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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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3 minutes ago, Unus said:

The Operator portion seems to perk up a bit and it strains itself to move, this time manageing to flex its shoulders in unison with the limp Chroma, the flickering orange lights beginning to slow down across it's bulky frame.

" If you what you say is true, I'm willing and almost able for most things, short of slavery or sexual favors."

The Operator portion flexes it's shoulders a bit, this time getting a bit of motion down to the elbows on both it and the Chroma.

"Excellent" Felicity says. "We have a transport incoming with some Tenno who will be working there. We were hoping to use your drones to scout out the tunnels on the Gray Isle."

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The Operator continues to flex a bit more before some motion begins to become observable in both it and the Chroma's hands. With a satisfied smile, it limply drags itself over the Chroma's shoulder (assisted by the Chroma's hands) and proceeds to sit in the Chroma's lap in the manner of a chair.

"Of course, Twas your lab that got me this far in the first place, it only makes sense that you get some time with the device itself."

The Operator strokes a nonexistent goatee and gazes thoughtfully upwards.

"All I'd need is to exchange my somatic for one of your own, or at least, one imprinted upon you, and it'd be a cinch to pull off. Minus the residual memetic scrub that it'd need, it's a simple pull out, stick in job."

The Operator picks up it's dangling leg and stretches it behind it's head in a disturbingly flexible manner.

"At least, that's what the coding on the outside says anyway."

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55 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Would you like a room facing the ocean?" The young man asks. "Or one facing the Citadel?"


"Ahh yes." The man says. "I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Theron, Paster of Phenix."


"The Citadel, please" answered Icarus.


"Paster eh? Well, I already know where this is going..." Alice replied.

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Placing a wormhole before the rocks allows you to teleport through. As you arrive on the other side a series of lights blinks off then back on and then vanishes down a side passage. You hear the click of something hard on stone several times, fading as the lights move down the side passage. There is a strange echoing call and the lights go out. Silence falls.

Cyria tries to move where the clicking noise came from. It was troublesome since it was so dark and her warframe didn't provide much light either.

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Yeah he's here." Dixon says into his helmet. "Crying? I didn't see him cry but he was really distraught. Tell him yourself, I'm not your personal messenger pigeon."

A private channel opens originating from the hospital.

*He Opens it up on his Helmet* "Hello?.."

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18 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Hey." Sam says. "Heard you're up and about. Feeling better?"

" Sam you're awake!' I'm so glad you are, how are you feeling?" *he says* " don't worry about me, I'm just about concerned about you" *he sighs* " I'm doing ok, just recovering"

"I've got something that you'll love, Matrix will deliver it for you. Where are you located exactly and what Ward" 

Edited by -Platinum-
Using an iPad it sucks
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15 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

" Sam you're awake!' I'm so glad you are, how are you feeling?" *he says* " don't worry about me, I'm just about concerned about you" *he sighs* " I'm doing ok, just recovering"

"I've got something that you'll love, Matrix will deliver it for you. Where are you located exactly and what Ward" 

"Why not give it to me yourself." She says. "Hangar five. The rest of the new Tenno are waiting for you, Dixon, and Luna."

She pauses.

"You're probably wondering how I'm contacting you." She says. "They had to... put me under for surgery. Katherine convinced them to use the somatic link, so I could help catch the one that did this."

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6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Why not give it to me yourself." She says. "Hangar five. The rest of the new Tenno are waiting for you, Dixon, and Luna."

She pauses.

"You're probably wondering how I'm contacting you." She says. "They had to... put me under for surgery. Katherine convinced them to use the somatic link, so I could help catch the one that did this."

"Alright then, I'm on my way" *He Rises a brow* "Wait..Somantic Link?,..are you useing Transference?...I;ll speek to you once I get to the hanger" *He sighs, sounding a bit worried* 

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7 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

"Alright then, I'm on my way" *He Rises a brow* "Wait..Somantic Link?,..are you useing Transference?...I;ll speek to you once I get to the hanger" *He sighs, sounding a bit worried* 

"Yes." She says. "All of us use transference. Dixon is hooked up now as well."

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1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria tries to move where the clicking noise came from. It was troublesome since it was so dark and her warframe didn't provide much light either.

The Crystals provide enough light to navigate the caves. The clicking sound gives way to a chittering sound and something sharp and glowing pierces the ground before you.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Crystals provide enough light to navigate the caves. The clicking sound gives way to a chittering sound and something sharp and glowing pierces the ground before you.

Cyria jumped back as something pierced the ground infront of her.  "The hell?!"

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

"The Citadel, please" answered Icarus.


"Paster eh? Well, I already know where this is going..." Alice replied.

The young man hands you a room key.

"Enjoy your stay." He says. "Your room number is 307."


"Oh I'm not here to save your soul." Theron says. "You're probably not interested in what I preach. No I'm just here to see my opponent."

He looks around the steakhouse and nods.

"I'm eager to see who can save or damn the most souls." He says. "But I should let you know I have quite the head start."

He waves farewell and goes to leave.

"I should tell you that there are some rules to this game." He says, his voice growing stronger with some hidden power. "I will not tolerate coercion, nor maniuplation of faith for material gains. What someone believes is their choice, to be made by them alone."

The door swings closed and he is gone. A small leather bound book with a simple cross sits on one of the tables.

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria jumped back as something pierced the ground infront of her.  "The hell?!"

The chittering intensifies and you hear something shift above you. A shape hurtles down through the darkness, glowing pods on its thin arms flaring as razor sharp spines erupt from them. The ceiling of the cave lights up with several similar lights.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The chittering intensifies and you hear something shift above you. A shape hurtles down through the darkness, glowing pods on its thin arms flaring as razor sharp spines erupt from them. The ceiling of the cave lights up with several similar lights.

Cyria created an anti matter orb in her hand and threw it at whatever was above her, she quickly realised she probably made a very stupid mistake. 

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5 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Cyria created an anti matter orb in her hand and threw it at whatever was above her, she quickly realised she probably made a very stupid mistake. 

The orb strikes the creature and bursts like a water balloon, coating it in anti-matter. It appears that something about this place is screwing with your abilities. The creature screams as it dissolves. The energy seems to dissipated into the air. A check of your HUD shows your energy reserves are once again full.

The creatures on the ceiling shriek and more leap down at you.

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11 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Rubs his neck* "Yeah..we all use..it, hah.." *He Walks over to the docks* "Speak to you in a sec..*He puts it down* 

Sam cut the link and stretched her arms again. It was good to be back in the field. She had a few choice words for whoever had done this to her. Whether or not their ears would be intact enough to hear them was debatable.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The orb strikes the creature and bursts like a water balloon, coating it in anti-matter. It appears that something about this place is screwing with your abilities. The creature screams as it dissolves. The energy seems to dissipated into the air. A check of your HUD shows your energy reserves are once again full.

The creatures on the ceiling shriek and more leap down at you.

"Really not my day today," Cyria mumbled to herself as she lets null-stars matirialise around here. Where did that Neophyte go? Wouldn't he have somethign against these things?

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22 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Really not my day today," Cyria mumbled to herself as she lets null-stars matirialise around here. Where did that Neophyte go? Wouldn't he have somethign against these things?

You sense him move to cover your back. The sword sings in the air and two of the creatures his and fall back.

"Did you say something?" He asks.

The null stars seem to act normally, until one lances out, punches through a creature, leaving a hole in its head, and returns to orbit. You energy goes up a notch.

The body of the creature falls at your feet.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You sense him move to cover your back. The sword sings in the air and two of the creatures his and fall back.

"Did you say something?" He asks.

The null stars seem to act normally, until one lances out, punches through a creature, leaving a hole in its head, and returns to orbit. You energy goes up a notch.

The body of the creature falls at your feet.

"So there you are, have any extra weapon for me?" Cyria asks, her ability seemed to be much stronger here but a weapon would never hurt.

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20 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"So there you are, have any extra weapon for me?" Cyria asks, her ability seemed to be much stronger here but a weapon would never hurt.

"Didn't you bring any of your own?" Neophyte asks.

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34 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam cut the link and stretched her arms again. It was good to be back in the field. She had a few choice words for whoever had done this to her. Whether or not their ears would be intact enough to hear them was debatable.

*Zaeed Walks over to the Tenno at the Docks, he walks over to Sam* "Sam...its..great to see your up and about *He removes his helmet, bushing his hair out the way and smiles, he then hands her a bag*

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Just now, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed Walks over to the Tenno at the Docks, he walks over to Sam* "Sam...its..great to see your up and about *He removes his helmet, bushing his hair out the way and smiles, he then hands her a bag*

"Technically I'm still bed-ridden." Sam says with a laugh. "But thank you."
He takes the bag and opens it, looking inside.

"The nurses said you cried when you saw me." She says teasingly.

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