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Ideas to make Raids more worth while?


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The hardest part of a raid is learning what to do. Once you understand what needs to be done and what your role on the raid is you can breeze through them. I do them almost daily and takes me about 25 minutes to complete each of them. That's really not too bad. I do wish they would reset at the same one the game resets though. I just can't wait until 11pm to start doing my raids, I have to get up early to go to work, DE. Throw me a bone here. -______-

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8 hours ago, RoninJed said:

I absolutely hate the first raid and think it should be completely changed from what it is now but I'm sure thats not going to happen. Having to use specific frames and spam AoE moves thats covering the whole screen none stop is annoying.The second one is better but could still use more work. Something that could help both raids alot would be getting better in game direction on what to do. I think a raid with rathuum like gameplay could be cool.

We still need a Corpus raid, so maybe there could be and arena style fight in that.

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I would make base raid easier by reducing enemy levels and amount of heavy units that spawn at the same time. Also giving the core more HP. The raid is pretty easy already with a team, so it won't make any difference if we leave more people play it in less time. 
Now... I would also touch the nightmare mode of it, making it actually harder, so hardcore players can enjoy it and have better rewards. I would make all the units resist CC or reduce the effects of CC on them. I would also balance enemies to not instakill you, so the lack of CC won't make it impossible. I would add more special units and the crazy cat lady. The reward for all that effort would be two arcanes at the same time, and both of these arcanes would have way more chances of being rare arcanes than in the normal raid. 
Also, TLOR also needs a couple of QoL changes. If they made the base mode easier, and the nightmare mode harder (with less CC) it would be nice if they completely change the button press part for something like killing some especial units that would do the same than a button. That way we wouldn't need to stay still for long periods of time, making the raid a bit more fun. 

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I think the best way to make raids more worthwhile is to make it easier to learn I guess.

Most people who do raids usually do them with clan mates and friends, who have already done it. There's nothing wrong with this except for the fact that most newbies who do join a raid for the first time will be confused about what they have to do since (In my experiance and opinion) not many people are willing to teach others.

They should add mechanics from the raids into the regular gamemodes so that everyone can learn it there as well, maybe simplify them abit so the raids won't be too easy.

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17 minutes ago, Haspitas said:

I think the best way to make raids more worthwhile is to make it easier to learn I guess.

Most people who do raids usually do them with clan mates and friends, who have already done it. There's nothing wrong with this except for the fact that most newbies who do join a raid for the first time will be confused about what they have to do since (In my experiance and opinion) not many people are willing to teach others.

They should add mechanics from the raids into the regular gamemodes so that everyone can learn it there as well, maybe simplify them abit so the raids won't be too easy.

As I posted before. I agree with this idea of making the normal raid easier. 
But, also make the nightmare raid difficult, but with more rewards than the normal one. 
That could work pretty well IMO.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:


I think you have misunderstood me, good sir.

I'm not saying that the Raids should be made easier, but rather to have a simplified version of the unique raid mechanics be put into T4 Sabotage, Eris Captures etc. so that most people can get a better understanding of these mechanics early on without having to go "bind" into the raids themselves. The Normal or Base mode is pretty good in term of difficulty and making it easier will just destroy the feeling of accomplishment, in my opinion.

However, I have also noticed your comment above mine and after reading it I do agree with your stance on making Nightmare mode more "hardcore", though the rewards we get from doing hardcore might need to be increased by quite a bit.

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1 minute ago, Haspitas said:

I think you have misunderstood me, good sir.

I'm not saying that the Raids should be made easier, but rather to have a simplified version of the unique raid mechanics be put into T4 Sabotage, Eris Captures etc. so that most people can get a better understanding of these mechanics early on without having to go "bind" into the raids themselves. The Normal or Base mode is pretty good in term of difficulty and making it easier will just destroy the feeling of accomplishment, in my opinion.

However, I have also noticed your comment above mine and after reading it I do agree with your stance on making Nightmare mode more "hardcore", though the rewards we get from doing hardcore might need to be increased by quite a bit.

My apologies. Now I get what you mean. 
I don't really know if I must agree or disagree here. both have their pros and contras. 
I mean, adding the raid mechanics to normal missions would make more people prepared to what they are going to face in the raids. But, at the same time, it would make the raids feel les unique. 
In the other hand we have our current situation... A lot of failed raid runs because the lack of knowledge, but the raids feel unique. 
Maybe a raid tutorial mode would be useful. ._.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

My apologies. Now I get what you mean. 
I don't really know if I must agree or disagree here. both have their pros and contras. 
I mean, adding the raid mechanics to normal missions would make more people prepared to what they are going to face in the raids. But, at the same time, it would make the raids feel les unique. 
In the other hand we have our current situation... A lot of failed raid runs because the lack of knowledge, but the raids feel unique. 
Maybe a raid tutorial mode would be useful. ._.

Raids as they are right now are stupidly easy because it only requres you to cc them and stand on buttons maybe if they were more like the rathuum event before the nerf but times 10 more harder 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:


I understand that my idea will have an effect on the uniqueness of the Raids, which is why I recommended a simplified version of those mechanics for the other gamemodes, though I do agree that it might not help your concern much.

In my experience, making things better doesn't always necessary means that everything about them would become better. Sacrificing abit of the Raid's uniqueness in my opinion is a necessary sacrifice in order to ensure that more people will be able to play the Raids without feeling confused or useless.

3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

Snip again

While the Raids aren't really that hard once you learn how to do them, there are still many people who complain about failing some runs due to teammates not knowing what to do, so making it harder will only increase the amount of complaints like this. However this idea will do well for making Nightmare more harder but maybe not 10x as hard.

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I try to do a normal and nightmare raid every day, but the main problem I keep encountering time and time again is actually assembling a team. Assembling the team is arguably the hardest part of the entire raid. If I had a regular raid group that got on every day at a specified time just to raid with me, I would raid way more often. But, as it is now, I spend more time searching for a raid than actually doing the raids themselves.

Edited by DuskLegendary
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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

Raids as they are right now are stupidly easy because it only requres you to cc them and stand on buttons maybe if they were more like the rathuum event before the nerf but times 10 more harder 

I am a player who actively seeks challenge. So I agree that 100% is extremelly easy. 
So maybe, we could compensate that with a reduction of CC effectiveness, so DPS and Utility frames become a bit more usefull than the 100% effective CC frames. 
I also wanted to make nightmare mode even more difficult, so hardcore players could enjoy it more, and also giving them more rewards for doing so. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

I am a player who actively seeks challenge. So I agree that 100% is extremelly easy.

Every repeatable and predictable content is extremely easy with a good coordinated team. Unless it's super hard and skill dependent.

Truth is, literally no one would play the content that needs too much coordination and skill. In fact, majority of players is clanless or their clans are rather unorganized with only a couple of somewhat good squads. DE wouldn't make a content no one plays. JV is already hardly populated.

Making a mission which can not be completed by the squad, one half of which is dumb (or speaks different language, or is leeching) and doesn't really contribute is a waste of resources. Hell, "stand on the circle, look at your target, shoot the green one" is already too hard for some players.

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11 hours ago, tutzdes said:

2) You need to do half-raid to be able to do full-raid. So older players are reluctant to take first-timers unlike LoR.

From my experience it's the other way around. The button phase in LoR is a pain with first-timers and JV is so easy you can afford half of the team as first-timers.

The rewards are great, the only annoying part is the afformentionned recruiting process. When you play raids always at the same hour, you end up with the same people. Just add them to your friend list and recruiting gets a lot easier. Once you build a large network, you might even end up with invites for ready-to-go parties without even having to ask.

Edited by vazerd68
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The problem with raid rewards is keeping them useful as the game goes forward. With just about every other game you eventually leave things behind. I mean think about it when you played everquest when you were done with the elemental planes you moved on to plane of time.

The trick is putting out rewards that people want to keep coming back for.

Honestly Im not sure what to put in place. My first thought was cosmetics exclusive to the raid and prebuilt weapons but those are finite items

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Maybe if they did a revamp of arcanes would be even better

because there is not nothing worse than making several raid and catch arcanes as Consequence, Deflection, Healing, Nullifier, Resistance.

to this day I do not know what the goals mentioned above arcanes (I do not much conclave game so I do not know if you have any utility in PvP)

I do not care to take 20 to 25 minutes to raid, but the one up to despondency when you complete a 3 followed raids and so comes arcanes that you'll never use or sell.

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10 hours ago, Eliakin said:

Maybe if they did a revamp of arcanes would be even better

because there is not nothing worse than making several raid and catch arcanes as Consequence, Deflection, Healing, Nullifier, Resistance.

to this day I do not know what the goals mentioned above arcanes (I do not much conclave game so I do not know if you have any utility in PvP)

I do not care to take 20 to 25 minutes to raid, but the one up to despondency when you complete a 3 followed raids and so comes arcanes that you'll never use or sell.

It would be nice to reassess arcanes such as warmth

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Arcanes maybe?

Arcanes are totally worth the assembling of teams and doing the raid. Yes there are trash Arcanes, but then there are also trash primes and MR fodder.

The only thing that I would criticize is the 3rd part of JV, because even after doing it literally more than 10 times, I still get lost in that labyrinth.

JV is complicated to the point where even a Team of MR19+ might still fail the 3rd part, if there is not some hardcore raiders in amongst them.

Edited by TheBright888
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