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Small Yet Significant Tweaks to Make Weapons Much More Fun


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Shotgun: Damage Fall-Off on top of Spread is Too Harsh

Spread already make shotgun less effectiveness in range. Adding Fall-Off on top of that and you turn most shotguns basically into melee weapons... except current melee weapons are stronger, faster, and don't need reload.

Remove fall-off! It doesn't matter that someone can clear a room of lvl 10. People do that anyways with launcher, amphix, sinoid simulor, etc. Don't kill the legitimate usability of shotgun to stop edge case. Give us the old Tigris back. FPS is about aiming, and Tigris used to be the only shotgun that doesn't use vicious spread because its tight spread allow for skillful headshots... now it's just a close-range point-blank shotgun that might as well use viscous spread... like every other shotgun.


Sniper: Fast and Spammy Melee Combo Just Doesn't Translate Well to Slow Sniper that has Reload

Combo mechanics need to consider sniper speed and we need to focus on the same thing that sniping players focus on: HEADSHOT.

    • If it takes 5 hits to go from 1x combo multiplier to 1.5x, then a single headshot will count as 5 hits on the combo-counter.

    • Bullet is refunded to ammo pool on headshot. Launchers use the same ammo type and they kill tons of enemies per ammo. Snipers need this to measure up in ammo efficiency.

    • Reload time should also be reduced by combo multiplier. (so 1.5x is -.5 second reload. 2x is -1second reload. Due to the limited ammo, even at 0sec reload snipers will still need to focus on headshot and not try to spray and pray. Lowering reload allow player to focus on aiming and combo counter, where the fun is).

    • Combo-duration should work like Berserker where a normal hit will increase 6 seconds, while a headshot will increase it by 12 seconds. Up to a maximum of 18 seconds (30 with Harkonar Scope, which allows player to carry the combo count from 1 fight to the next, now that's worth a mod slot closer to Body Count).

    • A missed shot should reduce the combo counter by 1, not reset it. Sometimes another player kills the target 0.1 second before you fire. Reset is too severe of a consequence and develop anti-cooperative sentiment.

    • Sniper gains punch-through based on the range it travels before hitting the the first target. So at 20m, it gains +1m punch-through and +1.5m at 30m. Bonus = Range / 20.

Special combo effect like Dual Toxocyst is also great to have on snipers, but short of redesigning each sniper with a unique proc... the above will at least fix the combo system to actually be fun and rewarding.


Launcher: Self-CC instead of Self-damage (Instant Death) for Launcher weapons

Instant-death from self-damage makes many cool weapons unwanted especially when it's not even your fault someone bullet jump in front of you. However having zero penalty for launcher makes them overshadow everything else. So rework the danger of the weapons so that it works toward balance but not extreme.

    • Self-damage should not scale. Player health doesn't scale much, so a static amount of self damage is enough. Something like 20% of the weapon's un-modded base damage should be ok.

    • Instead of self-kill, when player hit themselves, they will just get knockdown or disorient/stun to deter reckless use.

    • For weapons that create sustained AoE, do some kind of slow or movement hindrance. Torid will slow you if you move inside the poison field and Simulor will pull you toward it unless there's a box or something between you and it.

Basically, make the drawback of hitting yourself with launcher a hindrance so people will want to aim properly, but not a death sentence.

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Shotgun: I am against removing damage fall-off completely because we don't need "sniper" shotguns, but lowering it would be nice

Sniper: lots of great ideas that encourage skillful player to use snipers more. 

Launcher: team mates, kubrows, rescuetargets are allways happy to jump in front of you when trying to shoot your weapon. I like your idea on this one, but I kind of think that it should be enough if rockets and other explosives would pass through your allies.

You have nice ideas and I hope that the developers will read them.


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Good ideas, the only one I'm against is for Shotguns, they need to be better close in weapons, being a Primary Weapon, not be able to snipe at range.

Sobek with Augment and Rathuum mod is in an interesting place now. So the Strun, Boar and their variants need something, I've been thinking that a faster reload would be a good start, even the Sobek has a rather high reload at 4.0

Tigris and Hek variants seem to be in the best shape of the available Shotguns, performance-wise.

Kohm needs more ammo per pickup at the very least, it shares similar issues to the Amprex and Glaxion in terms of ammo in-efficiency.

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