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I Am Sick Of Defense Heroes.


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someone correct me if i'm wrong , but doesn't defence give only half XP ? I could swear whenever i go xini i get lousy XP, i did polarize my weps and frames many times, so whenever i'm trying to get XP i go ceres - mobile defence (kiste) for same amount of kills i get around 18-20K XP, on xini i get only like 8-9K (sure when there was the Vauban bug i got like 2 mill XP, but that is over)

but yea its hard to make people stay by the pod, most of the time they don't listen and running around like idiots,

its always, always better when everyone staying close to pod - more XP for everyone and all models and materials are in one spot, also don't understand why is everyone rushing back like dummy  the second mobile defence is over, they don't look around they just rush back ,oh well they have to always wait the 60 sec

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someone correct me if i'm wrong , but doesn't defence give only half XP ? I could swear whenever i go xini i get lousy XP, i did polarize my weps and frames many times, so whenever i'm trying to get XP i go ceres - mobile defence (kiste) for same amount of kills i get around 18-20K XP, on xini i get only like 8-9K (sure when there was the Vauban bug i got like 2 mill XP, but that is over)

but yea its hard to make people stay by the pod, most of the time they don't listen and running around like idiots,

its always, always better when everyone staying close to pod - more XP for everyone and all models and materials are in one spot, also don't understand why is everyone rushing back like dummy  the second mobile defence is over, they don't look around they just rush back ,oh well they have to always wait the 60 sec


If I go to Xini till wave 15-20 with a team defending close to each other I usually garner 20-25k EXP along with 60-100 mods...

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Rant inc.


I love infested defense.  So much so I have almost 80k infested killed out of 120k.  It is all I do.  I run with clan mates whenever I can.  I play early hours of the morning and alot of my clan is offline.  So, I have to pug alot.  All this to say, if you have the desire to try to clear the map of all infested in one swipe, do it near the cryo so your group can share in the xp. I get sick of players going so deep into the hall that they are practically on the spawn points.  Have some respect for your fellow player and bring it back to us just a little bit please.  I think alot of players either dont know there is shared xp, or dont realise there is a range to it.  I wish this was made available to the player base via tutorial or an in game guide or something.  Am I alone on this or is everyone oblivious to shared xp?  /end rant


Ps. Mark mods and blue mats.

Pss. <3


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writing this is pointless. this "people" are so stupid they will never read this. even if they read this they wont understand this. they don't even have so little brain to understand simple things like this: STAY NEAR GROUP. SO GROUP CAN PICK UP AMMO, RESOURCES AND MODS! even a wall have more brain then them.

when i see such stupid retard i only break everything and open lockers. and leave after 5 wave of course.


devs. must give them HUGE penalty. we can do nothing atm. for example they don't get exp but everybody else near pod get full exp from their kills. they cant pick up resources and mods but everybody in group pick up everything automatically after last wave.


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More amd more people prefer to defend the no lotus room in kappa recently.if the data is deployed in the east room,they would like to come to the east room with you first and kill kill kill kill to the west room,then stop moving,do their killing in that room.

when east room is done,team move to the west room,those people will do their killing in the east room.

I don't know why they join a public game while they want to kill monsters alone as far as possible.

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I dont know about this... Seems kinda spotty... I mean I have run the Defense missions on Venus a TON Most of the time ending up on that REALLY GIGANTIC OUTSIDE MAP and yet me and my team mates could be on the other side of the map from each other and yet im STILL GETTING THE EXP FROM THIER KILLS FOR SOME REASON. really just seems off.. a lot of things on the Wiki are usually off from my experiences

and a lot of your guys responses you call THEM the "Heroes"/Trolls/Griefers. But how you guys respond to this... Just leaving/AFKing/Letting the mission fail is pretty much the original definition of grief... and sounds pretty Elitist would it really kill you guys to step more than 5feet away from that pod to get some supposid exp you are not getting? Instead of being Greifers in your own way by AFKING/Leaving/Mission Failing.

I use to like this community but after seeing this thread I just dont know about that HARDCORE PRO DEFENSE Majority anymore.

On a side note. if the person off solo is killing more than you guys staying at the pod combined I dont think hes the main problem here... 

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I dont know about this... Seems kinda spotty... I mean I have run the Defense missions on Venus a TON Most of the time ending up on that REALLY GIGANTIC OUTSIDE MAP and yet me and my team mates could be on the other side of the map from each other and yet im STILL GETTING THE EXP FROM THIER KILLS FOR SOME REASON. really just seems off.. a lot of things on the Wiki are usually off from my experiences

and a lot of your guys responses you call THEM the "Heroes"/Trolls/Griefers. But how you guys respond to this... Just leaving/AFKing/Letting the mission fail is pretty much the original definition of grief... and sounds pretty Elitist would it really kill you guys to step more than 5feet away from that pod to get some supposid exp you are not getting? Instead of being Greifers in your own way by AFKING/Leaving/Mission Failing.

I use to like this community but after seeing this thread I just dont know about that HARDCORE PRO DEFENSE Majority anymore.

On a side note. if the person off solo is killing more than you guys staying at the pod combined I dont think hes the main problem here... 

Nice misrepresentation.

Other than the part about trolling I would say you're pretty far off base to consider people asking others to stop rushing off from the group to stick closer together. It's not about elitism it's about co-operative play.

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More of a problem with the exp system than the actual killing of enemies. If the EXP was global in def you would just whine about having to walk for free S#&$. Bunch of babies lol.

It's also missing mats and mods (because people who act like this rarely mark mods in my experience) and for smoother runs.


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Takes 15 seconds to run back to the pod and it can take a good bit of damage. Only morons stand on it and only bad groups and noobs need to constantly defend it. Moving around and killing things quickly is the key to getting things done at an efficient speed. If you want to play at a snails pace then make a group or play solo problem solved. Most groups only want to go up to wave 5 for keys anyway and anyone who can't solo wave 5 should go back to Sims. I want defense cleared fast so I can move on to the next mission because that's how you farm.

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If they run off and die and let them go. I used to run after them and either I would die trying to revive them, or infested would get past me and end up doing a lot of damage to the cryo. They're only out of commission for maybe 30 seconds.

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man i hate when people go in that back room at the beginning of the rounds and mess up the spawns D;

don't think they're trying to be heroes... just trying to get though the waves faster and making things easier on weaker teammates.


i praise the lord when I see teammates over in that room because it usually means we have a competent team that intends on going past wave 5. as long as one or two players babysit the pod, you're guy are golden. you're gonna get that exp playboy. if not, stop fking crying and stand closer to the room jesus. standing directly on the pod or really close to it can be bad, they rush towards you and swarm you in a lot of situations. tbh i "defense hero" a ton. but i've been trying to play closer to the pod as an attempt to pacify the toddlers. 

Edited by aerokiss
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Nice misrepresentation.

Other than the part about trolling I would say you're pretty far off base to consider people asking others to stop rushing off from the group to stick closer together. It's not about elitism it's about co-operative play.

Well then you wouldnt all be leaving right? I mean leaving is the opposite of Co-operation isnt it? Face it at this rate the people that do leave for these reasons it doesnt even matter about misrepresentation if it appears bad from the outside already. If you want Co-op to Co-op with him and get in on some of those kills Split into two groups if you must im sure you dont need 3 People guarding the Pod its like with MOBAs not everyone has to be doing the same thing. and just like with a MOBA you leaving in the middle of a round isnt making it any more fun for them either. This game is the furthest thing from a MOBA this I understand but the concept of Co-operation in a defensive mission is essentially the same.

And if you guys really are ratting on them that bad for it why not make a Community Guide Video explaining proper manners online while giving tips to the newer players. Lord knows this game is lacking in the Tutorial department

I can understand there are people out there in that group that dont act this way and all but when its in most of the forum post/most of the matches I join it just seems bad.

But yeah Community Starter Guide I think we need one made and stuck to the forum.

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might just do xini and if everyone spawn nuking, if any infesteds break through, i'll just let them hit the pod, maybe if enough people do it those "heroes" will learn to stick by the pod.

i find that funny because I do that same thing after I clear that backroom and other players wait until the beginning of the round to come back there and look around for nothing for 5 minutes while I go watch the cyro get swarmed. 

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I was not aware that XP sharing had a limited range. So some of you really need to relax and stop thinking that everyone who does this is just being a jerk. Why not just inform people before the match in game? You'd be surprised how many just didn't know.

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i find that funny because I do that same thing after I clear that backroom and other players wait until the beginning of the round to come back there and look around for nothing for 5 minutes while I go watch the cyro get swarmed.

Being an A****** doesn't stop the A******s from being A******s.

It just makes more A******s, and makes the A******s more bitter.

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1) Having a range limit on shared exp is stupid.


2) Not clearly informing players that said limit exists is stupid.


3) Not moving into that range if you know people will be killing enemies there is stupid.

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Sorry, I wasn't being hostile, just clearing friendly fire thing that up. xD

   You sound like someone I was with on my first Kappa run. They said the same thing. I found the layout and waypoint incredibly confusing though, so I stood in the center room killing enemies with another teammate. It wasn't my intention but I &!$$ed the other two off until I realized where I had to go, lol.


"..I found the layout and waypoint incredibly confusing though.." I've also found too difficult to follow the waypoints, and the map should be able to enlarge.

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It always depends in your group and especially communication. I main Ash, Trinity and Banshee so I'm always fast, efficient and have decent survivability so I always be one of those heros you mention but only unto a certain wave though unless we discuss our plans otherwise. If I find a good group or play with friends who I know are very competent we can each take our corner for a dozen waves or more but everyone has to know their potential and when to back off and regroup. I am usually the last one to leave my post and I do take a lot of the pressure off of my teams when doing so. I do sometimes get into a downed state and have to be rescued and if I die it is my own fault. If that happens I then apologize and or thank the people  and continue to pull my weight and defend closer with them.


As I mentioned first, communication is key. You need to be able to state your plans to your team and if they start to have a problem with it, at any time with your plans even if it be right away at the start, then it is only efficient to either try to explain yourself or just conform/work with them to meet the end goal. This way they will have less of a problem working with you since you try to understand their thoughts and see you as someone they may be able to trust more in the future to go and do your own thing if XP isn't a main concern.


Lastly every good or at least efficient player I see is ALWAYS moving. If you sit still even in a defense mission then why not just be a turret. I am always moving and flying around the defense mission rooms to keep threats away while being in range for XP and pickups. In fact most of even the Pugs I play with are always running around too and we all do just fine. Constantly moving allows everyone more sustainability, fun and keeps the pod safer. If that is too much to understand then put it this way, you don't need to hump the pod to stay near it and be spread out. You can be in a nice radius around it and if everyone is moving while staying within a small distance of each other then you are golden.

Edited by Fireblac
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I am fine if they do so.

I will just hang around and alt tab and rush to pick up mods.


Then here comes the AFK whine thread.

Hurr durr I got hundreds of kills while this guy just stands on top of the pod casting snowglobe or something, he must be afk !

Edited by fatpig84
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