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Ideas By The Community Nobody~


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these are my own suggestions:

- instead of the fantasy themed "Wind", review it a more sci-fi perspective? (e.g. though generation and manipulation of invisible fields, control/compression of air particles which will incldue generation of Vacuum. It WON'T necessary change the powers etc, but force us to explain them in a different manner).

- Banshee currently sligjtly overstepping her domain (sonic boom which now acts like a burst of air). Ideally, her domain should be sound/harmonics/resonance only (perhaps her first skill should be adjusted to a Shrill that mainly stun/stagger but NOT throwback, and deals little damage). This will leave the more "wind"-related domain to a more specialized frame.

Powers related:

- First Power: maybe rename to Wind Scythe (a break from "blade" and suggest curveness which seems more appropriate).
Highly accelerated sheets of air forced though narrow gaps formed by the fields. Theoretically, this can be powerful enough to cut (instead of just being blown away). Another alternative can be a less damaging horizontal column of wind that "pushes" the enemies in a straight column away from the player (damage and throwback subjected to mass of the individual enemy).

- Second Power: Nice idea. I am just touching up with scifi explanation: Generate a shell of highly accelerated air, which will bend the paths of bullets hitting at a shallower angle.
Addition: it may not have effects on a projectile hitting at right angle to protection surface, but anything arriving at non right angle will have a chance of being bent/deflected, with the chance increasing with the deviation from right angle. There could be also varianes in air density that will cause beams from laser based weapons to be bent away as well (unless they hit at right angle).
In particular, with range increase (due to level or Stretch mod) this ability may actually be effective for protecting your teammates as attacks not directed at teammates will have a high chance of hitting the protective shell at a angle away from right angle.

- third power: another nice idea. Though double jump seems a little too minor for a 3rd. I am thinking perhaps swap 2nd and 3rd (depending on final accessment on appropraite energy usage)? double jump as a minor ability and the protective shell buffed (due to more energy expended)
If implemented as a 3rd power (worthy of 75 energy use), I am thinking that the power could be reenvisioned as manipulating air (vacuum) to reduce friction and with certain motions accelerated by air burst. instead of a "activate for one jump" case like super jump, it could be a duration based power where the frame will receive increased speed due to reduced friction(but definitely not as much as volt), less stamina usage due to less friction and supporting air bursts, and limited double jump (the jump range/power is normal but can be done twice. Unlike Excal's super jump which can go way beyond the range and height even 2x normal jumps)

- fourth power: I am actually thinking that other than just wind, we could play around with ideas like pressure (and vaccuum). It actually reminded me of Vauban's Vortex. May overlap but I am thinking whirlwind related. Maybe a whirlwind started at where the player targeted, starts pulling enemies in (similar to vortex in this sense), damages them in the extreme pressure differences and high friction caused by moving air particles and throwing them up high when they reach the center (and fall down for a last small bit of gravitational damage). In addition, may be possible to make the whirlwind move away from the player actually, so that the center and range of the whirlpool is not constant (it can move away from player and potentially catch and throw more enemies, including those who survived the first throw!) One possibile utility function is that it may be made to function as a loot collector, which will collect all loots in a wider area, throw them up and land near the center of the whirlwind. imo, the damage should not be as much as those damage oriented frames though, to balance with the increased speed/and flexible utility.

last thing: you should probably break up and post the parts into the respective feedback forums, if you want to have a higher chance of your suggestions being read and considered by the respective staff. iow, make things more convenient for them, rather than expect them to read all the posts in general disucssion and filter out relevant stuff.

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I dislike the whole wind theme... Sounds like a lame idea.


Theese ideas sound very good however:

Durability, I dont use vitality, this and fast deflection would be my combo to boost redirection.

Iron Form,  I preffer charge attack if stagger means less chance to be interrupted id buy that

Fast Swap, for somene who played lots of CS and have an itch for constantly swapping weapons I support this

Scavenger, awesome idea way more useful then those scavenger artifacts

Venomous Blade, I like the idea of poison dot dmg only on melle I believe it would be too op on range weapons.


you should propose theese in design council they seem solid.

Edited by CatScratch
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I dislike the whole wind theme... Sounds like a lame idea.



you should propose theese in design council they seem solid.

Some people have had the same opinions about Frost, Ember, and Saryn. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


I have posted these in the Warframe Feedback Sections, as a link to this original post, so that way there is less mucking about under the spam/trolling/whining/random good ideas that flood General Discussion.

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I dislike the whole wind theme... Sounds like a lame idea.


Theese ideas sound very good however:

Durability, I dont use vitality, this and fast deflection would be my combo to boost redirection.

Iron Form,  I preffer charge attack if stagger means less chance to be interrupted id buy that

Fast Swap, for somene who played lots of CS and have an itch for constantly swapping weapons I support this

Scavenger, awesome idea way more useful then those scavenger artifacts

Venomous Blade, I like the idea of poison dot dmg only on melle I believe it would be too op on range weapons.


you should propose theese in design council they seem solid.


unfortunately u can't make new threads in the design council. u can only post in existing threads. And as far as im concerned, We already have Ice, Fire and electricity, why not make an air one? or water one?

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Reaver is right. Air, Water, Earth/Stone. Those are pretty easy themes that DE could turn to. I also happen to think those frames could potentially look fantastic. 


i already have a design idea for tempest, pretty much majority of his design would have parts of his armor and most definitely helmet look wavy and swept back. Looking sort of like it was made for wind resistance and stuff. what u think?

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Reaver is right. Air, Water, Earth/Stone. Those are pretty easy themes that DE could turn to. I also happen to think those frames could potentially look fantastic. 


also i actually have an interesting inspiration for his helmet design :D

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^^im basically picturing excalibur but with large scale-plates coming out of his head like a pangolin has, and sort of aerodynamic plates all over his body (not a lot though, just a couple large ones)

 i dunno about plates....i could post a pic of my inspiration, at least as far as the helm goes, not sure if its a good idea tho.

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well not really plates, more of long pentagon a section of the head was cut and raised towards the back of the head (no cut marks though, the edges would be smooth (on the sides of the head and the top)). Its kinda hard to explain what i mean... imagine you have a clay head, and you cut < shapes in the top of the head and on the temple/past the ear/jaw line, then you somehow raise the pointed section or it. (not sharp points)

Edited by MyNameIsDraven
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well not really plates, more of long pentagon a section of the head was cut and raised towards the back of the head (no cut marks though, the edges would be smooth (on the sides of the head and the top)). Its kinda hard to explain what i mean... imagine you have a clay head, and you cut < shapes in the top of the head and on the temple/past the ear/jaw line, then you somehow raise the pointed section or it. (not sharp points)


i was thinking sharp points actually on certian parts, i'd show what the inspiration comes from if i can find a decent pic.

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Reaver is right. Air, Water, Earth/Stone. Those are pretty easy themes that DE could turn to. I also happen to think those frames could potentially look fantastic. 



Personally, I still prefer more sci-fi based themes rather than archaic "fantasy" view.

Sometimes, it just takes a little re-envisioning, though, instead of condemning things that don't directly fit:


For "Fire", namely Ember. Her domain should not be just "Fire". Ember should be based on matter->energy, or combustion/ exothermic reactions in general.

In this way, she could actually be adjusting chemical composition of stuff around and also able to provide an initiation energy to start off the exothermic reactions. "Fire" is just the visible outcome of what she is really doing. The basis may be Combustion (instead of fire).

For "Water" theme, instead of just water, it can be control and manipulation of the states of (fluid) matter. This can actually be augmented beyond just water by allowing a "Water"-theme frame to actually temporary change the states of solids into fluids (which can give rise to interesting possibilities like Quick Sand). Other than state, the flow can be controlled as well, potentially causing bad things to happen. E.g. reversing the blood/fluids flowing in biological enemies. Another possibility is the morphing of object structures, by temporarily making them fluid, manipulating the fluid, and let them revert back to solid. The basis may be "Fluidity", instead of "Water".

For "Stone/Earth" theme, it can be the opposite of "Water". A frame based on this can reinforce or solidify the lattice structure of solid matter (e.g. by increasing/maintaining the intermolecular force?), which can increase its strength and duratbility. (Ironically, Iron Skin may actually be explained using this principle). Going beyond this, the "matter" frame can also do things like "repair" weak points in existing structures (e.g. moving stuff around to fill in the gaps in the crystal lattices, which makes them stronger.) Used in reverse, existing structures can also be weakened or disintegrated. The basis could be (solid matter) "Structure".

Lastly "Air". As I posted earlier, the idea of "Wind" could be explained using two concepts: generation of fields which can control/guide air, and resultant compression/direction of air flow, which can range from vacuum to narrow sheets of air accelerated fast enough to cut. The secondary domain is control of pressure (which can exhibit as exerting force on a surface).

The sci-fi is still not hard-core or even totally sound, but at least we can try to make it Fantasical Sci-fi Ninjas in Space, rather than Space Ninjas doing Fantasy Magic.

just my 2 cents :)

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Personally, I still prefer more sci-fi based themes rather than archaic "fantasy" view.

Sometimes, it just takes a little re-envisioning, though, instead of condemning things that don't directly fit:


For "Fire", namely Ember. Her domain should not be just "Fire". Ember should be based on matter->energy, or combustion/ exothermic reactions in general.

In this way, she could actually be adjusting chemical composition of stuff around and also able to provide an initiation energy to start off the exothermic reactions. "Fire" is just the visible outcome of what she is really doing. The basis may be Combustion (instead of fire).

For "Water" theme, instead of just water, it can be control and manipulation of the states of (fluid) matter. This can actually be augmented beyond just water by allowing a "Water"-theme frame to actually temporary change the states of solids into fluids (which can give rise to interesting possibilities like Quick Sand). Other than state, the flow can be controlled as well, potentially causing bad things to happen. E.g. reversing the blood/fluids flowing in biological enemies. Another possibility is the morphing of object structures, by temporarily making them fluid, manipulating the fluid, and let them revert back to solid. The basis may be "Fluidity", instead of "Water".

For "Stone/Earth" theme, it can be the opposite of "Water". A frame based on this can reinforce or solidify the lattice structure of solid matter (e.g. by increasing/maintaining the intermolecular force?), which can increase its strength and duratbility. (Ironically, Iron Skin may actually be explained using this principle). Going beyond this, the "matter" frame can also do things like "repair" weak points in existing structures (e.g. moving stuff around to fill in the gaps in the crystal lattices, which makes them stronger.) Used in reverse, existing structures can also be weakened or disintegrated. The basis could be (solid matter) "Structure".

Lastly "Air". As I posted earlier, the idea of "Wind" could be explained using two concepts: generation of fields which can control/guide air, and resultant compression/direction of air flow, which can range from vacuum to narrow sheets of air accelerated fast enough to cut. The secondary domain is control of pressure (which can exhibit as exerting force on a surface).

The sci-fi is still not hard-core or even totally sound, but at least we can try to make it Fantasical Sci-fi Ninjas in Space, rather than Space Ninjas doing Fantasy Magic.

just my 2 cents :)


there is a scifi way to explain such abilities, there always is :P. For example, his first ability involves him swinging thru the air so fast that essentially the slash creats a vaccuum that rips enemies to shreds. Trust me theres a way to make it more sci-fi-ey :p.


also heres my inspiration for the helmet, i mostly just like the back part, with the spikes, thats what im mostly looking at, theres 3 spikes, u just cant see the 3rd for obvious reasons.



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i feel like that would be more for a blade-like warframe than a wind one though


the idea of his air abilities is that they tear and shred, much like a blade, it gives that swept back look while also looking quite sharp, its perfect :)

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that guys helmet seems like it would make him always look upwards because of the large spikes. think about it, the helmet is hollow, those are solid metal horns. How would he know where hes running if hes always looking at the ceiling?


....lolwut xD? why would that make him always look up? there not THAT heavy xD, besides, its warframe, futuristic stuff, light weight metal thats still extremely durable is easily a possiblity :)


of course theres gonna be plenty of changes, its not like i want that exact helmet xD, i just like the spike designs on it.

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