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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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4 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*She charges up and blasts her Miasma power, cuaseing the spore to explode in a massive exollxaitpopn, hopeing to take out the infested in the room 

The explosion staggers the creature and its other head falls limp. The one facing Namira manages to avoid the brunt of the spores, but soon sucumbs to the barrage of bullets. The creature sways and then collapses sideways. I'ts body dissolves into infested biomass. You can see several of the resources you where looking for.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The robed figure points to a crate.

"Give us a hand if you can." She says. "These things are heavy."

"Alright, no problem." Katrina walked over to the crate and lifted it up. It indeed was heavy. "So where does this thing need to go to?"

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"Alright, no problem." Katrina walked over to the crate and lifted it up. It indeed was heavy. "So where does this thing need to go to?"

The figure lifts another crate and starts towards a staircase. 

"This way." She says. "So how did you hear about us?"

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19 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"If you want we have medical assistance available." The Grost says. "Our healers are very skilled."

"Maybe i'm just tired.. I'm not used to being outside the Orbiter this long." Luna said and looked around.

"Might I advice, taking up the offer might be a wise thing to do. I'm not equipped for any 'out-of-ship' diagnostics. But knowing the Tenno, it could simply be that you need to do some meditation.. outside preferably."

"Perhaps.. Is there any quiet place nearby? Focusing my mind will no doubt help me adapt to this new enviroment." She asked the Grost.

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"Of course." The Grost says. "In fact we have several rooms in the Monastery for such a purpose."

He points to a Tenno Temple up the mountain a ways.

"If you want I can take you there now." He says. Golden energy swirls around him, tracing a circular pattern on the ground.

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Of course." The Grost says. "In fact we have several rooms in the Monastery for such a purpose."

He points to a Tenno Temple up the mountain a ways.

"If you want I can take you there now." He says. Golden energy swirls around him, tracing a circular pattern on the ground.

"Most curious, surely they haven't installed portals everywhere, there must be more to this.." Ceda said while taking a read on the energy and the ground.

Luna smiled and nodded.

"I welcome your assistance, it looked like.. quite the walk."

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The Tenno points to you and you both vanish in a flash of light.

The light fades and you find yourself on a balconey overlooking the mountain side. The air is chilly but not cold. Tenno architecture similar to the arches and pathways found in the Dojo Gardens adorns the walls and railings. You see several circular pads with soft sand inside. One of these sits on the very edge of the balconey. A hooded figure sits there, a bladed staff across their lap. They seem to be oblivious to your arrival.

"Wait here." The Grost says. "I will speak with the Grandmaster."

He walks over and whispers something to the figure.

The figure  throws back his hood. He is very young, but his eyes glow golden. You sense an ancient and mysterious power emanating from him. 

"Welcome Sister Tenno, to the Monastery of the Ways." He says. "I am Grandmaster Tak. Please make yourself at home. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask."

The you hear soft footsteps and a Tenno that appears to be composed of pure golden energy kneels on one of the pads. It is a young woman in ornate Orokin style robes.

The Grost bows to you and then vanishes again in a flash of light.

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Tenno points to you and you both vanish in a flash of light.

The light fades and you find yourself on a balconey overlooking the mountain side. The air is chilly but not cold. Tenno architecture similar to the arches and pathways found in the Dojo Gardens adorns the walls and railings. You see several circular pads with soft sand inside. One of these sits on the very edge of the balconey. A hooded figure sits there, a bladed staff across their lap. They seem to be oblivious to your arrival.

"Wait here." The Grost says. "I will speak with the Grandmaster."

He walks over and whispers something to the figure.

The figure  throws back his hood. He is very young, but his eyes glow golden. You sense an ancient and mysterious power emanating from him. 

"Welcome Sister Tenno, to the Monastery of the Ways." He says. "Please make yourself at home. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask."

The you hear soft footsteps and a Tenno that appears to be composed of pure golden energy kneels on one of the pads. It is a young woman in ornate Orokin style robes.

The Grost bows to you and then vanishes again in a flash of light.

"Thank you, Grandmaster." She said and bowed to him. She then proceeded towards one of the nearby pads and sat down.

Focusing on her mind, she calmed herself to better sense the surroundings. She had done this many times with a warframe. But outside one it felt like a new experience every time.

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30 minutes ago, Luthim said:

"Thank you, Grandmaster." She said and bowed to him. She then proceeded towards one of the nearby pads and sat down.

Focusing on her mind, she calmed herself to better sense the surroundings. She had done this many times with a warframe. But outside one it felt like a new experience every time.

You can sense, rather than see, several other energy forms settle down around you. They seem ethereal, as if they are not truly there. The closest you have ever encountered are cephelon projections. However you can also sense the presence of other tenno.

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22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The explosion staggers the creature and its other head falls limp. The one facing Namira manages to avoid the brunt of the spores, but soon sucumbs to the barrage of bullets. The creature sways and then collapses sideways. I'ts body dissolves into infested biomass. You can see several of the resources you where looking for.

*She walks over and collects the resources, but then stops at half way*.."Oh, you want some of the spoils too?, for..you kown Infested research?"


Edited by LegionCynex
Whoops Wrong Color..
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11 hours ago, Rakawan said:

You can sense, rather than see, several other energy forms settle down around you. They seem ethereal, as if they are not truly there. The closest you have ever encountered are cephelon projections. However you can also sense the presence of other tenno.

In a way, it reminded Luna to the strange projections she had encountered on the Orokin moon, but never had the chance to study. But this were different, friendly. However, she were not going to do any indept study or scan on this. That was more Ceda's thing, Luna prefered to learn by experience.

*Tiny blue particles, barely visible, begun to show up around Luna as her energy begun to recharge. And with it, she felt some of the pressure leave her.*

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11 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*She walks over and collects the resources, but then stops at half way*.."Oh, you want some of the spoils too?, for..you kown Infested research?"


Namira shakes her head.

"All yours." She says. "When we're done here we should head over to the tournament."

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On 17-6-2016 at 10:21 PM, Rakawan said:

The figure lifts another crate and starts towards a staircase. 

"This way." She says. "So how did you hear about us?"

Katrina walked after the woman. "A clanmate, Lucious, told me about this place."

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"Well I guess it started with the Chancellor." The woman says. "My name's Maurice by the way."

"Well the old Chancellor, Lord bless his soul, was a miner at a Grineer colony. Nasty brutes if you ask me, more like bullies than soldiers." She rambles. "Well he got it inot his head that he was fed up taking orders from tubemen, I hear that's what you call them."

She shifted her grip on the box.

"Found a few weapons, and friends, and formed up a little militia." She said. "Course we weren't Tenno, but we did what we could. Harassed the Grineer, stole supplies. Managed to eke out an existence in relative freedom. Doubt they really cared much that we were there. you see this was about the time the Tenno were coming back. They had other problems."

She nods out a window as you both carry boxes down some circling stairs. You can see the city square, and the rock in the middle. Embedded in the rock is a single Dark Sword.

"Found that blade down there, he did." She says. "Saw it as some signal, whether divine or simple luck I'll never know. Started training any who would find us. Made an army of sorts. Small enough to remain hidden, but big enough that the Grineer couldn't afford to ignore us. Sooner or later they realized the problem."

You reach the storage room and she sets down her box.

"And that." She says. "Was when He found us."

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29 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"And  who was he?" Katrina asked, she sounded really intreseted in the story.

((can't do colors right now))

"The Arbiter." Maurice says. "You might know him as Ryoko. One of the Elder Tenno, a member of their Council."

She glances at something behind you and move back towards the stairs. You see the foreman of the group making a "keep moving" signal.

"He found Gallik, the Chancellor, and gave him weapons. And armor." She said. "Began supplying us with armaments and items we could never have raided. Allowed us to make an impact."

"Of course they found us eventually." She said. "The Chancellor and Ryoko bought us time to escape. They fought back to back. Like twin gods of fury and steel. How many we lost I can count on one hand. How many the Grineer lost.... I doubt even they can count." 

You pass the window and see the sword in the stone again. The sight seems somewhat sad to you. It strikes you as strange that the weapon would not be with its master.

"We took refuge in the Clan's Dojo." She said. "But between us and the rest of the refugees... there was never enough room."

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8 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina also glanced into the direction Maurice glared at.

"Some fight that must have been. But why is that sword there and not with whoever owns it?"

"Because he is not with us anymore." Maurice says sadly. "He died fighting Sargas Ruk. Fighting for his people."

"We found this colony." She says. "Made a home. But part of the Old Chanceller must have missed war. He was always running off to the Origin system with the Arbiter. When we made the Archons he saw his chance to return to the field. He died a warrior's death. His wife rules us now."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Because he is not with us anymore." Maurice says sadly. "He died fighting Sargas Ruk. Fighting for his people."

"We found this colony." She says. "Made a home. But part of the Old Chanceller must have missed war. He was always running off to the Origin system with the Arbiter. When we made the Archons he saw his chance to return to the field. He died a warrior's death. His wife rules us now."

"At least he died a honorable dead. Also i'm grateful that you where willing to share this story with me." Katrina took a glare over to the foreman to see if he gave any signal about them reaching their destination.

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