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Trinity Players



I hardly ever run into another Trinity, unless its from my clan. How many out there actively play her?


Also, Im starting to get really irritated at a few kinds of players. I just recently played about 12 runs in a row and on each and every one of them, they didn't wait for me at all, didn't mark a single mod, didnt even try to communicate, and whats worse, They just automatically thought because they had a Trinity, they could wade in and never care what happened to their health. Yeah, i know that as a Trinity, your job is to Support....But we can't do everything all the time. I had to watch everyone's health so closely because they felt absolutely fine with jumping up to WAY higher levels than they were capable of (some of them were lvl 4 or 5 frames, wanting to do repeated runs on Phorid). I know i could have just left...but i couldn't bring myself to just let them die and be pissed off about it. (Stupid, im totally aware of that). I repeatedly told them they should be a bit more careful, because even at max level with maxed out energy mods, i cant heal as often as they were needing it. To prove my point, I played an Excalibur on the last run. Not only did they not listen when i told them so, They immediately took off running and didnt even look around at the other frames, not even a glance. So naturally, even with me Rezing them, they all died. In fact, they all died so much that they used up every Revive for today. I was the only one that made it to Extraction.


I feel sad and vindicated at the same time.....Am i really as bad a player as i feel like i am now?

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I actively play her and people should note that Trinity's abilities either require a beefy enemy that doesn't die in 3-4 seconds, or a long 2-3 second windup time to use.  Your teammates were just way too darn careless and it was their own fault, if they lose shields and start losing health they should back off/find cover till they get blessing or their shields recharge.


I've never really had careless teammates though except for people getting harmed by lasers in void runs but I do a good job keeping up those heals anyhow.


You're really not a bad player at all, you just had bad teammates imho.

Edited by SandDune
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I have a trinity.

I gave her a potato.


And I use her for T3 exterminate missions and serious defense missions.

But since I maxed her out, I don't use her anymore.


I equip her with Flow, 125% max energy.

So now she has about 412 energy and 540 health.


I was the hero once, in a T3 mission. My teammates used a forma, and I saved their butts all the time.

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Trinity is ok... she feels too... well... useless honestly outside of going for face-tanking.

Energy vamp is fine... having an indirect heal with well of life is... bleh. Most of the time stuff doesn't even live long enough for it to be useful and it just FEELS wrong.

Her ulti is amazing but... with that HUGE wind-up time it's rendered mostly useless unless you're trying to heal up a really beefy/tanky player on your team because usually when people are taking damage they take it REAL fast... IMO they should keep the animation but make that healing pulse instant akin to Saryn's ulti.

I think Trinity would get a lot more love if they swapped her 1 for a more direct heal or, alternatively, a health leech move that healed in an AoE pulse around her... it could be a really really small heal, but the fact that it does damage and is a spammable heal would give it a lot of life and actually give people a reason to be pumping out skills in group play.

Frankly, for all but high end defense and boss fights... trinity is really an irrelevant frame.

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You're not a bad player, there are just way too many people who got issues in their heads.


I feel your pain. Been through way too many face palm, head desk, wanting to strangle a kitten moment through out my pug experience.

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I find playing Rhino with the rejuvenation artifact makes a better support than Trinity.


Are you in trouble?  Iron skin.

Are they in trouble?  Radial blast.

Are they in serious trouble?  Rhino stomp.


It's almost a slogan. "Rhino revives."

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I started one the other day and got her up to level 12.


I like Trinity. It is nice to change things up and play the job of healer every now and then. Besides it allows me to keep lower level squad members alive when they are trying to level up new frames.

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Most boring class to play, useful only for high waves in endless missions, game is too easy to to bring trinity everywhere, also cant see timers for skills, cant see team members health and mana without pressing esc.

Press z.

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Trinity is ok... she feels too... well... useless honestly outside of going for face-tanking.

Energy vamp is fine... having an indirect heal with well of life is... bleh. Most of the time stuff doesn't even live long enough for it to be useful and it just FEELS wrong.

Her ulti is amazing but... with that HUGE wind-up time it's rendered mostly useless unless you're trying to heal up a really beefy/tanky player on your team because usually when people are taking damage they take it REAL fast... IMO they should keep the animation but make that healing pulse instant akin to Saryn's ulti.

I think Trinity would get a lot more love if they swapped her 1 for a more direct heal or, alternatively, a health leech move that healed in an AoE pulse around her... it could be a really really small heal, but the fact that it does damage and is a spammable heal would give it a lot of life and actually give people a reason to be pumping out skills in group play.

Frankly, for all but high end defense and boss fights... trinity is really an irrelevant frame.

Well of Life is pretty crappy, i don't even have it in my loadout. Energy Vamp is the most amazing thing for bosses...because it will allow the other players to spam ults like they were free.


Most boring class to play, useful only for high waves in endless missions, game is too easy to to bring trinity everywhere, also cant see timers for skills, cant see team members health and mana without pressing esc.

Yeah you can. Just push M. (M is default for me, it could be something else for you) its the same key that will show your objective, and your Bonus goal. In fact i think it was put there almost exclusively for trinity, since her team's health is so important to her.

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I started one the other day and got her up to level 12.


I like Trinity. It is nice to change things up and play the job of healer every now and then. Besides it allows me to keep lower level squad members alive when they are trying to level up new frames.

One of the things that i LOVE doing is running her randomly around Mercury and Venus, so that i see a lot of really new players. Ill just straight up tell them that im here to teach and to help new players in whatever they need. If they want lots of kills, thats fine, ill just sit back and heal while they get all the kills they want.

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Well of Life is pretty crappy, i don't even have it in my loadout. Energy Vamp is the most amazing thing for bosses...because it will allow the other players to spam ults like they were free.

I said vampire is good, link is good, blessing has issues and well is useless...

All in all Trinity is generally a boring frame, 90% of the game people don't usually need heals unless they are very low level or doing something they aren't ready for and 1/2 the time when they do need heals you really can't get the heal off in time anyways without anticipating they are about to start taking massive damage.

It's very rare that I find myself not sitting on full energy with something  worth using ability wise with Trinity and she really feels worthless outside of boss farming and high end defense period... Link is really her only skill worth using regularly, which really makes her a one trick pony, and even that isn't a terribly rewarding skill when push comes to shove.

I feel like making her 1st skill either a direct heal, a health leech (do damage, gain life and pulse a small AoE heal or, alternatively, make the heal go to whoever has the least hp in a certain range) or perhaps even make her 1st skill a targeted buff would go a long way in adding play value to trinity.

The truth of the matter is... Trinity is the least interesting, least engaging frame and the overwhelming bulk of the time you will run through missions without even really using skills anyways.

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I said vampire is good, link is good, blessing has issues and well is useless...

All in all Trinity is generally a boring frame, 90% of the game people don't usually need heals unless they are very low level or doing something they aren't ready for and 1/2 the time when they do need heals you really can't get the heal off in time anyways without anticipating they are about to start taking massive damage.

It's very rare that I find myself not sitting on full energy with something  worth using ability wise with Trinity and she really feels worthless outside of boss farming and high end defense period... Link is really her only skill worth using regularly, which really makes her a one trick pony, and even that isn't a terribly rewarding skill when push comes to shove.

I feel like making her 1st skill either a direct heal, a health leech (do damage, gain life and pulse a small AoE heal or, alternatively, make the heal go to whoever has the least hp in a certain range) or perhaps even make her 1st skill a targeted buff would go a long way in adding play value to trinity.

The truth of the matter is... Trinity is the least interesting, least engaging frame and the overwhelming bulk of the time you will run through missions without even really using skills anyways.

Heres the thing though, We have Drastically different playstyles. And most everyone i know Spams abilities all the time, because thats what they are there for. For someone like you, Trinity really is useless, but not for a great many of us out there. I will totally agree with replacing WoL with a direct heal or leech. That would make things with her a bit more exciting.

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Heres the thing though, We have Drastically different playstyles. And most everyone i know Spams abilities all the time, because thats what they are there for. For someone like you, Trinity really is useless, but not for a great many of us out there. I will totally agree with replacing WoL with a direct heal or leech. That would make things with her a bit more exciting.

I use trinity a lot, just giving honest feedback to why so few people do. Other than for link or if you have someone who just insists on face tanking everything and standing in fire there are no skills that genuinely provoke regular use. I have been a healer / support player in almost every game I've played because I like to be the guy that pushes the team across the finish by not letting anyone fall... and Trinity is just lacking when it comes to compelling and efficient use of her skills since she does no damage, no direct heals outside of an ulti that has a huge wind-up time.

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Got an overcharged, maxed Trinity. The reason I don't play her is because a nerf is in the works which is bound to ruin my day if I played the frame. Other than that I love the frame, one of my favorites.

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I potato'ed her because i potato all my warframes.


She is one of my favorite, she solo's bosses great and can heal team-mates in trouble. I have the most gameplay hours as Trinity, and it makes you better with guns, as you mostly rely on those for damage.

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Got an overcharged, maxed Trinity. The reason I don't play her is because a nerf is in the works which is bound to ruin my day if I played the frame. Other than that I love the frame, one of my favorites.

a month ago I would have violently disagreed with you about trinity getting a nerf... but then they nerfed Loki's decoy...

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a month ago I would have violently disagreed with you about trinity getting a nerf... but then they nerfed Loki's decoy...

I don't think they are going to nerf Link. They Nerfed Iron Skin, but Rhino is still naturally tanky. Not so with Trinity. If they Nerf Link, then she will still be viable, but Warframe will no longer have ANY Ubertank for bosses. Im ok with the possibility that i could be wrong, but i dont think so.

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I don't think they are going to nerf Link. They Nerfed Iron Skin, but Rhino is still naturally tanky. Not so with Trinity. If they Nerf Link, then she will still be viable, but Warframe will no longer have ANY Ubertank for bosses. Im ok with the possibility that i could be wrong, but i dont think so.


I Think they did something to the Link recently, or I am simply missing something.

Now that I play with her, there is a flashy link (in Link mode) between me and an enemy, and if there is a wall or anything separating or bending that link, it is broken and jump over to Another enemy. So, basically, they changed it.

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I Think they did something to the Link recently, or I am simply missing something.

Now that I play with her, there is a flashy link (in Link mode) between me and an enemy, and if there is a wall or anything separating or bending that link, it is broken and jump over to Another enemy. So, basically, they changed it.

I like that change....Its a good alternative to nerfing it. And it makes more sense lore-wise.

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