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Valha's Fan Doodles. Update 11/4/'13 Super Sketchy Hawkframe


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It would be nice, but I don't expect any of my designs to make it into the game. Have you seen how many fanframes there are? They would need like 100 more character artists, programmers, and such to do even a third of them. And if they did add any fanframes you'd also inspire tons more people to start drawing them and then whining that it isn't in the game yet.

Best to just leave it to fan art. Thanks for the exitement though!

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You could argue that they take in the suggestions from different fanframes and use them into the new frames. I mean, Vauban certainly had some inspiration drawn from forum suggestions. 


What I would wish for, though, is for DE to actually note which ideas they like, but I see reasons for why not do that though.

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Although I voted for the Anti-matter frame, I didn't hate the idea of Necro (It was my third choice after Berserker) so I was thinking about what could have been. Here's what I would do.



Health: great

Armor: low

Shields: low

Speed: good

Energy: good

Sepulchre is designed to terrify and demoralize opponents, and uses nanotechnology, stores of specially treated calcium and plasma holograms to attack their foes.

1. Bone shards: Sepulchre flings a shotgun like blast of hardened calcium fragments. It doesn't have damage drop like normal shotguns.

2. Vampiric aura: Sepulchre releases a cloud of flesh eating nanites. Any enemy entering their vicinity will slowly lose it’s life and grant it to Sepulchre.

3. Skeletal Servant: Using their on-board nanite factory and calcium stores, Sepulchre creates a small bony creature that attacks their enemies. Basically a decoy that deals damage.

4. Wraith storm: Sepulchre releases a large number of ghostly plasma holgrams that home in on their enemies. Each does massive damage but can only attack once before dissolving.

Edit: Rear view


slenderman, is that you?

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I have to admit that Slenderman was a major inspiration for that design.


I have to admit I quite like this design of yours.


It's like Saryns more respectable elder sibbling, who knows better than to wear high heels to a firefight <_< 

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It's our ol' Uncle Hek! Why don't you give him a hug?


Inspired by a boss revamp thread here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/85491-suggestions-for-upcoming-boss-revamps/

Gaia Warframe


Health: good

Armor: great

Shields: good

Speed: low

Energy: good

Gaia frames where never intended for front line combat, instead they where designed to terraform temporary bases on uninhabitable planetoids. Unfortunately with the war against the Grineer and Warframes in such high demand, the Gaia have been modified to function as a warrior's armour.

1. Deluge: with enough force behind it water can reform the landscape and even cut steel. Gaia's sprays a short range waterjet from her hand that deals heavy damage and knocks enemies away.

2. Atmosphere: Gaia creates a powerful wirlwind that captures enemies and carries them away until it disperses.

3. Algal Bloom: Gaia releases a huge amount of genetically modified algae. Any enemy within the area is slowed and have their armour reduced. Any Warframes within the algae gain regeneration.

4. Falling Stars: To create sometimes you must first destroy. Gaia can open a rift to the Outer Terminus, calling forth the numerous rocks and icy balls found at the edge of the system. For several seconds micro-meteors pour through, pelting the enemies of the Tenno with a mixture of impact, fire and ice damage. At the end of the duration a massive chunk of ice and rock comes through devastating anything left.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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