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Implement sortie max weapon lvl requirement


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6 minutes ago, Pwincessbaby said:

What strat is that?

"Hey loki go hack all the consoles and don't die to any wardens while me and the other 2 dudes on rhino with lvl 0 bows sit out here playing revive simulator 2016 on each other"

That's not strat... that's carrying people who burden you....

Instead of figuring out how to get carried, sink a short amount of time into getting the weapons you need

Don't go with a group where 3 of the players are horribly unprepared.

That's like saying everyone should be required to have a minimum number of rank 30 frames so you can avoid pubs where you get 3 guys who are MR 4 with only excalibur and some rank 30 market weapons.

Basically you're describing a really, really rare scenario that you can avoid by just joining a different squad.

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No im not describing a rare scenario, people bring rank 0 weapons to sortie every day. If you have to miss out on 1 day of sorties because you don't have that weapon type, that shouldn't upset you since you were too lazy to prepare for it. Its a worthwhile investment to get 1 of each weapon type if you are someone who is doing sorties often and care about them. If you aren't doing them often then keep on taking the lazy approach and skip days where you don't have a max weapon for it.

What's the problem with requiring minimal effort? If sortie is around to stay this is 1 thing that could improve it

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I feel like it should be bound to a conclave rating rather than weapon/Warframe level. I had a loadout that was all level 30 when I was about MR2/3 and had barely any good mods to put on them.

Obviously some Sorties would have lower conclave requirements, like the one-weapon challenges.

I don't intend to start an argument, but having a weapon at rank 30 doesn't mean that the mods on it are very good, or that there are any mods at all. I understand your point with the weapon level, though.

Edited by PotatoTrapdoor
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you know thats what recruting chats for right?

also take into account that i can still get top most damage delt most kills and no getting downed with a weapon that at rank 20 with a group that have all theres maxed out

if all there weapons are rank 0-9 or if it a one type weapon mode only then ya they should not beable to play but if they have just 1 unmaxed weapon and there other 2 are maxed its safe to assume they are using the other two weapons. and even if they are using the rank 15-29 weapon please note that some of them might be forma and be still beastly 

just my 10 cents on the matter

Edited by hazerddex
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Just now, hazerddex said:

you know thats what recruting chats for right?

also take into account that i can still get top most damage delt most kills and no getting downed with a weapon that at rank 20 with a group that have all theres maxed out


We shouldn't even have to use recruiting chat as a crutch to avoid this. This is a problem in the game and should be addressed in some way or another.

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2 minutes ago, PotatoTrapdoor said:

We shouldn't even have to use recruiting chat as a crutch to avoid this. This is a problem in the game and should be addressed in some way or another.

i like how you ignored the rest of what i was saying :'(

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5 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

you know thats what recruting chats for right?

also take into account that i can still get top most damage delt most kills and no getting downed with a weapon that at rank 20 with a group that have all theres maxed out

if all there weapons are rank 0-9 or if it a one type weapon mode only then ya they should not beable to play but if they have just 1 unmaxed weapon and there other 2 are maxed its safe to assume they are using the other two weapons. and even if they are using the rank 15-29 weapon please note that some of them might be forma and be still beastly 

just my 10 cents on the matter

lol it should be the other way around!

Take the leeching guys out of public squads and let them only make private groups with their weapons under 30, let them beg in recruiting chat for likeminded players

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1 minute ago, Pwincessbaby said:

No im not describing a rare scenario, people bring rank 0 weapons to sortie every day. If you have to miss out on 1 day of sorties because you don't have that weapon type, that shouldn't upset you since you were too lazy to prepare for it. Its a worthwhile investment to get 1 of each weapon type if you are someone who is doing sorties often and care about them. If you aren't doing them often then keep on taking the lazy approach and skip days where you don't have a max weapon for it.

What's the problem with requiring minimal effort? If sortie is around to stay this is 1 thing that could improve it

3 people having nothing that helps with the sortie is a very rare scenario. 1 guy missing the weapon is fine, he probably has a frame that's useful for it.

It's more common that I have to leave groups where people just brought the wrong frames or they're playing poorly in general. I have to leave groups at least once every day and it's usually for those reasons.

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2 minutes ago, Pwincessbaby said:

lol it should be the other way around!

Take the leeching guys out of public squads and let them only make private groups with their weapons under 30, let them beg in recruiting chat for likeminded players

your missing the point -.- ok forget the recuting chat part and read the rest

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Just now, hazerddex said:

i like how you ignored the rest of what i was saying :'(

Sorry if that was rude.

I just was trying to say that we shouldn't have to use recruiting chat to find people bringing top-end gear to these missions. People should just be able to jump in and play without running into people with bad gear.

And in regards to what you said about the level 20 weapon... I feel that a conclave rating would be good at least. I understand that non-level-30 gear can be good (I've used <30 equipment and done well with it)

And again, sorry if I came off as harsh. No hard feelings?

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2 minutes ago, Inmemoratus said:

3 people having nothing that helps with the sortie is a very rare scenario. 1 guy missing the weapon is fine, he probably has a frame that's useful for it.

It's more common that I have to leave groups where people just brought the wrong frames or they're playing poorly in general. I have to leave groups at least once every day and it's usually for those reasons.


But why are 3 people having to carry 1? That's the point. Everyone should show up with a weapon that can do damage. I don't understand why anyone is even against this, if you are doing sortie properly and not being carried... levelling a weapon wouldn't be a challenge to you, so you wouldn't care if you had to bring a lvl 30 right?

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9 minutes ago, Pwincessbaby said:


But why are 3 people having to carry 1? That's the point. Everyone should show up with a weapon that can do damage. I don't understand why anyone is even against this, if you are doing sortie properly and not being carried... levelling a weapon wouldn't be a challenge to you, so you wouldn't care if you had to bring a lvl 30 right?

if it's MD and he has frost, he's pulling his weight. If it's survival and he has Valkyr he might not get a high damage score at the end but he'll still do well enough.

I don't see much of a difference between a 0 forma sniper and an unranked sniper. You can get more damage out of warframe powers because it's one bullet at a time, and if it's not killing guys in 1 hit it's just not worth the trouble of using it. I'd rather the player just bring something with a spammable AoE power than try to kill stuff with an 0 forma sniper.

Also keep in mind a lot of people wouldn't even potato it.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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Yeah ive been in MD.. with all of us as frost, caus its random and you come prepared. You are making up stories saying there is magical players who are sooo good and helpful on their frames yet bring lvl 0 weapon to a x only mission. Doesn't happen. If they are rude enough to do that they are absolutely trash with their frame as well.

People have the entire game to be carried in, lets leave sortie as the 1 area people have to put in a tiny bit of effort.

Requiring a max level weapon isn't some big terrible gateway, anyone can do it and should do it.

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+1 Didnt even had to read. Dude today's last Sortie was a defense. It was pretty hard because of the tileset & enemies flooding in. Failed the mission 3 times. Okay I was in terrible squads. So I join a random guy. I get in the game & realized it was only 2 of us. Okay no big deal. We can still win. No biggie. Until I got close & realized he was a MR 4 with a regular Rhino & his weapons wasnt maxed. I bailed. I had too. Babysitting the defense target was hard enough. Especially since his bleeding out timer would still count down while someone was reviving him. That bug by itself caused us the game. 


Ps: I was ready to say forget it if I failed the 5th time but we ended up winning & got a Zenruik lens as a reward. -___-

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3 minutes ago, Pwincessbaby said:

Yeah ive been in MD.. with all of us as frost, caus its random and you come prepared. You are making up stories saying there is magical players who are sooo good and helpful on their frames yet bring lvl 0 weapon to a x only mission. Doesn't happen. If they are rude enough to do that they are absolutely trash with their frame as well.

People have the entire game to be carried in, lets leave sortie as the 1 area people have to put in a tiny bit of effort.

Requiring a max level weapon isn't some big terrible gateway, anyone can do it and should do it.

And like I said, they won't forma or potato it and it will do less damage than spamming AoE powers so what's even the point?

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The point is when they are faced with the choice of having to put in effort or miss out, some of those sloth lords will choose to miss out. That's where they belong, filtered out. The other guys will suck it up and put in the tiny amount of work, and they will become a better player, and sorties will become a better place.

What do you even mean what is the point anyways?

The point is don't burden the general player base with lazy sloths. Makes the game more enjoyable.

It would be simple to add in and its not going to block anyone from doing sorties, because levelling a weapon isn't hard

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There is an issue with people thinking that they can come into a difficult mission designed for people with ranked up gear with unranked weapons expecting the other players to help them through while contibuting nothing to the mission.

The arguments like valkyr not needing to be carried is nonsense, if you really think thats tue then just solo the sortie, prove to yourselves that your argument is valid, nobody will miss you either.People saying they dont have the correct weapons and mods also dont understand that the sortie is for those who have put the effort into building their frames, weapons and mods, if you arnet ready then dont do the sortie, its as simple as that.

Sorties arnet about getting juicy loot, they are about challenging your builds and knowlage of the game, level your gear somewhere else, or solo them. Stop expecting to be carried.

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4 hours ago, Datcoolguy said:

This whole post is "i got 1000 hours in the game so everyone else should git gud"

"I have no actual argument and am just playing contrarian so you must just be some elitist."

Grow up.

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I support PwincessBaby. Sorties are made less appealing while they are plagued by this sort of unsporting behaviour.

The sort of people who have the sole intention of leeching XP or having a free ride to a sortie reward contribute nothing. All they do is risk jeopardizing the mission for everybody else. It is selfish and annoying.

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todays 3rd sortie.. its not a 1 weapon only mission yet look at this frost.. he also has the cheek to complain of no energy to globe caus "none of you guys have energy siphon"


one of these guys is not like the other

one of these guys is not the same

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