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CHANNELING: New Effects!


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After looking at the differences between each melee weapon's stats, something started bugging me:  Why do all of these weapons have different attack speed, damage, crit, status chance etc. -- but they ALL have the SAME stats for Channeling?





Channeling could alter the weapon behavior itself, instead of just giving 'more dakka'.  It would make channeling a more effective tactic (beyond having to use mods) and it would give melee weapons their own personalities, in the same way that the Kohm, Staticor, Panthera, Buzlok etc. stand out from their 'normal' ranged weapon counterparts.




Besides just adding damage, channeling can be made useful in other, simple ways - the simplest would be 'EVEN MORE DAKKA' - some weapons would have higher channeling damage multiplier than others, with higher base energy costs.  Others could do LESS damage while channeling, in exchange to a boost in some other stat (status chance for example) or the addition of something innate.  Channeling could also affect another stat entirely (attack speed, range, etc.)  I UNDERSTAND MODS CAN BE USED TO DO THIS for all melee weapons, but I am talking about giving innate properties to SOME of them.




Aside from stats, you could give weapons different properties entirely.  Remember the trailers, where Rhino buries his Scindo blade into the ground and EVERYTHING next to him goes flying?  Let's make the Scindo (or perhaps heavier things like the Fragor) do that when channeled.  Let's take the energy we channel through our weapons and do some really awesome stuff with it!  Another idea:  The Sibear.  How about - and this is just an idea - instead of dealing cold damage, it deals normal damage.  BUT, when you channel it, it deals COLD damage instead.  (Or, instead of having x1.5 damage, it would have +100% COLD damage.  Maybe also slow down - or even freeze the enemy struck for a moment!)


CHARGE AND CHANNEL (or, Lech Kril is a Noob)


Channeling could also be used to amplify charged attacks, when used together.  Let's say a charged attack deals x1.5 damage by itself - when channeling, it could do X5.0 damage, but cost 3 times as much energy.  Or it could have a small life-strike effect.  Or something new entirely!  If you put so much into your swing, you should get something spectacular out of it.




As you can tell, I...  kinda like melee weapons.  Channeling is pretty awesome, but it can do more than just make your blades really shiny for a few moments.  And as we know, the energy of the Void can have some pretty potent and trans-formative effects.  Just imagine what some of our weapons could do with that energy...!

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It's not really that no one is interested, it's more that a lot of us melee players have been saying this exact same thing: melee weapons need variety in their channeling stats. I have personally been asking the Devs every two weeks in the prelude thread to the Dev Stream about giving weapons unique channeling stats and abilities. I  believe it was Dev stream 72 where they FINALLY answered my question in passing that they would consider adding variety to channeling stats. 

But yeah, if you search through this Feedback forum's history, you'll see this has been brought up a lot.... Most of us melee focused players want channeling variety, if not all of us.

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