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Excavator problems


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Three issues:

    First; The enemies damage was buffed but the drills health/shields were not.   Especially when dealing with medium-high and high level enemies, it's like all they do is look at the drills and they explode.   And before someone says to bring a frost, that's not always an option with matchmaking.  Also, there's times when you have to leave the drill and fetch a power core.

    Second; it would help if pick up cores within say a 1m radius.  (also apply this to data mods in md and deception, and reviving, especially in archwing)  It wastes time trying to hit the small point that the pop up window appears.

    Third; forgive me for not knowing the name of the sector/planet, when I run syndicate corpus excav ice planet, there usually several drill drops where the enemy stops or doesn't appear.   Then when I leave to find them, they show up and destory the drill.   I've tried waiting several minutes but no enemies until I leave.   


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The low health of the excavator has always been defended as being the balance for a much faster rotation. One excavator, 1 minute and 40 seconds, is equivalent to 5 minutes in a survival. It is also supposed to punish you harder for a lack of coordination, given the fact that you can parallelize them and further reduce the rotation times.

The excavations in europa have been broken for a while already, too much of a while... to be acceptable, even today, much worse when soloing. You usually have a few choices, suck it up and deal with the spawn disruption, dont do them, drop a new loka specter on hold at the excavator while you traverse the map looking for power cores or trigger a new excavator in another spot, with the hopes that the specter damage reduction will keep it alive under fire.

Edited by nms.
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I also had the same problem once with excavators.

I was using a radiation radial disarm loki build and the grineer there could do so much damage that the excavator would blow up before I could cast radial disarm.

I think the excavator health really needs to get buffed for higher level missions. its already been done in other places for other things.


I did a rescue sortie and the target we had to rescue had 1000 shields and 2000 health instead of 100 of both like normal.

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