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Pop culture/Anime theories,stories, mash ups and off topic chats~a chill cafe. Nerds welcome. Otakus needed.


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42 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

It got real with things like "feelings".

   That's great! Breaks right through the emotional distance that the Internet causes. Gets you to be the real you, even if it stings a bit. 

25 minutes ago, (PS4)makrisbrik said:

Lucky smuck? First time I've been called a scmuck! I'm getting tired of being called mister either. You've visited my profile several times and you still have no clue who I am? Please get it right, or simply don't respond to any of my post. Or I could just ignore you?

   Ah, I see, in my attempt at being affectionate, I fell back on my 1950s lingo approach. Also also. . . I . . . I sort of use people's profiles to get around the forums mam. . . whatever visits you see are  . . eh, because I, as a digital ape, used you as a branch to get here or elsewhere. 


Also also. . . did I just. . . I just used the wrong respectful gender term, didn't I?


Please, to demonstrate my frustration, please place this video on five separate windows and activate them one after the other. I'd hand you the blunt force object that I would gladly let you pound me over the head with, but, no way to transfer it, so. . . name the next butcher you see after me?

Edited by Unus
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2 hours ago, Unus said:

   That's great! Breaks right through the emotional distance that the Internet causes. Gets you to be the real you, even if it stings a bit. 

   Ah, I see, in my attempt at being affectionate, I fell back on my 1950s lingo approach. Also also. . . I . . . I sort of use people's profiles to get around the forums mam. . . whatever visits you see are  . . eh, because I, as a digital ape, used you as a branch to get here or elsewhere. 


Also also. . . did I just. . . I just used the wrong respectful gender term, didn't I?


Please, to demonstrate my frustration, please place this video on five separate windows and activate them one after the other. I'd hand you the blunt force object that I would gladly let you pound me over the head with, but, no way to transfer it, so. . . name the next butcher you see after me?

Stop being a digital ape and evolve already.

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4 minutes ago, ninja234 said:

Stop being a digital ape and evolve already.

   But. . .but. . . how?! There's no more convenient method to get around the forums then by "friend shortcut"! Otherwise, I have to wade through the mess to find the few topics I enjoy and the few folks I. . . I well. . . I trust to talk to.


  Everyone else seems to rapidly oscillate between frothing fanaticism, bitter-rage, and gloom-and-doom predictions. Then. . . well, then there's you guys and the fellows who helped me set up on the forums. Those folks urged me on to do something I always dreamed of doing. And you guys. . . well, you guys somehow, no matter how how annoying I was, managed to tolerate my presence and the accompanying rambleing wreckage I dragged in with me. Now? Well, I'm starting to notice I've become a bit to callous and casual around you folks, and, i'm sorry it's caused you trouble.


Geezus, textwall confession time already?

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Just now, Unus said:

   But. . .but. . . how?! There's no more convenient method to get around the forums then by "friend shortcut"! Otherwise, I have to wade through the mess to find the few topics I enjoy and the few folks I. . . I well. . . I trust to talk to.


  Everyone else seems to rapidly oscillate between frothing fanaticism, bitter-rage, and gloom-and-doom predictions. Then. . . well, then there's you guys and the fellows who helped me set up on the forums. Those folks urged me on to do something I always dreamed of doing. And you guys. . . well, you guys somehow, no matter how how annoying I was, managed to tolerate my presence and the accompanying rambleing wreckage I dragged in with me. Now? Well, I'm starting to notice I've become a bit to callous and casual around you folks, and, i'm sorry it's caused you trouble.


Geezus, textwall confession time already?

My mind is too sleep depraved to care.

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4 minutes ago, Unus said:

   But. . .but. . . how?! There's no more convenient method to get around the forums then by "friend shortcut"! Otherwise, I have to wade through the mess to find the few topics I enjoy and the few folks I. . . I well. . . I trust to talk to.


  Everyone else seems to rapidly oscillate between frothing fanaticism, bitter-rage, and gloom-and-doom predictions. Then. . . well, then there's you guys and the fellows who helped me set up on the forums. Those folks urged me on to do something I always dreamed of doing. And you guys. . . well, you guys somehow, no matter how how annoying I was, managed to tolerate my presence and the accompanying rambleing wreckage I dragged in with me. Now? Well, I'm starting to notice I've become a bit to callous and casual around you folks, and, i'm sorry it's caused you trouble.


Geezus, textwall confession time already?

Let the feelz rush through you.

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43 minutes ago, ninja234 said:

My mind is too sleep depraved to care.

Goodnight then sir.


39 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

Let the feelz rush through you.

Feels good to feel some emotion other then boredom and regret over building Rome in a swamp, feels very good.

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48 minutes ago, Unus said:

   But. . .but. . . how?! There's no more convenient method to get around the forums then by "friend shortcut"! Otherwise, I have to wade through the mess to find the few topics I enjoy and the few folks I. . . I well. . . I trust to talk to.


  Everyone else seems to rapidly oscillate between frothing fanaticism, bitter-rage, and gloom-and-doom predictions. Then. . . well, then there's you guys and the fellows who helped me set up on the forums. Those folks urged me on to do something I always dreamed of doing. And you guys. . . well, you guys somehow, no matter how how annoying I was, managed to tolerate my presence and the accompanying rambleing wreckage I dragged in with me. Now? Well, I'm starting to notice I've become a bit to callous and casual around you folks, and, i'm sorry it's caused you trouble.


Geezus, textwall confession time already?

Thanks, but I take that annoying award.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)TheNarrowRoad said:

Thanks, but I take that annoying award.

   Annoying award? What do you mean? Also, something has recently begun to irk me relateing to animated series. Is there. . . is there a reason why they only seem to go for a season before suddenly explodeing and becoming nothing but "Manga"?

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2 minutes ago, Unus said:

   Annoying award? What do you mean? Also, something has recently begun to irk me relateing to animated series. Is there. . . is there a reason why they only seem to go for a season before suddenly explodeing and becoming nothing but "Manga"?

What do you mean, you mean they don't deviate from the manga?

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40 minutes ago, (XB1)TheNarrowRoad said:

What do you mean, you mean they don't deviate from the manga?

  No, I mean as in, the animation suddenly stops and never takes off again. BOOM, DEAD, CAPUT, never again. It's my current largest gripe. Not that I hate reading the "mangas", just that I. . . well, I like cartoons a bit more.

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6 minutes ago, Unus said:

  No, I mean as in, the animation suddenly stops and never takes off again. BOOM, DEAD, CAPUT, never again. It's my current largest gripe. Not that I hate reading the "mangas", just that I. . . well, I like cartoons a bit more.

Same here like akame ga kill and other animes...its like a cruel tease.

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26 minutes ago, (XB1)TheNarrowRoad said:

Same here like akame ga kill and other animes...its like a cruel tease.

   I'm just trying to understand the logic. It seems like, even if the manga is horrendously popular and extremely long, the still cut it out at season 1 and never go back. The only ones who seemed to get the good stuff were One Piece and the zombie that is Naruto.


   My apologies sir, I'm a bit. . . strung out . . . on a few animated series right now. Musumes in April, still waiting on Dragon Maid, have to wait 6 days for Interviews to be released, and now i'm brute forceing through 100 "mangas" Of  Jitsu wa.


Any of those. . . sound familiar?

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

   I'm just trying to understand the logic. It seems like, even if the manga is horrendously popular and extremely long, the still cut it out at season 1 and never go back. The only ones who seemed to get the good stuff were One Piece and the zombie that is Naruto.


   My apologies sir, I'm a bit. . . strung out . . . on a few animated series right now. Musumes in April, still waiting on Dragon Maid, have to wait 6 days for Interviews to be released, and now i'm brute forceing through 100 "mangas" Of  Jitsu wa.


Any of those. . . sound familiar?

No, I dont read manga. it may have something to do with manga being more popular in the countries that they sell it in and the anime actually turning into wasted profits.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)TheNarrowRoad said:

No, I dont read manga. it may have something to do with manga being more popular in the countries that they sell it in and the anime actually turning into wasted profits.

   That is a possability I had been vaguely thinking of. Could also explain this sudden phenomena I've found of createing "O.V.A.s". Also, as diehard fan of continuity, I'm getting a strange feeling I might not last long as an animation fan.


  As a final also, sorry to turn you into a verbal punching bag, been trying to find some way to vent, but, only relief I get is from talking about it apparently. If you have your own topic you wish to discuss, please, go ahead and post (I think I'm starting to realize why folks are moving to Discord. . .)

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8 minutes ago, Unus said:

   That is a possability I had been vaguely thinking of. Could also explain this sudden phenomena I've found of createing "O.V.A.s". Also, as diehard fan of continuity, I'm getting a strange feeling I might not last long as an animation fan.


  As a final also, sorry to turn you into a verbal punching bag, been trying to find some way to vent, but, only relief I get is from talking about it apparently. If you have your own topic you wish to discuss, please, go ahead and post (I think I'm starting to realize why folks are moving to Discord. . .)

I don't mind. We move to discord due to forum censorship, I used to complain about it all the time but as usual people dont care about it until it happens to them. Also I don't have any topics.

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  Ah, understood, as a rather flimsy man, I've never been hit with the censorship bat like that. What was the straw that broke the camal's back for you folks?


Also, dem it, gotta think of something not related to the "Manga" I'm reading. . . oh! You getting Andromeda?

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54 minutes ago, Unus said:

  Ah, understood, as a rather flimsy man, I've never been hit with the censorship bat like that. What was the straw that broke the camal's back for you folks?


Also, dem it, gotta think of something not related to the "Manga" I'm reading. . . oh! You getting Andromeda?

Still haven't watched it. Got into Farscape first and now thinking about going directly to Lexx The Dark Zone after Babylon 5 that I just started. Eventually I'll return to Deep Space Nine.

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50 minutes ago, BrownStalin said:

Speaking of space, have any of you fellows here played Aurora 4x?

Because if you do then by god you life must be lacking

   Aurora 4X? Heard the name, also heard it's both amazeing and horrible. I love the idea of custom building races and civilizations down to the atmosphere they breath and their biology, but. . . eh. . . not in a spreadsheet format.

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11 minutes ago, Unus said:

   Aurora 4X? Heard the name, also heard it's both amazeing and horrible. I love the idea of custom building races and civilizations down to the atmosphere they breath and their biology, but. . . eh. . . not in a spreadsheet format.

Oh god the spreadsheets....

I still remember my first game...the spreadsheets have no mercy, only hunger for life..and don't get me started on building a military vessel *flashbacks to when i figured out in order to create a MISSILE i needed to design the engine, warhead, sensor to go with the missile range, launcher and magazine(keep in mind all of those things have their own stats that you must take into account in order to create the fracking thing*

*sigh*...i need to sleep.

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6 hours ago, BrownStalin said:

Oh god the spreadsheets....

I still remember my first game...the spreadsheets have no mercy, only hunger for life..and don't get me started on building a military vessel *flashbacks to when i figured out in order to create a MISSILE i needed to design the engine, warhead, sensor to go with the missile range, launcher and magazine(keep in mind all of those things have their own stats that you must take into account in order to create the fracking thing*

*sigh*...i need to sleep.

   Just one step beneath the terror that is Dwarf Fortress it 'tis.

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18 hours ago, Unus said:


   Ah, I see, in my attempt at being affectionate, I fell back on my 1950s lingo approach. Also also. . . I . . . I sort of use people's profiles to get around the forums mam. . . whatever visits you see are  . . eh, because I, as a digital ape, used you as a branch to get here or elsewhere. 


Also also. . . did I just. . . I just used the wrong respectful gender term, didn't I?


Please, to demonstrate my frustration, please place this video on five separate windows and activate them one after the other. I'd hand you the blunt force object that I would gladly let you pound me over the head with, but, no way to transfer it, so. . . name the next butcher you see after me?

I'm sorry. I do like you Mr. Unus. I'm not angry about your comment. Just frustrated at times about establishing my identity and voice. I used to post lots of pics at the "Face behind the name" thread and it hasn't helped one bit and also removed photos on my profile page.

It's okay to use my profile to get you to where you want to go.

18 hours ago, AerinSol said:

Thank you.

You're welcome. CHP aircrafts like cessna plane patrol rural areas like stevenson ranch near bakersfield. And helicopters in cities, but ticketing is just a minor role. 

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