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[Rage] Credit Sinks


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Jesus why can't this game have credit sinks.


Is it wrong to have fusion cores, resources available in the market for credits?


Hell why not directly purchasable mods(not rares, because the plat packs fill for that) as well, or recipes?


The only reason I see they are not there is because devs want us to 'play their game'.

Played it for so long and gathering credits, is that not enough for you guys?


Because I swear, with the amount of guys yelling at :

Morphics, Neurodes, Control Modules, Neural Sensors

I can't think why there can't be a market of purchasing resources directly.


Resource alerts? No.

I want the ingame market to have more stuff purchasable by credits, aka credit sinks.


5000cr for a fieldron/mutagen/detonite sample? Yes.

10000cr for a control module/neural sensor/morphic/neurode? Yes.


At this point, the devs are simply forcing the guys to play this game for resource gathering, which has painful drop rates(lucky people not counted).


Above statement can be backed by an example, random quotes:

You might be able to build a volt/loki before a control module/neural sensor.

You might reach level 30, before gathering 6000 ferrite.

Edited by nanogenesis
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Because if our credits were worth something it might make ftp viable. We all know how much DE loves its FTP. All our credits are good for right now are buying farming missions.... oh they call them blue prints in here. sorry.


I think we should be allowed to trade cred for resources and items. You know, almost as though it were a form of CURRENCY or something. Like it had VALUE or WORTH. Call me crazy.

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Because if our credits were worth something it might make ftp viable. We all know how much DE loves its FTP. All our credits are good for right now are buying farming missions.... oh they call them blue prints in here. sorry.


I think we should be allowed to trade cred for resources and items. You know, almost as though it were a form of CURRENCY or something. Like it had VALUE or WORTH. Call me crazy.

Are you saying... We should be able to buy a few guns... and resources... WITH CREDITS? GET OUTTA HERE!

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Jesus why can't this game have credit sinks.


Is it wrong to have fusion cores, resources available in the market for credits?


Hell why not directly purchasable mods(not rares, because the plat packs fill for that) as well, or recipes?


The only reason I see they are not there is because devs want us to 'play their game'.

Played it for so long and gathering credits, is that not enough for you guys?


Because I swear, with the amount of guys yelling at :

Morphics, Neurodes, Control Modules, Neural Sensors

I can't think why there can't be a market of purchasing resources directly.


Resource alerts? No.

I want the ingame market to have more stuff purchasable by credits, aka credit sinks.


5000cr for a fieldron/mutagen/detonite sample? Yes.

10000cr for a control module/neural sensor/morphic/neurode? Yes.


At this point, the devs are simply forcing the guys to play this game for resource gathering, which has painful drop rates(lucky people not counted).


Above statement can be backed by an example, random quotes:

You might be able to build a volt/loki before a control module/neural sensor.

You might reach level 30, before gathering 6000 ferrite.

Nah... the prices are too cheap it should like this:

10,000 for fieldron/mutagen/detonite sample

50,000 for control module/neral sensor/morphics/neurode



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I'm sure DE thinks there are too many credit sinks. Why else remove low tier weapon's credit tag? Maybe because they wanna scare away new players who don't know you can craft it and only sees the platinum price tag, I don't know... Next they're going to make Dojo farming rooms to get your research blueprints xd and then they will use the suggested token system idea and apply it to the fusion system; instead of credits you will need x tokens to upgrade your mod. At last, they will turn all blueprints into drops and/or mission rewards and we're left with millions of credits to buy ammo boxes and team heals ~

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Making weapons is a credit sink.

I remember back when I had 2mill+ and thought "gee, theres nothing to use these credits on!"

Started making weapons and I can barely go past 600k.

If you're a new player, getting the resources will give you more than enough credits in my experience, or at least for the new weapons (i.e. 6k ferrite/salvage)

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And to think that DE increase credit payout to meet this situation, irony.


Credit has low value, extremely low value. Right now credit sink is leveling up mod but it's not enough since credit isn't a limiting factor, mod and core are. There are a few things that could be bought with credit.


1. Mod or mod blueprint pack. Mod packs in cashshop should have two value, one platinum and one credit. Allowing players to have option to buy mod with credit will substantially reduce the problem in both droprate and credit. Make credit value high would solve the problem (50-200K?)


2. Material transmuter. Similar to the Horadric cube from D2, putting right amount of common/uncommon material with credit fee to create rare material. Serving as both material sink and credit sink. It also allows player to feel a bit better when they can turn 40k nanospore into something useful.


3. Repairing weapon. Each weapon has chance of jamming if you don't take care of it. Repair it within the foundry for small amount of fee and some common materials. No waiting time though.


4. If we want something a bit extreme, how about buying fuel for your ship? when you select which mission you want to do you are sitting in front of a hologram. However, you small ship definitely transports you to the destination and it needs fuel.


Well, my2cent on this issue.

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If you're a new player, getting the resources will give you more than enough credits in my experience, or at least for the new weapons (i.e. 6k ferrite/salvage)

So this. I thought I'll never run out, but when I started leveling mastery I went down from 2.6m to 500k

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I honestly would like to see control modules be in another mission I am so fracking tired of killing hyena for them. I buy most of my catalyst/reactors with plat, mostly to support the game since I play enough of it.


I would love a way to pay maybe 100k credits and it takes 24 hours to remove a catalyst/reactor from something, and while its being removed that item is no longer useable till its done, when done you get the item back (maybe have it reset its rank to 0) and you get your catalyst/reactor back. Lets face it most of the stuff needs a catalyst/reactor to be decent. There are very few things that are good without them. Then again you could argue with enough forma's you don't need a catalyst or reactor, just takes time instead. I have 3 or 4 forma blue prints, don't make them often because the materials are a pain in the &#! to gather.

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Agree !!!!! Control module, neurodes, orokin cells, neural sensors, morphics for small ammount of credits 10k-30k.

Mods for higher ammount of credits. And lets say Rare mods too but 1 rare mod would cost like 200k-500k or something like that.

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No no and no.

1. "rare mats" are easy to get. it takes 3-5 minutes a run on the appropriate bosses for usually anywhere from a 70% to 20% chance to drop. So worst case scenario should be roughly 25 minute to get 1. It's not like you need hundreds of em either. The highest rare material usage is only 10 orokin cells.

2. common materials like ferrite or salvage LOOK daunting... but when you remember the fact they drop in 100-180 chunks... its stupidly easy to actually farm. hit mprime for ferrite. do mars for salvage. just dont run through the mission... open every chest/crate/locker you come across. maybe explore a bit. you can get 1k a run. easy. I farmed for 5k salvage last night took my loki from 13 to 15 by the time i was done. yes. that fast.

3. credit sinks. if they intended resources to be credit sinks it would already be in. though i think they should up some bp costs/crafting costs as an outlet. that and put in a slight credit penalty for aborted missions.

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I have more than needed components, blueprints and mods too.


Not going to happen [adding mods for credits]. Play the game and you will have everything but slots (, cosmetics and founders items.)

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It's sad to see that demand for credit sink has suddenly gone up. I blame void key credit reward for giving us more credit than anyone would ever need.


This. Probably an oversight rather than on purpose, though.


I think this is leading up to something good. Credits are fairly useful and resources basically become useless when you have made everything you need (barring the release of future content). However, what if there was something that we could use these things on that wasn't mandatory to getting new equipment, but was perpetual enough that the need for them wouldn't run dry? Player made levels. Totally calling this one.

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I feel as if all Rank 0 fusion cores should be purchasable with credits.. They are weak enough not to break anything exploitation wise, but are helpful enough that they could find many uses in the short term progress of a mod..


Could be enough of a money sink right there.. They keep talking about bringing back the plat to credits conversion bundle, but neglect to give any details about a money sink that would make that useful..

      ALL RANK 0:

         Common Fusion - 20k

         Uncommon Fusion - 50k

         Rare Fusion - 100k


Another idea that was made some time ago:



They should create non combat factions, "Corporations" that we could invest in for "favor" or "reputation".. Kind of like in EvE with contacts, when you earn enough favor or rep for a corp, they offer you mods, items, maybe even BP's or specialized exclusive weapons..


You could invest in as many corporations as you wish, and the kicker would be that the corporations success (and determination of further costs of "buy-in investments) would be completely random..


So say you spend 100k credits into Static Shock Co. and each "buy-in" currently costs 10k. Thats 10 points of favor (1 per buy in).. However a day goes by and Static Shock Co. has seen great growth and now it's buy ins costs 50k for 1 point of favor each. And for every say 50 points of favor, you are given a "special" mission that is "solo" only where the reward may be as I say earlier mods, items, BPs, or even exclusive weapons upon completion..


Money sink, has rewards, has a random element, and has longevity..

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