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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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7 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

"OH MY GOODNESS! *he screams down the mic* *As he goes to turn to sam and goes to run with her, there is a very loud gunshot sound!, the sound is Rubico, after the gunshot, there is a loud flesh/blood impact sound*

*Zaeed is then heard choking and gurgling, he slowly truns to sam, his palm onto his neck, that has a massive open wound, his other hand reaching out to her, as he reaches out, another gunshot is hear, a splatter of blood, sprays at Sam, Zaeed falls to the ground and is bleeding out fast* 

Ares scoped in on the location of the shot, his sensors triangulating the gunshots location. He switched his scope to thermal, scanning the area.

"Marking general area." He says. "Attempting to infiltrate."

"Negative." Jas says. "Sandstorm coming in fast. He's likely gone by now. Keep eyes on our people."


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6 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

((Alright, sorry for coming of as so impatient I'm just being bored. This will be my last post for a while until those event coincide then.))

Cyria looked at the blade and than around her, didn't seem like there was much sand around here. "We should keep going." She stated as she headed deeper into the tower. Fell simply followed. Part of him wanted to speak up against her, it wanted to claim that title of grandmaster as his. But who would keep him up? Cyria always had been his leader back before the fall of the empire. 

((Not specifically events of yours. But I do have a lot going on. I try to get to everyone's posts but sometimes I have to aling other posts. IF it looks like I've missed something its probably because I'm in the middle of another one that is advancing something else. You are clear to go ahead, as from this point on, for a while at least, alle vents are mostly isolated due to the storm.))

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Zaeed!" Sam shouts. She sends a wave of sound forward, throwing up a dust screen.

"Jas!" She shouts. "Zaeed is down, unknown sniper."

"Understood." Jas says. "Keep out of sight. Wraith's have eyes on your location, scanning for enemy sniper. Sending medical support now."

Sam pulls something from storage, keeping up the sand screen as she pulls you back towards the camp. The small object unfolds, it appears to be a small locust drone. It hovers over Zaeed and begins spraying a medical gel onto the wound. 

"Emergency Medical Locust deployed." Sam says. "Stay with me Zaeed."

*Zaeed is barely clinging to life, his warframes systems are glitching out and power down, he shakes in pain, griping onto his arm, as he is pulled back to camp, another wound is shown on his chest, however the Locust drone will be able to detect viral damage, and alot of it*


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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((Not specifically events of yours. But I do have a lot going on. I try to get to everyone's posts but sometimes I have to aling other posts. IF it looks like I've missed something its probably because I'm in the middle of another one that is advancing something else. You are clear to go ahead, as from this point on, for a while at least, alle vents are mostly isolated due to the storm.))

((Alright, do give me a sign if you are planning to alinge something involving me with others, since I might be really derpy at reading signals you are planning to do so.))

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ares scoped in on the location of the shot, his sensors triangulating the gunshots location. He switched his scope to thermal, scanning the area.

"Marking general area." He says. "Attempting to infiltrate."

"Negative." Jas says. "Sandstorm coming in fast. He's likely gone by now. Keep eyes on our people."


*There is a brief moment of heat-scans, its Legion, he is perked on top of few rocks, however he quickly gets out of sight, due to the storm, however, if scope is still one, he will see "clones" dashing towards Zaeed and Sam*

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9 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

((Alright, sorry for coming of as so impatient I'm just being bored. This will be my last post for a while until those event coincide then.))

Cyria looked at the blade and than around her, didn't seem like there was much sand around here. "We should keep going." She stated as she headed deeper into the tower. Fell simply followed. Part of him wanted to speak up against her, it wanted to claim that title of grandmaster as his. But who would keep him up? Cyria always had been his leader back before the fall of the empire. 

"Agreed." Famine says. "We...."

Two figures rise from the scattered sand on the floor.

"I told you we should have sent drones first." A voice says.

"Well we didn't really have time." Another replies. "This was the only planet in the system.... unless...."

There is a brief pause.

"There was another." He says. "But that was a penal colony... I think... It was supposed to hold..."

The figures collapse.

"Those." Famine says. "Those weren't mine."

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1 minute ago, -Platinum- said:

*There is a brief moment of heat-scans, its Legion, he is perked on top of few rocks, however he quickly gets out of sight, due to the storm, however, if scope is still one, he will see "clones" dashing towards Zaeed and Sam*

"Multiple contacts." Ares says. "Open fire."

The Wraiths and Ares open fire at the clones. 

There is a flash of golden light and Mira appears beside Zaeed encasing his wounds in golden energy and then teleporting him and Sam back into the camp.

"Felicity!" She shouts. "We have a wounded Tenno."

Sam clutches Zaeed's hand.

"Stay with us." She says. "We'll patch you up. Just stay with us."

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5 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed is barely clinging to life, his warframes systems are glitching out and power down, he shakes in pain, griping onto his arm, as he is pulled back to camp, another wound is shown on his chest, however the Locust drone will be able to detect viral damage, and alot of it*


The locust drone flies over to the medical tent, as Zaeed is levitated onto a bed, and displays a short readout to Felicity.

"Viral infection." She says. "Anti-coagulants." 

She begins ordering the orderlies about, and requesting different medications.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Multiple contacts." Ares says. "Open fire."

The Wraiths and Ares open fire at the clones. 

There is a flash of golden light and Mira appears beside Zaeed encasing his wounds in golden energy and then teleporting him and Sam back into the camp.

*The clones are quickly dispatched, however before death, one throws a shuriken right at Zaeed, hopeing to hit* 

Edited by -Platinum-
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5 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*There is a brief moment of heat-scans, its Legion, he is perked on top of few rocks, however he quickly gets out of sight, due to the storm, however, if scope is still one, he will see "clones" dashing towards Zaeed and Sam*

If he looks back he will see a single figure standing where Sam and Zaeed where. A Machete Wraith is clutched in its hand as it surverys the bloodied sand. It turns and looks directly at you, lifting its Machete to point towards you, then vanishes in a puff of smoke.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Agreed." Famine says. "We...."

Two figures rise from the scattered sand on the floor.

"I told you we should have sent drones first." A voice says.

"Well we didn't really have time." Another replies. "This was the only planet in the system.... unless...."

There is a brief pause.

"There was another." He says. "But that was a penal colony... I think... It was supposed to hold..."

The figures collapse.

"Those." Famine says. "Those weren't mine."

"Huh... I saw these before when I first got here..." Cyrua mumbled as she walked to where the figures where, She kneeled down next to the sand. "Can you do anything with this?"

Fell was suprised once more. "So there is a whole other inhabitat planet?"

"Those people on there might be long dead, you got to focus on what is here and now Fell!"

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Just now, Rakawan said:

If he looks back he will see a single figure standing where Sam and Zaeed where. A Machete Wraith is clutched in its hand as it surverys the bloodied sand. It turns and looks directly at you, lifting its Machete to point towards you, then vanishes in a puff of smoke.

*Legion truns back, and then runs faster, before telporting himself*

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12 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

"I don't know why you're so concerned about storms that will also halt the Sentient's overland movement.  It's not about to waste drones looking for areas not covered in suck."  He took the comm.

"I agree to carry your message, on the condition that Mara comes with me.  And I still want the answers."

With a sarcastic wave, he left the room the way he came in.

The coordinates to the base camp are surprisingly close to where the cave you use exits. A Zephyr would be able to make the trip in under a minute. A sandstorm is bearing down on the camp, but has not reached it yet. 

Mara is close behind you. Her Saryn Acolyte frame traded for a Saryn Prime.

"You cannot tell them who I am." She says. "If they find out... they will kill me."

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Huh... I saw these before when I first got here..." Cyrua mumbled as she walked to where the figures where, She kneeled down next to the sand. "Can you do anything with this?"

Fell was suprised once more. "So there is a whole other inhabitat planet?"

"Those people on there might be long dead, you got to focus on what is here and now Fell!"

Famine raises his hand. Sand forms rise from the small pile, revealing a set of bones. Famine mutters something and lets the sand cover them again.

"I can." He says. "But one should not disturb the dead. We do not seem to be in danger here. Leave them to their long sleep."

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The locust drone flies over to the medical tent, as Zaeed is levitated onto a bed, and displays a short readout to Felicity.

"Viral infection." She says. "Anti-coagulants." 

She begins ordering the orderlies about, and requesting different medications.

*He truns to sam, still gripped onto her arm* "Sam...I..*His grip loosens, and his hand/arm drops, the Locus drone whuold detect flat-line, the bullet must of hit something viral, in his chest, along with the Viral rounds, in both his neck and chest*

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Famine raises his hand. Sand forms rise from the small pile, revealing a set of bones. Famine mutters something and lets the sand cover them again.

"I can." He says. "But one should not disturb the dead. We do not seem to be in danger here. Leave them to their long sleep."

"Hmm.. so nothing blockes void powers... maybe they use it to create these images..?" Cyria mutters as she stands up again, stepping over the pile of sand and taking a look at where they could go from here. 

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5 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He truns to sam, still gripped onto her arm* "Sam...I..*His grip loosens, and his hand/arm drops, the Locus drone whuold detect flat-line, the bullet must of hit something viral, in his chest, along with the Viral rounds, in both his neck and chest*

A strange and terrible power begins to grow around Mira.

"Step back." She says. "He's not gone yet."

She places her hand on his chest and a shockwave runs through the camp.

"Summon the Masters." She says. "Go, Sam. Felicity, repair what you can."

She draws her hand back, a small orb withdrawing from the wound. Lights swirl within it.

"We will not let this one perish." She says, looking at Sam. "Be at ease."

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5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"My boys will take point." He says. "You can support them from the middle. However I do agree that the Wraiths should be our eyes and ears in this."

The transport settles to the ground and Dirge walks back.

"Alright boys." He says. "We are here. Fan out and secure the area."

Beyond the ramp you can see the busy base camp. 


UIf woke up when the hull hit the ground and almost mechanically rolled out from the carrier while squeezing in the sequence of excaliburs. Therese proceeded right after the group of brawlers made their exit.

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The clanking sounds within the cargo hold spike and the sounds of what appears to be several people can be heard argueing inside. Every so often, a loud bang is heard as though something is thrown against a wall.

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6 minutes ago, Teloch said:

UIf woke up when the hull hit the ground and almost mechanically rolled out from the carrier while squeezing in the sequence of excaliburs. Therese proceeded right after the group of brawlers made their exit.

The Wraiths take up position on the roofs. Moments later you hear the call of "sniper!" and several retorts as they fire. The Slayer's dive into cover, pulling out marksman rifles.

"All clear." A voice calls a moment later. "All personnel to cover."

Energy shields spring up around the camp, creating a second barrier around it. Sand obscures the nights sky, and lanterns turn on, illuminating the camp.

You see the Arbiter and three other Nekros Primes walk into a tent. 

An Oberon walks up to you.

"Identification?" He asks.

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

The clanking sounds within the cargo hold spike and the sounds of what appears to be several people can be heard argueing inside. Every so often, a loud bang is heard as though something is thrown against a wall.

Dirge walks up into the ship.

"Anyone here?" He asks. "Hund? We found something you might want to see."

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7 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Hmm.. so nothing blockes void powers... maybe they use it to create these images..?" Cyria mutters as she stands up again, stepping over the pile of sand and taking a look at where they could go from here. 

The Hallway stretches back into a well lit room. There are no sounds beyond the soft hum of generators.

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