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1 minute ago, (PS4)KikoEschobar said:

People have been getting offended about everything for millennia. That doesn't make their cases invalid.

P.S. Who is Anita BTW?

But only recently, being offended will get you free stuff. Go to game forums, complain about sexualizing women, wath gamedevs change historically canon portrayal of Shiva, into something that pleases feminazis. (Smite's shiva-gate)

Anite Sercasian, Dr. Mengele and Hitler in one person of feminism/feminazism.

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4 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

I think this thread has given what it was worth. It already degenerated into a fight too nervous to be productive-- though one side is being more fallacious than the other, both are to blame. me included. Im going to contact a mod to lock this, if you are ok with it.


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Just now, tnccs215 said:

I think this thread has given what it was worth. It already degenerated into a fight too nervous to be productive-- though one side is being more fallacious than the other, both are to blame. me included. Im going to contact a mod to lock this, if you are ok with it.

Agreed. As fun as they are, internet discussions are counter-productive.

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I think this whole thread is weird. It is only game, why you have be mad? I personally like the appearance of every frame and every skin the way they are for different reasons. The original Banshee can look bada**, but I think the new Banshee skin looks absolutely fantastic and my kudos to the art and design teams. And the biggest thing is: IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T GET IT.

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3 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Anitta Sarkersian. The woman from Feminist Frequency. Also a major target of gamergate.

Again, gamergate. You have no idea what it was about, until feminazis such as her turned it all upside down, do you?

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4 minutes ago, VectorWolf said:


Anite Sercasian, Dr. Mengele and Hitler in one person of feminism/feminazism.

Woah. You can't really be confident in that sentence, can you? Even ignoring my own opinion on Anita, wow. 

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1 minute ago, Brahki said:

Woah. You can't really be confident in that sentence, can you? Even ignoring my own opinion on Anita, wow. 

Please, I beg you, OP, the person you quoted and whoever reads that thread - do not do this here. No matter what is the stance, this is how you get people mad.

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13 minutes ago, VectorWolf said:

Yes, a male complaining that society forces him into some image/role... you have ear protectors? There's gonna by laugh and accusations of homosexuality from around the globe.

Shame me all you want. I have spine in my back, not a pole of vegan jelly.

I'm as scrony as they come fam'. I have never once felt like less of a man because of it, and even if I did, I highly doubt the reactions would be so.....how should I put this.....comical. No one and I mean no one cares about your obsession with muscles or whatever. Not men, not women, not DE, not nobody (I know double negative yeah yeah). In fact, I'd say 80% of the women I've met in my life prefer normal sized men to bodybuilders/bruisers. So chin up, you got what it takes to get the ladies. 

Oh btw, that joke at the end was actually pretty damn funny. I laughed for a solid minute before scrolling the rest of the page lol.

Edited by (PS4)KikoEschobar
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Just now, VectorWolf said:

Why not? It's pure truth. She's the living avatar of cancer, that eats western society.

I think that, with that sentence, we can deduce more about you than about her.

She is a bit extreme, but she actually supports her claims-- and, more than that, she proved that violent, harassing, misogynistic people exist and are common on gaming communities. 

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2 minutes ago, VectorWolf said:

But only recently, being offended will get you free stuff. Go to game forums, complain about sexualizing women, wath gamedevs change historically canon portrayal of Shiva, into something that pleases feminazis. (Smite's shiva-gate)

Anite Sercasian, Dr. Mengele and Hitler in one person of feminism/feminazism.

There are thousands of female characters in games tailored exclusively for male fanservice. One that is changed to please a feminine public is suddenly enough to break your sexist world? How fragile it must be, huh?

And... did you just compare a blogger to the perpetrators of a massacre that killed millions of people? Wow, what a fair argument.

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