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Low MR in Sorties


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1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

Let's limit sortie matchmaking to Solo only and see how many under MR 8 can handle them :D

Yeah that isn't being constructive at all the fact we can 4 player mission sorti is good because any good and experience player can use whatever warframe they want to tackle sorti and win because he knows how to use his team and count on his team to close the holes he cannot make up.

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Mastery rank is not always an indicator of how "experienced" you are. I haven't done a successful LoR raid, I've only just gotten all the base frames minus primes today and still collecting the weapons, and I'm a mastery rank of 16. Using my experience as an example compared to others including warframe youtubers that can solo T4 survivals I'm aiming to get that point of running good endurance runs as one of my "end game" goals. 

In regards to suggesting a minimum mastery rank, suggesting mr 8 would be unfair on lower mr'd Tenno who do have weapons and gear that has been modded well enough to work in a sortie. Why should they or any other lower rank mastery Tenno lose out? If you don't like to carry or assist lower rank Tenno it's your choice, but sometimes they do. Every now and then I've found myself carrying the success of a round to help out a fellow Tenno which is perfectly fine.

But one thing I do agree with is, very low levelled Tenno entering sorties. I think a minimum of 6+ is a reasonable limit if people are so keen to impose one. 

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4 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Can solo any sortie mission. If sorties are solo only, then only baddies will suffer, which is hilarious.

DE isn't making this game just for the people who are good at it. You aren't helping the issue any.

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Just now, SeaUrchins said:

Can solo any sortie mission. If sorties are solo only, then only baddies will suffer, which is hilarious.

Can you agree with this I mean could you do this and have fun?

Cause the game is about having fun not how much punishment you can take.

this is why this is even a topic because at one point having to carry your team and picking them off the ground is not fun...but at the other point having to do everything and works for the equivalent of 4 people is not fun either.

This is why we have that good grey area we want to establish.
because yes solo every sorti is possible but is not fun.

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Just now, SeaUrchins said:

Let's limit sortie matchmaking to Solo only and see how many under MR 8 can handle them :D

I'm double that and I wouldn't be confident enough to solo one. But y'know what? I wouldn't care because I prefer to join a good squad and work together to achieve the goal. People seem quick to judge someone's skillset on their mastery rank and I'll admit I've done it on more than one occasion myself, but I also don't mind helping others gain new experience too. Depends on how I am feeling,

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10 hours ago, WizMandem94 said:

With draco in the game mastery rank doesn't matter that much.

if people would stop @(*()$ carrying every new player just to satisfy their craving for attention and compliments draco wouldnt be a problem, if players had to "manually" unlock their way to draco nobody would complain

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Just now, SYL3NZR said:

if people would stop @(*()$ carrying every new player just to satisfy their craving for attention and compliments draco wouldnt be a problem, if players had to "manually" unlock their way to draco nobody would complain

One point of mention, if it's clanmates than isn't that a fair exemption or do you apply the same attitude?

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4 minutes ago, LittleArachnid said:

Mastery rank is not always an indicator of how "experienced" you are. I haven't done a successful LoR raid, I've only just gotten all the base frames minus primes today and still collecting the weapons, and I'm a mastery rank of 16. Using my experience as an example compared to others including warframe youtubers that can solo T4 survivals I'm aiming to get that point of running good endurance runs as one of my "end game" goals. 

In regards to suggesting a minimum mastery rank, suggesting mr 8 would be unfair on lower mr'd Tenno who do have weapons and gear that has been modded well enough to work in a sortie. Why should they or any other lower rank mastery Tenno lose out? If you don't like to carry or assist lower rank Tenno it's your choice, but sometimes they do. Every now and then I've found myself carrying the success of a round to help out a fellow Tenno which is perfectly fine.

But one thing I do agree with is, very low levelled Tenno entering sorties. I think a minimum of 6+ is a reasonable limit if people are so keen to impose one. 

Now here is plain fact.

If your gonna maintain your master rank low because you already have all the weapon you want so all your doing now is modding them that is your choice and I do agree thought you shouldn't miss out on content because of the way you want to play.

I was like 1 year ago mastery rank 6 with my torid as my weapon of choice and I already had acquired all the things I wanted sooo....I didn't bother leveling new wep or my master rank what I did do was forma and level my weapons until they were good enough to compete in any scenario....but of course now mastery rank isn't what decided that I was good but Time I spent playing.

As people keep mentioning Experience I want to tell you that just cause someone has experience doesn't mean they have the

best tools for the job..i may good at hacking computer and have a general idea how to pick lock...but if I have no tools to hack or tools to pick a lock what good is my experience.


But yeah that 1% who are good and have the tools can easily raise their rank from 6 to 8 is not difficult example I been playing this game for close to about 3 years soon and I am only master rank 12 and their is pending for mastery rank 13 that have passed many days since I reached that point.

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6 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

I could, but I get more fun tea-bagging low MR in sorties when they die. They still get the reward after I finish the mission for them anyway :D

Wow excuse my language but what an (blank) of an attitude. You wouldn't like it if they were doing it to you and you were in that position of low mr.


Edited by LittleArachnid
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honestly it shouldn't be mastery requirement but CC (conclave rating) required to entry because the mods and their rank increae your CC level which pretty well contrasts how well a player can do in high lvl content

so i suggest get rid of mastery requirement and replace it with 900 or 1000 CC rating requirement (with 1 weapon only mission lower it into respectfull amount for those mission)

just noticed it is difficult to get into 1000 cc without companion soo i think 850 and up should be allowed in to sorties

Edited by Hemmo67
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10 hours ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:

The problem however is that I'm am tired of carrying these low MR individuals, and they are in just about every sortie mission I play.  It's basically the equivalent of a level 10 character in WoW jumping in to an end game raid.  An MR 5 or lower trying to kill or survive level 80+ enemies is ridiculous.  IMO MR8 should be the absolute lowest possible allowed.  This seems to be where, even though they'll still struggle, people are able to contribute in a meaningful way without dying repeatedly.

PS. No lowbie hate, just love, but we all gotta work towards something.

So I'm just gonna speak my mind real quick and hope to avoid getting into a debate, but:

I actually agree with you. I know the whole "Mastery Rank doesn't equal skill", but it sure gives a rough indication. You could be a T4 hardened MR5, but as soon as I see you're MR5, I'm like "._. Well I won't kick him but I hope he knows what he's doing and is able to keep up". On the flip side, you could be the worst and need reviving every 2 minutes. Mastery Rank 8 is where I'm like "Okay. They should be good and be able to keep up and have decent gear and mods. I'm okay with this guy". Again, I know MR doesn't equal skill, or how good the player is, but it gives a rough indication. And that's why I agree that Sorties should be locked until Mastery Rank 8. Most end-game content is locked (***in an indirect way with loopholes***) behind Mastery Rank, so why should this be any different? It's certainly harder than T4 up to like 30 waves/minutes.

***You don't get T4 Keys on starter Planets (but are able to acquire them through Trade, as we all know), so you need to progress through the Star Chart, and although possible with the help of Catalysts and Forma, I don't see a player completing the Star Chart with a starter Frame and starting gear.*** Oh, and then you have those higher tier guns that are straight up blocked by Mastery Rank Block, and then there are Planets further on in the Star Chart that give off those rarer resources to build better gear.

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4 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

The mastery rank means nothing. Very person dependent whom skillful and whom less.

Mastery rank shows ownership of content and the completion of content.

SO while it may not mean much in skill the player has it those have is meaning.

 If you know what it takes to be good and you know how to get their but your not their yet cause you don't have the tools experience means nothing.

Let me paint you a picture I have experience using a knife but I am fighting something whose skin is thicker then my knife blade while I may cut unless I have a gun I am not gonna be killing this animal any time soon.

Experience is different then ability

Because an old men can have the experience to fight ,but since he is now old he doesn't have the ability

Just like someone who plays 1st person shooters video games may know a lot about gun may not have the ability to shoot them.

1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

If somebody t-bags my corpse and wins me a reward, I would not really care :]

Well your the 1% and this is Big game with many people even if your opinion is as such is highly unlikely that people would agree with such a selfish attitude. Some don't want to be t-bag and some want to win their own reward.

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1 hour ago, fatpig84 said:

But only on how many Primed mods you max is the only fair indicator.

It’s really not a fair indicator. I know someone who’s MR21, mastered all content (everything from raids to the obstacle course), and burnt out on the game who still hasn’t maxed Serration and feels no need to.

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5 hours ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

MR has never mattered that much.  

High MR simply means the player is a mile wide and an inch thick.  the metric doesn't measure mastery at all.   A player who has 3 frames and a few weapons that he/she has completely mastered is likely to be a low MR.  a player who has leveled up and discarded every weapon/frame in the game and knows how to use none of them is likely to be an MR21.

To paraphrase Bruce Lee; fear not the man who practices a thousand kicks, fear the man who practices one kick a thousand times. 

I didn't say MR did matter some one else did im just saying with draco here anyone can go to rank 21 so pointless putting a mastery rank cap.

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38 minutes ago, LittleArachnid said:

One point of mention, if it's clanmates than isn't that a fair exemption or do you apply the same attitude?

nobody should be carried to draco, and taxis shouldnt unlock nodes it destroys the new players game and "our" (veterans) because we have to deal with people that only afk'd in draco and suddenly ruin our missions, they dont learn anything like thisdraco should have an MR limit of 10 and nobody can join below that :o

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10 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

maybe u can but not everyone can so a CC requirement would only allow in those who have a chance to complete the sorties

Pretty sure Urchins is arguing that Conclave rank is a ridiculous and stupid metric to gate sorties with, too.

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11 minutes ago, SYL3NZR said:

nobody should be carried to draco, and taxis shouldnt unlock nodes it destroys the new players game and "our" (veterans) because we have to deal with people that only afk'd in draco and suddenly ruin our missions, they dont learn anything like thisdraco should have an MR limit of 10 and nobody can join below that :o

I've assisted a clannie unlock a couple of planets once, but otherwise I don't taxi people to other planets. Took me long enough just to reach the end planets myself

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