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New Contest: A Full Warframe House


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I really wish I had my computer still and my PSP so I could make some cards to enter. Sadly, neither are things I can do.

However, I want to say that there are a ton of excellent submissions in here, and I love the creativity of this community when they put their minds to it. There are at least a couple of submissions that I really want a playing card deck made from now.

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these are my ideas . i have used official art models , so i don't think it is forbidden xCPW5FcWqkdAePGApLD2uqkdBw0Z8XDu1OqkdD9E6tDuVfnqkdEG ...... these links are not working ... maybe like this it may be easier 





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On 2016-04-01 at 1:52 PM, Yurimagination said:

If someone were to make a complete deck of cards Involving the Tenno, Corpus, Grineer, and Infested that would be amazing.

Challenge accepted.

... Though it may not be done in time to be entered in this contest.

EDIT: Darn it, Alph4Cent4uri and Chaotea beat me to it... I'm still making my own. Eventually.

Edited by AnimatedDizastR
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