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Weapon Concept: Corpus Energy Bow (updating)


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Please read to understand the mechanics of the weapon, thank you.

                                                             Corpus Energy Bow: Comet

So this is a weapon that has been reinvented many times but I think I have a different approach to it. The bow that I have created here is quite unique. There are no strings to pull meaning there are no physical arrows and no ammo pick ups. So what does it run on or use? You may ask. It runs on energy that you the Warframe collects. The energy you collect is shared with the bow, but both Warframe and bow does not share the same energy pool. The bow can hold up to 200 energy at max level and begins with 50 energy rising slowly as it levels up. Each shot consumes 2 energy to fire, while charging will consume 5 energy for each bolt released. This gives you 100 shots at max rank, and 40 charged shots at max rank. Now charging the bow will allow you to lock on to targets when you aim at them, if they are out of your site or behind a impenetrable object you will no longer lock on to them. Upon firing, each enemy is hit with 1 energy arrow. Each arrow will cost 5 energy remember that! This can drain your bow fast in a matter of two to three charged shots depending on how many enemies are locked on. This can bring up a very unique style of gameplay in the battlefield. If there is no energy around you don't worry. For that, our lovely Trinity can help solve that problem by using Energy Vampire to charge your energy bow or use energy restores in place of ammunition restores. You can use whatever you like as long as it restores energy to you. And if any of those don't work then this is your last resort. The bow has a passive: upon killing enemies with the bow there's a 25% chance to regain 50 or more energy thus charging it back for you to start firing again. Each kill gives a stack of 2% increase regain chance, when the bow regains the stack restarts. Last but not least upon impact of the energy bolt, it explodes affecting nearby enemies. This bow does only impact damage.

WARNING: The energy bow will be disabled from nullifying bubbles, and drained by eximus units.

Handling and Firing instructions

The bow is light weight and is held by your left hand. The curve will face the left, while the energy ring faces right, and your hand holding it is in the middle. When holding the bow the Warframe's right hand is not where the string should be but in the energy ring. When ready to fire pull your hand back out of the ring with your hands in a cone like shape. The energy will be attached to your hand until released. Firing it is simple, just pull your hand back I little further slipping your hand out of the energy and watch it kill your enemies. The energy color is up to you, just imagine a flurry of glowing comets shredding your enemies apart.


Codex Entry: "The Comet is reinforced with Corpus Technology but redesigned and made by the Tenno. The idea was stolen from a highly intelligent target, he said it was going to be used as one of their weapons of mass destruction. Well now that we have it, we turned it against them as our weapon of mass destruction".






- Statistic -                                         - Utility -

Mastery Level: 12                             Fire Rate: 1.00 rounds / sec.

Weapon Slot: Primary                      Reload Time: 0.7s 

Weapon Type: Bow                          Max Target Lock on: 20            

Trigger Type: Charged

Noise: Silent

- Normal Attacks -                            - Charged Attack -

Physical Damage: 150.0                Physical Damage: 150.0

Crit. Chance: 20.0%                         Charge Time: 2.5 sec/charge

Crit. Multiplier: 2.0%                        Crit. Chance: 25.0%

Status Chance: 30.0%                     Crit. Multiplier: 2.0%

                                                            Status Chance: 35.0%

- AoE Attacks -

Elemental Type: Magnetic 

Elemental Damage: 150.0/ shields

Crit. Multiplier: 2.0%

Explosion Radius: 3 meters



50,000 Credits                                         24 hours to build.

Large Energy Restores x25                   

Comet Upper Limb x1

Comet Energy Ring x1

Comet Lower Limb x1

Comet Blueprint x1


How to Acquire:

Weapon mission can only be found by Baro Kiteer selling for 300 Ducats and 100,000 credits.

Comet Blueprint can be obtain by: 

  • Corpus Capture Mission
  • Planet: Europa
  • Node: Abaddon

Comet parts can be obtain by:

  • Corpus Sabotage Mission
  • Planet: Pluto
  • Node: Cypress, Charon

Drop Rate: *note: no duplicate parts can be obtained

1 Cache found= 10% increase the cache will be a weapon part

2 Caches found= 15% increase the caches will be a weapon part

3 Caches found= 25% increase the caches will be a weapon part

*every kill counts as 0.01% increase chance. 100 kills will be 1%, 200 will be 2% and so on so forth.


Unique Mods:

Energized Battery: there is a 15% chance to not use any energy at all when firing (@ max upgrade: 25%).



Thoughts and comments below, and thanks for viewing Tenno!


If you haven't notice but I did a Warfame concept too. So check it out and see if it can become a potential Character in this ever expanding game.

Edited by (PS4)shiroyanagawa3
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I quite like this idea of a bow, It would defently add a different way of stealthing with a bow since you can just lock-on to an entier room of enemies and "hopefully" kill them all in 1 shot, instead of having to try kill them all with your other bows from a distance 1 by 1 risking that one enemy just happands to see(or hear) the one you kill.

Although what would the stats be like? Since it's a energy bow I would assume maybe Electricity as damage instead of Puncture/Slash/Impact? Would it be high status/low crit or the other way around or average?

Would the energy shots go through walls after you release them if the target would say walk behind a wall or would you need punch through for that?

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Why does this feel like "Hunter Bolt" in Dragon's Dogma?

Also, would be a good idea to add in numbers about this weapon (damage, crit stats, status chance, etc).

Base idea is good IMO.

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Since is a corpus weapon, would its base damage be basically Puncture (we have Paris for that) or since it launches energy bolts it would be Electric/Radiation damage? I like the idea, I always wanted a bow that fired energy proyectiles instead of arrows, this is kind of different and more complex, but it's an original idea.

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4 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

The confusing part is why is it Corpus? This seems a bit low-tech and difficult to use for crewmen.

Ah using Corpus technology but using the same energy type as the Warframe. But who knows this can be changed at anytime. You know what maybe it might a tenno weapon instead?

Edited by (PS4)shiroyanagawa3
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)shiroyanagawa3 said:

Ah using Corpus technology but using the same energy type as the Warframe. But who knows this can be changed at anytime. You know what maybe it might a tenno weapon instead?

I'm all for a high-tech bow, it just doesn't make much sense as a corpus design.



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10 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

I'm all for a high-tech bow, it just doesn't make much sense as a corpus design.



Well if look at the factions weapon types the Grineers are regular machine guns and wot not. Infested are bio/ organic, Corpus are tech., and Tenno are more primal or medieval I guess you can say. So maybe having and energy weapon for the other factions might not fit in other than Corpus and perhaps Tenno we'll see. And yes Hanzo's ult. is pretty cool.

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14 hours ago, residente said:

Since is a corpus weapon, would its base damage be basically Puncture (we have Paris for that) or since it launches energy bolts it would be Electric/Radiation damage? I like the idea, I always wanted a bow that fired energy proyectiles instead of arrows, this is kind of different and more complex, but it's an original idea.

I had updated the weapon's info. Any inputs to this idea?

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On June 4, 2016 at 0:27 AM, Rehtael7 said:

I'm all for a high-tech bow, it just doesn't make much sense as a corpus design.



I'm having Overwatch Flashbacks. Can this thing's secondary fire be that!? Where upon full charge it takes a solid 50 Energy, but it launches a large energy shot similar to the one Hanzo used in Overwatch? I think that would be great against Survival, just throw a RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KARAU blast down a hallway full of Grineer! The Glorious Gibs it would make! And if one has customized the weapon to use Blast, the Tenno Rocketless Space Program has been reinitiated.


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On 04.06.2016. at 9:25 PM, LoreKeeper-Ronan- said:

I'm having Overwatch Flashbacks. Can this thing's secondary fire be that!? Where upon full charge it takes a solid 50 Energy, but it launches a large energy shot similar to the one Hanzo used in Overwatch? I think that would be great against Survival, just throw a RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KARAU blast down a hallway full of Grineer! The Glorious Gibs it would make! And if one has customized the weapon to use Blast, the Tenno Rocketless Space Program has been reinitiated.


I'm imagining "that secondary" and me saying "RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU" everytime i use it.

Also if it uses energy like Warframe's wouldn't it be nullified by Nullifier/Corrupted Nullifier Bubble?

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4 hours ago, HawkBlade94 said:

I'm imagining "that secondary" and me saying "RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU" everytime i use it.

Also if it uses energy like Warframe's wouldn't it be nullified by Nullifier/Corrupted Nullifier Bubble?

Oh yeah it will be nulled by those guys. I totally forgot about that. I guess I better I add that in the descriptions. And better kill those guys from afar then XD

Edited by (PS4)shiroyanagawa3
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