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Mod idea for Warframe: Solving issues with IPS Status weapons & physical damage mods.


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We all know that IPS (Impact, Puncture and Slash) on Status weapons is problematic due to the fact that some of those damage types dilutes the chance of inflicting the desired status effects on your enemies and when people use physical damage mods (Crash Course, Piercing Caliber and Fanged Fusillade), they only focus on whatever damage type they're affecting so the rest of the weapons original damage types are unaffected as expected which leads to the fact that these IPS damage mods are only useful when putting them on weapons that deal high amounts of damage and have a major focus on a specific damage type (For example, the Tigris deals high amounts of damage and the majority of its damage is Slash so it's a good candidate for the mod Sweeping Serration).

I have got a idea for a set of mods that may fix these problems and these are base damage converting mods. What these mods do is they convert a weapons original base damage to its primary damage type (Using the Tigris as an example again, it has 840 Slash damage and 105 Impact and Puncture damage which gives us its total base damage of 1050. With this new mod equipped and maxed, the Tigris has its Impact and Puncture damage converted to Slash) and it only affects the weapons original base damage types so you don't have to worry that it's going to affect your elemental damage combos by converting them as well.

I even came up with names for these mods:

Rifles: Focused Munitions.

Pistols: Converted Rounds.

Shotguns: Orderly Shells.

Melee: Concentrated Blows.

Obviously, single elemental status weapons will still be better as status weapons than physical status weapons and elemental damage types will still out damage physical damage types even if these mods became a reality but I do believe that these mods would fix the problems that IPS Status weapons and physical damage mods are currently suffering from.

Edited by IronWolfKnight
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