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Ah Audacity, ive heard alot of good things about it, especially all the plug ins..

Cheers Stephano, ive removed my original comment because i dont want the attention on this post to be on anything but Your work,

i HATE all the negativity on these forums and believe it or not im usually a postive voice around here, so i am twice as sorry!

Keep it up man obviously you have made ALOT of fans really quickly here..

Just dont do a 'ITS THE GRINEER' Sample :)

sorry for drama everyone... 

Tons of respect to both you and Rex for handling this so well. Cheers!

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Thanks for the support everyone! I'll record some more stuff today and stick it in the OP.



Nice voice work! It'd be great if you made guide(s) on what programs and filters you use for your work, I'd be interested to see your process. I've always been into voice acting but haven't gotten past small fan made games.


I totally do this, but it's mostly League of Legends stuff.


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I enjoyed your sound clips sir. That voice for Stalker was perfect I think. He sounds less like he hates you and more like a father chiding an errant child which would make his appearance that much more terrifying because Stalker BELIEVES he's doing the right thing. That voice only reinforces that.


I completely agree with Alexander. The Stalker's voice was a great piece of work, but a single thing about it rubs me the wrong way. There's barely any pauses between his sentences -- making it seem almost as if he's being rushed. I'd assume The Stalker would've taken his time with his speeches.


P.S: The slight emphasis on "repercussions" to make it sound like "reaper" was an amazing -- and chilling, if you're the Tenno -- touch.

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Your Grineer voices are great, but I think the Devs are planning/preparing a major overhaul of all the Grineer voices in the game. The newest Grineer additions to the game like the revamped Lech Kril and the PS4 announcement trailer seem to be using an imaginary (and pretty cool sounding) new language, and I can only assume that the Devs will eventually change most of the basic Grineer voices to match.


Your take on the Stalker is fan-freaking-tastic. You, sir, owe me a new pair of pants. Also, if the Oracle is any indication, then the Tenno probably speak English themselves. Since the Stalker appears to be a Tenno traitor (more or less), it would make perfect sense for him to speak English as well. I seriously hope that the Devs take that into consideration and take you into consideration for the role.

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-1 vote!

Seriously... they sound like Halo Elites.

On the off chance this may happen.


None of them sound alike.


I am going to go with you're saying the Grineer.


Oh well, it's a cool voice. Sorry your halo games had the voice. Doesn't mean it's copy written.


It's better then the current grineer which are "ASFLJAFLAJSFJA" or sound like they need to clear their throats *when talking in English*

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None of them sound alike.


I am going to go with you're saying the Grineer.


Oh well, it's a cool voice. Sorry your halo games had the voice. Doesn't mean it's copy written.


It's better then the current grineer which are "ASFLJAFLAJSFJA" or sound like they need to clear their throats *when talking in English*


The Sim speak only happens with the bosses and only the women have the raspy voices, the normal troopers speak fine.

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