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The Story Behind Your Name


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I needed a name that no one else was idiotic enough to pick. Especially for games where basically every name has been taken. And this one came to me in a sort of daydream. The only issue is when it is too long, as sometimes there is a 12 character limit or so. So then I go by any variation of CheeseNoLeafs, CheeseNoLeaf, CheesNoLif etc. ('no' is shorter than 'has', but I enjoy being positive. So I use 'has' when I can.)

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Assuming I didn't write mine yet...

Stole the name from a weapon in Battlefield Bad Company 2, I liked the game so much I started using it everywhere, sometimes replacing my old nickname. I discovered only some time later that Vintovka is a Russian word meaning "rifle", which also explained why quite a few players from several games thought I was Russian.


I choose different nicknames from time to time, and I invented quite a lot of them, although a fair share of them is obviously taken elsewhere.

Edited by Vintovka
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My nickname is a triple reference. "ren" comes from my real name. "leech" comes from two things:


1- my behavior in p2p programs like bittorrent before i got a DSL connection. with a 56k dial-up no way i could be a seed for files

2- Leech is a Tleilaxu unit in Emperor; Battle for Dune, a RTS game. In this game, Leeches were bio-engineering tanks with a very special attack. They "spit" a parasite at enemy vehicles. The parasite, unless removed, drains the hit points of the host until destruction. When this happens, another leech is born. now imagine this in large scale. A true plague...

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I first encountered warframe while watching my friend play it. I saw the boss he was fighting (Vor) say, "I'll kill you, nooblicker69!" I like to put myself in my war frame so I gave him a sort of RP nickname, to make it more fitting when bosses taunted me. Also, it's four letters. That's a +

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So, I kinda sat here at the beginning of the Warframe beta sign up, and it asked me for my username. The few I usually use were taken, so I had to come up with something else. I thought to my self "Surely nobody would take this name!" and I entered it in the box. I hit enter thinking it the user name would already be taken, and sure enough, it wasn't. Whether this is a grand achievement, or horrible mistake, I have yet to figure out. All I know is my friends make fun of me every time lol.


PillsburyDoughBoy has been downed.

PillsburyDoughBoy has died.

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I actually misspelled my name on this when I first started so now I am stuck with "Schanbel" instead of Schnabel. Doktor Schnabel Von Rom, is a german name given too a famous plague doctor that hailed from Rome. He was "popular for many reasons and no hard evidence that I know of has been found why he was. There was some stories of his cruelty and torture of the patients of his, in his efforts too find the cure, and stories of his faith and intelligence being able too heal anyone, so afflicted with the black death. I chose this name due too my love of doctors, and of their work. I find that his story is appealing too my due too the mystery of his history and the cruelty he put his patients through too find the cure for this horrible contagion. He killed few too save the many. That's the way I see it, and I respect him for it rather than condemn him.

Edited by Dr.Schanbel
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This is too funny not to post on. My name is derived from from an old fps clan I was in called the drunk brigade. Each person was named after a beverage, my play style being liken to a train wreck, I chose to be named Boxcar or caboose, I however would add faygo to my boxcar beverage and a fellow member named it a HatchetTrain, following something along the lines of the ICP fandom, I just went with it, been with this name a good 7 years now.

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Most of my friends make fun of the fact that I speak proper English, think the Queen. 

So I decided to call myself HisRoyalFlyness as a play on the term His Royal Highness (used commonly to refer to the Queen (Her) or King (His) of England) & the flyness came from the fact that I'm terrified of flying.

But since this name if often too long for most usernames, I often use OneFlyness as I should be the only one with that name.

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