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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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30 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Is this an Orokin Executor's chalice?" Bark asks, lifting an ornate cup. "In such pristine condition. I'd imagine this drew quite the crowd."

"Ah, Indeed Baro, we have a few in stock, quite the few *He turns to Alan* "Mr.Alan, what where you doing waiting in here?, the place was closed, is there something else I can get you?, is your friend with you?" 

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Don't know much myself. Jas and Sasha got McKee to the Tenno village after void exposure. Sat there a few months, then suddenly came back as Tenno." He says. "I hear rumors about the Arbiters working with some Orokin gal to help people become Tenno. I'd dismiss it but..."

He looks around and leans in.

"The Oro-Leepers have started holding classes up at the monastary." He says. "Said those who stay the course could achieve the powed of the Tenno. I thought about signing up."

He looks across you at Rex.

"But Red needs me to watch his back. We're old friends." He says. "And power like what you have..."

He swirls his drink in his mug.

"I ask Tenno about how they became what they are." He says. "Some wince, others shrug it off. But power like that must have a price."

He shrugs.

"Of you want more info ask the Arbiter." He says. "He'd talk to a Tenno. You can count on that."

Katrina looked down at her glass of wine when Rex Cody mentioned the price. She seemed sad. The thoughts of what happend in the hellspace went through her mind. She was the only one of her group of friends, except for Aaron and Seerena who survived. The void had punched a holl in the room they had stayed in. It burned the others, sucked them out of the ship. During it Katrina had felt as if her skin was melting. It was horrifying and the memories didn't become less horrid.

"The price was something..." 

"I might talk with this arbiter later."

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8 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Before the light faded off, Ulf checked his limbs (and back) for possible "surprises". All seem to be at its places... so far. 

You appear outside a bar. An Equinox and a Mesa stand outside it.

The Arbiter appears in a flash of gold. His helmet collapses around him and you realize that he is wearing his frame, rather than controlling it. His hair is cut short and his features are soft. He facial expression is one of relief, though you see his golden eyes scan the area quickly.

"Ahh." He says. "This place is busier than normal."

Edited by Rakawan
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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

"Ah, Indeed Baro, we have a few in stock, quite the few *He turns to Alan* "Mr.Alan, what where you doing waiting in here?, the place was closed, is there something else I can get you?, is your friend with you?" 

"I was waiting outside." Alan says. "I still need my chair. I don't believe I got a chance to recover it before you left."

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8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Uh..." "I need a drink?.."

As the Arbiter appears the door swings open.


"Arbiter." The man inside says. "Welcome to my humble abode. Come in come in."

As you enter he points to a sign.

"Please remove helmets and power down frames." It says. "Weapons must be stowed. No drinks served to minors or intoxicated individuals."

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6 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina looked down at her glass of wine when Rex Cody mentioned the price. She seemed sad. The thoughts of what happend in the hellspace went through her mind. She was the only one of her group of friends, except for Aaron and Seerena who survived. The void had punched a holl in the room they had stayed in. It burned the others, sucked them out of the ship. During it Katrina had felt as if her skin was melting. It was horrifying and the memories didn't become less horrid.

"The price was something..." 

"I might talk with this arbiter later."

Cody nods to the door.

"You may get your chance now." He says. "Speak of the devil."

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19 hours ago, Rakawan said:

As the Arbiter appears the door swings open.


"Arbiter." The man inside says. "Welcome to my humble abode. Come in come in."

As you enter he points to a sign.

"Please remove helmets and power down frames." It says. "Weapons must be stowed. No drinks served to minors or intoxicated individuals."

Understood..*She walks in and takes a seat, she sits down next to kat, she uses her frame and it powers down*

"You sure you guys want me to remove my helmet? *She chuckles nervously"


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21 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I was waiting outside." Alan says. "I still need my chair. I don't believe I got a chance to recover it before you left."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry Mr.Alan, *He goes at back and grabs out a box of his requested chair, the box is sealed up tight* "Do you wish to weld the chair now?"

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

Understood..*She walks in and takes a seat, she sits down next to kat, she uses her frame and it powers down*

"You sure you guys want me to remove my helmet? *She chuckles nervously"

*Ovie sits down, her black and red colors, shine, she still wears her pakal set, her Acolyte sigil glows brightly in the main of her chest, she refuses to remove her helmet*



"If your wearing it." The Barkeep says. "Unless it's some crazy robotic contraption you're controlling."

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry Mr.Alan, *He goes at back and grabs out a box of his requested chair, the box is sealed up tight* "Do you wish to weld the chair now?"

Alan floats up and told his head at you, folding his arms. He says nothing but it is clear he is looking forward to sitting down.

"Master Alan." Baro says. "Pleasure to see you up and about."

"Next time you need a tomb raider". Alan says. "Ask Tak. I hope those relics sold well."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"If your wearing it." The Barkeep says. "Unless it's some crazy robotic contraption you're controlling."

*She unclips her helmet* "Very well" *Her face is reveled, Her face seems burned up, alot and her eyes glows a ember like color, she blinks a few times* "Sorry, not the most good looking thing you seen eh?"

*She turns to her pet and hugs him*

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6 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

Understood..*She walks in and takes a seat, she sits down next to kat, she uses her frame and it powers down*

"You sure you guys want me to remove my helmet? *She chuckles nervously"

*Ovie sits down, her black and red colors, shine, she still wears her pakal set, her Acolyte sigil glows brightly in the main of her chest, she refuses to remove her helmet*

"Also nice to see you again Duality."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Alan floats up and told his head at you, folding his arms. He says nothing but it is clear he is looking forward to sitting down.

"Master Alan." Baro says. "Pleasure to see you up and about."

"Next time you need a tomb raider". Alan says. "Ask Tak. I hope those relics sold well."

*Frowns under his helmet* *Clears throat* "Lets...not get into..that...shell we?"

*The box pops open, and his new chair is ready" (( I forgot what he ordered))

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She unclips her helmet* "Very well" *Her face is reveled, Her face seems burned up, alot and her eyes glows a ember like color, she blinks a few times* "Sorry, not the most good looking thing you seen eh?"

*She turns to her pet and hugs him*

"I worked in a Grineer mine." He says. "My grandson is half Grineer."

He pours a drink and sips it, then sets it aside.

"I've seen men flayed alive with an Atterax. I've see women with half a face and children who wish they had that much left." He says. "You and your pet are far from the strangest things I've seen."

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Ulf stored the weapons and followed the rest of the rules. He always followed the rules, and always wondered why others like to break them. He took a look at the burnt, edgy-colored equinox. Even here - light years away from Larunda - dumb people impersonate Stalker and his followers. He turned his gaze away from, as she said, "not the most good-looking thing" without any words but with a stoic (or rather indifferent) expression.

" Hey, bartender. I'm new to this place; care listing what you have?"

Edited by Teloch
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8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Frowns under his helmet* *Clears throat* "Lets...not get into..that...shell we?"

*The box pops open, and his new chair is ready" (( I forgot what he ordered))

Alan settles into the wheelchair noting the slight dip as the hover mechanism kicks in. He reclines in the Orokin style cushions a me sighs.

"Ahh yes." He says. "This is nice."

He hands over his payment and floats from the shop.

"This chalice." Baro says. "How much?"

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18 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"I worked in a Grineer mine." He says. "My grandson is half Grineer."

He pours a drink and sips it, then sets it aside.

"I've seen men flayed alive with an Atterax. I've see women with half a face and children who wish they had that much left." He says. "You and your pet are far from the strangest things I've seen."

*chuckles* "Thanks..I guess" "Hum, I'll just take a minor drink"

*She turns to the new person*, "Hay there"

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19 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She unclips her helmet* "Very well" *Her face is reveled, Her face seems burned up, alot and her eyes glows a ember like color, she blinks a few times* "Sorry, not the most good looking thing you seen eh?"

*She turns to her pet and hugs him*

Seeing Duality's burned up face suprised Katrina. Seems like she was alot more lucky with the void scars she got. "Damn.."

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Ulf stored the weapons and followed the rest of the rules. He always followed the rules, and always wondered why others like to break them. He took a look at the burnt, edgy-colored equinox. Even here - light years away from Larunda - dumb people impersonate Stalker and his followers. He turned his gaze away from, as she said, "not the most good-looking thing" without any words but with a stoic (or rather indifferent) expression.

" Hey, bartender. I'm new to this place; care listing what you have?"

"Listen up everyone." He says loudly. "I'll say it once, so you all can hear. I've got Orokin Wine, Ale, and Beer. I have Wyrmsblood, though if you have that I won't sell you anything else till it wears off, or you regain consciousness. I have corpus ales, Grineer ales, and pretty much anything else. So name your favorite and I'll get it."

He lowers his voice to room volume.

"If you need more detail just look at the bottles. Name one and I'll pour it."

He motions and a sentinel carries a card to everyone's table.

"Card tracks how many you've had". He says. "Once it turns red take a break."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Alan settles into the wheelchair noting the slight dip as the hover mechanism kicks in. He reclines in the Orokin style cushions a me sighs.

"Ahh yes." He says. "This is nice."

He hands over his payment and floats from the shop.

"This chalice." Baro says. "How much?"

*He pockets the payment* "Oh, *chuckles* for you Baro, I'll cut the price by 50%, its 500"

*The original price, has been tagged as 1000 Credits/Ducts*

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5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*chuckles* "Thanks..I guess" "Hum, I'll just take a minor drink"

*She turns to the new person*, "Hay there"


*Oiv sharply stares at him, almsot if she knew what he was thinking, she rudely speeks out "Issue child?.."

((Which new person, there are like five.))

"Pardon." The barkeep asks Ovi." I did not catch that."

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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Listen up everyone." He says loudly. "I'll say it once, so you all can hear. I've got Orokin Wine, Ale, and Beer. I have Wyrmsblood, though if you have that I won't sell you anything else till it wears off, or you regain consciousness. I have corpus ales, Grineer ales, and pretty much anything else. So name your favorite and I'll get it."

He lowers his voice to room volume.

"If you need more detail just look at the bottles. Name one and I'll pour it."

He motions and a sentinel carries a card to everyone's table.

"Card tracks how many you've had". He says. "Once it turns red take a break."


"A bottle of mead ale, if you have any. If not - then a bitters ale" Ulf said, trying to ignore the sounds the sentient drone vocalized. These things pissed him off since the war days. But the fact it was here meant it wasn't obviously dangerous, or, at least, it was at the gunpoint of local security and patrons.

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He pockets the payment* "Oh, *chuckles* for you Baro, I'll cut the price by 50%, its 500"

*The original price, has been tagged as 1000 Credits/Ducts*

"Nay friend." Baro says. "For this masterpiece in will pay full. Consider the extra an if entice to keep an eye out for such information he future."

He hands over payment and looks at the chalice.

"Forged from the void and all the Tenno see are weapons there." He says sadly. "So few seem to appreciate the beauty of the Orokin Era."

He lifts the glass.

"I must celebrate this acquisition." He says. "I've heard there is a new bar serving Orokin Wine. If you would like I could show you."

He placed the cup in a case and closes it. The case digitalizing to store itself in his suit's systems.

"But I understand if you are busy." He says. "As the day winds down I'm sure Tenno will come visit your shop."

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