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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam nods.

"Not what you expected, is it?" She asks, tossing her short black hair back. "I find it helps Brandon fall asleep as well."

She motions to the young child.

"He sleeps better now that the gene therapy is done." She says. 

She turns to look at you.

"So what is it like?" She asks. "Being a Tenno merchant. I thought were were only warriors."

*He Clears his throat* Its great!..

My Merchant goal are very close to the Perrin Sequence, as you see my goals are to restore order by bringing prosperity and direction to this violent world and like the Perrin, I Follow their own doctrine to achieve Profit, I also find ways to exercise trade without instigating violence. Its wonderful"

"With my close friends from Pierrin & New Loka, I can do this freely and they will protect me, when I need the call, they pay me, I pay them"

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Major is probably sleeping right now," Ulf answered,"  as I mentioned earlier, we're having busy times of late; soldiers feel pressed, but officers are absolutely overloaded. Therese had three combat missions with two different platoons even before she visited this planet with our first delegation. So you'll probably have to wait to acquaint with her" 

He slightly winced before answering to the second part "Not sure if she will let you overlook the material, though. But the report can't possibly contain anything beyond our today observations" he looked at Ryoko questioningly, as if wondering if he really doesn't trust them so much.

"I understand." Ryoko says. "I don't need to see the report. I just wanted to be there to explain or answer any questions."

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He Clears his throat* Its great!..

My Merchant goal are very close to the Perrin Sequence, as you see my goals are to restore order by bringing prosperity and direction to this violent world and like the Perrin, I Follow their own doctrine to achieve Profit, I also find ways to exercise trade without instigating violence. Its wonderful"

"With my close friends from Pierrin & New Loka, I can do this freely and they will protect me, when I need the call, they pay me, I pay them"

"So you don't do any fighting?" Sam asks. She seems disappointed. "I guess diplomacy might be a viable option. Seems tough though."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Short of a kill switch or a fellow Telepath, no." Sai'ah says. "I guess you could destroy the receiver or transmitter."

"Hmm... and anyway to prevent that? I think such technigue could be useful to my friends."

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Just now, kyrozon said:

"Hmm... and anyway to prevent that? I think such technigue could be useful to my friends."

"Shield the receivers or transmitters better." She says. "Using multiple frequencies could help, make it harder to fully disrupt control."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I understand." Ryoko says. "I don't need to see the report. I just wanted to be there to explain or answer any questions."

Ulf lightened a bit, "Well, I guess that's manageable. But, as it was mentioned before, our miss perfect is now off to the wonderland"

He yawned.

"I would also like to have a nap, actually. Dazing off in carriers before the landings can only help so much"  

Edited by Teloch
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Just now, Rakawan said:

"So you don't do any fighting?" Sam asks. She seems disappointed. "I guess diplomacy might be a viable option. Seems tough though."

*He chuckles, it roars a bit, it has a devilish sound to it as well*

"I don't do any fighting?, oh I do, but only when I need to of course, altlest to thos who are Not Curpous, as my 2nd job is well!" *He exlians to her what he said to baro of his 2nd job*

*He looks down to his holster weapons* "What kind of man, does not fight?"

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4 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Ulf lightened a bit, "Well, I guess that's manageable. But, as it was mentioned before, our miss perfect is now off to the wonderland"

He yawned.

"I would also like to have a nap, actually. Dazing off in carriers before the landings can only help so much"  

"Of course." Ryoko says. "I have some business of my own to attend to. I trust you can find your way to the Citadel from here?"

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4 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He chuckles, it roars a bit, it has a devilish sound to it as well*

"I don't do any fighting?, oh I do, but only when I need to of course, altlest to thos who are Not Curpous, as my 2nd job is well!" *He exlians to her what he said to baro of his 2nd job*

*He looks down to his holster weapons* "What kind of man, does not fight?"

"One who has a family that depends on him." The Barkeep says. "Or I would be out there as well."

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Just now, Rakawan said:

"Of course." Ryoko says. "I have some business of my own to attend to. I trust you can find your way to the Citadel from here?"

"Um... I guess so" Ulf responded not entirely confident "Shame I don't have my archwing set with me..."

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21 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Operator." Gritlock says. "I have recovered a few files, pertaining to your capture. If you wish I can decode them."

A squad of four Lancer's run down the hallway towards you. A ballistica darts towards a console.

"Nows not the time..."


He growled through his clenched teeth as he dived behind cover and began firing at the walls with the Miter. One of his favorite techniques was to get kills with the bouncing blades. However, the recoil was much different without his suit, and he only fired one shot to stop the gun from flying from his hands.


He faced the agent again


"Where do we go?!"

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"One who has a family that depends on him." The Barkeep says. "Or I would be out there as well."

"He nods* I can't blame you there, Barkeep, tho do..you want to be out there too?, cuz..I can provide projection too, if you need it, for your family of course, Im not thos low cheep ones, that you hire and then watch him die within a second"

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

"He nods* I can't blame you there, Barkeep, tho do..you want to be out there too?, cuz..I can provide projection too, if you need it, for your family of course, Im not thos low cheep ones, that you hire and then watch him die within a second"

"My name." The Barkeep says. "Is Seven. And thank you but no. I am happy here with my daughter and grandson." 

He nods to Samantha and Brandon.

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Just now, LegionCynex said:

*A Landing Craft, a normal black liset, slowly draws to orbit*

"Rail-Control, is it possbile to bring a Arcwing into the Planet?"

"Who is this?" Simon asks. "Please state name, cargo, and affiliation."

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20 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Arbiter hands you a holo-pad with directions, and turns to leave.

"Thanks! Was nice meeting you. I'll text you once Therese will be available" he said before Ryoko took his leave. 

And now a light and refreshing evening jog... he thought while adding some paces in the citadel's direction. His stomach, full of food and beverage, vocalized a protest, however. ...Or not that light. he added to his flow of thoughts

He arrived to the citadel's main gates approximately within an hour. The doors were obviously closed, and so he had to contact the guard for a clearance to enter. He approached the one that seemed less grumpy and tense (or was that guard a male at all?). 

"I'm representative Ulf Soldebrg, returning from the tour around the colony. May I ask to be guided to the diplomats chambers?"

Edited by Teloch
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15 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Nows not the time..."


He growled through his clenched teeth as he dived behind cover and began firing at the walls with the Miter. One of his favorite techniques was to get kills with the bouncing blades. However, the recoil was much different without his suit, and he only fired one shot to stop the gun from flying from his hands.


He faced the agent again


"Where do we go?!"

The Ranger looked around, quickly taking stock of all the situation.  He torched the Grineer with a well-aimed pair of his Sancti Castanas and led the way up a flight of stairs.  "We're about a klick from safety.  Stay low and we'll be able to walk right by most of them."

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9 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Thanks! Was nice meeting you. I'll text you once Therese will be available" he said before Ryoko took his leave. 

And now a light and refreshing evening jog... he thought while adding some paces in the citadel's direction. His stomach, full of food and beverage, vocalized a protest, however. ...Or not that light. he added to his flow of thoughts

He arrived to the citadel's main gates approximately within an hour. The doors were obviously closed, and so he had to contact the guard for a clearance to enter. He approached the one that seemed less grumpy and tense (or was that guard a male at all?). 

"I'm representative Ulf Soldebrg, returning from the tour around the colony. May I ask to be guided to the diplomats chambers?"

"I will call for a Seraph to guide you sir." The guard says. "I cannot leave my post right now."

The rush of jets heralds the arrival of the Seraph. She lands lightly on her feet and nods to the guards.

"Representative." She says. "This way."

She leads you through the winding structure.

"How are you enjoying your stay?" She asks.

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5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"My name is Shourd, I'm here to visit a friend, the Prime Trader, Cargo, none, besides my Arcwing"


A message beeps for the Prime Trader.

"Got a friend of yours asking permisison to visit." Simon says. "Name is Shroud. Any details on them?"

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11 hours ago, Rakawan said:

A message beeps for the Prime Trader.

"Got a friend of yours asking permisison to visit." Simon says. "Name is Shroud. Any details on them?"

*He looks to his hand and opens up his plam* *He clears his throat* "Excuse me ma'ma"

*He opens the massage*

"Yeah, Sam, thats Shourd, hes a Nekros, been a while sease I seen him, hes..a.bit....odd, but hes friendly enough, tho hes sometimes mute, not talks much, and when he does, it oddly sounds like whispers, but..*shrugs* "All I kown as far"

"Let him in"

(( if its possbile that is, makes sease to sound shadowy, like Stalker or Msieray, tho say the word and I'll change it))



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