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Why Are We Seeing The Same Frames Over And Over?


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I it just me or does anyone else see an over abundance of Ash's, Nyx's, Frosts, and Vauban's? Seriously it's like these are the only frames that exist when playing public. Simetimes you'll see a Rhino or Ember now and then but what about the Loki's, Banshees, Exacaliburs, Volts, and such. I don't know if its because those frames are easier to use or something but I'm tired of seeing people running these frames then dying every 3 minutes trying to be a Frost with Ash and being useless trying to be a Ash as a Frost.

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The kind of mission you play frequently (if you stick to certain types like Mobile Defense/Endless defense) can influence which warframes people bring to the party as well. When I'm going to Xini/Narc for Endless Defense farming, I'm bringing my high defense, power maxed Saryn along because she just eats all of their babies.


Spy/Deception/Capture? Ash or Loki because stealthing around and not getting detected is hilarious.


Other stuff, depends on my mood and if I'm playing with friends.


As is though, high damage frames are going to have a lot of shiny factor on them especially for people who do not have a lot of platinum to their name to spend on extra warframe slots. More proverbial bang for the buck since the game is 2/3s murder and 1/3 gimmicks

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.... What? I see most frames regularly except rhino and the primes.

I only see Rhinos nowadays ,on average, every 9 missions. Frost primes are so abundant that they might as well make the original Frost the prime version instead of the current one. I see them about every 2-3 missions and there is almost an Ash in every mission. I don't even see what's so fun about Ash. His ultimate, while fun to look at, is slow and too unreliable as it may hit 12 guys in one strike but only 3 in the next, even in a large group if enemies. His shuriken is good, but his invisibility isn't as good as Loki's. His teleport skill is only useful to teleport to downed allies as teleporting to an enemy gets a swift elbow in the face and railgun moas up the A. I'm leveling him now and I honestly see no reason to use him more then my Loki or Volt. But I realize opinions are subjective. Just didn't think that so many people have the same opinion.

Edited by Solaurus
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Simetimes you'll see a Rhino or Ember now and then but what about the Loki's, Banshees, Exacaliburs, Volts, and such.


played today on pluto against corpus with 3 embers ... then 3 banshees ... then 2 banshee and 1 volt ... then in ceres against grineer with 2 loki ... and a tons of excal prime and basic excals on outer terminus (100/100 - 150/150 excals in pluto -_- try level your frames somewhere else pls)


Some frames are berrer for some missions, like frost in defense exept that, it's random.

Edited by Ungorisz
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I use a Loki, Banshee and Trinity.

You don't see me cos i'm a flippin ninja

Of course I see you, you're the one always breaking the ventilation system. I also don't see alot of Trinities or Mags. I see about the same amount of Saryns as I see Volts.
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Because society has been discriminating frames and this needs to stop.

Minority frames like Mags, Volts and Embers should be treated with the same respect as Nyxs and Frosts and because we are all equal in the eyes of Lotus

Check your privileges.

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Of course I see you, you're the one always breaking the ventilation system. I also don't see alot of Trinities or Mags. I see about the same amount of Saryns as I see Volts.

Thats because mag is pretty much garbage except for her ult, trinity is like paper, she has bascally 0 armor, and she looks kinda funky, most of all you don't really even need a trinity for anything, nothing is really hard enough to warrant playing her. Rhino is just a all around good solid frame, as is frost and to a lesser extend saryn. Frost is one of the most useful frames in game because of snow globe, stops shots coming in, and if anything does get in like infested, they are slowed so much they can't really do anything. Ice wave is also fairly potent, and frost has a damaging ult which is also nice, only bad skill frost has is his first one, its not really all that useful when you could do icewave that hits harder and also is a line aoe.


One of the number 1 issue I have with Warframe as a whole is how useless alot of the frames abilities are, eg: frost and saryns first skill. Mag having like 3 of her 4 skills be pretty much worthless. I think DE should make some new abilities that are drop only to enhance the frames with bad ones, maybe 1 more new one per slot. so 4 total.

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Ash and Nyx? I never see Ash and barely ever see a Nyx around. It's all Frost Prime, Ember and Rhino (yes, even after the nerf, before that it was common for the other 3 team mates to be rhinos). Lots of Mags too.

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