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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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3 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Zaeed looks back to his massage* "Of course.."

*He closes it and looks back to Sam* "Sorry about that Ma'm"

Sam waves her hand.

"It's fine." She says. "Tenno business I'm sure."

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13 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam waves her hand.

"It's fine." She says. "Tenno business I'm sure."

"Indeed, tho Simon wanted, to ask about a friend, his name is Shourd, he surely visits soon, he looks around once more for a visal sight of the club, to see who left and who is still here*

(( Last post for me tonight, tried, will repost for recap tomorrow))

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42 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Shourd still awaits* "Rail-Control?, Am I clear for punch via Arcwing?"

"You are clear to try." Simons says. "Rail control is not responsible if you splatter against something."

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1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

"I find her an excellent frame to keep enemies from coming close. The abilites really helped getting enemies off downed allies. And scorching enemies alive has something strangely satisfying to it."

"So does flaying their minds." Sai'ah says, in a voice that is far to bloodthirsty for the childlike glee.

"So I need advice on some good weapons." She says. "Any suggestions."

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5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Coordinates set." Gritlock says. "Ship taking off. Would you like to review the files on your past?"


"Review my past?"


Inside, Ko-Rovak didn't really want to know, but in case it may endanger him again, he decided to do so.


"Alright... Let's see it."


He looked at the files that Gritlock displayed to him...


Most of these things he remembered, serving as a mercenary Tenno, usually preferring to aid the Grineer. But even he couldn't remember the reason why he always did, probably because of their weaponry.

He looked down and saw a phrase... But couldn't read them. He knew exactly what they meant, but strangely his eyes couldn't look at the words without bowing down. He forced his head up and looked at the words, speaking them aloud as he read them.


"For the Glory of the Queens."

He heard the voice resonate in his head, followed by a strange sense of patriotism.


"... This is all crazy."


He dismissed it and spoke to Gritlock.


"Delete all these files. I don't need them."

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16 hours ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Review my past?"


Inside, Ko-Rovak didn't really want to know, but in case it may endanger him again, he decided to do so.


"Alright... Let's see it."


He looked at the files that Gritlock displayed to him...


Most of these things he remembered, serving as a mercenary Tenno, usually preferring to aid the Grineer. But even he couldn't remember the reason why he always did, probably because of their weaponry.

He looked down and saw a phrase... But couldn't read them. He knew exactly what they meant, but strangely his eyes couldn't look at the words without bowing down. He forced his head up and looked at the words, speaking them aloud as he read them.


"For the Glory of the Queens."

He heard the voice resonate in his head, followed by a strange sense of patriotism.


"... This is all crazy."


He dismissed it and spoke to Gritlock.


"Delete all these files. I don't need them."

"Yes operator." Gritlock says. "Files deleted."

He pauses.

"Operator it has occured to me that you do not currently have a Cephalon." He says. "I would like to offer my services."

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*An new landing craft hovers down, its a Liset, with golden like sides to it, it fly's down and slows down, She opens the mic and goes to speek, but is interrupted by quite loud screech from a kavat* "Agh, you stu_*CRASH*

*There is nothing but silence  over the coms*

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

*An new landing craft hovers down, its a Liset, with golden like sides to it, it fly's down and slows down, She opens the mic and goes to speek, but is interrupted by quite loud screech from a kavat* "Agh, you stu_*CRASH*

*There is nothing but silence  over the coms*

"Pet Problems?" Simon asks. "Do you need assistance?'

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Pet Problems?" Simon asks. "Do you need assistance?'

*She picks up the mic* "Uh, you chuold say that, do you have some kind of collor I can keep her on my side?, its a tamed Feral Kavat, not to worry she has a mussel and is contained, encase any is worried"


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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"Yes operator." Gritlock says. "Files deleted."

He pauses.

"Operator it has occured to me that you do not currently have a Cephalon." He says. "I would like to offer my services."

"What can you do?"

Ko-Rovak tried to remember what little he learned of grineer ships and started to look through the primitive starmap.


"I don't usually trust computers anyways..."

He sits down on the chair and leans back. Even though just 'waking up' he was extremely tired.


"Also, where's that Ranger?"

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2 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"What can you do?"

Ko-Rovak tried to remember what little he learned of grineer ships and started to look through the primitive starmap.


"I don't usually trust computers anyways..."

He sits down on the chair and leans back. Even though just 'waking up' he was extremely tired.


"Also, where's that Ranger?"

"The Ranger has returned to his forest." Gritlock says. "As for my talents, I can manage several essential systems aboard a wide variety of ships. I can hack into Grineer systems and provide tactical assistance."

Gritlock displays a set of coordinates.

"I recommend retrieving your warframe first." He says. "C.A.L.C has offered us shelter and supplies at the Tenno colony you were visiting."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"The Ranger has returned to his forest." Gritlock says. "As for my talents, I can manage several essential systems aboard a wide variety of ships. I can hack into Grineer systems and provide tactical assistance."

Gritlock displays a set of coordinates.

"I recommend retrieving your warframe first." He says. "C.A.L.C has offered us shelter and supplies at the Tenno colony you were visiting."

"Alright then. Looks like you're with me for now Gritlock. Let's get it back. I don't feel right without it."


He set up the ship thrusters, but let Gritlock plan the course.


"I don't feel safe with those people on Fenix...  I don't know what they did to me back there, but I don't think I'm one of the Tenno anymore."


He certainly felt some kind of power missing.

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18 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"So does flaying their minds." Sai'ah says, in a voice that is far to bloodthirsty for the childlike glee.

"So I need advice on some good weapons." She says. "Any suggestions."

Katrina was kinda startled by the bloodthirsty tone in Sai'ah's voice, but quickly shrugged it off. "Well i enjoy using the tigris. It packs a nice punch."

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37 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She clears her thorat* "Unless you fokes are cool with me bringing my Djinn, along, maybe kavat is a bit too aggressive at this stage"

"We do not have any collars." Simon says. "However you may be able to buy one on the surface. If it bites someone that's on you."

You see a scan run over the ship.

"May I have name and reason for visiting?" Simon asks.

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"We do not have any collars." Simon says. "However you may be able to buy one on the surface. If it bites someone that's on you."

You see a scan run over the ship.

"May I have name and reason for visiting?" Simon asks.

"Of course my good sir, My name is Sylvie, tho its only polite if I get your name too right?" *She moves a few things around* "I'm here just to visit the place, I heard from a few friends, that this is a place of greatness, I'm a friend of Zaeed, I'm sure hes here, he always likes to travel to new places, hes a Prime Trader."

"As for the Collars, do not worry, I'll leave the Kavat here, I'll just bring my DIjinn, is there any rules or anything I need to be aware of sir?, Im sure this place has good intentions" (( this might be the first person to ask this IC, lol )).

"Also, you may ask me any qeastions you like, for safety and security, about my frame, powers. my Dijiin, Etc"

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17 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Of course my good sir, My name is Sylvie, tho its only polite if I get your name too right?" *She moves a few things around* "I'm here just to visit the place, I heard from a few friends, that this is a place of greatness, I'm a friend of Zaeed, I'm sure hes here, he always likes to travel to new places, hes a Prime Trader."

"As for the Collars, do not worry, I'll leave the Kavat here, I'll just bring my DIjinn, is there any rules or anything I need to be aware of sir?, Im sure this place has good intentions" (( this might be the first person to ask this IC, lol )).

"Also, you may ask me any qeastions you like, for safety and security, about my frame, powers. my Dijiin, Etc"

"My name is Simon." Simon says. "As for rules. DOn;t start any fights, unless you are attacked. Don't kill anyone if you can help it. Try to hold back on the power usage unless doing something constructive. If a soldier in power armor asks you something please comply. Those are the Archons, our peackeepers. Short of that you should be fine."

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3 hours ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Alright then. Looks like you're with me for now Gritlock. Let's get it back. I don't feel right without it."


He set up the ship thrusters, but let Gritlock plan the course.


"I don't feel safe with those people on Fenix...  I don't know what they did to me back there, but I don't think I'm one of the Tenno anymore."


He certainly felt some kind of power missing.

"Operator." Gritlock says. "Operator.. oh good, you are awake. You feel asleep. I was worried something was medically wrong."

The room you are in is Grineer, but decorated with Meridian colors. A quick look around reveals it is a crude medical bay. A warframe sits on the floor next to you, in a sitting position. A heavy hand lands on your shoulder. 

"A pleasure to meet you in the flesh." Luc says. "How are you feeling?"


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Katrina woke up in some bed she didn't remeber getting into. Did she drink too much last night? She looked around to see her helmet on the table next to her and that she still had her warframe on. Quickly she grabbed the helmet and put it back on. As soon as she got out of bed she walked to one of the doors in the room and opened it, it lead to a hallway. "Okay... where am i?"


Cynthia had already been awake for a couple of hours. She never slept long, wasn't a comfort she had in the field. Playing with a ball of anti-matter she waited for the others to wake up. She didn't want to be so rude to leave to go find things on her own. Felicity and Nox had been too nice to her to just abruptly leave. Hopefully the new Brekkar would be done, she was very eager to try it.

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina woke up in some bed she didn't remeber getting into. Did she drink too much last night? She looked around to see her helmet on the table next to her and that she still had her warframe on. Quickly she grabbed the helmet and put it back on. As soon as she got out of bed she walked to one of the doors in the room and opened it, it lead to a hallway. "Okay... where am i?"


Cynthia had already been awake for a couple of hours. She never slept long, wasn't a comfort she had in the field. Playing with a ball of anti-matter she waited for the others to wake up. She didn't want to be so rude to leave to go find things on her own. Felicity and Nox had been too nice to her to just abruptly leave. Hopefully the new Brekkar would be done, she was very eager to try it.

"Good morning." Sai'ah says. "Sleep well?"

She is standing behind the door as you close it.


You see the completed Brekkar lying on a living room table. A note is attached.

"In the mess hall. Come on down if you need a bite to eat." It says. It is from Felicity. "Sorry about the condition of the guest room, we don't usually have visitors."

The note contains a map of the facility. Several rooms are left blank, however you can see how to get to the mess hall, data archives, and firing range.

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