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Give Longswords A Chance.


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As long as dual, and heavy swords are the only ones i ever see in online matches, why not give a slight "buff" to the Longsword type of melee?


So my idea is :


What about creating a mod, a rare one kinda like thunderbolt, hard to acquire but not impossible.

Thus this mod would give let's say around 15% chance to cut more then 1 enemy, with 4 more level ups available.

Should be a Longsword only mod as well.


I think these melee weapons are hiding in the dark for too long and a majority of them would totally stand a chance if this mod existed.



I would like to hear more opinions and thoughts on this because i think these swords really deserve something like this .

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I haven't used a longsword in so long, I can't remember how they were.


See this is exactly what i'm saying. No one even uses this type of weapon anymore.

And i think my Pangolin Sword is just damn pretty :O :O


Instead of adding another pointless mod...


Buff them the right way...


You use melee for infested...I don't want to rely on chance with Chargers...


yea i know mate, i just didnt want everyone start to claim that they would just get ridiculously OP, that's all :o

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Longswords are cute at bridging the gap between daggers/duals and heavy weapons.

That being said, they fall into the ineffective category of being a "hybrid" weapon with less benefits than those it stands between (See Also: Burston).


As a finishing weapon, Longswords are acceptable. For crowdcontrol or rushing purposes though, their lack of high damage and ability to hit multiple targets at once hurts their reliability - Especially when dealing with higher level mobs,


I feel as if they receive a buff, it has to be fairly devastating to make it competitive with the other 2/3 categories of melee weapons.


I do love the look and appeal of them all, but their usefulness is rather depressing.

Edited by DBugII
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if there's gonna be a mod for 15% chance to cut multiple enemies, it would still be inferior to dual swords because you would have a maximum of 75% chance to cut multiple enemies; dual swords hit multiple enemies anyway AND most of them ignore armor.


I think what they should do is work on the block mechanic, and then make long swords excel at blocking.



If anything longswords should be the middle ground between damage and attack speed. You could make them faster than heavy weapons, and have their damage orbit around the same values as dual weapons.

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I do love the look and appeal of them all, but their usefulness is rather depressing.


I share this and most of you post here, and this is the part where they most fail.

I would be up for buffing them into a level of cutting trough 2 enemies, wouldn't be a hugeee buff but still, if that happened i would probably still use them just cause their pretty.

I like that blocking thing, but still :\

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why not just make ALL weapons hit multiple enemies and then give them all falloff damage to secondary targets


daggers/dual daggers 20% so the first one hit gets 100%, the others around that target get only 20%

swords/dual swords 40%

heavy weapons 60%


it's just totaly ridiculous that the animation shows you swing your pangolin through 3 enemies while only one gets hit by it...

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why not just make ALL weapons hit multiple enemies and then give them all falloff damage to secondary targets


daggers/dual daggers 20% so the first one hit gets 100%, the others around that target get only 20%

swords/dual swords 40%

heavy weapons 60%


it's just totaly ridiculous that the animation shows you swing your pangolin through 3 enemies while only one gets hit by it...


I know right, but a lot of people would complain and cry a lot here because of their beloved dual ethers and furax and bleh bleh :O

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Dual and heavy weapons really are at the top of the melee charts, then you have everything else(Daggers, long-swords, fist etc...) and I see them being used but nowhere as often as the first two I mention and even then I suspect most of them are just being used just for rank, so how would one make them more viable...

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DW sword = Ultra fast. Has AOE. Their air slash move is by far the fastest.

Heavy = Slow. Has AOE and stagger immunity.



Make longswords


Longsword (purposed) = Fast. Stagger immunity.

Perma stun ALL enemies including bosses for 2 seconds per hit.

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While I like OP's idea, I'm going to be honest and say that right now, adding more mods is only going to make it harder to get what you want because the trash tier has overridden the drop rate for pretty much every mod in the game because RNG is a terrible way to code anything except for a pay-to-win game.

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If longswords are single target, why should not they be DEVASTATING against single targets? Likewise, single target daggers should also be king of their own range.


If melee is ever improved, damage ranges could be implemented to strengthen or weaken attacks depending on which part of the weapon hits them. Longer, heavier weapons would retain their large area of effect and maybe do some bonus damage in that range, but would become less useful in close range while the daggers would be extremely powerful. If a longsword were to hit a single target with its tip, it should be able to do damage comparable to that of a charged heavy melee weapon.

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all melee weapon should be multi hit dunno why DE thinks of single targeting when using one sword in real life if you swing your sword in a battle you can hit multiple enemies not just one.

Edited by MakubeX
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all melee weapon should be multi hit dunno why DE thinks of single targeting when using one sword in real life if you swing your sword in a battle you can hit multiple enemies not just one.

Sure... If its a laser sword and your targets are made of paper and wet clay.

Human bodies have these things called "bones" that tend to take multiple swings to break through with a sword, and that is if they aren't armored! Its VERY unlikely for someone to be able to cut through multiple people with one swing of a sword, even if they somehow manage a perfectly clean cut on the first person. Fiction tends to ignore that because realistic sword fighting is kind of boring to watch.


Anyway, the only single swords worth using right now are the only two that are centered around charge damage, the Plasma Sword and the Dark Sword, both of which have very high melee DPS with charge damage. The other swords seem to be built around normal attacks, which are for the most part underpowered right now.

Edited by Grilleds
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I think they should either:

1. Increase the amount of enemies they can hit to 2-3.

2. Give them a very large increase in damage. Both charge and normal.


With #2, that gives a difference between longswords and heavies/dual wielding.

Longswords would be there for a large amount of single target damage, the rest would be for multiple target damage, but lower values.

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How to fix longswords:

1.Increase non-charged melee damage on all weapons by 5-10

2.Make Pressure Point (currently one of the worst mods in the game) increase damage by 15% per rank rather than 7%

3.Reduce the mod size for Pressure Point to 2

Sundering Strike right now is just a way better version of Pressure Point since it has a higher overall increase in damage, is armor piercing, and also effects charge attacks. If Pressure Point was buffed, at least there would be a point in stacking it with Sundering Strike instead of just stacking Sundering Strike and Killing Blow for charge attacks.

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Was thinking of making a thread something like this to give longswords some love.


Proposed solutions:


1. Make longswords stronger

Since, longswords are capable of not cleaving (hitting multiple enemies), make them stronger against one enemy. This makes the longsword more useful than its current state.


2. Make longswords swing faster

If damage is not something that needs to be fixed, a quicker to swing longsword could be better


3. A new charge attack solution

Add another charge attack for all weapons such as crouch + hold melee attack key and make longswords crouched charged attack much more useful compared to the other weapons. (for example, doing major damage on the offset of draining all the stamina; this makes stamina more useful than its current form too) This allows longswords to be used in certain situations where other weapons can not.


4. Give all longswords the ability to do red damage

Since Orthos and dual cleavers have the ability to do them, make all longswords the ability to do red damage. A custom animation that pierces the enemy could be very interesting as well.

Edited by Garto
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I would definitely like to see a redefinition of weapon roles. I've used mostly longswords just because I find them to be the most aesthetically pleasing. Just picked up Dual Heat Swords for charge damage and a change of pace, but I'm totally on board with giving people a reason to consider longsword type weapons aside from the fact that they're pretty. (Oh, my beloved Pangolin Sword...)

1. Allow all weapons to hit all enemies within their motion blur swing arc. Damage dropoff isn't necessary, but isn't unwelcome either.
2. Make swing speed inversely proportional to weapon reach and base damage.

3. Fix the critical hit system and associated mods so that they are something to be considered on any weapon. Right now True Steel and Organ Shatter are jokes on anything that doesn't have a freakishly high critical hit rate (I'm looking at you, Dual Zoren.)


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I think DE needs to make sure that all weapon types have a niche that they exel at.


Single Target DPS, basic attack
1. Dagger

2. Longsword

3. Dual Wield

4. Heavy


Single Target DPS, Charge

1. Longsword

2. Dagger

3. Heavy

4. Dual


Multi Target, Basic

1. Dual

2. Heavy

3. --

4. --


Multi Target, Charge

1. Heavy

2. Dual

3. Longsword (very mild splash)

4. --

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As I said earlier, the main problem with non-charge attack weapons isn't entirely their stats, its that Pressure Point is one of the most pathetically underpowered mods in the game. If Pressure Point was buffed significantly, non-charge attack weapons could stack a high level Pressure Point with Sundering Strike and Fury, to be able to match Killing Blow enhanced weapons in DPS.

Edited by Grilleds
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