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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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3 minutes ago, Telluric said:

Hopefully she wasn't saying that to pacify him. Or perhaps she thought he was so horrible at conversation that her own efforts felt better. Or maybe his social awkwardness and metaphorical flailing was amusing to her and helped ease the nervous tension. Perhaps it was all three. Perhaps it was none. If anything, just the thready conversation was working its magic into soothing his overworked nerves, even if just a little bit. This was most likely the longest he had conversed with anyone without bolting off with an excuse or watching the other person walk away in frustration at lack of valiant conversation efforts.

This.. was good.

"I'm glad.." Maje murmured after a moment, now resuming his previous activity of popping boba bubbles, "I, ah.. I'm also glad that.. you're giving me a chance to speak, even though it's not much yet."

Atoli sighed, slightly relaxing. "I-I'm glad too... I'm glad you're glad... W-Would you... Mind telling me a bit about yourself...?" She asked, slightly embarrased.

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((6 pages... I come back, and I see... 6 PAGES FULL OF POSTS! That's more than when I was on my freaking break, which took days! And you guys managed to fill 6 pages of posts in about a day! You little jack rabbits on steorids!))

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43 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Atoli sighed, slightly relaxing. "I-I'm glad too... I'm glad you're glad... W-Would you... Mind telling me a bit about yourself...?" She asked, slightly embarrased.

"Not much to tell, I.." He stopped after a moment, silently berating his habitual withdrawal. "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

This is starting to slip downhill, and if there's anything Maje wants right now, it's for this to NOT go downhill. Maybe he just wants something to work out for once. This is the most he's ever talked to any one person in one sitting, and that's an achievement in itself. He's doing very good.

Clearing his throat, Maje set the cup of tea on the tabletop, folding his hands together and nestling them in his lap. "I ah.. m-my name is Maje.. but I already told you that. I.. am a high-ranking official of the Arbiters of Hexis.. I really love milk tea.." He gestured to his cup for a moment, smiling just a little, completely forgetting that she can't even see his face. "And I really love Kubrows, too..!! I have so many.."

He glanced up at the Trinity, feeling bad for prattling on about himself in such a manner. "What about yourself, Atoli..?"

Edited by Telluric
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1 minute ago, Telluric said:

"Not much to tell, I.." He stopped after a moment, silently berating his habitual withdrawal. "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

This is starting to slip downhill, and if there's anything Maje wants right now, it's for this to NOT go downhill. Maybe he just wants something to work out for once. This is the most he's ever talked to any one person in one sitting, and that's an achievement in itself. He's doing very good.

Clearing his throat, Maje set the cup of tea on the tabletop, folding his hands together and nestling them in his lap. "I ah.. m-my name is Maje.. but I already told you that. I.. am a high-ranking official of the Arbiters of Hexis.. I really love milk tea.." He gestured to his cup for a moment, smiling just a little, completely forgetting that she can't even see his face. "And I really love Kubrows, too..!! I have so many.."

He glanced up at the Trinity, feeling bad for prattling on about himself in such a manner. "What about yourself, Atoli..?"

Atoli giggled. "I'm Atoli... I-I... I'm a healer, and I like Kubrows a lot too... I have so many, i've lost count..." She said, relaxing as she heard he liked Kubrows.

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15 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Atoli giggled. "I'm Atoli... I-I... I'm a healer, and I like Kubrows a lot too... I have so many, i've lost count..." She said, relaxing as she heard he liked Kubrows.


Okay, okay. This was getting somewhere. There was some common ground. This is a very good thing. Maje rested his elbows on the tabletop - poor manners, but not really caring about manners. Heaven's sake, it's just good that he's talking.

"My favourite, ah.. well, I don't really have a favourite Kubrow.." The Limbo said slowly, nervously playing with the plastic straw again, "But.. my most.. preferred Kubrow to take with me is my Huras. She and I work very well together, and she's been trained to be a fierce warrior in addition to helping me sneak by everything from Corpus to Corrupted."

He's not stuttering so much. Perhaps it's good for him to crawl out of his shell a little like he's doing. Someone get this man a sticker.

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25 minutes ago, Telluric said:


Okay, okay. This was getting somewhere. There was some common ground. This is a very good thing. Maje rested his elbows on the tabletop - poor manners, but not really caring about manners. Heaven's sake, it's just good that he's talking.

"My favourite, ah.. well, I don't really have a favourite Kubrow.." The Limbo said slowly, nervously playing with the plastic straw again, "But.. my most.. preferred Kubrow to take with me is my Huras. She and I work very well together, and she's been trained to be a fierce warrior in addition to helping me sneak by everything from Corpus to Corrupted."

He's not stuttering so much. Perhaps it's good for him to crawl out of his shell a little like he's doing. Someone get this man a sticker.

Atoli nodded, her previous nervousness seemingly gone. "Huras are an amazing breed. I have one Raksa, though... She's saved my life on more than one occasion. Which is... Good, especially for a healer like me! There was this one time, i got a distress call from a Rhino on Ceres. The G3 got him. My Raksa protected me from the G3 whilst my Chesa disarmed them and my Huras led the poor guy to safety. That's what really made me think Kubrows are so much smarter and more useful in the field than Sentinels when it comes to healing and rescuing... Oh, but listen to me blab on... Do you have any stories like that you'd like to tell me?" She said, sounding exited to have found a fellow Kubrow enthousiast.

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8 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Could you be a little more specific?  Does it have any onboard weapons?  Is it equipped with thrusters for propulsion and dodging?  Is it, perchance, capable of flight?"

"Yes, yes and a big fat yes!"

"It's also got some engineering tools to help build and repair thing. I'm going to need someway to fix stuff up considering how i'm the best engineer within my clan, and maybe one of the best engineers in the system..."

"Maybe...i have yet to figure that out"

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On 31. 5. 2016 at 9:48 AM, Teloch said:

The man kept his politely-stoic face after listening to the lady's latest compliment, but his restrained internal embarrassment found a way out in a form of a slight blush creeping higher from his jowl. "Charging such a rare and delicate personality for cold money would be a crime against reason and ethics. If I would somehow manage to earn your gratitude, the only currency I will accept is your performance, like a song, perhaps, or any other kind of gesture or act you would deem proper and sufficient". When the tireless osprey flew by, the man commanded in a playfully knightish tone, "An AOC bottle of malbeck to this fair maiden. Don't fail me, iron-cast squire". When the flying proxy servant floated away, beeping merrily (the fact of receiving an order and serving an AOC-grade bottle of wine would probably make it the proxy-employee of the month, and guarantee it's soon extra maintenance), the man regained poise and proceeded with his another move in this thrilling conversational 'game', "I suppose you remember the times when the winemaking was considered a noble dynastical trade and a way of life in general. Those who still remember it could probably evoke images of the old Earth's pastoral panoramas of wine plantations, beautiful in its honesty and simplicity the rural way of life, and the contemplative joy of ever-changing seasons. Believe it or not, but I knew a pair of combat officers who wanted to register themselves to this sort of craftsman paradise after the end of the war, and their plans surely sounded understandable to me. Either way, Melody, do you bear a dream of a certain lifestyle? Or maybe there are some places you would really like to visit? Looking at you right now, I won't be surprised if you plan to pay a visit to your sisters Clio and Polyhymnia in the nearest future", Teloch playfully noted his date having many common features with a certain mythological character, and, probably, made an attempt to subtly flatter her even further via making hints on how he perceives her.

((Well, exercises are always good, and you're doing quite fine.))

((This is what I mean with fun and skill level. I doubt you would have fun with someone who posts two words after a post like yours. So I'm trying my best so that that doesn't happen XD))

Melody giggled at Telochs suggestion of payment "So a song is what you would prefer over credits, or even platinum, hmm? Well, I would gladly do a private performance, been a long time since I sang or played to anyone but a microphone and a handfull of lazy students, which take the oppertunity of me not looking to check ther friends status on social media. I'm not saing that I don't get much apprechiation for my talent, it's just that it's rare to meet someone who honestly has interest, despite my music being sold like newly discovered, limited-stock mods, or parts of a vaulted prime. Being able to sing or play for someone like you will be just as much of a pleasure as it is to you listening to me..." she giggled again at his playfull acting towards the Osprey "But lets leave that for after we finish our drinks" she took a more relaxed stance, her legs not crossed anymore. The hystory of wine intrigued her, although he heard and read it a couple of times before, his voice had that narator-like ring to it, which could be listened to for days. She was curious if she could convince him to sing a little, but no need to embarres the hard shelled gentleman. She blushed soon after that thought as her date made a quite unique and flattering compliment "Well, wasn't that just the nicest thing I heard for about a month now? You flatter me Teloch, and only a disinterested person would want you to stop. Although it is sweet from you to call my sisters such cultural and important dietys, the sister I do have is hardly anything like the beauty or talent that those two have. Maybe you have heard about her, a confused snake, adapting to everything new and letting the old fall off like used skin, bearing a name mature children these days call 'cringy'." she said, not seeming particulary proud of having such a sister.Teloch might have heard more than just her name if he had some missions on Phobos lately.

((Can't be asked to spell check...))

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11 hours ago, Teloch said:

((B1tch mode intensifies.  Warning: don't do this at home, kids))


The temper tantrum performed by the Vauban didn't make a dent on Seonah's composure, some would say that she didn't make a single move, but that would be a wrong statement. Instead of performing loud, furious and decisive actions, she insidiously fixated her warframe's heel over the man's "crotch zone" under the table, threatening to apply brute physical force the very second he would try to do something remarkably stupid. Above the table surface, however, she calmly leaned closer to the center of it, planted the right hand to support her chin, and began to juggle the karyst dagger that emerged from her left sleeve with her left hand. She spoke in calm and rather sardonic manner, "Listen here, boy (a funny thing for her to say considering she is five or six years older than him) First: I don't need to "come" to "get" something you - the spineless ball-tossers - find valuable, and that is not a tongue, as you might figure out already. Second: no one gives a piece of turd for your "horrible memories", "childhood traumas", and other mental crap you spew so eagerly. Third: It is you who occupied the spot I kept for people more mature and interesting than you, and even worse - you persist in ignoring the fact that you are not welcomed. So, I expect you to be at least as clever as the last guy I met here, which means you would buy me a drink for the irritation you delivered, then I'll let you go with all your bits intact, so you could search for your one-and-only cowgirl further. In case if that doesn't sound persuasive enough, there are few people in this hall who would make us both regret the decision to go the "ugly way". Now, would you dare and prove to be an idiot, or is there some gray matter left within your attention-hungry scull?" 

((Gonna swap this wild lass for a girl more sweet soon since she's obviously not in a romantic mood (guess she's gonna cry in her pillow and pity herself for being an edgy *@##$ who knows only two persons in this universe who can tolerate her))

-Rhys is entirely uncaring of any heel.  He stands up.  Then a voice blares into his ear.-

"Operator, you are drunk.  Extremely drunk.  As in, GET THE HELL OUT drunk.". -Great job being punctual, Ordis, Rhys quietly thought to himself.-

"You know what?" -Rhys gave a small chuckle.  He had to admit, mentally, as venomous as this one was, at the very least, his drunken mind understood, this hadn't come to blows.  And given the last Saryn he talked to tried that, he at least owed this one for holding back.  Sort of.  That heel was actually a fairly effective move, in hindsight.- "Here.  Keep the change."

-With this, some Platinum slid onto the table.  At first blush, it appeared to be only twenty.  A recount would declare thirty-five Platinum, and after another moment's hesitation (presumably to withdraw the funds), this is joined by somewhere in the ballpark of ten thousand Credits.  Genuine, not rigged with any mines, either; Ordis had weapons and powers locked down to prevent Rhys from being, frankly, more of an idiot than he already was, and the occasional blue pulse showed.- "Your call, my cash.  Now if you need me-"

"He'll be aboard his Liset, never speaking to you again." -A Helios, greyish-silver with blue energy, cast a light over him and sent him out of there.- "Terribly sorry about the Operator.  I shall be on my way." -With this, the Helios, seemingly possessed by Ordis, made to distance itself from here.-

Edited by Sintag
Spell/grammar check, clarification, minor additions, and bolding as needed, because tablet isn't the best thing to RP on. Sorry.
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Knaapx said:

"Whats this?"

Corrin giggled. "Dragon's Blood! A really good sauce, spicy, sweet and tasty! It also makes you stronger for a while, and..."

((It amplifies positive emotions. Or, To be specific, happiness, love and courage.))

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Just now, KuraioNokami said:

Corrin giggled. "Dragon's Blood! A really good sauce, spicy, sweet and tasty! It also makes you stronger for a while, and..."

((It amplifies positive emotions. Or, To be specific, happiness, love and courage.))

"Might aswell give it a try."

Azeru mixes it in with his milkshake and drinks some.

"Mmm, that's good!"

Azeru started to feel more happy.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Knaapx said:

"Might aswell give it a try."

Azeru mixes it in with his milkshake and drinks some.

"Mmm, that's good!"

Azeru started to feel more happy.

Corrin giggled. "Glad you like it! I have plenty!" She said as she dripped some on his burger.

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