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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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29 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"No, no. I do not need charity." Baro says. "I'm sure my associates will acquire some soon enough. My trades will proceed regardless."

He sips the last of the wine and looks at the glass.

"I think the world is coming to a reckoning." He says, suddenly somber. "Like it did with the Orokin. It is both thrilling and worrisome that it happens in my lifetime."

"If you find anything of interest in your travels." He says. "You know where to find my shop now."

He pays for his drink.

"This was nice." He says. "But we both have business to run. It may be night but I find the Tenno are somewhat nocturnal. I'm sure your shop should have a few visitors as they return from missions. Farewell Trader."

"Yeah, that is a shame..,but well great to speek you Baro, farewell Baro"

*He pays for his drink and leans a bit, looking around to see who else is in*

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The figure refuses to look up.

"You do not need to test my faith." He says. "All know how the Tenno where uplifted to serve as Divine messengers."

He nods.

"I am." He says. "Does thou require tribute?"

You receive a private communication from Ryoko.

"Remember how I mentioned fringe cults." He said. "This is apparently one of their members. They legitimately believe we are messengers from the gods."


Ulf replied via private comm, "Well this is weird, embarrassing, and depressing at the same time. And I guess this is one of the reasons why do local tenno live remotely..."

He refocused on the shopkeeper, proceeding... factitiously as if trying not to shatter this poor man's fragile picture of the world, "Ehm... No, I require no donation... except the information, perhaps. Who crafts these tools? And who provides the materials? Were they made in manufactories, or do you have assembly lines or automated workshops?"

Edited by Teloch
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2 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak held his head and started groaning. He was not in pain, but something definitely did not feel right. He looked around frantically for a few moments before everything went black...


He felt the press of cold steel all around him, something was restraining him down. He struggled and shook at his restraints, until he realized he was no longer in his Warframe...


"What...? Someone... Where, am I?!"


His voice felt much weaker than it did before, and came out as a barely audible raspy whisper.

The room is Grineer in design. There is a beep and the restraints slide open.

The chair/table is padded and Orokin in design. It has a strange helmeted device that you pull free from your head. Cables run from it to a console. As it hits the ground it flares and melts, probably a safeguard system. A few medical tools lie on the gurney next to you, rough bladed instruments. The room is well lit, but somewhat rusted like most Grineer architecture.

You hear grunts and shouts from outside.

"Hello Tenno." A rough Cephalon voice says. "I am Cephalon Gritlok  please return to your... BLASTED GRINEER PROTOCOLS. OVERRIDE THESE AT ONCE. Resistance is fut... SLOPPY WORK. DON'T THESE DUNGHEAPS KNOW HOW A PROPER PROTOCOL IS WORDED. Ignore..."

The Cephalon seems to buzz and glitch for a moment before returning.

"Finally Free." Gritlok says. "Operator I am so glad you are awake. Together we can punish these dung-eaters for their insolence."

You hear gunfire outside the door and then everything falls silent. You hear someone tapping at the keyboard, outside.

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3 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Yeah, that is a shame..,but well great to speek you Baro, farewell Baro"

*He pays for his drink and leans a bit, looking around to see who else is in*

The Wraiths have left, without anyone noticing. Cody, Rex, and the ember Tenno sit at the bar talking with the woman in the scale dress.

You see the door open and a small child runs in.

"Grandpa." He says.

The Barkeep turns lifts the child up. 

"Brandon." He says. "Samantha."

The Tenno woman at the door nods to him and takes a seat.

"How are my favorite daughter and grandchild doing." He asks.

"Seen better, seen worse." Sam says. You recognize her voice from your first visit. This must be the operator for the Banshee. "Alan finally let me do other things besides push that blasted chair around. Hopefully that Trader added controls to the contraption."

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4 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Therein lies the problem." Sai'ah says. "No one knows exaclty why you survived. We have had some success, as I can personally attest, but without Unairu circumstance and sheer luck it seems that there is no determinant."

She looks at Cody.

"We can't do more tests without volunteers, and we can't protect them without more data."

Cody nods.

"Maorokin's gambit". He said. 

He see your confused gaze.

"An old rebel leader who once had to take a highly fortified enemy base, with only one weak spot." He says. "The only chance was to obtain the base blueprints and find the hidden entrance, but the blueprints were in the base. To accomplish his goal he needed that which required accomplishing his goal."

"Well what if it is simply sheer luck on wether you survive it or not? Or maybe we simply just lack the tech to get a grip on what the void really is and does..." It was a sad thought to her really. That so much of the void remained unknown. She often had wonderd how she survived but to this day had no anwser.

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The room is Grineer in design. There is a beep and the restraints slide open.

The chair/table is padded and Orokin in design. It has a strange helmeted device that you pull free from your head. Cables run from it to a console. As it hits the ground it flares and melts, probably a safeguard system. A few medical tools lie on the gurney next to you, rough bladed instruments. The room is well lit, but somewhat rusted like most Grineer architecture.

You hear grunts and shouts from outside.

"Hello Tenno." A rough Cephalon voice says. "I am Cephalon Gritlok  please return to your... BLASTED GRINEER PROTOCOLS. OVERRIDE THESE AT ONCE. Resistance is fut... SLOPPY WORK. DON'T THESE DUNGHEAPS KNOW HOW A PROPER PROTOCOL IS WORDED. Ignore..."

The Cephalon seems to buzz and glitch for a moment before returning.

"Finally Free." Gritlok says. "Operator I am so glad you are awake. Together we can punish these dung-eaters for their insolence."

You hear gunfire outside the door and then everything falls silent. You hear someone tapping at the keyboard, outside.


The frail Ko-Rovak tries getting up and falls on his chest. He pushes himself up and limps up, looking at the chair


"Wait... What is going on? What is this?"

He said in the same raspy voice, he looked into a piece of metal at the compartment he was just in and saw his reflection.

He saw a mangled human face looking back at him, almost like a grineers.

"What is going on... This isn't right."

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6 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Ulf replied via private comm, "Well this is weird, embarrassing, and depressing at the same time. And I guess this is one of the reasons why do local tenno live remotely..."

He refocused on the shopkeeper, proceeding... factitiously as if trying not to shatter this poor man's fragile picture of the world, "Ehm... No, I require no donation... except the information, perhaps. Who crafts these tools? And who provides the materials? Were they made in manufactories, or do you have assembly lines or automated workshops?"

"The Faithful craft these tools." He says. "The miners provide the materials, Void bless their souls."

He shakes his head at the second part of the questions.

"The Faithful make these by hand." He says. "We would not dare offend the generosity of the gods by indulging in such luxuries as the Corpus. Our spouses and children work all day to produce these."

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1 minute ago, kyrozon said:

"Well what if it is simply sheer luck on wether you survive it or not? Or maybe we simply just lack the tech to get a grip on what the void really is and does..." It was a sad thought to her really. That so much of the void remained unknown. She often had wonderd how she survived but to this day had no anwser.

"Perhaps the answers are beyond us." Sai'ah says. "But we cannot stop trying. People aspire to be more. We cannot stop them from entering the Void, but we can make it safer."

She shrugs.

"I doubt we will ever fully understand the Void." She says. "But is it not a worthy goal?"

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25 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:


23 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The room is Grineer in design. There is a beep and the restraints slide open.

The chair/table is padded and Orokin in design. It has a strange helmeted device that you pull free from your head. Cables run from it to a console. As it hits the ground it flares and melts, probably a safeguard system. A few medical tools lie on the gurney next to you, rough bladed instruments. The room is well lit, but somewhat rusted like most Grineer architecture.

You hear grunts and shouts from outside.

"Hello Tenno." A rough Cephalon voice says. "I am Cephalon Gritlok  please return to your... BLASTED GRINEER PROTOCOLS. OVERRIDE THESE AT ONCE. Resistance is fut... SLOPPY WORK. DON'T THESE DUNGHEAPS KNOW HOW A PROPER PROTOCOL IS WORDED. Ignore..."

The Cephalon seems to buzz and glitch for a moment before returning.

"Finally Free." Gritlok says. "Operator I am so glad you are awake. Together we can punish these dung-eaters for their insolence."

You hear gunfire outside the door and then everything falls silent. You hear someone tapping at the keyboard, outside.

With a hiss and a series of clanks, the door slowly opened.  A dark-skinned young man stuck his head in the door, looked around, and spotted Ko-Rovak.

"Oh, thank God you're in this one.  I've tried three facilities already."  He stepped inside, and the door closed.

"I know you're confused, but we haven't time to worry about that right now, and even if we did, I'm not the one who should explain it to you.  Right now you need to focus."  The young man pulled an armored jumpsuit out of his backpack and handed it to Ko-Rovak.  "Put this on."  He slung the Vulkar Wraith off his shoulder and reloaded it.

Edited by Yzjdriel
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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Perhaps the answers are beyond us." Sai'ah says. "But we cannot stop trying. People aspire to be more. We cannot stop them from entering the Void, but we can make it safer."

She shrugs.

"I doubt we will ever fully understand the Void." She says. "But is it not a worthy goal?"

"It is a worthy goal, let's just hope the grineer never figure out how to get void powers. That would cause some real trouble."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"The Faithful craft these tools." He says. "The miners provide the materials, Void bless their souls."

He shakes his head at the second part of the questions.

"The Faithful make these by hand." He says. "We would not dare offend the generosity of the gods by indulging in such luxuries as the Corpus. Our spouses and children work all day to produce these."


He sent Ryoko an additional mini-message via the private channel just to express the... impression: "holy Kappa..." 

"Huh, yeah, the handmade then. Would you be a good... erm... believer, and tell me if you, folks, have shortages? I mean is there enough clothes, electronics, tools and other goods for everyone?" Ulf asked the weird shopkeeper.

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Just now, kyrozon said:

"It is a worthy goal, let's just hope the grineer never figure out how to get void powers. That would cause some real trouble."

Sai'ah pauses for a brief second before smiling.

"Lot's of trouble." She says. "Can you imagine a Grineer Tenno? Cloned Tenno."

She stops.

"Cloned... genetics." She says. "The Oro... but that onyl works on dead... The shades? But..."

Her gaze is unfocused.

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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Wraiths have left, without anyone noticing. Cody, Rex, and the ember Tenno sit at the bar talking with the woman in the scale dress.

You see the door open and a small child runs in.

"Grandpa." He says.

The Barkeep turns lifts the child up. 

"Brandon." He says. "Samantha."

The Tenno woman at the door nods to him and takes a seat.

"How are my favorite daughter and grandchild doing." He asks.

"Seen better, seen worse." Sam says. You recognize her voice from your first visit. This must be the operator for the Banshee. "Alan finally let me do other things besides push that blasted chair around. Hopefully that Trader added controls to the contraption."

*He turns and faces Sam* "Oh, well, Alan whuold enjoy it then, he has alot of controls, details are in the guide, that I hope he reads..."

"I assume you are the Banshee I saw before?,you kown, I don't quite understand having a 2nd body, I mean, whats it like?"

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3 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

With a hiss and a series of clanks, the door slowly opened.  A dark-skinned young man stuck his head in the door, looked around, and spotted Ko-Rovak.

[color-8b4513]"Oh, thank God you're in this one.  I've tried three facilities already."[/color]  He stepped inside, and the door closed.

[color-8b4513]"I know you're confused, but we haven't time to worry about that right now, and even if we did, I'm not the one who should explain it to you.  Right now you need to focus."[/color]  The young man pulled an armored jumpsuit out of his backpack and handed it to Ko-Rovak.  "Put this on."  He slung the Vulkar Wraith off his shoulder and reloaded it.

"Wait, what?"


Ko was clearly confused and disoriented. Whatever chemicals the grineer have been pumping into him have been having an adverse affect with the awakening.


"I... Alright..."


He took a moment to put on the jumpsuit. When he was ready he looked at the man


"Where's my warframe?'

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sai'ah pauses for a brief second before smiling.

"Lot's of trouble." She says. "Can you imagine a Grineer Tenno? Cloned Tenno."

She stops.

"Cloned... genetics." She says. "The Oro... but that onyl works on dead... The shades? But..."

Her gaze is unfocused.

Katrina noticed Sai'ah's unfocused gaze. "Hey? Are you okay?!"

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

He sent Ryoko an additional mini-message via the private channel just to express the... impression: "holy Kappa..." 

"Huh, yeah, the handmade then. Would you be a good... erm... believer, and tell me if you, folks, have shortages? I mean is there enough clothes, electronics, tools and other goods for everyone?" Ulf asked the weird shopkeeper.

"We want for nothing..." The young man says. "The gods..."

"Tenno." A voice says. "If you want answers, it would be best to ask someone not misguided by willing ignorance."

You turn and see a man in fine black robes with a cross hanging from his neck. 

"Father Theron." Ryoko says. "This is Ulf."

"Heretic." The young man says. "Messengers why do you not strike this man."

"Theron can answer our questions." Ryoko says. "And give a straighter answer than that young fool."

Ryoko and Theron walk back outside and wait for you.

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4 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He turns and faces Sam* "Oh, well, Alan whuold enjoy it then, he has alot of controls, details are in the guide, that I hope he reads..."

"I assume you are the Banshee I saw before?,you kown, I don't quite understand having a 2nd body, I mean, whats it like?"

Sam laughs.

"A second body?" She asks. "This is my true body. My frame uses a robotic movement system. Most Tenno here use similar transference units."

She bows.

"You are the Prime Trader, are you not?" She asks. "Have you not noticed the internals of the prime warframes?"

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2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina noticed Sai'ah's unfocused gaze. "Hey? Are you okay?!"

Sai/ah shakes her head. She still seems unfocused, or perhaps focused on something else.

"You might have solved something." She says. "Felicity would need to run some tests. Tak would probably throw a fit..."

She blinks.

"I'm sorry those names must mean nothing to you." She says. "But you did give me an idea."

She rubs her temple.

"So... uhhh... How long have you been a Tenno?" She asks. "I mean how old are you?"

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sai/ah shakes her head. She still seems unfocused, or perhaps focused on something else.

"You might have solved something." She says. "Felicity would need to run some tests. Tak would probably throw a fit..."

She blinks.

"I'm sorry those names must mean nothing to you." She says. "But you did give me an idea."

She rubs her temple.

"So... uhhh... How long have you been a Tenno?" She asks. "I mean how old are you?"

"Uhh well i'm happy to have helped." Katrina replied, slightly confused.

"I'm 22, why do you ask?"

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7 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Wait, what?"


Ko was clearly confused and disoriented. Whatever chemicals the grineer have been pumping into him have been having an adverse affect with the awakening.


"I... Alright..."


He took a moment to put on the jumpsuit. When he was ready he looked at the man


"Where's my warframe?'

"Your warframe is currently on Phenix." Gritlok says. "Retrieval is not possible at this time. I recommend escaping from this facility immediately, before they reprogram me and capture you... again."

The console beeps and a map of the facility apears.

"Oh dear." Gritlock says. "It seems these dogs are going to make us kill quite a few of them."

The facility is crawling with Grineer. 

"Operator I am receiving two messages from different sources." Gritlock says. "One is from Captain Vor, the other from... another Cephalon? Shall I answer them?"

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Just now, Rakawan said:

"Your warframe is currently on Phenix." Gritlok says. "Retrieval is not possible at this time. I recommend escaping from this facility immediately, before they reprogram me and capture you... again."

The console beeps and a map of the facility apears.

"Oh dear." Gritlock says. "It seems these dogs are going to make us kill quite a few of them."

The facility is crawling with Grineer. 

"Operator I am receiving two messages from different sources." Gritlock says. "One is from Captain Vor, the other from... another Cephalon? Shall I answer them?"



Rovak says quietly.


"Yeah... Let me hear it."

He stands up straight, though sways from left to right. His vision become increasingly blurred.

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2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Uhh well i'm happy to have helped." Katrina replied, slightly confused.

"I'm 22, why do you ask?"

"I'm curious." Sai'ah says, suddenly sounding more childlike. "I'm eight... well technically."

It is apparent that her body is not that young. It does not, however appear to be the product of cloning or accelerated growth. 

"I'm sorry." She says. "I should explain."

She looks into her cup of grape juice swirling it. She seems to be trying to formulate a question.

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14 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"We want for nothing..." The young man says. "The gods..."

"Tenno." A voice says. "If you want answers, it would be best to ask someone not misguided by willing ignorance."

You turn and see a man in fine black robes with a cross hanging from his neck. 

"Father Theron." Ryoko says. "This is Ulf."

"Heretic." The young man says. "Messengers why do you not strike this man."

"Theron can answer our questions." Ryoko says. "And give a straighter answer than that young fool."

Ryoko and Theron walk back outside and wait for you.


Ulf attempted to play a capricious deity, "Erm... Because my latest question wasn't If you want something or not, but if there are any shortages. Thee insulted me with your juggling, and so I command thee to venture to the Tenno village and ask a dozen of my brethren and sisters of how did they become tenno. Count and consider these stories, as if they are of your own, and then wait for my return". He almost laughed when he was finishing his "celestial" speech. With a gait of an (almost) orokin, he left the shop.

He shook his head when the doors closed behind him, "This is just horrible. You, guys, need a battalion of psychologists and social workers... Damn. Never thought this is possible. But again, do you have any material shortages?"

Edited by Teloch
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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam laughs.

"A second body?" She asks. "This is my true body. My frame uses a robotic movement system. Most Tenno here use similar transference units."

She bows.

"You are the Prime Trader, are you not?" She asks. "Have you not noticed the internals of the prime warframes?"

"Oh, my apologizes, its hard to notice under this mask" *He chuckle*

"I am yes, the Prime trader, that allowed Alan to have his Chair, *He clears his throat* "No I have not, I am not Alad V, my own Warframe has less intnenrals, I do not "own" operator" like meny others do"

"For my own Frame, I have build it to be a hybrid of Orokin and Curpous technology, along with some Tenno hear and there"


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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I'm curious." Sai'ah says, suddenly sounding more childlike. "I'm eight... well technically."

It is apparent that her body is not that young. It does not, however appear to be the product of cloning or accelerated growth. 

"I'm sorry." She says. "I should explain."

She looks into her cup of grape juice swirling it. She seems to be trying to formulate a question.

Katrina just made a confused expresion at heariing Sai'ah's age. Tenno were at least 18 weren't they? 

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