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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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Just now, kyrozon said:

"Wait... how are your abilities not flaring out of control?" Katrina remebered when she first tried using her abilities without a warframe on... She ended up burning part of the training room down.


"Leap off the plate? Ya know what i ain't that hungry right now. Can we go test this thing?" Cynthia replied as she grabbed the Brekkar of her back.

((Easier to deal with these as separate posts.))

Jas, Sasha, and Sai'ah all lift their wrists to show prisma bracelets. Sasha also runs her hand over her stomach and you see the shimmer of a nullifier field.

"Standard issue." Jas says. "All Tenno wear them here." 

He sheathes his blade.

"We were just about to go for a walk." He says. "Would you like to join us?"

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Wait... how are your abilities not flaring out of control?" Katrina remebered when she first tried using her abilities without a warframe on... She ended up burning part of the training room down.


"Leap off the plate? Ya know what i ain't that hungry right now. Can we go test this thing?" Cynthia replied as she grabbed the Brekkar of her back.

Ryoko smiles and rises.

"Of course." He says. "Felicity are you waiting for Nox?"

"Yes." She says. "I will see you later."

"See you later." He says.

Ryoko walks out of the mess hall and into the hallway. The massive ship from before is now docked again.

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6 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Its great to meet you Simon" *She smiles* "Of and of coruse, who whuold want to fight in such a lovely place? and even if I'm attacked I still will refuse to attack, as for killing, of course not, I won't harm any fellow Tenno or friendly Corpus or even Grinner"

"As for powers, I have them primed, but that is for my protection, but I'll never use them on people, as for Arhcons I'll complay with all rules and orders they give me, as long as its..not..too..in the wrong"

"Thank you Simon, I'll stand by your rules, and respect them to my best of my abbtily, I can sure you that, any qeastions Simon?"

*Ship scans whuold pick up her ship is clean, besides a small room in the ship, that is filled with Infested mass. however on closer deeper scans, it seems to show she has fully locked it down, from spreading, on top of that she is raveled to be a Syarn Prime (Same default colors, just purple is gray) and her Dijjin the same colors, with golden curpous/orokin hybrid tech, her Dijinn also seems contained and its weapon is online, as as her warframe*

*She press's a few keys* "There, I opened my ship for a bigger scan and sent you Intel about myself and my pet, for extra safety"


(( Made it into its own post))

"You are clear for punch." Simon says. "Any particular location you are looking for?"

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13 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"The warframe uses Transference systems." Luc says. "I'm afraid even once you are healthy you won't feel the same again. It was a false body, crafted for war. This is your body now, hard as that is to accept. However there are some things we can do. For now try the suit."

He looks at the frame.

"There are a few Tenno that wear their frames." He says. "Perhaps, with the Arbiters' help, we could rework the armor to be worn. However you still need to recover. The Grineer did not tend to your true body as well as they should have. You are lucky to still be alive."

Ko-Rovak grimaced as he looked down at the suit.



He cursed in grineer tongue, he had known the suit as long as his memory recalled.


He heard something about the arbiters and remembered Vor speaking about them. As usual, he couldn't or did not want to remember the words or what happened.



"What about my weapons? Those weren't easy to get..."

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31 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:


*He looks around and pays for his drink, he gets up* ugh..how long was I here for?, *He dusts himself off and puts the helmet back on and leaves the club/bar, he returns to his shop and opens it up, he changes the sign to {Shop opening, 10mis, please come in]

*He goes into his personal room and cleans himself up*

*Zaeed returns  from his backroom, and looks around the shop, to see who's inside*

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7 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak grimaced as he looked down at the suit.



He cursed in grineer tongue, he had known the suit as long as his memory recalled.


He heard something about the arbiters and remembered Vor speaking about them. As usual, he couldn't or did not want to remember the words or what happened.



"What about my weapons? Those weren't easy to get..."

"Your weapons and your ship are still here." Luc says. "Your weapons are in the armory. The Commander wanted to be sure of which side you were on before letting you roam around armed."

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Nox finds herself in a furnished room, looking around in confusion. Things like this did not normally happen to her, being a warframe. She rarely slept, and was more apt to meditate. The only thing to cause a lapse like this was intoxication, which she didn't remember. Void energy usually sustained her, but she shrugged, supposing there was a first time for everything.

She looks around, her hands instinctively checking for her weapons, but not finding her new sniper. She must have forgotten to pick it up, whatever had happened. Everything else seemed to be in place, both glaives, her nikana and her boar, plus the hikou prime pouches hidden from immediate view by her skirt.

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5 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox finds herself in a furnished room, looking around in confusion. Things like this did not normally happen to her, being a warframe. She rarely slept, and was more apt to meditate. The only thing to cause a lapse like this was intoxication, which she didn't remember. Void energy usually sustained her, but she shrugged, supposing there was a first time for everything.

She looks around, her hands instinctively checking for her weapons, but not finding her new sniper. She must have forgotten to pick it up, whatever had happened. Everything else seemed to be in place, both glaives, her nikana and her boar, plus the hikou prime pouches hidden from immediate view by her skirt.

The new Sniper is in the living room along with a note similar to that left for Cynthia.

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5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Sylvie lands and parks the ship, he exits and looks around* "Hello?.."

You see a few civilians walking around. A few are congregating outside a building that shows a frothy mug.

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13 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Your weapons and your ship are still here." Luc says. "Your weapons are in the armory. The Commander wanted to be sure of which side you were on before letting you roam around armed."



He looked down, defeated before pressing the button and activating the jumpsuit. He reeled back as it covered his face.


"So.. What is there to do on this place while I recover?"

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You see a few civilians walking around. A few are congregating outside a building that shows a frothy mug.

"Hum.." *She walks over to the sign, looking more around* "This place is great, what you think Venom? *She looks up to her Djinn, it just makes a cute sound*

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Just now, Dynamon_X said:



He looked down, defeated before pressing the button and activating the jumpsuit. He reeled back as it covered his face.


"So.. What is there to do on this place while I recover?"

"There is a good bar down the street." Luc says. "They have food, which you look in need of."

He looks at you.

"I meant the exo-suit." He says, pointing to the metal struts that cover your arms and legs. A control sits on your forearm. Pressing it causes the exo-suit to whir to life. You find your movements feel easy. There is a sense of strength, though now what you may have been used to in the frame.

"And they have good drink." He says. "Which you definitely seem in need of."

"Operator." A voice says. You see a Carabus hover at your shoulder. "It is good to see you awake."

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3 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He looks up* Ah, good Morning..wait..Morning?, ugh..did I drink all night, damm..thank god, that my suit keeps me alive, *he chuckles* "So, what can I do for you sam?" 

"You did drink a bit more than I did." Sam said with a grin. "I was wondering if you wanted any help with the shop."

She lifts an Orokin relic and shrugs.

"I have the day off." She said. "I figured I'd see if you needed any help."

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"There is a good bar down the street." Luc says. "They have food, which you look in need of."

He looks at you.

"I meant the exo-suit." He says, pointing to the metal struts that cover your arms and legs. A control sits on your forearm. Pressing it causes the exo-suit to whir to life. You find your movements feel easy. There is a sense of strength, though now what you may have been used to in the frame.

"And they have good drink." He says. "Which you definitely seem in need of."

"Operator." A voice says. You see a Carabus hover at your shoulder. "It is good to see you awake."

"Whoah... Never seen one of these before..."


He looked at his hands and stretched the metal strut.


"By the way, do you have any spare grineer mask? It doesn't feel right walking around showing my face to everyone."


He paused as he saw the Carabus. Something he was trying hard to forget resurfaced.


He remembered leading a small battalion of grineer on a forest moon. Several Carabus were with them, incinerating the few survivors they left...


"Yeah, I guess I just passed out. This is all new to me."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"You did drink a bit more than I did." Sam said with a grin. "I was wondering if you wanted any help with the shop."

She lifts an Orokin relic and shrugs.

"I have the day off." She said. "I figured I'd see if you needed any help."

"Chuckles* "I feel sorry for the Barkeeper, I must of fell asleep on the sofa, barely remaber anything, and well for help?, humm, well..I do have supply boxs coming in, if you chuold get them for me while I man the store"

"But, do you have anything in mind?"

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4 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Whoah... Never seen one of these before..."


He looked at his hands and stretched the metal strut.


"By the way, do you have any spare grineer mask? It doesn't feel right walking around showing my face to everyone."


He paused as he saw the Carabus. Something he was trying hard to forget resurfaced.


He remembered leading a small battalion of grineer on a forest moon. Several Carabus were with them, incinerating the few survivors they left...


"Yeah, I guess I just passed out. This is all new to me."

"Why not show your face?" He asks. "No one here would recognize you."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Why not show your face?" He asks. "No one here would recognize you."

"I know but... I don't want people to think I'm one of them. At least with a grineer mask they'll just think its a fashion or something."

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Just now, Dynamon_X said:

"I know but... I don't want people to think I'm one of them. At least with a grineer mask they'll just think its a fashion or something."

"We have a hood if you want." Luc says. "If you could wear this."

He hands you a Tenno robe with a Steel Meridian sigil.

"Anyone who gives you trouble in this would have to have a death wish." He says. "And it would let your brethren know you are Tenno."

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8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Chuckles* "I feel sorry for the Barkeeper, I must of fell asleep on the sofa, barely remaber anything, and well for help?, humm, well..I do have supply boxs coming in, if you chuold get them for me while I man the store"

"But, do you have anything in mind?"

"I can do that." She says. "Where will it be?"

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18 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The new Sniper is in the living room along with a note similar to that left for Cynthia.

Nox finds the sniper waiting, reading the note before picking up her sniper, hefting it, getting a feel for the newfound balance. The custom grip she had slipped in felt just as well machined as an original orokin weapon. She was impressed, activating the scope overlay to find everything in working order. She lowered the weapon, optice resuming her normal aperture before she walks out, gingerly closing the door behind her. She's soon making her way to where she read Felicity and the others to be.

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17 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Hum.." *She walks over to the sign, looking more around* "This place is great, what you think Venom? *She looks up to her Djinn, it just makes a cute sound*

A man unlocks the door and people flood inside.

"Well that Arbiter was right." He says. "Looks like the Tenno visit was good for business. Never seen the bar this busy this early." He takes his place behind the counter as people line up.

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