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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

*chuckles* "Oh, I never miss a pride and royal Orokin desgin, not even in death" *He smiles* "That is great to hear, Baro, glad to see you are doing well, in other tasks"

"I'll tell you about myself too. if you so wish to hear Mr.Baro"


(( Last post for tonight, going to bed, this rubber banding of my net, is beginning to overload my stress levels to want to kill a kitten))

((Okay. Repost tomorrow for visibility.))

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1 minute ago, Luthim said:

She gave him a curious look. "Sure, but how will I know him?"

"He will be a Tenno accompanied by two sentinels." Tak says. "And accompanied by a shade that is not a Tenno."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The child holds up a gleaming metal flower. It is not exquisitely crafted but you can tell a lot of effort was put into it.

"Thank you for bringing us away from the bad people." The little girl says sweetly. She offers the flower to Ulf.

"You are very tall." She says. "What does the world look like all the way up there?"


Ulf slowly took the metal knick-knack. One can say that a man can't possibly smile any wider. He stroked his beard before answering.


"You just stop to notice all of the interesting things scattered and hidden on the ground, and sometimes you're risking to hit a door casing with your forehead, should you be too dreamy. But in the rest - it's not much different"

He softly stroke her head and continued, "Now, I think I know someone who would really like to befriend this sweet young lady" 

He browsed the contents hidden behind his frame's "mantle" with his free hand and took... a doll. A small, plush, handicraft, kubrow pup-shaped doll.

"Here you go. I think he'd like if you give him a name" he handed the toy to the girl.

"Do take care of this fellow, aye? And tell your parents that we'll keep the baddies away, so you won't have to run from your home and leave all the things again"

He stroke her once again and slowly stood up, registering Ryoko's silly gaze on himself.

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15 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"He will be a Tenno accompanied by two sentinels." Tak says. "And accompanied by a shade that is not a Tenno."

She nodded to him. "I'll let him know if I meet him then."

Luna then proceeded to find her way outside.

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Ulf slowly took the metal knick-knack. One can say that a man can't possibly smile any wider. He stroked his beard before answering.


"You just stop to notice all of the interesting things scattered and hidden on the ground, and sometimes you're risking to hit a door casing with your forehead, should you be too dreamy. But in the rest - it's not much different"

He softly stroke her head and continued, "Now, I think I know someone who would really like to befriend this sweet young lady" 

He browsed the contents hidden behind his frame's "mantle" with his free hand and took... a doll. A small, plush, handicraft, kubrow pup-shaped doll.

"Here you go. I think he'd like if you give him a name" he handed the toy to the girl.

"Do take care of this fellow, aye? And tell your parents that we'll keep the baddies away, so you won't have to run from your home and leave all the things again"

He stroke her once again and slowly stood up, registering Ryoko's silly gaze on himself.

The little girl's eyes widen and she cradles the doll. 

"I will call him Pip." She says. "And he shall be my Pip and he shall be mine."

The Arbiter has a faint smile on his face.

"Where are your parents, little one?" He asks. "Are they nearby?"

"They were talking to Big Meanie." She says. "Big Brother told me to stay here while he found help."

Ryoko lifts the little girl onto his shoulder.

"Well let's go talk to this Big Meanie." He says. "Where is your home, little one?"

She gestures towards a street as Ryoko carries her.

A man and a woman stand outside a hut arguing with a Perrin Executive flanked by two Techs.

"We can have your money next week." The woman says. "For pete's sake we just got here Sven. We haven't even been able to talk to the Chancellor about..."

"Sob story or no I cannot ignore a missed payment." Sven says. "These payments help me keep..."

"Nina!' The man says. "Darling where did you run off to?"

Sven starts to turn.

"Think of your daughter. " He says. "Without those payments how can I ensure nothing bad hap..."

He sees the child and then sees you and the Arbiter. His face pales.

"Ulf." Ryoko says, his voice devoid of mirth. "Why don't you take the child and her parents inside. I'm sure they can tell you more about civilian life."

He steps forward, a grim smile on his face.

"The Executive and I are going to... 'negotiate.'" He says. "See if we can't find a way to help these fine people."

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The little girl's eyes widen and she cradles the doll. 

"I will call him Pip." She says. "And he shall be my Pip and he shall be mine."

The Arbiter has a faint smile on his face.

"Where are your parents, little one?" He asks. "Are they nearby?"

"They were talking to Big Meanie." She says. "Big Brother told me to stay here while he found help."

Ryoko lifts the little girl onto his shoulder.

"Well let's go talk to this Big Meanie." He says. "Where is your home, little one?"

She gestures towards a street as Ryoko carries her.

A man and a woman stand outside a hut arguing with a Perrin Executive flanked by two Techs.

"We can have your money next week." The woman says. "For pete's sake we just got here Sven. We haven't even been able to talk to the Chancellor about..."

"Sob story or no I cannot ignore a missed payment." Sven says. "These payments help me keep..."

"Nina!' The man says. "Darling where did you run off to?"

Sven starts to turn.

"Think of your daughter. " He says. "Without those payments how can I ensure nothing bad hap..."

He sees the child and then sees you and the Arbiter. His face pales.

"Ulf." Ryoko says, his voice devoid of mirth. "Why don't you take the child and her parents inside. I'm sure they can tell you more about civilian life."

He steps forward, a grim smile on his face.

"The Executive and I are going to... 'negotiate.'" He says. "See if we can't find a way to help these fine people."


"Just try not to lead it to the situation when we will frantically search for large polyester bags" He replied, "These have had enough stress already" he nodded at the family.

Not waiting for the response, he led the kid inside and gestured the adults to get in.


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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

"Just try not to lead it to the situation when we will frantically search for large polyester bags" He replied, "These have had enough stress already" he nodded at the family.

Not waiting for the response, he led the kid inside and gestured the adults to get in.


"Oh I wouldn't dream of killing him." Ryoko says. "I just want to make a deal."

His smile is less a display of happiness than a show of teeth.

Once inside the woman begins clearing off chairs and the table. 

"Sorry for the mess." She says. Her husband picks up their daughter and looks at the doll in her hand.

"Where did you get that?" He asks. 

"The Tenno gave it to me." She says. 

"Thank you for finding her." The man says. "The Arbiter said your name was Ulf? I am Steven, and my wife's name is Marissa. We were on the last refugee flight."

The woman dusts her hands and heads for a side room.

"Can I get you anything, Master Tenno?" She asks. "We were just about to settle down for dinner when that... worm.. showed up."



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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Oh I wouldn't dream of killing him." Ryoko says. "I just want to make a deal."

His smile is less a display of happiness than a show of teeth.

Once inside the woman begins clearing off chairs and the table. 

"Sorry for the mess." She says. Her husband picks up their daughter and looks at the doll in her hand.

"Where did you get that?" He asks. 

"The Tenno gave it to me." She says. 

"Thank you for finding her." The man says. "The Arbiter said your name was Ulf? I am Steven, and my wife's name is Marissa. We were on the last refugee flight."

The woman dusts her hands and heads for a side room.

"Can I get you anything, Master Tenno?" She asks. "We were just about to settle down for dinner when that... worm.. showed up."




"Oh, please, don't call me 'master', especially not when you know my name" he answered, "and no need to apologize for the minor disorder. To witness the real mess, you should see my cell back in my clan's headquarters"

"It would be wrong to eat off from your storages, especially after what you came through" He said while sitting down.

"So... mind telling of what happened? Even though I'm not a big shot, but I was assigned as our group's official representative's assistant. We're studying the ways of how could we possibly help this project, and so we would like to survey the issues you're facing to plan our further strategy"

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

"Oh, please, don't call me 'master', especially not when you know my name" he answered, "and no need to apologize for the minor disorder. To witness the real mess, you should see my cell back in my clan's headquarters"

"It would be wrong to eat off from your storages, especially after what you came through" He said while sitting down.

"So... mind telling of what happened? Even though I'm not a big shot, but I was assigned as our group's official representative's assistant. We're studying the ways of how could we possibly help this project, and so we would like to survey the issues you're facing to plan our further strategy"

"Well the biggest issue is people like Sven". The man says. "Don't worry about our food supplies. The Chancellor made sure we had more than enough provisions."

You see the man shift, he seems to be keeping most of the weight on his left shoulder. His right seems swollen and odd, his right arm moving less than normal.

"The problem is finding work right now." The woman says. "Steven injured his shoulder. He knows mining well, but with his injuries he can't man the machines like he used to. And the Perrin mine already has enough foremen. There are rumors about a new mine, but that takes time to set up. And Sven won't stop pestering us about rent. We were told housing had been paid for, but then he shows up with armed guards talking about how we owe him."

"I told him he must be mistaken." Steven said, setting Nina down. "But he wouldn't listen. If this was back at the colony I'd say it was extortion. But that would not happen here."

Despite your protest, Marissa places a plate in front of you. 

"You don't have to eat it". She says quickly. "I donMt know what Tenno like. But if you want..."

She takes a seat and helps Nina shovel food onto her plate.

"The housing here is better than the colony." She says. "And not waking up to Grineer shouts and whip cracks is a welcome change."

Steven takes a seat and bow's his head for a short time murmuring a prayer. He straightens up.

"If you need a soldier." He starts.

"Steven!" Marissa says sharply. "No."

"Where else am I going to find work?" He demands. "The mines. What if Sven comes back when I'm not here. If I was a soldier I'd have a gun. I could threaten him to stay away, or maybe pay him off. Maybe once he had some money he'd leave you alone."

"He's Perrin." Marissa says. "They'd throw you in prison if you threatened him. I have a Strun in the cabinet, if he tries anything I'll tear him a new one."

"So you can shoot him but I can't?" Steven asks. "I..."

he takes a breath and sighs. 

"I'm sorry." He says. "I'll... I'll ask about work tomorrow again. Maybe they need another foreman. Or if those rumors are true maybe I can get my name in soon enough."

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12 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Well the biggest issue is people like Sven". The man says. "Don't worry about our food supplies. The Chancellor made sure we had more than enough provisions."

You see the man shift, he seems to be keeping most of the weight on his left shoulder. His right seems swollen and odd, his right arm moving less than normal.

"The problem is finding work right now." The woman says. "Steven injured his shoulder. He knows mining well, but with his injuries he can't man the machines like he used to. And the Perrin mine already has enough foremen. There are rumors about a new mine, but that takes time to set up. And Sven won't stop pestering us about rent. We were told housing had been paid for, but then he shows up with armed guards talking about how we owe him."

"I told him he must be mistaken." Steven said, setting Nina down. "But he wouldn't listen. If this was back at the colony I'd say it was extortion. But that would not happen here."

Despite your protest, Marissa places a plate in front of you. 

"You don't have to eat it". She says quickly. "I donMt know what Tenno like. But if you want..."

She takes a seat and helps Nina shovel food onto her plate.

"The housing here is better than the colony." She says. "And not waking up to Grineer shouts and whip cracks is a welcome change."

Steven takes a seat and bow's his head for a short time murmuring a prayer. He straightens up.

"If you need a soldier." He starts.

"Steven!" Marissa says sharply. "No."

"Where else am I going to find work?" He demands. "The mines. What if Sven comes back when I'm not here. If I was a soldier I'd have a gun. I could threaten him to stay away, or maybe pay him off. Maybe once he had some money he'd leave you alone."

"He's Perrin." Marissa says. "They'd throw you in prison if you threatened him. I have a Strun in the cabinet, if he tries anything I'll tear him a new one."

"So you can shoot him but I can't?" Steven asks. "I..."

he takes a breath and sighs. 

"I'm sorry." He says. "I'll... I'll ask about work tomorrow again. Maybe they need another foreman. Or if those rumors are true maybe I can get my name in soon enough."


Knowing that not trying out the results of a hostesses works can often be interpreted as an insult, Ulf began to casually chomp from the serving.

"Those are not rumors", he chomped another bit, "It will take long to elaborate, but in short: our group grew interested in investing to this project and also protecting the venture. After the rescue operation, or warlord and the local Chancellor agreed to start the venture in a form of the mining company, so the rescued refugees would have work upon their arrival. It is already under construction and will be situated nearby the western colony, so you may already try your luck asking for a job"

He stuffed another bit of food into his mouth and whimsically juggled the fork while chomping, "After speaking to Ryoko, I can already see the further ways for our clan to help locals, but, knowing our superior's conservative views, the further steps would be made only after they receive the first mineral resources shipment"

After finishing the meal, Ulf fiddled with his interface and extracted a small datum. "Here," he said while handing Steven a credit stick with 40'000 credits on it, "this will help you while our bosses sniff to each other and perform all those diplomatic dances. This will also secure you if the wound would sabotage your employment. Just keep quiet about it, alright? There seem to be much more vultures around than one may expect from a frontier" 

Edited by Teloch
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13 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*chuckles* "Oh, I never miss a pride and royal Orokin desgin, not even in death" *He smiles* "That is great to hear, Baro, glad to see you are doing well, in other tasks"

"I'll tell you about myself too. if you so wish to hear Mr.Baro"


( reposting for visibility)


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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Of course." Baro says. "I'm always happy to learn more about a fellow trader."

* chuckles* " my occupation is to set watch of those that have Gorgeed themselves of harvesting our Long War. Greed is the blight that weakens our Steel, you know who I talk about don't you. Those that are mind drones that use mechanised machines that toil in foundries remote."

 *chuckles* " a bit cliche if I have to admit but it's a job never the less"

* it may occur to that Zaeed is welding the primed Asletkoo and by using special void masking he also is welding the fraggor prime. However only the twin Pistols are physically visible on his leg holsters* 



Edited by LegionCynex
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*Zaeed also is wearing the signature and original Citadela syndana and his Warfame is 99% of the original Vauban prime, just with the exception of his colours are a light black leather*

(( Had to post this on another page as my tablet won't allow editing ))

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Ko-Rovak walked past the Manticore, letting out a huff as he passed him.


"My business is more important than you can imagine... I will wait until I can see someone who represents the Steel Meridian"


(Sorry about that, had to do a few things for summer)

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On July 8, 2016 at 4:48 AM, Teloch said:

Knowing that not trying out the results of a hostesses works can often be interpreted as an insult, Ulf began to casually chomp from the serving.

"Those are not rumors", he chomped another bit, "It will take long to elaborate, but in short: our group grew interested in investing to this project and also protecting the venture. After the rescue operation, or warlord and the local Chancellor agreed to start the venture in a form of the mining company, so the rescued refugees would have work upon their arrival. It is already under construction and will be situated nearby the western colony, so you may already try your luck asking for a job"

He stuffed another bit of food into his mouth and whimsically juggled the fork while chomping, "After speaking to Ryoko, I can already see the further ways for our clan to help locals, but, knowing our superior's conservative views, the further steps would be made only after they receive the first mineral resources shipment"

After finishing the meal, Ulf fiddled with his interface and extracted a small datum. "Here," he said while handing Steven a credit stick with 40'000 credits on it, "this will help you while our bosses sniff to each other and perform all those diplomatic dances. This will also secure you if the wound would sabotage your employment. Just keep quiet about it, alright? There seem to be much more vultures around than one may expect from a frontier" 

"I..." The man says. His eyes fill with gratitude. "I won't forget this."

He hesitantly accepts the datum.

"Of you ever need anything whisk you're here." He says. "Or any of your organization. Just ask. I won't forget this."

The door opens and a young man walks in. 

"Tony." Steven says. "Did you find Uncle Marcus?"

"He decided to let the Arbiter handle it.

As the door closes you hear a strange scraping sound.

"I will not extort the poor." Sven's voice says. Scrap scrape scrape. "I will not..."

The door closes.

The family talks for a bit longer before the door opens. 

Sven is herded in. A slate of stone is clutched in his grasp. You see Orokin writing on it. It says "I will not extort the poor." Over and over again.


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On 7/8/2016 at 8:59 PM, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak walked past the Manticore, letting out a huff as he passed him.


"My business is more important than you can imagine... I will wait until I can see someone who represents the Steel Meridian"


(Sorry about that, had to do a few things for summer)

"Perhaps I should reintroduce myself." Luc says. "I am General Luc. If you wish to speak with the commander that could be arranged. However if you are here to negotiate I, or Arbiter Darrin can do so as well."

You feel somewhat strange as you enter the headquarters and a voice sounds in your mind.

"Greetings brother Tenno." A voice says. "I am Namira. I was hoping we could have a little chat."


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On 7/8/2016 at 6:09 AM, LegionCynex said:

* chuckles* " my occupation is to set watch of those that have Gorgeed themselves of harvesting our Long War. Greed is the blight that weakens our Steel, you know who I talk about don't you. Those that are mind drones that use mechanised machines that toil in foundries remote."

 *chuckles* " a bit cliche if I have to admit but it's a job never the less"

* it may occur to that Zaeed is welding the primed Asletkoo and by using special void masking he also is welding the fraggor prime. However only the twin Pistols are physically visible on his leg holsters* 




"Ahh the Corpus." Baro says. "So dedicated, so.... unrefined. In their race for profit they forget, or perhaps deliberately overlook, the elegant solution."

He swirls the wine in the glass.

"Take their wine for example." He says. "Every glass the same, every bottle the same. Not like this."

He takes a sip.

"There is beauty in handcrafted variety." He says. "And great wealth even in the flaws of a unique product."

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On 7/8/2016 at 2:54 AM, kyrozon said:

((reposting for visibility))

"A break is a good thing." Cody says. "So many people in power think they are the only thing standing between the system and utter failure. Sometimes you have to realize you are just a cog in the machine, and hopefully before being in need of repairs."

A hand taps you on the shoulder and you see the woman in the scaled dress.

"Pardon me." She says. "I heard you had questions about Ascendance?"

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"A break is a good thing." Cody says. "So many people in power think they are the only thing standing between the system and utter failure. Sometimes you have to realize you are just a cog in the machine, and hopefully before being in need of repairs."

A hand taps you on the shoulder and you see the woman in the scaled dress.

"Pardon me." She says. "I heard you had questions about Ascendance?"

"Well luckily my clan got Danes, she is the type of person which would simply pick you up and bring you somewhere relaxed if she had to."

Katrina turned to the woman who taped on her shoulder. "Yes, i have, from what i got it's a way to create tenno?"

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Well luckily my clan got Danes, she is the type of person which would simply pick you up and bring you somewhere relaxed if she had to."

Katrina turned to the woman who taped on her shoulder. "Yes, i have, from what i got it's a way to create tenno?"

Sai'ah smiles and motions with her hand. Rex rises and slides over to the next seat before collapsing on the table again.

"More like enhancing." She says. "It is possible for humans to become like us, though the process is far from perfect and very dangerous."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sai'ah smiles and motions with her hand. Rex rises and slides over to the next seat before collapsing on the table again.

"More like enhancing." She says. "It is possible for humans to become like us, though the process is far from perfect and very dangerous."

"Is there anyway i could help make this ascendance saver?"

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Is there anyway i could help make this ascendance saver?"

"Depends on how much you know about what the Orokin did to you and the other first generation Tenno." Sai'ah says. "So far we've had some success using controlled infestation prior to void exposure, but even then the failure rate is nearly 66%. It's not exposing the body to the void, it's making sure it survives."

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