictable.
This isn't a clean idea but it it's a bit cleaner.
Reaching 100% and above could just leave a physical elemental object trailing where you strike and hit with 100%.
So 120% status chance using Heat element has 20% chance on hit to spill fire onto walls & floor when your attack connects with an entity that takes damage.
Imagine where blood would be, there's now blood & an element.

  • Heat spills fire onto the environment when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be ignited whose damage refreshes as long as they're in the fire but won't panic until standing in a new fire if they have been put out.
  • Cold causes shards of ice to shatter from the weapon and where they land icy trails spawn when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be frozen and chilled once they thaw, same principle as head.
  • Toxin for toxic liquid to be scattered when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be inflicted with a stack of poison for each second in it or each time they pass a new toxin stain.
  • Electricity will spill sparks & make small charged fog over the environment it lands on when striking, enemies passing it has 100% to be zapped and the lightning chains to other enemies zapping them too. They won't be zapped & stunned anew until the electricity passes from their body.

Combined elements like Radiation & Magnetic will be similar visually BUT they'll only spread by landing on nearby enemies. Not as effective & not as visually appealing as staining the walls with poison but these effects are pretty powerful.
Blast for example causes a small explosion & shrapnel from the strike if landing on another enemy will ragdoll them too.

This change wouldn't just made statuses more fun to use & more useful. It would make small weapons viable again. Right now the bigger weapon the better because you're affecting as many enemies you can with damage & statuses. With the ability to cover your elements onto the environment and enemies this makes things like daggers & glaives more acceptable.
Let me know if you think Windmileyno.

This is great, it leaves a lot of questions, but I think its a better fix. My idea has a lot of complicated combinations, that as you said wouldn't be as predictable especially as I was hoping they would also implement a way to better control what elements can be used together, getting rid of restrictions. 

I think I see one other possible problem with my post, I was trying to convey the idea that the third effect would not proc unless you were hitting a target already effected by a dual element or primary element(but at least three primary elements had to be in effect)...meaning if someone had only a primary element, they wouldn't see the expanded effect...

As some point today I will find the time to edit the post, but one thing for sure is that I would like status to have an effect that equals critical damage when going over 100%. But as there are not many weapons that can go that high, And not many mods, a lot of changes would have to happen. Object trailing sounds good.

I'm also thinking on channeling and it's mechanics


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I'm happy with how it is now.  I get at least one guaranteed proc.  Usually 2 or 3.   I have Radiation, Viral and Impact all at about the same amount of damage on it,  And i don't have to worry about anything at all.  I have taken it into elemental enhancement t3 sorties and still killed things faster than with my crit build Lex Prime.

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Love the ideas

Would be nice if over the 100% rate, there would be a slight chance to deal an escalated elemental proc.
Like freezing the enemy entirely with the ice elemental, instead of just slowing down, or charring/melting the enemies with the fire elemental.

Although, as much as i love a new elemental combo, i think it would be a bit too complex for new players to understand, plus it would mean that enemies would have to have their resistances modified and thus further complicating build making.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/28/2016 at 11:11 AM, Sargeant_Q said:

I'm happy with how it is now.  I get at least one guaranteed proc.  Usually 2 or 3.   I have Radiation, Viral and Impact all at about the same amount of damage on it,  And i don't have to worry about anything at all.  I have taken it into elemental enhancement t3 sorties and still killed things faster than with my crit build Lex Prime.

This is the shot gun build you were referring to correct? Possibly the hek? Sounds like a great build. I would be upset if I had a weapon built with a specific purpose in mind and it was ruined by a new mechanic(not that that hasn't happened before...) but I was purely intending for the extra effects to be only additive, taking nothing away, although I won't deny anything messing with something I built for a specific purpose seems wrong and unfair. What were the big turn offs to you for elements getting expanded effects?

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