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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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33 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

((There isn't even a story to this really, just people dating others. You could even drop in when this gets over 1k pages and you still won't be lost))

((edit: I think I am kinda right, Denny just dodged my bit again...maybe he just doesn't like what I did...))

((Sorry dude, I honestly just missed your post, and didn't reply to now it because I had to rush a bit and didn't want to look for that post of yours. Could you show me where it is?))

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19 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Bird was checking out his facial features, so far liking what she saw "Nah, I steal from everyone I see fit honestly, mostly out of fun. Although there is one famous guy whos soul I'd love to steal if I could... but nevermind that. What do you do? If anything besides basic tenno stuff"

"Wait wait wait, go back to that famous guy. I want to hear about him. Is he, like, the old creep kind of famous? Or, did he do something to you? We'll ge to me later, I wanna hear about that guy." he said, putting his aviator glasses on, though not his frame.

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1 minute ago, Psychotoxin said:

"No seriously it's nothing that important..." Scrubby told her again chuckling. He took an involuntary step back, triping over his own foot.

Lana: "oh!" *tries to rush over and catch Scrubby, but trips as well and falls on top of Scrubby* "oh! Oh..." *Blushes*

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On 4/18/2016 at 3:06 PM, KuraioNokami said:

Haseo: "all right... This is something no other Tenno can do. Okay? All right, come on, come on..." *strange markings start glowing all over Haseo's body, and then he suddenly collapses* "...ack... No way... I'm still too exhausted from fighting Cryos...? This might kill me... Sorry, i need to heal first..."

"Are you alright?"  Alex's concern was interrupted by the sound of an Oberon doing what Oberons do five seconds after someone almost dies.

The Renewal bead floated lazily over to Haseo from across the room.  "I'm running on minimal power right now, mate," Richard called from across the room.   "Give it about two minutes and you'll be good as new."

"Well, that's helpful.  Were those tattoos?"

Edited by Yzjdriel
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4 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Are you alright?"  Alex's concern was interrupted by the sound of an Oberon doing what Oberons do five seconds after someone almost dies.

The Renewal bead floated lazily over to Haseo from across the room.  "I'm running on minimal power right now, mate, Richard called from across the room.   Give it about two minutes and you'll be good as new."

"Well, that's helpful.  Were those tattoos?"

Haseo: "no... You'll see their function once i'm back up to full strength, trust me... I promised..."

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2 hours ago, Teloch said:

"There can't be no innocent tenno by default I'm afraid. It is just that someone's inner demons are quieter and less troublesome than of the others. So, since you seem to be of a frank sort, what are your three defining traits, what is it exactly that scares people away from you, and what do you wish to see in that certain someone who is supposed to rid you from loneliness. That is what I would like to hear about at first. As for me - I will not hide my answers when there will be your turn to interrogate me either"

Dawn leaned backwards in her chair, crossing her legs. "What are me three defining traits... Hmm... Okay. One. I'm straight forward, as you can see, I'm not scared to tell people the truth, no matter how brutal it is. I'm not going to waste my time in small talk before talking about important stuff. Two. I am inseparateable from my music, if that's a fitting trait. I can't go a day without putting on my headphones. Saving you the question, I prefer the heavier music. I suppose that this is one of the reasons that people leave me. Their illusion of a harmless girl shatters, and they immediately see some 'smah the system' anatchist rebel. I am far from one. They make stupid assumptions based on the music I like. And, to number three, which also answers your second question, I suppose. I'm not gonna lie. You will probably shout next, but whatever. I don't believe in anesthetics. I don't treat pain, I heal wounds. I don't know when people are feeling pain, unless they're screaming, which doesn't stop me, though. I also have special arrows on my bow, which cause extra pain, and require advanced medical knowledge to treat wounds caused by them." Dawn sighed. "This probably isn't as bad as things others may have told you, but this has done the job in repelling away ever man I meet. And for your third question - I just want someone to look past my 'defining traits'.

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1 hour ago, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "oh!" *tries to rush over and catch Scrubby, but trips as well and falls on top of Scrubby* "oh! Oh..." *Blushes*

"Well, it's clear you aren't a balerina." Scrubby laughed. He then grabbed Lana by the shoulders and sat up, lifting her, and putting her down next to him.

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"Pfft... About a bunch of cards and their nonsensical meanings... While I do believe in fate and the like, fate is predetermined to the likes of you. It's not worth worring about something you can't influence." Scrubby laughed again. He reclined on his hands and looked up at the ceiling. It was slightly cracked.

"That doesn't seem safe..." he pondered for some reason.

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1 minute ago, Psychotoxin said:

"Pfft... About a bunch of cards and their nonsensical meanings... While I do believe in fate and the like, fate is predetermined to the likes of you. It's not worth worring about something you can't influence." Scrubby laughed again. He reclined on his hands and looked up at the ceiling. It was slightly cracked.

"That doesn't seem safe..." he pondered for some reason.

Lana: "that's not what i... Look out!" *jumps on Scrubby, pushing him aside just before the ceiling collapses, but ending up on top of him again* "...are you okay? That was close..." *notices the rubble is blocking the door* "and we're trapped. Great. No, seriously. I'm actually kinda happy about that for some reason."

((Psycho, you know what happens, right? Initiate.))

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11 hours ago, ShrimpOverlord said:

Dawn leaned backwards in her chair, crossing her legs. "What are me three defining traits... Hmm... Okay. One. I'm straight forward, as you can see, I'm not scared to tell people the truth, no matter how brutal it is. I'm not going to waste my time in small talk before talking about important stuff. Two. I am inseparateable from my music, if that's a fitting trait. I can't go a day without putting on my headphones. Saving you the question, I prefer the heavier music. I suppose that this is one of the reasons that people leave me. Their illusion of a harmless girl shatters, and they immediately see some 'smah the system' anatchist rebel. I am far from one. They make stupid assumptions based on the music I like. And, to number three, which also answers your second question, I suppose. I'm not gonna lie. You will probably shout next, but whatever. I don't believe in anesthetics. I don't treat pain, I heal wounds. I don't know when people are feeling pain, unless they're screaming, which doesn't stop me, though. I also have special arrows on my bow, which cause extra pain, and require advanced medical knowledge to treat wounds caused by them." Dawn sighed. "This probably isn't as bad as things others may have told you, but this has done the job in repelling away ever man I meet. And for your third question - I just want someone to look past my 'defining traits'.


Teloch leaned backward in a relaxed way; he actually smiled after hearing to Dawn's explanations. "So, a harsh nurse you are, Dawn. Honestly, I thought that this image exists only within the realm of collective imagination of combatants. And yet here I am - observing a living character of the mercenary folklore. Seriously, the policy of anesthetics nonuse surely cuts costs and can even have some educative function for those carefree individuals who take treatment for granted and so under evaluate the risks, but your professional beliefs are a poor justification to losing key personnel to pain shock. I'm not trying to judge you, just pointing out the reasonable points. In fact, your harsh mercy could do a long-term good for those rookies from my society; they grew dangerously naive and spoiled about the matters of risk lately. Making them feel the consequences of their actions may be an efficient cure to the carelessness disease". 

He leaned forward, placed his elbows on a table, and tapped on his frame's detached arcane helmet "I surely can understand your love of music. Would've gone crazy without it myself. Should I say that firing long LMG bursts at groups of various scum while listening to intense requiems is a strangely pleasant experience. Not sure if I can express the feeling in more details, though" he paused while relaxing, "Nothing horrible so far, judging by your words. Tho the possibility of exploring past your "defining traits" sounds intriguing: there is always something behind the "minefield".

As soon as the man shifted his torso and elbows closer to the center of the table, the sudden sound of a collapsing ceiling in the room nearby took his attention. He addressed the event hostess in sarcastically-cynic tone: "Ey gal, in case if you don't want to add the fact of uncovering two corpses in your establishment to the accusations of bribing security commission, there is a deblocking specialist and a medic sitting at this table. Just sayin' "

Edited by Teloch
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16 hours ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

((Yea...well I do know who did report me and they really should've just left it alone...))

((That may of also happened))

Mayya: That sounds like I good idea...not too sure what to change though...

((I'm going to look for the post I did with Luv and Zenz and edit it here so people know))

((edit: I found the post: 

Zenz grab a bottle of wine and approaches Luv while invisible. A red and blue Loki soon enters the room and with as soon as he walked past Luv, Zenz opened the bottle of while and threw it over Luv, making it look like the Loki threw the wine over her.

"*slienty* Haha. This is great!"

((edit: Incase anyone is wondering, the Loki is Caver so Liv should know him)))))

((kinda wished people checked back and forwards in the rps just Incase...))

Esaka: Well what do you feel uncomfortable of yourself?

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Just now, Yzjdriel said:

"Promised who?" Alex asked curiously.

Haseo: "meh... nevermind that." *space shifts around them, a purple dome forming around them and all the others vanishing* "this is better." *The strange markings start glowing all over Haseo's body again* "All right, come on, come on... i'm right here! Skeith!!!" *suddenly, a large flash of white light erupts from Haseo. when it subsides, Haseo is gone, a being about thrice as tall as a Grineer galleon standing where he stood* "i bet you have never seen this before, huh? that is what those markings are for!"


((Just gonna post a picture of Skeith so you know what Alex is looking at:))




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((I'm having a typing itch, so...))

Another figure emerged near the hall entrance. The figure was an Oberon of bright colors and with a lot of grineer-ish attachments, it held some sort of a print advertisement sheet in hands. From the sight of it, he was considering either to enter the hall or not. Despite him not being very decisive, the weird sounds of a shattering ceiling, rather mechanical noises, and the noises made by the patrons don't seem to appear very encouraging to him. "Well, here goes nothing..." he mumbled to himself and finally entered this particular parlour of insanity, loneliness, and despair. He took his helmet off, revealing a proportional, roman-type face, a pair of bright blue-grey eyes and a short black haircut. He took a look a look at the visitors, attempting to evaluate the situation. His gaze particularly stumbled at a pinball-absorbed Nyx (da hell?!), a depressively looking lad who was sitting alone with a desperate expression on his face, another Oberon sitting near the farthest wall, and... wait... can it possibly be? 
"CAPTAIN?!"  The Oberon nearly screamed out while taking a few steps deeper into the hall, uncovering the clan badge on his right shoulder: a shield-like emblem with the white tiger head on it. The funniest thing is that the same emblem can also be seen on the crimson Rhino's right shoulder plate. The Rhino turned around at the chair, responding to a familiar voice with barely contained surprise,"The feck are you doing here, Cef?!". The Oberon's face filled with an amused smile,"I can ask the same, boss". The Rhino seem to forget that he had a conversation with a dame and refocused completely on his acquaint, "You bloody can't, I'm afraid. Probably because you're here as well, and that pretty much means that we're in the same boat from now on, laddie". The Oberon sighed embarrassed "I've got a wolf by the ears then. But still, chief, we'd thought that you are only capable to love your precious guns". The Rhino grew seemingly annoyed by the last statement made by his comrade, and so responded rather rudely, "Not all of us consider the endless lamentations over some long dead manque bride as a right way to live one's private life... And it appears that you've just made the first step out that misery, lad". Even though the statement was spelt without any aggression or ill cause, the words spoken by the Rhino wiped Oberon's goofy smile as fast as the northern wind that strips the autumn trees of their last leafs. "..." the newly arrived Oberon didn't respond with anything; he hung his head instead and quietly took a seat at some distance from his clan mate's table. Cef sunk into a state of lonesome brooding"

Edited by Teloch
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1 hour ago, KuraioNokami said:

Haseo: "meh... nevermind that." *space shifts around them, a purple dome forming around them and all the others vanishing* "this is better." *The strange markings start glowing all over Haseo's body again* "All right, come on, come on... i'm right here! Skeith!!!" *suddenly, a large flash of white light erupts from Haseo. when it subsides, Haseo is gone, a being about thrice as tall as a Grineer galleon standing where he stood* "i bet you have never seen this before, huh? that is what those markings are for!"


((Just gonna post a picture of Skeith so you know what Alex is looking at:))

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Alex looked up at the figure in front of her.  "Where's your face?" she asked curiously after a few seconds.

((It's the Terror of Death, right?  The spoiler isn't working))

Edited by Yzjdriel
making sure I know what you're referring to here
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