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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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A sane, rational mind would calm down, sit back down and apologize for the outburst and go back about their business. A sane, rational mind would not overreact in such a manner a second (third? Fourth? How many times has he overreacted now?) time.
Due to recent events, Umbra no longer possessed a sane mind, but it was still rather rational. And the rationality saw that there was the ghost of a reason to suddenly flee the bar and hide in the ductworks somewhere until Lysandra was done.

Umbra teleported out of the bar, deployed a smoke bomb and teleported away. Finally free of social interaction, reality-breaking logic and, hopefully, the pinball machines, he let out a cry mixed with victory and exaltation before realizing he had teleported into the middle of the air, fell to the ground and landed...
You know the drill, Umbra boy
Roll the die to see your fate!
...oh my, a six? Here?
It seems this die is full of hate...

...on top of an antiques stand, stocked with rare and priceless relics.
"...sheit." Umbra sobbed.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost333 said:

A sane, rational mind would calm down, sit back down and apologize for the outburst and go back about their business. A sane, rational mind would not overreact in such a manner a second (third? Fourth? How many times has he overreacted now?) time.
Due to recent events, Umbra no longer possessed a sane mind, but it was still rather rational. And the rationality saw that there was the ghost of a reason to suddenly flee the bar and hide in the ductworks somewhere until Lysandra was done.

Umbra teleported out of the bar, deployed a smoke bomb and teleported away. Finally free of social interaction, reality-breaking logic and, hopefully, the pinball machines, he let out a cry mixed with victory and exaltation before realizing he had teleported into the middle of the air, fell to the ground and landed...
You know the drill, Umbra boy
Roll the die to see your fate!
...oh my, a six? Here?
It seems this die is full of hate...

...on top of an antiques stand, stocked with rare and priceless relics.
"...sheit." Umbra sobbed.

*Wryot coughs a little bit* "Well, that was unnecessary, why can't anyone just depart without using fancy tricks."

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Fic was surprised at himself for even being near a bar of this type. Not really because he was a stranger to alcohol, as he himself had his fair share of pints all over the system. Hek, he was somewhat known for his drunken adventures. They always seemed to end in hilarious ways, much to Fic's dismay.

He was a pirate, after all, and above all else, a pirate must keep up their image. Well, a space pirate to be exact. Yet, not in the traditional sense, if one could even call being a swashbuckling vigilante in the cosmos "traditional".

Being an Atlas Warframe himself, Fic was already at a disadvantage when it came to the world before him. Atlas frames weren't exactly liked, for whatever reason. He never truly understood why, yet he just supposed people never liked to get physical as much as he did. Fic himself wasn't much of a brawler though, while his fists were powerful, he preferred other means of eliminating foes. Whether it be other Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, or even those damned Sentient Drones, Fic could always rely on his powerful firearms to save the day.

He had honestly wished he hadn't needed to fight others of his kind, yet when people constantly mistake you for the enemy, what can you really do? He supposed getting a new ship was in order, or in the very least, one that didn't put a massive red target on the back of his head. Even getting to the bar itself had its fair share of troubles, thankfully, he had managed to slip by unnoticed for the time being.

Unfortunately, not all Warframes are guided by the Lotus. Some just never wake up. Others merely disobey. Fic was the odd man out in both cases. He was, to put it bluntly, an accident. A slip-up. Nothing more, nothing less. Not that he was bitter about the whole mess, as to be honest, who would think something would still be alive inside of one of those forsaken Derelicts? He supposed those Grineer had it coming, afterall. Yet thanks to them, he had his own ship, all to himself, well, for a while at least. Despite the circumstances, though, Fic never liked how empty his previous "home" was. No Infested. No Grineer. Nothing. Just an empty ship, some shoddy coordinates and a ton of ash and charred remains. He only figured it was Grineer due to the ship, yet even to this day, Fic still questions the oddness of it all. 

As per routine, however, he shrugged it off, feeling as if a bite to eat and a swig of something sour would help ease his mind. After all, when you're an Atlas, thinking isn't really your main priority. Besides, what good had coming up with a plan done for him, anyhow? A bar was a bar, after all, regardless of it's purpose. 

Walking into the bar, Fic found himself stuck in between the frame of the door. He couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Ah, the prevalent rumor, proved true.

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Feeling warm, relaxed and somewhat bored, the forest-camoed rhino slowly began to hung his head, and, before dozing off at the bar desk, he half-sleepily grabbed an osprey that was floating nearby carfree. The poor thing beeped desperately for a single time, like a fluffy cosmic hamster who was snatched by a predator, and surrendered to the sleepy tenno's grasp. The man didn't pay much attention to proxy's protests and used his prey as a teddy bot (wut?), dozing off sweetly while firmly gripping the osprey under his (definitely heavy) right hand. The "victim" began to desperately wave its tiny manipulators in the air, just like a bug that was turned upside-down and so desperately tried to regain the natural stance via attempting to grip something with its legs. The beeps of the waiter osprey grew quieter and quieter as the proxy began to realize the futility of resistance...

In the meanwhile, the dusky-skinned lass clad in the ivory evening dress was fiddling with a jukebox, trying to find something interesting. One can spend so much time observing the weird behavior of others, and prowling the space web can't be a reliable help for anyone who wants to kill some time AND to preserve their neural cells. Suddenly for herself, she accidentally turned the machine on (no puns, perverts), and the apparatus began to vocalize a smooth tune. Swiftly regaining composure after this little accident, she turned around, slightly tapping the tip of her shoe to the tune and looking for more objects of entertainment.

(Teh sheet is updated)

Edited by Teloch
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8 hours ago, (PS4)Voidwalker1188 said:

"I know it's wrong, but the corpus have been making deals with me I can't refuse. So I made one that happened to be very expensive, and I won't be able to pay up. I'm hoping that you won't show up one day for a bounty."

"...I doubt it."

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

Walking into the bar, Fic found himself stuck in between the frame of the door. He couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Ah, the prevalent rumor, proved true.

Fic would find himself freed by being tackled in the back by what appears to be a rather energetic Germini Valkyr. She didn't seem to be interestind in a conversation as she rushed to another valkyr. "Aaand did you get a number? Another Date? Coooome on tell me!"

"... He kinda just left." 

"Oh well." The Germini replies as she rushes back out the bar again, but not before dusting of the Atlas. "There you all good now!" Aaand she's gone.

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