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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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3 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Your opinion." She says. "Master Richard says I should go with Loka, as they usually work with healers. But I find their views a bit... narrow, for my tastes."


Now that's gonna be lengthy. She thought while slightly stretching her legs and beginning to sip the tea.

"Each syndicate has their fighters, healers, merchants, and scouts. It is just that some of the casts represent their syndicate in the public eyes brighter than the others. The main factor that differs all of the six current syndicates is their main idea. This idea defines everything else: from methodology to organizational structure" She smirked at Felicity "Because you wish to know them better, I suppose shortly describing each one would suffice for a time being" she leans back against the chair.

"So, when there is a discussion on syndicates, these conversations usually start from the Steel Meridian. The Meridian doctrine can be characterized as a Terminus system vigilante code. They are basically rebels against the main tidal forces of this system; grineer call them defectors and partisans due to high number of former grineer serving under Meridian banners; corpus call them highwaymen and robbers due to Meridians deep disregard of economic dictatorship and market centrism; civilians from various scattered colonies call them saviours since they are among those few forces that actually care about population of the system and does not necessarily perceive it as an exploitable and expendable resource. All mentioned above states for the moral quality of the Steel Meridian, but in the real world, nothing is purely black or white. Meridian's issue is that they have no constructive ideology and any plan for the future. If the grineer empire or corpus would cease to exist at some point, this group might become redundant or, what is worse, become the oppressors themselves, just like those they fought earlier. You see... there were cases when separated Steel Meridian cells extorted the colonies they claimed to protect. They also rumored to accept military criminals who escaped justice to their ranks. Having in mind the fact that lawfulness isn't the first virtue of revolutionaries, we should not paint meridian "white" by default. But so far, they are good partners that share many of our views. Many of our soldiers and mercenaries proved themselves while working with Meridian. It is probably the second or the third syndicate by popularity"

She sipped some tea and flexed her neck like a cat

"Arbiters of Hexis are absolutely different in regard of lawfulness. I can spend half of the day explaining what is this group about, but what you should really know is that this syndicate is of ideological nature. Some even call us zealots or religious fanatics, but that is just prejudice lifting its voice. In all times, humanity tried to synthesize the universal truth via philosophy. Hexis is one of the remaining philosophy schools. The core concepts of Hexis path are: the ultimate power of truth (disregard its painfulness), the viral importance of reason and self-control, and the virtue of personal responsibility for your life and deeds. The Hexis path is a very cosmopolitan and at the same time personal philosophic school that praises four cardinal virtues: justice, fortitude (often perceived as courage), wisdom, and temperance. My mentor - who is also considered by some as a Hexis sage - says that modern Arbiters emerged as a revival of the ancient philosophic school called "Stoicism". Thanks to our allies, I had the luxury to read to those scarce treatises on stoicism, and I am sound with my mentor's thoughts on Hexis origins.
Despite the virtuousness of the inner path promoted by 
Hexis doctrine, some adepts seek to enforce their views on those who wish to stick to other beliefs or to remain perfectly ignorant or nihilistic, which contradicts with the concept of personal responsibility before universal reason or fatum. Also, arbiters ignore such philosophic categories as "hope", "mercy", and even "love"..."

She sipped more tea and snatched another cookie, continuing the "lecture" with half-filled mouth

"Cephalon Suda... The most obscure syndicate of them all. What is known is that Suda is obsessed with knowledge, it considers itself pacifistic but at the same time is unfamiliar with the core humane concepts, and... I guess that's it. Cephalon Simaris is frank about its goals, but I doubt that even Suda's followers know anything about its mission. My intuition tells me that Suda has something to do with the virtual reality. I have a rather fantastic theory that Suda wishes to create an artificial virtual dimension and so uses each and every bit of information found in the real world as building materials" She shrugged slightly "sounds stupid, I know. Anyway, Suda has access to the rarest and so most valuable pieces of knowledge, which makes it a very sought-after ally. One can't underestimate the power of knowledge, as they say, but the knowledge must be earned. Most probably, Suda practices digitalization and data disintegration of living beings. Consider yourself if that can be viewed as an act of cold-blooded murder or not, and if you are capable of committing such acts"

"Veils... With all my desire to give you the most unbiased estimation on them, in all honesty, they are serial murderers. Serial murderers who aim to kill everything that is "corrupt" according to their views, and who consider the "end justifies the means" statement as the axiom. They are sneaky, they are crafty, they are unpredictable and chaotic, they are illogical, and they are the only syndicate without any constructive agenda. As in at all. Many people say that we are no different from the Veil, but... um... even though there are tenno extremists who live only to satisfy their murderous instincts, the vast majority of us are cerebral. 

"Perrin Sequence. Just like any industrialists who claim to bring collective prosperity through the means of market and economy, they often forget to mention that sufficiency has its price. Their jobs are usually less violent than those of Veil, but sometimes they may turn out as very unsavory. Business is not for weaklings and softies, and this is something what perrin-allied tenno learn first. These merchants are... controversial. They do respect the rules in general or those of market in particular, but sometimes they make very dirty moves. They tend to care for their image and reputation, but that doen't stop them from being as ruthless as grineer generals who have unlimited forces to throw into the grinder of war, they promote unity and cooperation, but they are constantly afraid of being backstabbed figuratively or literally. Nevertheless, despite this moral complexity, they do benefit to the system economy and collective well-being, which makes them a very sought-after ally"

"And the last one is the New Loka. They are very reactionary and even somewhat xenophobic. Their biggest issue is that they tend to take everything on faith and ignore facts. Perhaps it would be correct to characterize them as ecological zealots. Can't say that there is something wrong with their main goal, but their prejudice toward others and the tendency to defy sour truth for the sake of sweet lies would probably become the reasons of their eventual undoing. In all honesty, I too sometimes wish for old Terra to become a blooming garden, but defying everything that isn't pure humanity won't help to bring this dream to reality"

At the end of her lecture, Therese covered her mouth with a hand and yawned quietly. "Hope that helped" 

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3 hours ago, Teloch said:

Now that's gonna be lengthy. She thought while slightly stretching her legs and beginning to sip the tea.

"Each syndicate has their fighters, healers, merchants, and scouts. It is just that some of the casts represent their syndicate in the public eyes brighter than the others. The main factor that differs all of the six current syndicates is their main idea. This idea defines everything else: from methodology to organizational structure" She smirked at Felicity "Because you wish to know them better, I suppose shortly describing each one would suffice for a time being" she leans back against the chair.

"So, when there is a discussion on syndicates, these conversations usually start from the Steel Meridian. The Meridian doctrine can be characterized as a Terminus system vigilante code. They are basically rebels against the main tidal forces of this system; grineer call them defectors and partisans due to high number of former grineer serving under Meridian banners; corpus call them highwaymen and robbers due to Meridians deep disregard of economic dictatorship and market centrism; civilians from various scattered colonies call them saviours since they are among those few forces that actually care about population of the system and does not necessarily perceive it as an exploitable and expendable resource. All mentioned above states for the moral quality of the Steel Meridian, but in the real world, nothing is purely black or white. Meridian's issue is that they have no constructive ideology and any plan for the future. If the grineer empire or corpus would cease to exist at some point, this group might become redundant or, what is worse, become the oppressors themselves, just like those they fought earlier. You see... there were cases when separated Steel Meridian cells extorted the colonies they claimed to protect. They also rumored to accept military criminals who escaped justice to their ranks. Having in mind the fact that lawfulness isn't the first virtue of revolutionaries, we should not paint meridian "white" by default. But so far, they are good partners that share many of our views. Many of our soldiers and mercenaries proved themselves while working with Meridian. It is probably the second or the third syndicate by popularity"

She sipped some tea and flexed her neck like a cat

"Arbiters of Hexis are absolutely different in regard of lawfulness. I can spend half of the day explaining what is this group about, but what you should really know is that this syndicate is of ideological nature. Some even call us zealots or religious fanatics, but that is just prejudice lifting its voice. In all times, humanity tried to synthesize the universal truth via philosophy. Hexis is one of the remaining philosophy schools. The core concepts of Hexis path are: the ultimate power of truth (disregard its painfulness), the viral importance of reason and self-control, and the virtue of personal responsibility for your life and deeds. The Hexis path is a very cosmopolitan and at the same time personal philosophic school that praises four cardinal virtues: justice, fortitude (often perceived as courage), wisdom, and temperance. My mentor - who is also considered by some as a Hexis sage - says that modern Arbiters emerged as a revival of the ancient philosophic school called "Stoicism". Thanks to our allies, I had the luxury to read to those scarce treatises on stoicism, and I am sound with my mentor's thoughts on Hexis origins.
Despite the virtuousness of the inner path promoted by 
Hexis doctrine, some adepts seek to enforce their views on those who wish to stick to other beliefs or to remain perfectly ignorant or nihilistic, which contradicts with the concept of personal responsibility before universal reason or fatum. Also, arbiters ignore such philosophic categories as "hope", "mercy", and even "love"..."

She sipped more tea and snatched another cookie, continuing the "lecture" with half-filled mouth

"Cephalon Suda... The most obscure syndicate of them all. What is known is that Suda is obsessed with knowledge, it considers itself pacifistic but at the same time is unfamiliar with the core humane concepts, and... I guess that's it. Cephalon Simaris is frank about its goals, but I doubt that even Suda's followers know anything about its mission. My intuition tells me that Suda has something to do with the virtual reality. I have a rather fantastic theory that Suda wishes to create an artificial virtual dimension and so uses each and every bit of information found in the real world as building materials" She shrugged slightly "sounds stupid, I know. Anyway, Suda has access to the rarest and so most valuable pieces of knowledge, which makes it a very sought-after ally. One can't underestimate the power of knowledge, as they say, but the knowledge must be earned. Most probably, Suda practices digitalization and data disintegration of living beings. Consider yourself if that can be viewed as an act of cold-blooded murder or not, and if you are capable of committing such acts"

"Veils... With all my desire to give you the most unbiased estimation on them, in all honesty, they are serial murderers. Serial murderers who aim to kill everything that is "corrupt" according to their views, and who consider the "end justifies the means" statement as the axiom. They are sneaky, they are crafty, they are unpredictable and chaotic, they are illogical, and they are the only syndicate without any constructive agenda. As in at all. Many people say that we are no different from the Veil, but... um... even though there are tenno extremists who live only to satisfy their murderous instincts, the vast majority of us are cerebral. 

"Perrin Sequence. Just like any industrialists who claim to bring collective prosperity through the means of market and economy, they often forget to mention that sufficiency has its price. Their jobs are usually less violent than those of Veil, but sometimes they may turn out as very unsavory. Business is not for weaklings and softies, and this is something what perrin-allied tenno learn first. These merchants are... controversial. They do respect the rules in general or those of market in particular, but sometimes they make very dirty moves. They tend to care for their image and reputation, but that doen't stop them from being as ruthless as grineer generals who have unlimited forces to throw into the grinder of war, they promote unity and cooperation, but they are constantly afraid of being backstabbed figuratively or literally. Nevertheless, despite this moral complexity, they do benefit to the system economy and collective well-being, which makes them a very sought-after ally"

"And the last one is the New Loka. They are very reactionary and even somewhat xenophobic. Their biggest issue is that they tend to take everything on faith and ignore facts. Perhaps it would be correct to characterize them as ecological zealots. Can't say that there is something wrong with their main goal, but their prejudice toward others and the tendency to defy sour truth for the sake of sweet lies would probably become the reasons of their eventual undoing. In all honesty, I too sometimes wish for old Terra to become a blooming garden, but defying everything that isn't pure humanity won't help to bring this dream to reality"

At the end of her lecture, Therese covered her mouth with a hand and yawned quietly. "Hope that helped" 

"Ahhh." A sarcastic voice says. "The gospel according to Hexis."

A figure wearing a vibrant red and black version of the Oro-keeper robes enters the tent. It is a young woman, her features fierce and hawklike. 

"Grandmaster Mira." Felicity says with a short half-bow/half-nod.

"Unlike the zealots in Hexis, our assasins are concerned with results, rather than dogma." Mira says. "If anything our agenda is far more clear than that of Hexis."

She takes a sip of the tea from a new cup and takes the seat Ryoko vacated.


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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Ahhh." A sarcastic voice says. "The gospel according to Hexis."

A figure wearing a vibrant red and black version of the Oro-keeper robes enters the tent. It is a young woman, her features fierce and hawklike. 

"Grandmaster Mira." Felicity says with a short half-bow/half-nod.

"Unlike the zealots in Hexis, our assasins are concerned with results, rather than dogma." Mira says. "If anything our agenda is far more clear than that of Hexis."

She takes a sip of the tea from a new cup and takes the seat Ryoko vacated.



At first, Therese wanted to ironize via shooting a joke from the "how many red veil operatives does it take to screw in a light bulb" series, but that wasn't necessary since veils often provide clues and ways to undermine their murderous ideology in the eyes of others.

"But of course you are right, my rogue sister. Even the Orokin board of executors wasn't adamant enough to purge our species when they deemed us corrupted. In terms of clarity, your genocidal doctrine has only one competitor: the one that was practiced by a particularly menacing entity we took down a couple of hours ago" she spoke in absolutely calm and polite voice, "I hope my tongue would not rot if I state that my brethren would never reach the same depths of temerity and frenzy that are valued by your kind"

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2 hours ago, Teloch said:

At first, Therese wanted to ironize via shooting a joke from the "how many red veil operatives does it take to screw in a light bulb" series, but that wasn't necessary since veils often provide clues and ways to undermine their murderous ideology in the eyes of others.

"But of course you are right, my rogue sister. Even the Orokin board of executors wasn't adamant enough to purge our species when they deemed us corrupted. In terms of clarity, your genocidal doctrine has only one competitor: the one that was practiced by a particularly menacing entity we took down a couple of hours ago" she spoke in absolutely calm and polite voice, "I hope my tongue would not rot if I state that my brethren would never reach the same depths of temerity and frenzy that are valued by your kind"

"I'm not the one who turned her back on our loving mother, renegade." Mira said, her smile more a show of teeth. "And you make very rash assumptions if you assume temerity and frenzy are valued among skilled assassins. Temerity gets you killed, and frenzy gets the mission scrubbed. A true assassin is precise, focused, and cautious."

Felicity's arm lances out and Mira snatches a glittering dagger from the air, centimeters from her head.

"Better." She says. "But you telegraph far to much."

She tosses the dagger aside and looks at the Initiate.

"The world is not pretty, nor ideal." Mira says. "Veil accepts that, and works within it. What Truth is there is denying the nature of the world? In pretending that enlightenment will save this world. The Kweens know what they do. The Board knows what it does."

She sips her tea.

"As for Xipha." Mira says. "She was worse than the amatuers who come to us looking for purpose. Temerous, and frantic. She threw away her allies, after misuising their talents, something even Veil knows is tempting fate at best."



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15 hours ago, Unus said:

The Chroma moves towards the tent at a moderate pace as the Operator adjusts an object hanging around it's neck. Standing outside the tent now, the operator clearly seems to be a blended mix of fearful, excited, and concerned. 

"You wouldn't happen to have a light source on you would you? It took me hours to find my way back up with just the headlamp."

Upon saying the word "headlamp", the Chroma's eyespots flash online into an orange-tinted beam that stretches 3 feet in front of it.

"Plus, I seem to have tripped over. .  . uh. . . someone, on the way back.

"Back up?" Jas says. "Have you been digging?"


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16 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Next time, you'll be expecting it."  With a flex of his shoulders, his Feyarch Oberon was back, and as the Markhor helm slid into place, he cracked his neck.  "What do you think of it?" he asked Aaron.

Aaron halted as he heard Richard speak to him. "I'm don't trust it, even if this ship is down there should still be sentient forces lingering around."

"Say how did you make that frame of yours able to well switch frames?"

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31 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Back up?" Jas says. "Have you been digging?"


"N. . . not me specifically, but, well. . . someone else, yes."

The Operator pulls back the curtain with one hand and put's a hand to it's face as it looks away in clear embarrassment.

There appears to be absolutely nothing beyond the tent flap, no equipment, no room, just a black void of nothingness outlined by the four corners of the room.

"The first step is kind of. . . kind of a big deal."

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Just now, Unus said:

"N. . . not me specifically, but, well. . . someone else, yes."

The Operator pulls back the curtain with one hand and put's a hand to it's face as it looks away in clear embarrassment.

There appears to be absolutely nothing beyond the tent flap, no equipment, no room, just a black void of nothingness outlined by the four corners of the room.

"The first step is kind of. . . kind of a big deal."

((Hund isn't related to our old friend Patches is he?))

"Understood." Jas says. 

He points towards the hole and his sentinel flies down examining the hole. It shines light across the area.

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43 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I'm not the one who turned her back on our loving mother, renegade." Mira said, her smile more a show of teeth. "And you make very rash assumptions if you assume temerity and frenzy are valued among skilled assassins. Temerity gets you killed, and frenzy gets the mission scrubbed. A true assassin is precise, focused, and cautious."

Felicity's arm lances out and Mira snatches a glittering dagger from the air, centimeters from her head.

"Better." She says. "But you telegraph far to much."

She tosses the dagger aside and looks at the Initiate.

"The world is not pretty, nor ideal." Mira says. "Veil accepts that, and works within it. What Truth is there is denying the nature of the world? In pretending that enlightenment will save this world. The Kweens know what they do. The Board knows what it does."

She sips her tea.

"As for Xipha." Mira says. "She was worse than the amatuers who come to us looking for purpose. Temerous, and frantic. She threw away her allies, after misuising their talents, something even Veil knows is tempting fate at best."




"It is true that the world is a wretched place now, but no amount of fiery purges and slaughters will make it better. The vile that grows up and fills the vacuum after each collapse isn't something exterior - it is a consequence of our wretchedness. You, veils, may eternally fight the symptoms, but with your lack of discipline and understanding, you will never address the root of the problem which lies within each every of us, including you" 

Therese sipped some tea, changed the tone to more casual, and spoke to Felicity, "And that's what you're getting yourself into: pointless philosophic disputes with your ideological rivals"

"Tell me, dear Mira, does your precious radicals have any plans for the future? What would you all do if the miracle take place and everything that you deem "slaughterable" disappears in one way or another? Would you simply disband? Or, perhaps, you would persist in seeking the wrongs even though there would be none?"

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((Patches? I'll have to lookem up at some point.)) 

The drone's light barely illuminates the murky black as it pans about in it's  30 foot descent. Aside from highlighting a ladder that appears to have been made from the consoles that originally adorned the tent, there is little to be seen. . .until it looks directly below itself. There, jutting out of the sand, something vaguely man shaped could be seen sprawled in front of some form of floor protrusion.

"Oh. . . oh my."

The Chroma lifts it's foot backwards and the Operator examines it feverishly before breathing a sigh of releif.

"Phew, no residual material."

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"It is true that the world is a wretched place now, but no amount of fiery purges and slaughters will make it better. The vile that grows up and fills the vacuum after each collapse isn't something exterior - it is a consequence of our wretchedness. You, veils, may eternally fight the symptoms, but with your lack of discipline and understanding, you will never address the root of the problem which lies within each every of us, including you" 

Therese sipped some tea, changed the tone to more casual, and spoke to Felicity, "And that's what you're getting yourself into: pointless philosophic disputes with your ideological rivals"

"Tell me, dear Mira, does your precious radicals have any plans for the future? What would you all do if the miracle take place and everything that you deem "slaughterable" disappears in one way or another? Would you simply disband? Or, perhaps, you would persist in seeking the wrongs even though there would be none?"

A member of Hexis slanders my syndicate, and when confronted with a chance to learn the truth, calls it pointless." Mira says with a chuckle. "How amusing."

She sips her tea and then sets the cup down.

"You mispronounced 'corrupt', renegade. We would not disband.The only thing required for the triumph of evil is for good men, and women, to do nothing. A sage from the Old World once told me that. No we would not disband. We would celebrate, perhaps, for a day or two, then take up vigil. We would watch this world, every wary in case corruption seeps into it again. I'd imagine we'd relax somewhat, take up normal jobs, perhaps even normal lives." She says. "The most fanatical would require some counseling, no doubt we'd see to it that our own did not become a new threat, and could take up peaceful lives. Other than that I could see us teaching about the cost of triumph. Telling of the darker side of history, of the blood and sacrifices that were no doubt necessary to achieve this world."


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12 minutes ago, Unus said:

((Patches? I'll have to lookem up at some point.)) 

The drone's light barely illuminates the murky black as it pans about in it's  30 foot descent. Aside from highlighting a ladder that appears to have been made from the consoles that originally adorned the tent, there is little to be seen. . .until it looks directly below itself. There, jutting out of the sand, something vaguely man shaped could be seen sprawled in front of some form of floor protrusion.

"Oh. . . oh my."

The Chroma lifts it's foot backwards and the Operator examines it feverishly before breathing a sigh of releif.

"Phew, no residual material."

((Patches. Dark Souls series. Scavenger who loves kicking people into pits.))

"Readings?" Jas asks the drone. It begins to scan for energy and gas levels around the pit.

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17 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"Who said I wouldn't?" Alice says "I'm just waiting for you to evoke the flames of hate so I can extinguish them with my BIGGER flames!"

Sai'ah gasps.

"You mean...?" She says. "You need a REASON to dismember such a massive meatpile." 

She puts her hand on her brow and feigns a fainting motion.

"Oh the humanity." She exclaims.

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13 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((Patches. Dark Souls series. Scavenger who loves kicking people into pits.))

"Readings?" Jas asks the drone. It begins to scan for energy and gas levels around the pit.

((Ah, apologies, was way to deep into the Deus Ex series at that point to jump on that train))

A few faint ripples of plasma energy can be discerned "leaking" from the protrusion, but, beyond this, nothing seems to register. 

"Assuming that is the fellow that I became (rubs leg uncomfortably) aquatinted with, that should be the hatch that leads into. . . wherever in the Milkyway that is."

The Chroma steps up to the barely exposed tip of the ladder on the rim of the square hole  and readies   itself on the first rung.

"I'll light your way down this thing, I seem to remember as far as the hatch itself, not that that matters much hazard wise."

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"Oh sweetie, are you even listening?" Alice said, still keeping her crooked smile "Reasons are for sane people. Same as lasting intentions. Now I want to play chess with its left liver, and use the right one as a baby flask!"

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

((Ah, apologies, was way to deep into the Deus Ex series at that point to jump on that train))

A few faint ripples of plasma energy can be discerned "leaking" from the protrusion, but, beyond this, nothing seems to register. 

"Assuming that is the fellow that I became (rubs leg uncomfortably) aquatinted with, that should be the hatch that leads into. . . wherever in the Milkyway that is."

The Chroma steps up to the barely exposed tip of the ladder on the rim of the square hole  and readies   itself on the first rung.

"I'll light your way down this thing, I seem to remember as far as the hatch itself, not that that matters much hazard wise."

Jas takes a running leap and hurls himself downward, latching onto a wall and jumping from side to side, moving mere seconds before the handholds he digs begin to crumble. He lights on the bottom of the pit and reclaims the sentinel.

"No need." He says. 

He kneels by the figure.

"Now tell me this isn't one of ours." He says. 

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4 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Oh sweetie, are you even listening?" Alive said, still keeping her crooked smile "Reasons are for sane people. Same as lasting intentions. Now I want to play chess with its left liver, and use the right one as a baby flask!"

"Then it's all yours." Sai'ah says. She leans on her blade-arm and looks at you.

The Behemoth is bereft of plates, its flesh raw. The loose armor plates sit in a pile near Sai'ah.

"I think it's guts are in it's belly." She says, beginning to float as psionic energy plays across her scaled dress. "I'd start there."

The behemoth floats to about eye level and begins to rotate onto its back.

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5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"A member of Hexis slanders my syndicate, and when confronted with a chance to learn the truth, calls it pointless." Mira says with a chuckle. "How amusing."

She sips her tea and then sets the cup down.

"You mispronounced 'corrupt', renegade. We would not disband.The only thing required for the triumph of evil is for good men, and women, to do nothing. A sage from the Old World once told me that. No we would not disband. We would celebrate, perhaps, for a day or two, then take up vigil. We would watch this world, every wary in case corruption seeps into it again. I'd imagine we'd relax somewhat, take up normal jobs, perhaps even normal lives." She says. "The most fanatical would require some counseling, no doubt we'd see to it that our own did not become a new threat, and could take up peaceful lives. Other than that I could see us teaching about the cost of triumph. Telling of the darker side of history, of the blood and sacrifices that were no doubt necessary to achieve this world."



"Amusing indeed. Cutting it short, your goal is to shape everything and everyone according to your views of what is right and what is wrong, eradicating everything that is "corrupt" in your imaginary perfect world, and sacrificing whatever and whomever it takes, thinking that the utopia would build itself should things you deem "corrupt" disappear. You know what is more amusing? The fact that grineer, corpus, and sentients - all whom you consider corrupt - think and act the same way you do. I'd ask you what makes you better than them, but regardless of your possible answer, neither you nor I will change our opinions. And that is why I called this little dispute pointless"

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38 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Jas takes a running leap and hurls himself downward, latching onto a wall and jumping from side to side, moving mere seconds before the handholds he digs begin to crumble. He lights on the bottom of the pit and reclaims the sentinel.

"No need." He says. 

He kneels by the figure.

"Now tell me this isn't one of ours." He says. 

The Operator shrugs a bit, hugs the Chroma tightly, and wills the frame to drop the full length of the ladder. It hits the ground with a shockwave slam that makes the room echo both above and below.

"Judgeing by the fact his head caved in like a hollow log, unless your men travel in time, this one isn't yours."

The Chroma prods the heap of blue robes with a finger, flipping it back to unveil a misshapen head with a messy crack in the facial area that has shattered it beyond recognition.

"It looks . . . humanish, but. . . something doesn't look right."

The Operator touches the tiny device on a crude chain around it's neck.

"Was carrying this on it's person when I walked through, kicked it across the room when I panicked after getting my foot stuck in something. To many Arc-Mine and Broken Light flashbacks."


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37 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Amusing indeed. Cutting it short, your goal is to shape everything and everyone according to your views of what is right and what is wrong, eradicating everything that is " corrupt" in your imaginery perfect world, and sacrificing anything whatever and whomever it takes, thinking that the utopia would build itself should things you deem "corrupt" disappear. You know what is more amusing? The fact that grineer, corpus, and sentients - all whom you consider corrupt - think and act the same way you do. I'd ask you what makes you better than them, but disregard of your possible answer, neither you nor I will change our opinions. And that is why I called this little dispute pointless"

"Build itself?" Mira asks. "Hardly. I'd imagine new Loka and Perrin would have a great deal of work ahead of them. Meridian would also step in, probably working to unify the colonies."

She sips the last of her tea.

"If you are going to be stationed here you may want to fix that attitude." Mira says. "But that's your problem."

She rises to her feet and places the tea-cup in the sink.

Something on her wrist beeps and she moves towards the entrance.

"If you'll both excuse me, I have a Mark." She says. "Keep training Initiate."

Edited by Rakawan
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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Then it's all yours." Sai'ah says. She leans on her blade-arm and looks at you.

The Behemoth is bereft of plates, its flesh raw. The loose armor plates sit in a pile near Sai'ah.

"I think it's guts are in it's belly." She says, beginning to float as psionic energy plays across her scaled dress. "I'd start there."

The behemoth floats to about eye level and begins to rotate onto its back.

Alice smiled even more - if it was even possible - and extended her Venka claws. "Oooooohohohoh~, this will be so much fun..."

She floated up above the beast, planning to slam the claws into its belly. She didn't care if the meat would get damaged anymore, she just needed to quell her bloodlust, kill something that is still breathing in front of her, or she'll go crazy... well, crazier...

When she was high enough, she flew like an arrow down towards the behemoth, screaming "Guts for the guts throne, GORE FOR THE GORE QUEEN!"

The claws dug deep into the animals meat, being pulled out immediately to be plunged in again, and agains, and again... Alice was laughing like a lunatic, enjoying the beasts roars of pain and agony, while both her eyes changed to an almost glowing crimson red. And she isn't even angry, this is just her definition of fun - or one of them - as she was literarily having a really great time.

The way she was clawing through its guts made her look furious, beastial even, utilising her fingernails after a while.

It was so brutal and violent, it almost looked... pretty, in a weird, twisted sense, but still, the way she kept a genuinely happy smile all the time, it seemed like something she was born to do...

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1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

Aaron halted as he heard Richard speak to him. "I'm don't trust it, even if this ship is down there should still be sentient forces lingering around."

"Say how did you make that frame of yours able to well switch frames?"

"There will likely be drone sightings for a few months until we find and eliminate the stragglers, but Tak has that well in hand."

Richard turned to look at Cyria.  "Ahh, the briefcase."  The Markhor helmet collapsed, and the front of the Warframe unfolded to allow him to step out of it, then rapidly folded in on itself until it was no larger than a lawyer's briefcase, entirely jet-black and complete with latches.  Richard tossed in the air and caught it, demonstrating its lightweight nature.

"This baby is the product of several years of monumental failure.  Getting a Warframe to compress into a briefcase was easy.  Getting it decompressed and ready for immediate use?  Much more difficult."  He shrugged and tossed the briefcase directly in front of him, and it expanded to land on its feet as the Oberon.  The back opened up, and he stepped into it.  It closed up around him, and the helmet folded up to click into place.  "I'd explain the physics behind it, but quite frankly I'm not sure I understand most of them."

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6 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Alice smiled even more - if it was even possible - and extended her Venka claws. "Oooooohohohoh~, this will be so much fun..."

She floated up above the beast, planning to slam the claws into its belly. She didn't care if the meat would get damaged anymore, she just needed to quell her bloodlust, kill something that is still breathing in front of her, or she'll go crazy... well, crazier...

When she was high enough, she flew like an arrow down towards the behemoth, screaming "Guts for the guts throne, GORE FOR THE GORE QUEEN!"

The claws dug deep into the animals meat, being pulled out immediately to be plunged in again, and agains, and again... Alice was laughing like a lunatic, enjoying the beasts roars of pain and agony, while both her eyes changed to an almost glowing crimson red. And she isn't even angry, this is just her definition of fun - or one of them - as she was literarily having a really great time.

The way she was clawing through its guts made her look furious, beastial even, utilising her fingernails after a while.

It was so brutal and violent, it almost looked... pretty, in a weird, twisted sense, but still, the way she kept a genuinely happy smile all the time, it seemed like something she was born to do...

Sai'ah is floating with a bored look.

"You know its dead." She says. "Has been for a while. But I know where to find a live one."

An image of a large, centipede like creature diving through gray dust enters your mind.

"Or perhaps something bigger...." Sai'ah says. 

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9 minutes ago, Unus said:

The Operator shrugs a bit, hugs the Chroma tightly, and wills the frame to drop the full length of the ladder. It hits the ground with a shockwave slam that makes the room echo both above and below.

"Judgeing by the fact his head caved in like a hollow log, unless your men travel in time, this one isn't yours."

The Chroma prods the heap of blue robes with a finger, flipping it back to unveil a misshapen head with a messy crack in the facial area that has shattered it beyond recognition.

"It looks . . . humanish, but. . . something doesn't look right."

The Operator touches the tiny device on a crude chain around it's neck.

"Was carrying this on it's person when I walked through, kicked it across the room when I panicked after getting my foot stuck in something. To many Arc-Mine and Broken Light flashbacks."


"Broken Lights?" Jas asks. "How where those ever an issue?"

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16 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sai'ah is floating with a bored look.

"You know its dead." She says. "Has been for a while. But I know where to find a live one."

An image of a large, centipede like creature diving through gray dust enters your mind.

"Or perhaps something bigger...." Sai'ah says. 

Alice kept stabbing its dead corpse, still finding amusement in it. Between stabs and giggles she addressed Sai'ah "That *stab* does sound *stab* lovely! But *stab* I have a steakhouse to run! *stab*"

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