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Fusion Core Pack


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No it's not the same thing.


You can purchase mod packs to level up mods without actually playing the game.  It is the same thing, just at a different exp rate.


That can easily be compensated for by making the fusion core packs more expensive than the mod packs.

Edited by RyojinOrion
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No it's not the same thing. One fusion core can give you more exp than entire mod pack.

Of course if they do release the pack, it should be balanced most likely like 4 commons and 1 uncommon or chance of rare.

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Of course if they do release the pack, it should be balanced most likely like 4 commons and 1 uncommon or chance of rare.


That one U5 core will give you more exp than entire mod pack. Even if you can buy just that, it wold not change what I said.

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Of course if they do release the pack, it should be balanced most likely like 4 commons and 1 uncommon or chance of rare.

Which I would gladly pay $2-5 when I finally get a rare mod like Split Chamber or Master Thief and want to level it up immediately but don't have enough cores.


You still have to play the game (or buy mod packs, which the counter-argument doesn't have a problem with) to get the Mods your going to use fusion on. And then what? Brag about it in chat? No, people will buy the Fusion Core pack, level the mod, then start using their new more powerful gun/warframe. Then they'll probably level another gun or warframe using the same Mod.


The Fusion Cores will have a limited market. Most players won't buy anything other than Potatoes and Slots. And the ones that don't mind spending money on things you don't have to, well there's only so many mods that actually need fusion cores to level. 

Redireciton, Serration, and Rare mods like Thunderbolt and Split Chamber.


Stretch or Continuity may be rare, but its not rare enough for me to go spend money to instant lvl them.

Edited by aucran
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Well, while it could be argued that this idea is rather close to pay to win, it could also be said that any money heading to the dev team could improve the game for everyone.


Or get DESteve that cherry red Porsche he's been hankering for.

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As long as you're paying more for the increased boost, what's the problem with that?


I mean if you wanna pay $300 to level serration few levels. Knock yourself out.


If you make it few cores, it's not worth the money, if you make it higher EXP cores then you remove the part that you have to play for it.

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Not sure about buying mods for Credits.


I mean, I personally would love the idea because it wouldn't cost me money and I have tons of credits...but I don't think its likely. DE's gotta eat and all.



But I do really hope they plan to add some kind of dump for credits.

Perhaps lets us gamble a Rare Core we don't need/want with 100,000 credits to have a chance of turning it into another Rare or Uncommon Core.


This way you still have to play to earn credits, but you have a second chance to get something for your time.


But maybe I should make another topic for that...

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I mean if you wanna pay $300 to level serration few levels. Knock yourself out.


Exactly. If you want to pay the price for the convenience, why shouldn't you be able to? If it isn't worth it to you, then just don't buy it. But just because it isn't worth it to you doesn't mean it isn't worth it to other people.



If you make it few cores, it's not worth the money,


That's why you (Well, the devs) have to properly balance the rewards and cost.



 if you make it higher EXP cores then you remove the part that you have to play for it.


No different than the other mod packs, where you can get mods or fully level up a mod without actually playing.

Edited by RyojinOrion
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Exactly. If you want to pay the price for the convenience, why shouldn't you be able to? If it isn't worth it to you, then just don't buy it. But just because it isn't worth it to you doesn't mean it isn't worth it to other people.




That's why you (Well, the devs) have to properly balance the rewards and cost.




No different than the other mod packs, where you can get mods or fully level up a mod without actually playing.



The main argument is, that this game does not need more pay to avoid playing concepts. There is plenty as there is.

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The main argument is, that this game does not need more pay to avoid playing concepts. There is plenty as there is.



I can understand thinking that... But it wouldn't hurt anything to add this in. The people who pay to circumvent farming are gonna pay either way, and the people who farm instead of pay will farm either way. On the plus side, it is another way for DE to gain more income, which would help them improve the game even more because no pay = no work.


Is it necessary, though? No, not by a long shot.

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Do you think DE should release a fusion core pack that has at least a rare fusion or an uncommon+?


In a word? No.

While it most certainly will be a golden well of money for DE, its implications upon retention and player progress will be profound and counter productive to the game and the gameplay.

In the same weight, they might as well sell temporarily-active super-items or cheat codes.

Best Regards,

Edited by OriKlein
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