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Steve @ E3 Tease/hint Speculation Topic - Void Assassination?


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Steve basically stealth confirmed Void Assassination during the Gamespot thing on Tuesday. We know we'll be fighting the pompous E3 Trailer guy, and he'll be floating/bisected in some neat way. Will he retain sentience, or will he become assimilated by the tower defense systems?


Will this new boss be how we farm Antimatter-frame? How will be get Void Assasination III keys? Speculation mode go!

Edited by Lumireaver
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he didnt say it would be in the void.


he stated that he is floating together because he got cut in half and he is using the void key to make his top and bottom function together and they are separated slightly.


he also did say that he was a new boss. what place is missing a boss... europa, a new location, possibly the void (unlikely). and this may in fact be the delivery method for the M/AM frame.


we can rule out the void because of how uncommon they are now so making an uncommon drop an uncommon would make it quite rare. unless drop rates are increased significantly  we can effectively rule out the void for a new boss location.

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Since it's happening because of a Void key, maybe that's the reward for the mission? A reliable way to get to a special area in the Void. Technically based on the trailer, that particular area is already open (and may have started to decay due to prolonged exposure to this reality, who knows).

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I think it will be how we get the next Prime frame.

Edit: And new prime weapons.


Eh, I'm kind of hoping that isn't the case. Too many Primes too quickly. They'll lose their special shininess if they drop once a month.



he didnt say it would be in the void.


he stated that he is floating together because he got cut in half and he is using the void key to make his top and bottom function together and they are separated slightly.


he also did say that he was a new boss. what place is missing a boss... europa, a new location, possibly the void (unlikely). and this may in fact be the delivery method for the M/AM frame.


we can rule out the void because of how uncommon they are now so making an uncommon drop an uncommon would make it quite rare. unless drop rates are increased significantly  we can effectively rule out the void for a new boss location.


Considering the way the trailer is staged, I'd say it's a safe bet. Not only that, but we already know they're going to roll out Void Defense soon. They'll likely release both simultaneously.


Yeah, really makes you scratch your head about the way Void Keys actually work, doesn't it? They're basically 100% magic plot coupons at this point.


Well yeah, Assassinations are "boss" missions. I'd imagine he'd be the Orokin Void boss. Europa is flooded with infested, and honestly, it's not like it needs a boss. It's the nonconformist system in the game, and it ought to stay unique like that.


Why would you rule out the most likely scenario? This new Grineer fella has made it into the Void, and most of his screentime takes place there. They might reorganize loot tables so that Void Assasinations and Defense Missions drop from certain places while Raids and Extermination Missions drop elsewhere.


Since it's happening because of a Void key, maybe that's the reward for the mission? A reliable way to get to a special area in the Void. Technically based on the trailer, that particular area is already open (and may have started to decay due to prolonged exposure to this reality, who knows).


In the trailer he uses his Void Key badge to open up a portal into the Void. It wasn't already opened. They even needed to use this crazy heavy laser machine.


He is reforming isn't he?


Yeah. I wonder if it'll be him reforming, or him being assimilated by the the tower defense systems.

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In the trailer he uses his Void Key badge to open up a portal into the Void. It wasn't already opened. They even needed to use this crazy heavy laser machine.

That's exactly what I mean - sorry if I wasn't clear. They used that machine to open it. There's no indication that the rift was closed back up after, nor that it can necessarily be closed back up.

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That's exactly what I mean - sorry if I wasn't clear. They used that machine to open it. There's no indication that the rift was closed back up after, nor that it can necessarily be closed back up.


To be fair, there's also no indication that we don't use the same sort of machine to get in. We know from DE's description of the void that it's a kind of pocket dimension deal, which implies that it's everywhere.


We also know from the trailer, that the first, less important big-head Grineer had tried to get in first, but presumably didn't have a key and therefore couldn't get in.


I don't care and would welcome everything except the name Anti matter frame. Please change the name. It's not antimatter.


It's not even out yet. It might have decent skills related to the reversal of quantum spin, and ambiplasma. Gamma radiation everywhere.

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